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The serine protease factor VIIa (FVIIa) in complex with its cellular cofactor tissue factor (TF) initiates the blood coagulation reactions. TF.FVIIa is also implicated in thrombosis-related disorders and constitutes an appealing therapeutic target for treatment of cardiovascular diseases. To this end, we generated the FVIIa active site inhibitor G17905, which displayed great potency toward TF.FVIIa (Ki = 0.35 +/- 0.11 nM). G17905 did not appreciably inhibit 12 of the 14 examined trypsin-like serine proteases, consistent with its TF.FVIIa-specific activity in clotting assays. The crystal structure of the FVIIa.G17905 complex provides insight into the molecular basis of the high selectivity. It shows that, compared with other serine proteases, FVIIa is uniquely equipped to accommodate conformational disturbances in the Gln217-Gly219 region caused by the ortho-hydroxy group of the inhibitor's aminobenzamidine moiety located in the S1 recognition pocket. Moreover, the structure revealed a novel, nonstandard conformation of FVIIa active site in the region of the oxyanion hole, a "flipped" Lys192-Gly193 peptide bond. Macromolecular substrate activation assays demonstrated that G17905 is a noncompetitive, slow-binding inhibitor. Nevertheless, G17905 effectively inhibited thrombus formation in a baboon arterio-venous shunt model, reducing platelet and fibrin deposition by approximately 70% at 0.4 mg/kg + 0.1 mg/kg/min infusion. Therefore, the in vitro potency of G17905, characterized by slow binding kinetics, correlated with efficacious antithrombotic activity in vivo.  相似文献   
Inhibitors of apoptosis (IAPs) physically interact with a variety of pro-apoptotic proteins and inhibit apoptosis induced by diverse stimuli. X-linked IAP (X-IAP) is a prototype IAP family member that inhibits several caspases, the effector proteases of apoptosis. The inhibitory activity of X-IAP is regulated by SMAC, a protein that is processed to its active form upon receipt of a death stimulus. Cleaved SMAC binds X-IAP and antagonizes its anti-apoptotic activity. Here we show that melanoma IAP (ML-IAP), a potent anti-cell death protein and caspase inhibitor, physically interacts with SMAC through its BIR (baculovirus IAP repeat) domain. In addition to binding full-length SMAC, ML-IAP BIR associates with SMAC peptides that are derived from the amino terminus of active, processed SMAC. This high affinity interaction is very specific and can be completely abolished by single amino acid mutations either in the amino terminus of active SMAC or in the BIR domain of ML-IAP. In cells expressing ML-IAP and X-IAP, SMAC coexpression or addition of SMAC peptides abrogates the ability of the IAPs to inhibit cell death. These results demonstrate the feasibility of using SMAC peptides as a way to sensitize IAP-expressing cells to pro-apoptotic stimuli such as chemotherapeutic agents.  相似文献   
Modulating the binding affinities to IgE or changing the FcγR binding properties of anti-IgE antibodies offers an opportunity to enhance the therapeutic potential of anti-IgE antibodies, but the influence of increased affinity to IgE or reduced Fc effector function on the pharmacological properties of anti-IgE therapies remains unclear. Our studies were designed to characterize the pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and immune-complex distribution of two high-affinity anti-IgE monoclonal antibodies, high-affinity anti-IgE antibody (HAE) 1 and 2, in mice and monkeys. HAE1, also known as PRO98498, is structurally similar to omalizumab (Xolair®), a humanized anti-IgE IgG1 marketed for the treatment of asthma, but differs by 9 amino acid changes in the complementarity-determining region resulting in a 23-fold improvement in affinity. HAE2 is similar to HAE1, but its Fc region was altered to reduce binding to Fcγ receptors. As expected given the decreased binding to Fcγ receptors, systemic exposure to pre-formed HAE2:IgE complexes in mice was greater (six-fold) and distribution to the liver lower (four-fold) compared with HAE1:IgE complexes. In monkeys, systemic exposure to HAE1 was similar to that previously observed for omalizumab in this species, but required comparatively lower serum drug concentrations to suppress free IgE levels. HAE2 treatment resulted in greater exposure and greater increase of total IgE, relative to HAE1, because of decreased clearance of HAE2:IgE complexes. Overall, these data suggest that increased binding affinity to IgE may provide a more effective therapeutic for asthma patients, and that retaining FcγR binding of the anti-IgE antibody is important for elimination of anti-IgE:IgE complexes.  相似文献   
Melanoma inhibitor of apoptosis (ML-IAP) is a potent anti-apoptotic protein that is upregulated in a number of melanoma cell lines but not expressed in most normal adult tissues. Overexpression of IAP proteins, such as ML-IAP or the ubiquitously expressed X-chromosome-linked IAP (XIAP), in human cancers has been shown to suppress apoptosis induced by a variety of stimuli. Peptides based on the processed N-terminus of Smac/DIABLO can negate the ability of overexpressed ML-IAP or XIAP to suppress drug-induced apoptosis. Such peptides have been demonstrated to bind to the single baculovirus IAP repeat (BIR) of ML-IAP and the third BIR of XIAP with similar high affinities (approximately 0.5 microM). Herein, we use phage-display of na?ve peptide libraries and synthetic peptides to investigate the peptide-binding properties of ML-IAP-BIR and XIAP-BIR3. X-ray crystal structures of ML-IAP-BIR in complex with Smac- and phage-derived peptides, together with peptide structure-activity-relationship data, indicate that the peptides can be modified to provide increased binding affinity and selectivity for ML-IAP-BIR relative to XIAP-BIR3. For instance, substitution of Pro3' in the Smac-based peptide (AVPIAQKSE) with (2S,3S)-3-methylpyrrolidine-2-carboxylic acid [(3S)-methyl-proline] results in a peptide with 7-fold greater affinity for ML-IAP-BIR and about 100-fold specificity for ML-IAP-BIR relative to XIAP-BIR3.  相似文献   
