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The immunologic responses to anti-T4 and anti-T11 mAb infusions were assessed in subjects with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis as part of phase I clinical studies. Eight subjects received five daily infusions (0.2 mg/kg/day) of either anti-T11 (CD2) or anti-T4 (CD4) murine mAb. It was found that in vivo anti-T cell mAb infusions specifically suppress in vitro measurements of the human immune response; anti-T11 mAb blocked T cell activation via the CD2 SRBC-binding protein, and anti-T4 mAb infusions abolished PWM-induced Ig synthesis without lysis of the CD4+ T cell subpopulations. With repeated infusions of the anti-T11 mAb in three subjects, anti-mouse antibodies were found in the circulation. Although the majority of human anti-mouse antibody was not isotype specific, significant anti-idiotypic-like activity was observed after repeated infusions in two of three subjects. The human anti-mouse antibodies were almost exclusively of the IgG isotype. The magnitude of the human anti-mouse response was significantly less after administration of either anti-T11 or anti-T4 as compared with anti-T12 mAb. Murine anti-T cell mAb can provide a specific, benign form of acute immunosuppression in humans. However, repeated administration of these reagents in more chronic diseases can result in anti-Id-like antibodies that block binding of the anti-T cell mAb to the T cell surface.  相似文献   
The human B1 (CD20) molecule is a differentiation Ag found only on the surface of B lymphocytes. This structurally unique phosphoprotein plays a role in the regulation of human B cell proliferation and differentiation. In order to determine whether this structure is also expressed by murine B cells, cDNA clones that encode the mouse equivalent of the B1 molecule were isolated. The longest murine cDNA clone isolated, pmB1-1, contained a 1.4-kb insert with an 873 base pair open reading frame that encodes a protein of 32 kDa. The predicted mouse B1 protein contains three hydrophobic domains that may span the membrane four times and shares a 73% amino acid sequence homology with the human B1 protein. The pmB1-1 cDNA probe was used to examine mB1 mRNA expression. Northern blot analysis indicated that pmB1-1 hybridized with two mRNA species of 2.3 and 3.0 kb that were expressed only in murine spleen lymphocytes, in B lineage cell lines representing mature B cells, and were weakly expressed in one of two plasmacytoma cell lines. pmB1-1 failed to hybridize with RNA isolated from murine T cell lines, thymus, and nonlymphoid tissues. Southern blot analysis indicated that mB1 was encoded by a single copy gene. In situ hybridization localized the mB1 gene to chromosome 19 band B, a region that also contains the genes that encode the Ly-1, Ly-10, and Ly-12 Ag. These results suggest that only B cells express this heretofore undescribed murine cell-surface protein that is structurally homologous with the membrane-embedded human B1 Ag.  相似文献   
The aggregation of a specific class of lymphocyte surface molecules results in patching, capping, and surface modulation of the aggregated ligand. Both CD4, an associative recognition structure found on helper T lymphocytes, and CD3, a component of the T cell receptor complex, are members of this functional subgroup. When 125I-labeled monoclonal antibodies reactive with either CD4 (19Thy 5D7) or CD3 (RW24B6) were bound to T lymphocytes, the subsequent addition of goat anti-mouse Ig resulted in their rapid, temperature-dependent internalization. Whereas the binding of 125I-19Thy 5D7 (anti-CD4) was inhibited by greater than 90% in the presence of unlabeled 19Thy 5D7, no inhibition occurred in the presence of unlabeled antibody reactive with CD3 (RW28C8). We took advantage of the fact that these antibodies were of different isotypes (19Thy 5D7:IgG2a; RW28C8:IgGl) to determine whether the internalization of CD3 induced the comodulation of CD4. T lymphocytes preincubated with 125I-19Thy5D7 (anti-CD4) and unlabeled RA28C8 (anti-CD3) were treated with goat anti-mouse IgGl under conditions shown to quantitatively internalize CD3. After 1 h at 37 degrees C, T lymphocytes had internalized 10.5 +/- 2.6% (n = 3) of their antibody-bound cell surface CD4. After similar incubations with media alone or with goat anti-mouse IgGl in the absence of prebound RW28C8 (anti-CD3), no internalization of CD4 could be detected. Control antibodies reactive with CD45R (2H4, IgGl) also failed to induce the internalization of CD4. Similar results were obtained by using a helper T cell clone (T4C1) that internalized 9.6 +/- 2.8% (n = 3) of its antibody-bound cell surface CD4 in response to CD3 modulation. In a reciprocal experiment, 125I-anti-CD3 (RW24B6, IgG2b) was preincubated with T4Cl cells together with unlabeled anti-CD4 (12T4D11, IgG1) prior to the addition of goat anti-mouse IgGl. The quantitative modulation of CD4 induced the co-internalization of 4.6 +/- 0.6% (n = 3) of cell surface CD3. These results suggest that approximately 5% of the CD3:T cell receptor complexes on helper T lymphocytes are specifically associated with CD4. Furthermore, our results suggest that an average of two CD4 molecules associate with each CD3:T cell receptor complex.  相似文献   
Ten genomic DNA clones encoding the human leukocyte common Ag (LCA, CD45) gene were isolated by screening human genomic DNA libraries with LCA cDNA probes. One genomic DNA clone contains the promoter region and the first two exons, as determined by primer extension analyses and S1 nuclease protection studies as well as nucleotide sequence determination. The first exon does not encode a peptide, while the second exon contains the initiation ATG codon and encodes the signal peptide. The other nine genomic DNA clones, which are separated from the first genomic clone by an unknown distance, are connected and span a total of 73 kb. The nine connected genomic clones encode a total of 31 exons. The 33 exons encoded by these 10 genomic clones account for the entire cDNA sequences including the 5' and 3' untranslated sequences. Exon 3 and exons 7 through 15 encode the extracellular domain sequences that are common to all LCA isoforms. Differential usage of exons 4, 5, and 6, generates at least five distinct LCA isoforms. Exon 16 encodes the transmembrane peptide. The cytoplasmic region of the leukocyte common antigens is composed of two homologous domains. Exons 17 through 24 encode the first domain, and exons 25 through 32 encode the second domain. The comparison of these exons indicated that the homologous domains were generated by duplication of several exons. The most 3' exon (exon 33) encodes the carboxy terminus of the LCA molecules and includes the entire 3' untranslated sequence.  相似文献   
