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The present study intends to evaluate the role of radio-attenuated leishmania parasites as immunoprophylactic agents for experimental murine visceral leishmaniasis. BALB/c mice were immunized with gamma (γ)-irradiated Leishmania donovani. A second immunization was given after 15 days of first immunization. After two immunizations, mice were infected with virulent L. donovani promastigotes. Protection against Kala-azar (KA) was estimated from spleen and liver parasitic burden along with the measurement of nitrite and superoxide anion generation by isolation of splenocytes and also by T-lymphocyte helper 1(Th1) and T-lymphocyte helper 2(Th2) cytokines release from the experimental groups. It was observed that BALB/c mice having prior immunization with radio-attenuated parasites showed protection against L. donovani infection through higher expression of Th1 cytokines and suppression of Th2 cytokines along with the generation of protective free radicals. The group of mice without prior priming with radio-attenuated parasites surrendered to the disease. Thus it can be concluded that radio-attenuated L. donovani may be used for.  相似文献   
The absence of endogenous mouse mammary tumor viruses (MMTVs) in the congenic mouse strain, BALB/Mtv-null, restricts the early steps of exogenous C3H MMTV infection, preventing the superantigen (Sag) response and mammary tumorigenesis. Here we demonstrate that BALB/Mtv-null mice also resist tumor induction by FM MMTV, which encodes a stronger Sag compared to C3H MMTV. In contrast to infections with C3H MMTV, Mtv-null mice show FM-MMTV Sag-specific responses comparable to those observed in susceptible BALB/c mice. Neither virus shows significant replication in the spleen or mammary gland. Thus, Mtv-null mice restrict MMTV replication and mammary tumorigenesis even after a robust Sag response.  相似文献   
Even though presently indigenous to eastern Himalaya in India, no Engelhardioideae have been reported from the Cenozoic sediments of India till date. Here, we report the first Indian occurrence of a characteristic engelhardioid winged samaroid fruit having a tri-lobed wing (oblong-ovate median lobe and two lateral lobes) and a globose nut from the latest Neogene (Pliocene: Rajdanda Formation) sediments of Chotanagpur Plateau, eastern India. This is the first fossil evidence of relict family Juglandaceae from the Indian Cenozoic. We determine its taxonomic position on the basis of detailed macromorphological comparison with similar extant and fossil specimens and discuss its palaeoclimatic significance in terms of the present-day distribution of modern analogous species. We assign this Pliocene winged fruit specimen to the morphogenus Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta Manchester and describe it as a new species, namely Palaeocarya indica Hazra, Hazra M & Khan sp. nov. Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta has rich fossil records from the Cenozoic sediments of Europe, North America, and eastern Asia (China, Korea), but the modern analog, Engelhardia, is presently native only to India and neighboring Southeast Asia. We discuss the possible causes of disappearance of Engelhardia from the present-day vegetation of Chotanagpur Plateau. Its disappearance may be related to the gradual intensification of monsoonal rainfall seasonality since the Pliocene. Here, we also review in detail the biogeographic history of Palaeocarya sect. Monocosta and suggest its possible migration routes.  相似文献   
Recently, a new flow cytometric technology to detect multiple DNA target sequences in a single microtiter well plate was developed [multianalyte profiling (MAP) System, Luminex Corp., Austin, TX]. DNA probes, directed to the internal transcribed spacer 2 region of ribosomal DNA, were therefore designed to detect and differentiate PCR amplicons from six medically important Candida species using this system. Each probe was covalently linked to one of 100 available microsphere (bead) sets. Biotinylated PCR amplicons were then hybridized to the complementary probe on each bead set. Bound amplicons were detected fluorometrically using a streptavidin-linked reporter dye, R-phycoerythrin. Specific hybridization was noted for all six Candida species probes (mean sample-to-background ratio+/-standard error: Candida albicans, 58.7+/-1.2; Candida tropicalis, 53.2+/-3.8; Candida glabrata, 46.9+/-2.1; Candida parapsilosis, 59.9+/-1.6; Candida krusei, 54.7+/-3.7 vs. 0.9+/-0.03 for all heterologous Candida species DNA targets and vs. 1.0+/-0.1 for samples containing water instead of DNA; P < 0.001). The limit of test sensitivity was 0.5 pg of DNA. A sample could be processed and analyzed within 1 h post-PCR amplification. Therefore, the multianalyte profiling system was rapid, sensitive and specific for the detection and differentiation of the most medically important species of Candida.  相似文献   
The yeast Mre11-Rad50-Xrs2 (MRX) and Ku complexes regulate single-strand resection at DNA double-strand breaks (DSB), a key early step in homologous recombination (HR). A prior plasmid gap repair study showed that mre11 mutations, which slow single-strand resection, reduce gene conversion tract lengths and the frequency of associated crossovers. Here we tested whether mre11Delta or nuclease-defective mre11 mutations reduced gene conversion tract lengths during HR between homologous chromosomes in diploid yeast. We found that mre11 mutations reduced the efficiency of HR but did not reduce tract lengths or crossovers, despite substantially reduced end-resection at the test (ura3) locus. End-resection is increased in yku70Delta, but this change also had no effect on tract lengths. Thus, heteroduplex formation and tract lengths are not regulated by the extent of end-resection during DSB repair in a chromosomal context. In a plasmid-chromosome DSB repair assay, tract lengths were again similar in wild-type and mre11Delta, but they were reduced in mre11Delta in a gap repair assay. These results indicate that tract lengths are not affected by the extent of end processing when broken ends can invade nearby sites, perhaps because MRX coordination of the two broken ends is dispensable when ends invade nearby sites. Although HR outcome was largely unaffected in mre11 mutants, break-induced replication (BIR) and chromosome loss increased, suggesting that Mre11 function in mitotic HR is limited to early HR stages. Interestingly, yku70Delta suppressed BIR in mre11 mutants. BIR is also elevated in rad51 mutants, but yku70Delta did not suppress BIR in a rad51 background. These results indicate that Mre11 functions in Rad51-independent BIR, and that Ku functions in Rad51-dependent BIR.  相似文献   
We report the inhibition of the causative agents of dental caries, Streptococcus mutans and other oral streptococci, by the antimicrobially active ingredients of the hop plant (Humulus lupulus L.). The hop constituents studied were purified beta acid, xanthohumol, isoalpha acid and tetra iso-alpha acid. Cruder hop extracts were also investigated. The antimicrobial activity of these hop constituents was tested against four strainsof Streptococcus mutans as well as one strain each ofStreptococcus sanguis andStreptococcus salivarius and compared to antimicrobial essential oils used in mouthwashes in two independent assay systems. We found that all tested hop constituents inhibited the Streptococci. The minimum inhibitory concentration at pH 7.5 ranged from 2 to 50 μg/ml depending on the microorganism and hop phytochemical tested. Contrary to a previous report, there was no activity enhancement by ascorbic acid over and above the enhancement due to pH lowering. Thére was no resistance development to beta acid after 10 passages in a subinhibitory concentration of this acid. Antimicrobial activity of hop constituents was found to be greater than other plant products such as thymol, nerol, cinnamon oil, oil of clove, menthol and eucalyptol. The possibilities of using hop constituents in mouthwashes are discussed.  相似文献   
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