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A plastein was synthesized with α-chymotrypsin from a dialyzable fraction of a peptic hydrolysate of soybean protein.

The plastein was obtainable also by use of an insoluble preparation of α-chymotrypsin. This may rule out the possibility that the plastein is a product resulting from some chemical peptide-protein (enzyme) aggregation.

No appreciable amount of the plastein was produced when chymotrypsinogen was used instead of α-chymotrypsin.

The plastein synthetic, as well as the protein hydrolytic, activity of α-chymotrypsin was inhibited more or less by a hydrophobic inhibitor (n-hexane), a competitive inhibitor (benzolyl-d,l-phenylalanine), and divalent cations (Zn2+, Hg2+ and Cu2+); the degree of inhibition in each case was approximately similar against both the synthetic and the hydrolytic activities.

Either diisopropylphosphorylation of the β-O of Ser-195 or methylation of the 3-N of His-57 imidazole of α-chymotrypsin repressed the synthetic, as well as the hydrolytic, activity.

Based on these results a possible mechanism was discussed of the plastein synthesis by α-chymotrypsin, especially in relevance to its acylation and deacylation.  相似文献   
The endangered giant water bug Lethocerus deyrolli (Vuillefroy) is frequently attracted in large numbers to artificial lights in Japan. To examine factors enhancing flight migration for L. deyrolli, we carried out field work in western Hyogo Prefecture, central Japan, in September during the nonreproductive and prewintering season. The body weight of specimens collected under flight migration (flight bugs) was significantly less than that of those collected in ponds (pond bugs). A field experiment using open cages in a rice paddy field was carried out with two treatments, with and without a food supply. The remaining rate of L. deyrolli for the food present treatment was significantly higher than that for the food absent treatment for the first two days. These results suggest that L. deyrolli would fly in search of food when the food supply of the present habitat becomes unsuitable.  相似文献   
An investigation was conducted on myosin and actin-activated heavy meromyosin (HMM) ATPase activities in normal porcine muscle stored for varying periods of time after death. Studies were also made on temperature dependent myosin ATPase, initial burst of ATPase and actin-activated HMM ATPase in normal and in pale, soft and exudative (PSE) porcine muscle. The maximum velocity of acto-HMM ATPase of normal muscle decreased considerably with postmortem time, while the apparent dissociation constant decreased slightly. The maximum velocity of acto-HMM ATPase of postmortem normal muscle was approximately two-times larger than that of the corresponding PSE muscle. However, almost no difference was found in the apparent dissociation constant. The size of the initial burst of phosphate-liberation of myosin prepared from normal muscle was approximately 1.2 mol/mol of myosin and from PSE muscle 0. It is assumed that the lack of contractility of PSE muscle was brought about by two basic myosin malfunctions: one, the irreversible binding of myosin to actin filament and the other, the functional damage of myosin ATPase, responsible for the formation of phosphorylated complex, even when dissociable.  相似文献   
Angiosperms have a unique sexual reproduction system called “double fertilization.” One sperm cell fertilizes the egg and another sperm cell fertilizes the central cell. To date, plant gamete membrane dynamics during fertilization has been poorly understood. To analyze this unrevealed gamete subcellular behavior, live cell imaging analyses of Arabidopsis double fertilization were performed. We produced female gamete membrane marker lines in which fluorescent proteins conjugated with PIP2a finely visualized egg cell and central cell surfaces. Using those lines together with a sperm cell membrane marker line expressing GCS1-GFP, the double fertilization process was observed. As a result, after gamete fusion, putative sperm plasma membrane GFP signals were occasionally detected on the egg cell surface adjacent to the central cell. In addition, time-lapse imaging revealed that GCS1-GFP signals entered both the egg cell and the central cell in parallel with the sperm cell movement toward the female gametes during double fertilization. These findings suggested that the gamete fusion process based on membrane dynamics was composed of (1) plasma membrane fusion on male and female gamete surfaces, (2) entry of sperm internal membrane components into the female gametes, and (3) plasmogamy.  相似文献   
Given the lack of economic studies evaluating the outcomes of smoking cessation programs from the viewpoint of program sponsors, we conducted a case study to provide relevant information for worksites. The present study was carried out between 2006 and 2008 at a manufacturing factory in the Toyama Prefecture of Japan and included subjects who voluntarily entered a smoking cessation program. The program included face-to-face counselling followed by weekly contact to provide encouragement over six months using e-mail or inter-office mail. Nicotine patches were available if required. All 151 participants stopped smoking immediately. Over the 24-month study period, self-report showed 49.7% abstained continuously from smoking. The rate of 24-month consecutive abstinence was higher in participants with lower Fagerström Test scores for Nicotine Dependence at baseline than in those with higher scores (63.6% for 0–2 points vs. 46.5% for 3–6 points vs. 43.8% for 7–10 points; chi-square test p = 0.19). A logistic regression model showed a significant linear trend for the association between the score and abstinence status after adjustment for possible confounding factors (p = 0.03). The crude incremental cost for one individual to successfully quit smoking due to the support program was ¥46,379 (i.e., ¥100 = $1.28, £0.83, or €1.03 at foreign exchange rates). The corresponding costs for the three categories of the Fagerström Test score for Nicotine Dependence were ¥31,953, ¥47,450 and ¥64,956, respectively. When a sensitivity analysis was conducted based on the 95% confidence interval of the success rate, the variance in the corresponding costs was ¥25,514–45,034 for 0–2 points, ¥38,344–61,824 for 3–6 points, and ¥45,698–108,260 for 7–10 points. The degree of nicotine dependence may therefore be an important determinant of the cost-effectiveness of smoking cessation programs.  相似文献   


