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Adipocytes of hypothyroid rats display an increased responsiveness to agents which function by inhibiting the production of cyclic AMP. Anti-peptide antisera which selectively recognise the alpha subunit of the inhibitory guanine nucleotide binding protein (Gi) detected a 40 kDa polypeptide in adipocyte plasma membranes of both euthyroid and hypothyroid rats. Amounts of the alpha subunit of Gi were elevated some 2-fold in the hypothyroid preparations in comparison with the euthyroid controls, when equal amounts of membrane protein of the two treatments were examined. As cells from the hypothyroid animals contained 2.7 times as much membrane protein as those from the control animals, the amounts of alpha subunit of Gi are elevated some 5.6-fold per cell in adipocytes of the hypothyroid animals compared with the euthyroid controls. Amounts of the 36 kDa beta subunit of G-proteins were also elevated in plasma membranes of adipocytes of hypothyroid animals, in this case by some 50% when compared on a protein basis. These results provide direct evidence for alterations in the amounts of the subunits of Gi caused by the hypothyroid state.  相似文献   
1. The effects of hypothyroidism on the sensitivity of glycolysis and glycogen synthesis to insulin were investigated in the isolated, incubated soleus muscle of the rat. 2. Hypothyroidism, which was induced by administration of propylthiouracil to the rats, decreased fasting plasma levels of free fatty acids and increased plasma levels of glucose but did not significantly change plasma levels of insulin. 3. The sensitivity of the rates of glycogen synthesis to insulin was increased at physiological, but decreased at supraphysiological, concentrations of insulin. 4. The rates of glycolysis in the hypothyroid muscles were decreased at all insulin concentrations studied and the EC50 for insulin was increased more than 8-fold; the latter indicates decreased sensitivity of this process to insulin. However, at physiological concentrations of insulin, the rates of glucose phosphorylation in the soleus muscles of hypothyroid rats were not different from controls. This suggests that hypothyroidism affects glucose metabolism in muscle not by affecting glucose transport but by decreasing the rate of glucose 6-phosphate conversion to lactate and increasing the rate of conversion of glucose 6-phosphate to glycogen. 5. The rates of glucose oxidation were decreased in the hypothyroid muscles at all insulin concentrations.  相似文献   
1. Brown adipocytes were isolated from the interscapular depot of male rats maintained at approx. 21 degrees C. In some experiments parallel studies were made with white adipocytes from the epididymal depot. 2. Insulin increased and noradrenaline decreased [U-14C]glucose incorporation into fatty acids by brown adipocytes. Brown adipocytes differed from white adipocytes in that exogenous fatty acid (palmitate) substantially decreased fatty acid synthesis from glucose. Both noradrenaline and insulin increased lactate + pyruvate formation by brown adipocytes. Brown adipocytes converted a greater proportion of metabolized glucose into lactate + pyruvate and a smaller proportion into fatty acids than did white adipocytes. 3. In brown adipocytes, when fatty acid synthesis from [U-14C]glucose was decreased by noradrenaline or palmitate, incorporation of 3H2O into fatty acids was also decreased to an extent which would not support proposals for extensive recycling into fatty acid synthesis of acetyl-CoA derived from fatty acid oxidation. 4. In the absence of glucose, [U-14C]lactate was a poor substrate for lipogenesis in brown adipocytes, but its use was facilitated by glucose. When brown adipocytes were incubated with 1 mM-lactate + 5 mM-glucose, lactate-derived carbon generally provided at least 50% of the precursor for fatty acid synthesis. 5. Both insulin and noradrenaline increased [U-14C]glucose conversion into CO2 by brown adipocytes (incubated in the presence of lactate) and, in combination, stimulation of glucose oxidation by these two agents showed synergism. Rates of 14CO2 formation from glucose by brown adipocytes were relatively small compared with maximum rates of oxygen consumption by these cells, suggesting that glucose is unlikely to be a major substrate for thermogenesis. 6. Brown adipocytes from 6-week-old rats had considerably lower maximum rates of fatty acid synthesis, relative to cell DNA content, than white adipocytes. By contrast, rates of fatty acid synthesis from 3H2O in vivo were similar in the interscapular and epididymal fat depots. Expressed relative to activities of fatty acid synthase or ATP citrate lyase, however, brown adipocytes synthesized fatty acids as effectively as did white adipocytes. It is suggested that the cells most active in fatty acid synthesis in the brown adipose tissue are not recovered fully in the adipocyte fraction during cell isolation. Differences in rates of fatty acid synthesis between brown and white adipocytes were less apparent at 10 weeks of age.  相似文献   