Antigens on human plasma cells identified by monoclonal antibodies   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Two monoclonal antibodies that define distinct plasma cell-associated antigens, termed PCA-1 and PCA-2, were developed against human plasma cell leukemia cells. These antigens are strongly expressed on human myelomas, plasma cell leukemia, and plasmacytoma tumor cells, but are not detected on other lymphoid malignancies of B, T, null, or myeloid origin. PCA-1 and PCA-2 are not expressed on either normal T or B lymphocytes, but are weakly expressed on granulocytes and monocytes. When pokeweed mitogen is used to induce human B lymphocyte differentiation, PCA-1 is expressed when other B cell determinants are lost and plasmacytoid morphology, intracytoplasmic immunoglobulins, and surface T10 staining characteristic of plasma cells appear. In contrast, PCA-2 cannot be induced and may therefore appear later in the B cell differentiation scheme. These antigens may be of utility for the study and regulation of normal and abnormal plasma cell growth, traffic, and tissue distribution and may aid in understanding heterogeneity within plasma cell dyscrasias.  相似文献   
Investigation of the activation of splenic B cells by anti-immunoglobulin (Ig) antibody has enabled us to characterize the anti-Ig-responsive B cell and to analyze the phenotypic changes which accompany proliferation and differentiation. The anti-Ig antibody-responsive B cell population was characterized by the expression of high levels of the B2 antigen and represented approximately 40% of splenic B cells. Brisk mitogenesis which peaked at 3 to 4 days was induced by anti-Ig antibody. The proliferative phase was characterized phenotypically by a dramatic decline in B2 antigen expression, with most cells showing no detectable B2 by 4 days post-activation. The other hallmark of this phase was de novo expression of a group of "activation antigens." These included the B cell-restricted antigens B-LAST 1, BB1, and B5, and the T cell-associated interleukin 2 receptor and T12 antigens. Concomitantly, B1, B4, and Ia expression increased, the increase being roughly proportional to the increase in cell size. After day 4, the mitogenic response progressively diminished, while Ig synthesis increased. During this differentiation phase, cell surface antigens again displayed a distinct sequence of changes. The five activation antigens and the B1, B4, and Ia antigens began to decrease. However, two markers, T10 and PCA-1, which are found on plasmacytomas, appeared and their level of expression steadily increased. These changes and the appearance of morphologically identifiable plasma cells required the presence of T cells in this system. T cell supernatants alone induced Ig secretion but did not induce expression of PCA-1 or the appearance of cells with plasma cell morphology. The culture system developed in this study has allowed us to analyze the antigenic changes following activation by anti-Ig antibody. This sequence of changes has not only permitted the identification of antigens which, by their appearance at distinct stages may have an important role in proliferation and differentiation of B cells, but also provides us with the means of studying the function of each antigen.  相似文献   
We describe here a new technique for the isolation of human peripheral null lymphocytes: cells lacking detectable surface immunoglobulin as well as receptors for sheep erythrocytes. The double rosette technique described employs a combined negative selection for Ig+ cells by specific anti-Ig-coated sheep erythrocytes and E rosette selection for T cells. This singlestep procedure facilitates the isolation of null cells from large cell populations and can be completed in less than 2 hr. The isolated null subpopulation represents less than 5% of the total peripheral mononuclear cells and is at least 85–90% pure by sensitive surface marker analysis. The null subpopulation is shown to be highly enriched for effectors of both antibody-dependent cytotoxicity against autologous lymphocytes and spontaneous cytotoxicity against the K562 leukemia blast cell line. Application of this technique will allow further characterization of the effector populations for ADCC and NK as well as differentiation of T and B cell precursors.  相似文献   
Monoclonal antibodies that bind to the T cell MHC-antigen recognition complex (anti-T3 or anti-Ti) are known to either mimic ligand binding and activate T cells or block ligand binding, leading to an inhibition of T cell activation. In the present experiments, we demonstrate a direct inhibitory effect on the growth of human T cells by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies. The proliferation of human peripheral blood T cells preactivated by exposure to PHA was inhibited in a specific manner by anti-T3. Colony formation in soft agar by REX cells, a leukemic cell line of early T cell phenotype, was completely inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti antibodies, whereas isotype-matched antibodies to a variety of other T cell markers had no effect. Growth of REX cells in suspension culture was not affected by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. A cell line, T3.N1, was established from an agar colony of anti-T3-resistant REX cells. T3.N1 was phenotypically identical to REX except for failure to express any detectable T3 or Ti surface antigen. T3.N1 colony formation in soft agar was not inhibited by anti-T3 or anti-Ti. There was no rise in [Ca2+]i of T3.N1 cells after anti-T3 or anti-Ti exposure. These results indicate that in addition to the well-known positive regulatory effects of ligand binding to the T3/Ti complex, T3/Ti binding can also result in a down-regulatory signal for human T cell growth.  相似文献   
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