The pharmacokinetic (PK) behavior of monoclonal antibodies in cynomolgus monkeys (cynos) is generally translatable to that in humans. Unfortunately, about 39% of the antibodies evaluated for PKs in cynos have fast nonspecific (or non-target-mediated) clearance (in-house data). An empirical model relating variable region (Fv) charge and hydrophobicity to cyno nonspecific clearance was developed to gauge the risk an antibody would have for fast nonspecific clearance in the monkey. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictability of this empirical model on cyno nonspecific clearance with antibodies specifically engineered to have either high or low Fv charge. These amino acid changes were made in the Fv region of two test antibodies, humAb4D5-8 and anti-lymphotoxin α. The humAb4D5-8 has a typical nonspecific clearance in cynos, and by making it more positively charged, the antibody acquires fast nonspecific clearance, and making it less positively charged did not impact its clearance. Anti-lymphotoxin α has fast nonspecific clearance in cynos, and making it more positively charged caused it to clear even faster, whereas making it less positively charged caused it to clear slower and within the typical range. These trends in clearance were also observed in two other preclinical species, mice and rats. The effect of modifying Fv charge on subcutaneous bioavailability was also examined, and in general bioavailability was inversely related to the direction of the Fv charge change. Thus, modifying Fv charge appears to impact antibody PKs, and the changes tended to correlate with those predicted by the empirical model.  相似文献   
RG7652 is a human immunoglobulin 1 (IgG1) monoclonal antibody (mAb) targeting proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and is designed for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia. A target-binding enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) was developed to measure RG7652 levels in human serum in a Phase I study. Although target-binding assay formats are generally used to quantify free therapeutic, the actual therapeutic species being measured are affected by assay conditions, such as sample dilution and incubation time, and levels of soluble target in the samples. Therefore, in the presence of high concentrations of circulating target, the choice of reagents and assay conditions can have a significant effect on the observed pharmacokinetic (PK) profiles. Phase I RG7652 PK analysis using the ELISA data resulted in a nonlinear dose normalized exposure. An investigation was conducted to characterize the ELISA to determine whether the assay format and reagents may have contributed to the PK observation. In addition, to confirm the ELISA results, a second orthogonal method, liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) using a signature peptide as surrogate, was developed and implemented. A subset of PK samples, randomly selected from half of the subjects in the 6 single ascending dose (SAD) cohorts in the Phase I clinical study, was analyzed with the LC-MS/MS assay, and the data were found to be comparable to the ELISA data. This paper illustrates the importance of reagent characterization, as well as the benefits of using an orthogonal approach to eliminate bioanalytical contributions when encountering unexpected observations.  相似文献   
To interpret pharmacokinetic (PK) data of biotherapeutics, it is critical to understand which drug species is being measured by the PK assay. For therapeutic antibodies, it is generally accepted that “free” circulating antibodies are the pharmacologically active form needed to determine the PK/ pharmacodynamic (PD) relationship, safety margin calculations, and dose projections from animals to humans and the eventual characterization of the exposure in the clinic. However, “total” drug may be important in evaluating the dynamic interaction between the drug and the target, as well as the total drug exposure. In the absence of or with low amounts of soluble ligand /shed receptor, total and free drug species are often equivalent and their detection is less sensitive to assay formats or reagent choices. In contrast, in the presence of a significant amount of ligand, assay design and characterization of assay reagents are critical to understanding the PK profiles. Here, we present case studies where different assay formats affected measured PK profiles and data interpretation. The results from reagent characterizations provide a potential explanation for the observed discrepancies and highlight the importance of reagent characterization in understanding which drug species are being measured to accurately interpret PK parameters.  相似文献   
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