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Mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathways are activated by a plethora of stimuli. The literature is filled with papers describing the activation of different MAPKs by almost any stimulus or insult imaginable to cells. In this review, we use signal transduction wiring diagrams to illustrate putative upstream regulators for the MAPK kinase kinases, MEKK1, 2, and 3. Targeted gene disruption of MEKK1, 2, or 3 defined phenotypes for each MEKK associated with loss of specific MAPK regulation. Genetic analysis of MEKK function clearly defines specific components of the wiring diagram that require MEKK1, 2, or 3 for physiological responses. We propose that signal transduction network wiring diagrams are valuable tools for hypothesis building and filtering physiologically relevant phenotypic responses from less connected protein relations in the regulation of MAPK pathways.  相似文献   
Structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) proteins play fundamental roles in higher-order chromosome dynamics from bacteria to humans. It has been proposed that the Bacillus subtilis SMC (BsSMC) homodimer is composed of two anti-parallel coiled-coil arms, each having an ATP-binding domain at its distal end. It remains totally unknown, however, how the two-armed structure supports ATP-dependent actions of BsSMC. By constructing a number of mutant derivatives including 'single-armed' BsSMC, we show here that the central hinge domain provides a structural flexibility that allows opening and closing of the two arms. This unique structure brings about bimodal regulation of the SMC ATPase cycle. Closing the arm can trigger ATP hydrolysis by allowing an end-end interaction within a dimer (intramolecular mode). When bound to DNA, ATP promotes a dimer-dimer interaction, which in turn activates their DNA-dependent ATPase activity (intermolecular mode). Our results reveal a novel mechanism of ATPase regulation and provide mechanistic insights into how eukaryotic SMC protein complexes could mediate diverse chromosomal functions, such as chromosome condensation and sister chromatid cohesion.  相似文献   
Methods of synthesis of coproporphyrin and uroporphyrin by using bacteria of the genus Arthrobacter are proposed. Metal complexes of coproporphyrin and uroporphyrin with Pt, Pd, and Zn were synthesized. Their structures were identified by spectrophotometry, IR spectrometry, 1H-NMR, mass spectrometry, and HPLC. Data showing the possibility to use coproporphyrin III-metal complexes as luminophores for fluorescence detection of tumors. The current and prospective uses of metal complexes of water-soluble natural porphyrins in advanced immunofluorescence assays are discussed.  相似文献   
The proteolytic activity of the leaf extracellular space of wheat cultivars Pigüé and Isla Verde was estimated after inoculation of either detached leaves or plants with the fungus Septoria tritici. Pigüé is resistant, whereas Isla Verde is susceptible to the disease caused by S. tritici. Viable conidiospores of the fungus caused similar increases in both hydrogen peroxide production and chitinase activity of the cultivars studied. In contrast, they caused a decrease in the extracellular serine proteinase activity of Isla Verde and a significant increase in that of Pigüé. Independently of the cultivar from which it was extracted, the extracellular serine proteinase inhibited the germination of Septoria tritici conidiospores. These results suggest that the proteolytic activity of the leaf extracellular space can participate in the defence of wheat plants against Septoria tritici. Its regulation may be controlled by specific defence components of each cultivar.  相似文献   
1. Salix lapponum host plants at an upper altitudinal site differed significantly in size, structural density, phenology, growth performance, and spatial isolation from those growing at a lower site. 2. Plant differences were paralleled by significant differences in psyllid population density and phenology parameters, with psyllid population density, percentage of catkins occupied, and phenological development relatively lower or retarded at the upper site. Population densities at the upper site, nevertheless, remained high. 3. Plant measurements were good predictors of insect density, often explaining up to 73% of the variance in abundance among plants at a given site. 4. Sets of four plant characters identified by best subsets regression were better predictors of psyllid density and development than single factors, although differences were often not great and the combinations of characters selected by multiple regression sometimes differed from the best single predictors. 5. Best single predictors of psyllid density on catkins were measurements of plant size, particularly height, length, and basal stem diameter. Shoot density and catkin phenology were occasionally important but plant isolation and prior growth performance were less important. 6. By contrast with density, age structure of the psyllid population was predicted best from plant phenological measurements, notably catkin phenology.  相似文献   
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