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Growth hormone significantly impacts lifespan in mammals. Mouse longevity is extended when growth hormone (GH) signaling is interrupted but markedly shortened with high‐plasma hormone levels. Methionine metabolism is enhanced in growth hormone deficiency, for example, in the Ames dwarf, but suppressed in GH transgenic mice. Methionine intake affects also lifespan, and thus, GH mutant mice and respective wild‐type littermates were fed 0.16%, 0.43%, or 1.3% methionine to evaluate the interaction between hormone status and methionine. All wild‐type and GH transgenic mice lived longer when fed 0.16% methionine but not when fed higher levels. In contrast, animals without growth hormone signaling due to hormone deficiency or resistance did not respond to altered levels of methionine in terms of lifespan, body weight, or food consumption. Taken together, our results suggest that the presence of growth hormone is necessary to sense dietary methionine changes, thus strongly linking growth and lifespan to amino acid availability.  相似文献   
Methanotrophs are microorganisms that possess the unique ability to utilize methane as their sole source of carbon and energy. A novel culture system, known as the compulsory circulation diffusion system, was developed for rapid growth of methanotrophic bacteria. Methanol dehydrogenase (MDH, EC fromMethylomicrobium sp. HG-1, which belongs to the type 1 group of methanotrophic bacteria, can catalyze the oxidation of methanol directly into formaldehyde. This enzyme was purified 8-fold to electrophoretic homogeneity by means of a 4 step procedure and was found in the soluble fraction. The relative molecular weight of the native enzyme was estimated by gel filtration to be 120 kDa. The enzyme consisted of two identical dimers which, in turn, consisted of large and small subunits in anα 2 β 2 conformation. The isoelectric point was 5.4. The enzymatic activity of purified MDH was optimum at pH 9.0 and 60°C, and remained stable at that temperature for 20 min. MDH was able to oxidize primary alcohols from methanol to octanol and formaldehyde.  相似文献   
Thiamethoxam (THIA), a second generation neonicotinoid insecticide in the thianicotinyl subclass, is used worldwide. Environmental studies revealed that microbial degradation is the major mode of removal of this pesticide from soil. However, microbial transformation of THIA is poorly understood. In the present study, we isolated a bacterium able to degrade THIA from rhizosphere soil. The bacterium was identified as Ensifer adhaerens by its morphology and 16S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. High-performance liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry analysis suggested that the major metabolic pathway of THIA in E. adhaerens TMX-23 involves the transformation of its N-nitroimino group (=N–NO2) to N-nitrosoimino (=N–NO) and urea (=O) metabolites. E. adhaerens TMX-23 is a nitrogen-fixing bacterium harboring two types of nifH genes in its genome, one of which is 98 % identical to the nifH gene in the cyanobacterium Calothrix sp. MCC-3A. E. adhaerens TMX-23 released various plant-growth-promoting substances including indole-3-acetic acid, exopolysaccharides, ammonia, HCN, and siderophores. Inoculation of E. adhaerens TMX-23 onto soybean seeds (Glycine max L.) with NaCl at 50, 100, or 154 mmol/L increased the seed germination rate by 14, 21, and 30 %, respectively. THIA at 10 mg/L had beneficial effects on E. adhaerens TMX-23, enhancing growth of the bacterium and its production of salicylic acid, an important plant phytohormone associated with plant defense responses against abiotic stress. The nitrogen-fixing and plant-growth-promoting rhizobacterium E. adhaerens TMX-23, which is able to degrade THIA, has the potential for bioaugmentation as well as to promote growth of field crops in THIA-contaminated soil.  相似文献   
Investigations carried out in a coastal stream flowing to the Northern Bothnian Sea (Ängerån, 63°35'N, 19°50'E) have shown a high drift rate of mayfly nymphs towards the coastal areas. The nymphal development takes place in the estuaries with low salinity (conductivity between 47 and 9800 μS; salinity between 0 and 4–5%0). After the emergence (May/June) the adults fly from the coastal areas to lay their eggs in the stream biotope in the Ängerån. There thus appears to be a colonization cycle between the coastal stream and adjacent coastal areas. The migration movements of downstream drift and the compensatory upstream directed flight are interpreted as asurvival strategy of the species concerned.  相似文献   
Graptolites nearly became extinct in the latest Wenlock in all preserved stratigraphic sequences of this age. Graptolite mortalities occurred along the western coast of Laurentia and at sites that surrounded the Proto‐Tethys. Graptolite mass mortalities took place among deep‐water, open ocean dwelling organisms. After the mass mortalities, only the Pristiograptus dubius group and retiolids surface or near‐surface dwellers, survived. For a period of time, little speciation or diversification occurred. The base of the Ludlow is marked by diversification, with appearances of S. colonus, M. nilssoni and other groups which occur in near surface waters. None of the extensive plate movements postulated for the Silurian readily explain the mass extinctions that occurred. During the Silurian, global temperatures were warmer than present and atmospheric oxygen concentrations were lower, creating extensive oceanic anoxia. Below the oxygenated surface layers of the ocean, was an anoxic, non‐sulfidic zone (i.e. nitrate‐reducing) above a sulfidic zone. Graptolites lived over a range of depth from the oxygenated zone to either near or in the nitrate‐reducing zones. As the oxygen concentration declined through the Silurian, the depth of the oxic zone would have become shoaler with expanding anoxia. Late Wenlock graptolites that were unable to migrate to shallower depths, living in borderline oxygen conditions, could have been killed, resulting in the mortalities of the late Wenlock. Only those graptolites that were surface dwellers survived, adapted and reradiated.  相似文献   
Potentilla jiaozishanensis, a distinct new species of Rosaceae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. Morphologically, it is closely related to P. stenophylla var. stenophylla but clearly differs from the latter by its bidentate leaflets, lanceolate epicalyx‐segments that are longer than the sepals, villose ovaries and achenes. Moreover, the pollen grains of P. jiaozishanensis are markedly different from those of P. stenophylla var. stenophylla in size and shape. The newly described species is endemic to the Jiaozishan Mountains, southwest China.  相似文献   
European corn borer (ECB) neonate larvae are capable of orienting towards maize odours and of avoiding spinach odours. We previously reported that maize odours’ attraction was dependent on the stimulus regime. This led us to propose that maize odours could have a repellent or attractive effect depending on their concentration. In this work, we tested this hypothesis by evaluating attraction or avoidance of neonate ECB larvae to four concentrations of each of six single green leaf volatiles (GLVs); these are commonly found in maize and other plants. We found a dose‐dependent effect for all of these GLVs with the exception of 1‐hexyl acetate, which did not elicit any orientation behaviour over the range of concentrations tested. These five GLVs were repellent at high concentrations, while two of them were attractive at a lower concentration. These observations indicate for the first time that plant odours induce different behaviours in ECB neonate larvae depending not only on their chemical identity but also their concentration.  相似文献   
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