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Solution structures of M(ATP)2- complexes are reviewed. First the self-stacking properties of ATP4- and M(ATP)2- are shortly described. It is emphasized that for an evaluation of solution structures of M(ATP)2- complexes only results from diluted solutions (below 1 mM) should be used. Next, a comprehensive set of stability data obtained under such conditions from potentiometric pH titrations is summarized for the complexes of Mg2+, Ca2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ and Cd2+ with ATP, and for comparison also with pyrimidine nucleoside 5'-triphosphates (YTPs), i.e. CTP, UTP and TTP. The stabilities for the M(ATP)2- complexes are mostly larger than those for the corresponding M(YTP)2- species; this increased stability results from the metal ion back-binding to the base residue in M(ATP)2-, i.e. macrochelates are formed. Detailed analysis of the stability data allows calculation of the percentage of the closed form for the several M(ATP)2- complexes: back-binding is most pronounced in Cu(ATP)2- (67 +/- 2%), remarkable in Zn(ATP)2- (28 +/- 7%), and not observable for Ca(ATP)2- (2 +/- 6%). Comparison of these results with those from 1H-NMR and ultraviolet spectrophotometric studies allows the conclusion that two types of base back-bound macrochelates are formed: one with a direct, i.e. innersphere, M2+/N-7 coordination, and one with a water molecule between the metal ion and N-7, i.e. an outersphere interaction occurs [e.g. to about 10% in Mg(ATP)2-] through hydrogen bonding of a coordinated water to N-7. The formation degree of both forms of these closed isomers is quantified. The biological implications of these results are indicated and the versatility of ATP as a ligand is discussed by summarizing pertinent examples.  相似文献   
The self-association of nucleosides decreases within the series adenosine>guanosine>inosine>cytidine ≈uridine. The same trend is observed for the corresponding nucleotides, though less pronounced, as the charge effect governs series like adenosine ? AMP2?>ADP3??ATP4?. Protonation of adenosine considerably reduces its self-stacking tendency: this is different with ATP4?, where a maximum is reached for H2(ATP)2? caused by additional ionic interactions in the [H2(ATP)]2 4? dimer. Metal ion coordination may promote self-association, e.g., of ATP4? via (mainly) charge neutralization (Mg2+) and the formation of intermolecular bridges in dimeric stacks (Zn2+, Cd2+). These results allow definition of conditions with negligible self-association and thus the determination of the stability and structure of monomeric nucleotide complexes in aqueous solution, e.g., quantification of macrochelate formation in M(ATP)2? complexes. Some biological implications of the results are indicated.  相似文献   
The stability constants of the 1:1 complexes formed between Mg2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Cu2+, Zn2+ or Cd2+ and 2'AMP2-, 3'AMP2- or 5'AMP2- were determined by potentiometric pH titration in aqueous solution (I = 0.1 M, NaNO3; 25 degrees C). The experimental conditions were carefully selected such that self-association of the nucleotides and their complexes is negligibly small; i.e. it was made certain that the properties of the monomeric divalent-metal-ion--AMP [M(AMP)] complexes were studied. Based on recent measurements with simple phosphate monoesters, R-MP2- where R is a non-coordinating residue [Massoud, S. S. & Sigel, H. (1988) Inorg. Chem. 27, 1447-1453], it is shown that all the M(AMP) complexes of the alkaline earth ions, with the possible exception of Mg(5'AMP), have exactly the stability expected for a sole-phosphate coordination of the metal ion. The same property is revealed for the complexes with Mn2+, Co2+, Zn2+ or Cd2+ and 3'AMP2-; in case of Ni(3'AMP) and Cu(3'AMP) a slight stability increase just at the edge of the experimental-error limits is indicated. This slight stability increase is attributed to the formation of a macrochelate (possibly with N-3); in fact, additional information confirms macrochelation for Cu(3'AMP). About 45% of Cu(2'AMP) exists in aqueous solution as a macrochelate (probably involving N-3); the other M(2'AMP) complexes (M2+ = Mn2+, Co2+, Ni2+, Zn2+, Cd2+) form (if at all) only traces of a base-backbound species. Most pronounced is macrochelate formation with 5'AMP2-: all mentioned 3d ions and Zn2+ or Cd2+ form to some extent macrochelates via N-7 (the structures of these closed species are indicated). In case of M(5'AMP) the base-binding site is certain: replacement of N-7 by a CH unit (tubercidin 5'-monophosphate) eliminates any increased complex stability, whereas formation of the 1,N6-etheno bridge to form 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-monophosphate results in the phenanthroline-like N-6,N-7 site which facilitates macrochelation significantly.  相似文献   
