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理解入侵生物的繁殖策略是阐明生物入侵机制的一个重要方面。入侵植物常表现出一些共同的繁殖特征, 如以两性花为主的性系统、自动自交为主的繁育系统或不依赖传粉媒介的无融合生殖和无性繁殖以及高生殖投资的资源配置策略等。成功入侵的外来植物通过影响本土的传粉者, 在种群和群落水平上影响本土植物的有性繁殖, 甚至促使某些本土植物在繁殖对策和表型性状上发生快速转变。目前, 入侵植物繁殖策略及其生态效应的研究多侧重于入侵种的快速演化, 而有关外来植物与本土植物间的相互影响及其可能存在的协同适应研究还较为缺乏。探讨本土植物在外来种入侵压力下的繁殖对策和响应机制, 将丰富人们对物种间竞争、共存及群落构建等机制的深入了解。从繁殖和适应的角度探求入侵植物与本土植物之间的复杂关系, 将有助于解析生物入侵的机制及人类干扰下的物种演化规律, 也为预测和防控入侵植物提供科学依据。  相似文献   
周口店第1地点古人类用火证据是该遗址一系列重大科学发现中的一项重要内容,在很长时期内,作为同类遗存中最早的记录及其分析论证结果被国际学术界广泛接受。但随着少数西方学者的质疑和挑战,从上世纪八十年代中期开始在这一问题上出现争议,其后开展的埋藏学和地球化学分析又得出进一步否定的结论。但周口店遗址的洞穴地层十分复杂,目前残存的堆积与古人类生存时期的状态有重大差别,与当初大规模发掘时见证的遗物遗迹的分布与埋藏状况也有很大不同,在剖面表层做局部有限的采样分析并不足以推翻以前的系统性研究结论,何况很多否定性的意见源自学术理论思潮的转变和缺乏具体分析的常规性推理。从以前的发掘记录和各种分析结果看,周口店遗址埋藏着丰富的古人类用火证据,这些证据不是孤立的,是可以相互验证和支持的。2009年以来在遗址开展的新的发掘与研究获得重要进展,揭示出具有结构的火塘、烧骨、石灰化的灰岩块等原地用火产生的遗物与遗迹,对相关材料的现代科技分析进一步确定这些遗存的人类用火性质。这样,遗址上文化层的用火证据变得明确无误,相关争议终可尘埃落定。对于下部地层中的用火证据,尚需做同样的发掘、分析和研究工作。  相似文献   
普氏野马(Equus przewalskii)和野驴(Equus hemionus)是许家窑遗址动物群中的优势属种。本文基于对这两种动物牙齿材料的测量与分析,确定了遗址中马科动物的死亡年龄,并对上、下文化层的死亡年龄分布进行了研究,以期探知古人类获取肉食资源的方式与特点。通过与马科动物在自然生存状态下以及死于不同原因(如疾病或营养衰竭、食肉动物猎杀、现代人类狩猎等)的年龄结构对比,结果表明:古人类在许家窑文化早期(下文化层)可能通过捡拾自然死亡的动物尸体、与食肉类动物抢夺猎物、主动狩猎等多种方式获取马科动物,而在许家窑文化晚期(上文化层)可能以主动狩猎作为获取马科动物的主要方式。此外,古人类在遗址的早期就可能已经具有捕获整个马科动物居群中任意年龄个体的能力,并能做出最优化判断,有选择地去捕猎脂肪和肉量较高的壮年动物群体。  相似文献   
动物骨骼油脂的开发和利用是史前人类生存活动的重要组成部分.西方学者的研究表明,这一过程可能包含了敲骨取髓和骨脂提取两种不同的人类行为.相较于敲骨取髓,骨脂提取更为复杂,不仅要将骨骼砸碎成较小尺寸,还要加水煮沸骨骼碎片,过程中不断添冷水使水保持温和沸腾的状态,才能获得浮于水面的骨脂.目前,国内学者在此领域的研究多关注于前...  相似文献   
The interferon-γ-inducible lysosomal thiol reductase (GILT) has been demonstrated to play an important role in the processing and presentation of MHC class II-restricted antigen (Ag) by catalyzing disulfide bond reduction. In this study, a rainbow trout cDNA (designated as rGILT) was cloned and identified from Oncorhynchus mykiss. The open reading frame of rGILT consists of 759 bases encoding a protein of 253 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 28.23 kDa and a theoretical isoelectric point of 4.94. The rGILT exhibited a characteristic GILT signature sequence CQHGX2ECX2NX4C and CXXC motif. Phylogenetic analysis suggested that rGILT had been derived from a common ancestor with other GILT proteins. RT-PCR results showed that rGILT and rIFN-γ (rainbow trout IFN-γ) mRNA was expressed in a tissue-specific manner and obviously up-regulated in splenocytes and the cells from head kidney after induction with LPS. Recombinant rGILT fused with His6 tag was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. Further study revealed that rGILT was capable of catalyzing the reduction of the interchain disulfide bonds from intact IgG. This study shows that rGILT may be involved in the immune response to bacteria challenge and maintain first line of innate immune defense at basal level in O. mykiss. It also provides the basis for investigating on the role of GILT using O. mykiss as an animal model for related studies.  相似文献   
Malignant gliomas, the most common subtype of primary brain tumors, are characterized by high proliferation, great invasion, and neurological destruction and considered to be the deadliest of human cancers. Analgesic-antitumor peptide (AGAP), one of scorpion toxic polypeptides, has been shown to have antitumor activity. Here, we show that recombinant AGAP (rAGAP) not only inhibits the proliferation of gliomas cell SHG-44 and rat glioma cell C6, but also suppresses the migration of SHG-44 cells during wound healing. To explain these phenomena, we find that rAGAP leads to cell cycle of SHG-44 arrested in G1 phase accompanied by suppressing G1 cell cycle regulatory proteins CDK2, CDK6, and p-RB by means of the down-regulated protein expression of p-AKT. Meanwhile, rAGAP significantly decreases the production of NF-κB, BCL-2, p-p38, p-c-Jun, and p-Erk1/2 and further suppresses the activation of VEGF and MMP-9 in SHG-44 cells. These findings suggest rAGAP inhibit proliferation and migration of SHG-44 cells by arresting cell cycle and interfering p-AKT, NF-κB, BCL-2, and MAPK signaling pathways.  相似文献   