Reminiscent of their free-living cyanobacterial ancestor, chloroplasts proliferate by division coupled with the partition of nucleoids (DNA-protein complexes). Division of the chloroplast envelope membrane is performed by constriction of the ring structures at the division site. During division, nucleoids also change their shape and are distributed essentially equally to the daughter chloroplasts. Although several components of the envelope division machinery have been identified and characterized, little is known about the molecular components/mechanisms underlying the change of the nucleoid structure.  相似文献   
To prepare an immobilized protease with a high activity for transesterification of vinyl n-butyrate with 3-methyl-1-butanol (isoamyl alcohol) in organic media, a protease was entrapped into organic–inorganic hybrid silica gel on Celite 545 by the sol-gel method. When propyltrimethoxysilane was used as the organic silane precursor mixed with tetramethoxysilane at a molar ratio of 16:1, the hybrid gel-entrapped protease on Celite 545 had 8 times the activity of the protease deposited on Celite 545 from 35 to 85°C.  相似文献   
Spirogyra living in running water is anchored to the substratum by rhizoids that form at the ends of the filaments. A new terminal cell differentiates into a rhizoid cell if the filament is injured. The mode of growth changes from diffuse to tip growth when rhizoid differentiation begins. In this study, we found that a callosic substance was synthesized during rhizoid differentiation. Decreasing the cell turgor, lowering extracellular Ca2+ or adding Gd3+, all inhibited the commencement of rhizoid differentiation as well as synthesis of the callose-like substance at the tip of the terminal cell. A callosic substance was also synthesized during formation of the conjugation tube.  相似文献   
Some species of Spirogyra anchor themselves to the substrate by differentiating rhizoids. A rhizoid is differentiated only from the terminal cell, suggesting that this cell can recognize its terminal position in a filament. In the present study, we have analyzed the mechanism for position sensing by the terminal cell. When a filament is cut, a new cell occupies the terminal position, and three phenomena are induced: (1) the cell wall of the cut cell detaches from the new terminal cell; (2) adhesive material is secreted by the terminal cell; and (3) the terminal cell begins to differentiate a rhizoid via tip growth. All of these phenomena were inhibited by adding sorbitol to the external medium, suggesting that turgor pressure is involved in position sensing by the terminal cell. The inhibition by sorbitol was reversible. Upon cutting a filament, the distal end of a new terminal cell became convex. However, when a filament was cut in the presence of sorbitol, the distal end of a new terminal cell became less convex. Either treatment with Gd(3+) or decrease in extracellular Ca(2+) resulted in inhibition of all these phenomena, suggesting possible involvement of stretch-activated ion channel in position sensing by terminal cells.  相似文献   
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