Human recombinant tumor necrosis factor-alpha (rTNF alpha) alone (up to 1000 units/ml) did not alter either basal or human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)-induced testosterone formation in primary culture of rat Leydig cells. However, concomitant addition of rTNF alpha with human recombinant interleukin-1 beta (rIL-1 beta) enhanced the inhibitory effects of rIL-1 beta. The rIL-1 beta dose response curve was shifted to the left (IC50 changed from 1 ng/ml to 0.3 ng/ml). Even though rTNF alpha had no effect on testosterone formation, hCG-stimulated cyclic AMP formation was inhibited by rTNF alpha in a dose dependent manner. In the presence of both rTNF alpha and rIL-1 beta, hCG-induced cyclic AMP formation and binding of [125I]-hCG to Leydig cells were further inhibited. Testicular macrophages represent about 20% of the interstitial cells. TNF alpha and IL-1 may be produced locally by interstitial macrophages and have paracrine effects on Leydig cell function.  相似文献   
The gamma-aminobutyric acid/benzodiazepine receptor from bovine cerebral cortex was solubilized with sodium deoxycholate and purified by affinity chromatography on benzodiazepine-agarose and ion exchange chromatography. The benzodiazepine binding protein was enriched 1800-fold. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate and dithiothreitol showed the presence of two major bands of Mr = 57,000 and 53,000. [3H]Flunitrazepam, after UV irradiation, was incorporated irreversibly into both bands of the isolated protein. A high affinity binding site for gamma-aminobutyric acid was co-purified with the benzodiazepine binding site and the two sites were shown to reside on the same physical structure. The dissociation constants were 10 +/- 4 nM for [3H] flunitrazepam and 12 +/- 3 nM for the gamma-aminobutyric acid agonist [3H]muscimol. The maximum specific activity for [3H] muscimol binding was 4.3 nmol/mg of protein. The ratio of [3H]muscimol to [3H]flunitrazepam binding sites was between 3 and 4. Gel filtration and sucrose density gradient sedimentation studies gave a Stokes radius of 7.3 +/- 0.5 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 11.1 +/- 0.3 S, respectively. The purified complex had a pharmacological profile that corresponds to the receptor specificity found in membranes and crude soluble extracts.  相似文献   
When an γ‐irradiated Dy‐, Tm‐, Sm‐ or Mn‐doped CaSO4 crystal is impulsively deformed, two peaks appear in the ML intensity versus time curve, whereby the first ML peak is found in the deformation region and the second in the post‐deformation region of the crystals. In this study, intensities Im1 and Im2 corresponding to first and second ML peaks, respectively, increased linearly with an impact velocity v0 of the piston used to deform the crystals, and times tm1 and tm2 corresponding to the first and second ML peaks, respectively, decreased with impact velocity. Total ML intensity initially increased with impact velocity and then reached a saturation value for higher values of impact velocity. ML intensity increased with increasing γ‐doses and size of crystals. Results showed that the electric field produced as a result of charging of newly‐created surfaces caused tunneling of electrons to the valence band of the hole‐trapping centres. The free holes generated moved in the valence band and their subsequent recombination with electron trapping centres released energy, thereby resulting in excitation of luminescent centres. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Background: Colorectal carcinogenesis is believed to be a multi-stage process that originates with a localized adenoma, which linearly progresses to an intra-mucosal carcinoma, to an invasive lesion, and finally to metastatic cancer. This progression model is supported by tissue culture and animal model studies, but it is difficult to reconcile with several well-established observations, principally among these are that up to 25% of early stage (Stage I/II), node-negative colorectal cancer (CRC) develop distant metastasis, and that circulating CRC cells are undetectable in peripheral blood samples of up to 50% of patients with confirmed metastasis, but more than 30% of patients with no detectable metastasis exhibit such cells. The mechanism responsible for this diverse behavior is unknown, and there are no effective means to identify patients with pending, or who are at high risk for, developing metastatic CRC.Novel findings: Our previous studies of human breast and prostate cancer have shown that cancer invasion arises from the convergence of a tissue injury, the innate immune response to that injury, and the presence of tumor stem cells within tumor capsules at the site of the injury. Focal degeneration of a capsule due to age or disease attracts lymphocyte infiltration that degrades the degenerating capsules resulting in the formation of a focal disruption in the capsule, which selectively favors proliferating or “budding” of the underlying tumor stem cells. Our recent studies suggest that lymphocyte infiltration also triggers metastasis by disrupting the intercellular junctions and surface adhesion molecules within the proliferating cell buds causing their dissociation. Then, lymphocytes and tumor cells are conjoined through membrane fusion to form tumor-lymphocyte chimeras (TLCs) that allows the tumor stem cell to avail itself of the lymphocyte''s natural ability to migrate and breach cell barriers in order to intravasate and to travel to distant organs. Our most recent studies of human CRC have detected nearly identical focal capsule disruptions, lymphocyte infiltration, budding cells, and the formation of TLCs. Our studies have further shown that age- and type-matched node-positive and -negative CRC have a significantly different morphological and immunohistochemical profile and that the majority of lymphatic ducts with disseminated cells are located within the mucosa adjacent to morphologically normal appearing epithelial structures that express a stem cell-related marker.New hypothesis: Based on these findings and the growth patterns of budding cells revealed by double immunohistochemistry, we further hypothesize that metastatic spread is an early event of carcinogenesis and that budding cells overlying focal capsule disruptions represent invasion- and metastasis-initiating cells that follow one of four pathways to progress: (1) to undergo extensive in situ proliferation leading to the formation of tumor nests that subsequently invade the submucosa, (2) to migrate with associated lymphocytes functioning as “seeds” to grow in new sites, (3) to migrate and intravasate into pre-existing vascular structures by forming TLCs, or (4) to intravasate into vascular structures that are generated by the budding cells themselves. We also propose that only node-positive cases harbor stem cells with the potential for multi-lineage differentiation and unique surface markers that permit intravasation.  相似文献   
The major isoform of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor is thought to be composed of 2alpha(1), 2beta(2), and 1gamma(2) subunit(s), which surround the ion pore. Definite evidence for the subunit arrangement is lacking. We show here that GABA(A) receptor subunits can be concatenated to a trimer that can be functionally expressed upon combination with a dimer. Many combinations did not result in the functional expression. In contrast, four different combinations of triple subunits with dual subunit constructs, all resulting in the identical pentameric receptor gamma(2)beta(2)alpha(1)beta(2)alpha(1), could be successfully expressed in Xenopus oocytes. We characterized the functional properties of these receptors in respect to agonist, competitive antagonist, and diazepam sensitivity. All properties were similar to those of wild type alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2) GABA(A) receptors. Thus, together with information on the crystal structure of the homologous acetylcholine-binding protein (Brejc, K., van Dijk, W. J., Klaassen, R. V., Schuurmans, M., van Der Oost, J., Smit, A. B., and Sixma, T. K., (2001) Nature 411, 269-276, we provide evidence for an arrangement gamma(2)beta(2)alpha(1)beta(2)alpha(1), counterclockwise when viewed from the synaptic cleft. Forced subunit assembly will also allow receptors containing different subunit isoforms or mutant subunits to be expressed, each in a desired position. The methods established here should be applicable to the entire ion channel family comprising nicotinic acetylcholine, glycine, and 5HT(3) receptors.  相似文献   
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