澳古茨藻(NajasoguraensisMiki)是典型的水下水媒传粉植物。雄花在花粉释放前2—4h花梗迅速伸长,突破膜质鞘状外被,并且向外弯曲,至花粉释放盛期几乎是水平状态,有利于释放后的花粉直接进入水流以求传播。花部组成与结构极为简化,花粉中富含淀粉粒,花粉落置柱头前常萌发出长的花粉管,形成宜为柱头捕获的花粉笺,表现出对水下水媒传粉的高度适应。有性繁殖十分发达,自交、异交和混交的结实率都在85%以上;花粉/胚珠(P/O)为2690±300,指示兼性自交的繁育系统。无性繁殖较弱,仅以易长不定根的植株片段形式存在,但仍对该种的扩散具有重要意义。作者对澳古茨藻的花生物学特征、传粉机制以及繁育系统进行了探讨,对澳古茨藻表现出的许多沉水植物所特有的特征特性:花被的简化、花粉外壁的简化作了解释,讨论了繁育系统中自交与异交的关系。  相似文献   
黄超  张双权 《人类学学报》2020,39(2):249-260
烧骨常见于各类旧石器时代遗址中,作为用火残留物的一类,烧骨对研究人类用火行为有着极为重要的意义,而目前国内针对烧骨的研究工作开展得尚不够深入。本文通过介绍目前烧骨研究领域中若干种主流的分析手段及其在考古学上的应用,以求能进一步完善国内关于旧石器时代人工用火的研究框架,同时希望能对中国古人类用火能力的相关研究提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
B cell activating factor from the TNF family (BAFF) stimulates B‐cell proliferation and survival, but excessive BAFF promotes the development of aggressive B cells leading to malignant and autoimmune diseases. Recently, we have reported that rapamycin, a macrocyclic lactone, attenuates human soluble BAFF (hsBAFF)‐stimulated B‐cell proliferation/survival by suppressing mTOR‐mediated PP2A‐Erk1/2 signaling pathway. Here, we show that the inhibitory effect of rapamycin on hsBAFF‐promoted B cell proliferation/survival is also related to blocking hsBAFF‐stimulated phosphorylation of Akt, S6K1, and 4E‐BP1, as well as expression of survivin in normal and B‐lymphoid (Raji and Daudi) cells. It appeared that both mTORC1 and mTORC2 were involved in the inhibitory activity of rapamycin, as silencing raptor or rictor enhanced rapamycin's suppression of hsBAFF‐induced survivin expression and proliferation/viability in B cells. Also, PP242, an mTORC1/2 kinase inhibitor, repressed survivin expression, and cell proliferation/viability more potently than rapamycin (mTORC1 inhibitor) in B cells in response to hsBAFF. Of interest, ectopic expression of constitutively active Akt (myr‐Akt) or constitutively active S6K1 (S6K1‐ca), or downregulation of 4E‐BP1 conferred resistance to rapamycin's attenuation of hsBAFF‐induced survivin expression and B‐cell proliferation/viability, whereas overexpression of dominant negative Akt (dn‐Akt) or constitutively hypophosphorylated 4E‐BP1 (4EBP1‐5A), or downregulation of S6K1, or co‐treatment with Akt inhibitor potentiated the inhibitory effects of rapamycin. The findings indicate that rapamycin attenuates excessive hsBAFF‐induced cell proliferation/survival via blocking mTORC1/2 signaling in normal and neoplastic B‐lymphoid cells. Our data underscore that rapamycin may be a potential agent for preventing excessive BAFF‐evoked aggressive B‐cell malignancies and autoimmune diseases.  相似文献   
The B lymphocyte stimulator (BAFF) is a novel member of the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) ligand family which is important in B lymphocyte maturation and survival. Herein, the cDNA coding for the extracellular domain of the BAFF (hsBAFF) has been cloned into the secreting expression organism Pichia pastoris. SDS-PAGE and Western blotting assays of culture broth from a methanol-induced expression strain demonstrated that recombinant hsBAFF, a 20.2 kDa glycosylated protein, was secreted into the culture medium. The recombinant protein was purified to greater than 95% using DEAE-Sepharose ion exchange and Superdex 75 size-exclusion chromatography steps. Finally, 102 mg of the protein was obtained in high purity from 1 L of the supernatant and its identity to hsBAFF was confirmed by NH(2)-terminal amino acid sequence analysis Bioactivity of the recombinant hsBAFF was confirmed by the ability of the protein to stimulate human B lymphocyte proliferation in vitro. Our results suggest that the P. pastoris expression system can be used to produce large quantities of fully functional hsBAFF for both research and industrial purpose.  相似文献   
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