1. Adipocytes were isolated from the interscapular brown fat and the epididymal white fat of normal, streptozotocin-diabetic and hypothyroid rats. 2. Measurements were made of the maximum rate of triacylglycerol synthesis by monitoring the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into acylglycerol glycerol in the presence of palmitate (1 mM) and insulin (4 nM) and of the activities of the following triacylglycerol-synthesizing enzymes: fatty acyl-CoA synthetase (FAS), mitochondrial and microsomal forms of glycerolphosphate acyltransferase (GPAT), dihydroxyacetonephosphate acyltransferase (DHAPAT), monoacylglycerol phosphate acyltransferase (MGPAT), Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase (PPH) and diacylglycerol acyltransferase (DGAT). 3. FAS activity in brown adipocytes was predominantly localized in the mitochondrial fraction, whereas a microsomal localization of this enzyme predominated in white adipocytes. Subcellular distributions of the other enzyme activities in brown adipocytes were similar to those shown previously with white adipocytes [Saggerson, Carpenter, Cheng & Sooranna (1980) Biochem. J. 190, 183-189]. 4. Relative to cell DNA, brown adipocytes had lower activities of triacylglycerol-synthesizing enzymes and showed lower rates of metabolic flux into acylglycerols than did white adipocytes isolated from the same animals. 5. Diabetes decreased both metabolic flux into acylglycerols and the activities of triacylglycerol-synthesizing enzymes in white adipocytes. By contrast, although diabetes decreased metabolic flux into brown-adipocyte acylglycerols by 80%, there were no decreases in the activities of triacylglycerol-synthesizing enzymes, and the activity of PPH was significantly increased. 6. Hypothyroidism increased metabolic flux into acylglycerols in both cell types, and increased activities of all triacylglycerol-synthesizing enzymes in brown adipocytes. By contrast, in white adipocytes, although hypothyroidism increased the activities of FAS, microsomal GPAT and DGAT, this condition decreased the activities of mitochondrial GPAT and PPH. 7. It was calculated that the maximum capabilities for fatty acid oxidation and esterification are approximately equal in brown adipocytes. In white adipocytes esterification is predominant by approx. 100-fold. 8. Diabetes almost abolished incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into fatty acids in both adipocyte types. Hypothyroidism increased fatty acid synthesis in white and brown adipocytes by 50% and 1000% respectively.  相似文献   
1. Rats were made hypothyroid by feeding them with propylthiouracil together with a low-iodine diet for 4 weeks. 2. [U-14C]Glucose conversion into fatty acids was substantially enhanced in brown adipocytes isolated from hypothyroid rats. Incorporation of 3H2O into fatty acids in vivo was enhanced in hypothyroidism in interscapular brown fat, but not in epididymal white fat or in liver. Hypothyroidism increased the activities of fatty acid synthase and ATP citrate lyase in brown, but not in white, adipocytes. 3. Glycolytic flux in brown adipocytes, quantified by [3-3H]glucose detritiation, was increased by hypothyroidism. This change was accompanied by increased maximum activity of phosphofructokinase. In white adipocytes a large increase in phosphofructokinase maximum activity was observed in hypothyroidism, but this change was accompanied by only small increases in the rate of glucose detritiation by incubated cells. It is suggested that in the brown adipocyte the overall conversion of glucose into fatty acids is enhanced in thyroid deficiency, but that this change is muted in the white adipocyte, possibly because of limitation of glucose transport. 4. Fatty acid synthesis in brown adipocytes from hypothyroid animals was considerably less sensitive to inhibition by exogenous fatty acids than is the process in cells from euthyroid animals. Consequently, the effect of hypothyroidism to enhance lipogenesis is amplified in the presence of physiological concentrations of fatty acid.  相似文献   
The responsiveness of lipolysis to the stimulatory agonists noradrenaline, corticotropin and glucagon and to the inhibitory agonists N6-phenylisopropyladenosine, prostaglandin E1 and nicotinic acid was investigated with rat white adipocytes incubated with a high concentration of adenosine deaminase (1 unit/ml). The cells were obtained from fed or 48 h-starved euthyroid animals or from fed or starved animals rendered hypothyroid by 4 weeks of treatment with low-iodine diet and propylthiouracil. Hypothyroidism increased sensitivity to and efficacy of all three inhibitory agonists in their opposition of noradrenaline-stimulated lipolysis. Starvation decreased sensitivity to all three inhibitory agonists when opposing basal lipolysis. Hypothyroidism decreased sensitivity to noradrenaline, glucagon and corticotropin by 37-, 4- and 4-fold respectively and decreased the maximum response to these agonists by approx. 50%, 50% and 75% respectively. Starvation reversed decreases in maximum response to these agonists in hypothyroidism. Starvation in the euthyroid state increased sensitivity to glucagon and noradrenaline, but did not alter sensitivity to corticotropin. Cells from hypothyroid rats were relatively insensitive to Bordetella pertussis toxin, which substantially increased basal lipolysis in the euthyroid state.  相似文献   
Adipocytes from streptozotocin-diabetic rats are approximately 50-times more sensitive to the lipolytic action of glucagon. This change is only perceived in the presence of a small quantity of adenosine deaminase which itself has little effect on basal lipolysis. Insulin treatment restores glucagon sensitivity to normal.  相似文献   
Abstract: A readily soluble 5'-nucleotidase was purified 1,800-fold from rat brain 105,000- g supernatant. The enzyme showed similarity to the 5'-nucleotidase ectoenzyme of plasma membranes. It exhibited a low K m for AMP, which was preferred over IMP as substrate. It was inhibited by free ATP and ADP and by α,β-methylene ADP. The enzyme appeared to be a glycoprotein on the basis of its interaction with concanavalin A. It contained a phosphatidylinositol moiety because treatment with phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C increased its hydrophilicity. A single subunit of Mr = 54,300 ± 800 was observed, which is appreciably smaller than published values for the 5'-nucleotidase ectoenzyme or for other low- K m"soluble" 5'-nucleotidases. The soluble 5'-nucleotidase showed an elution profile on AMP-Sepharose affinity chromatography or on Mono Q ion-exchange chromatography different from that of the brain ectoenzyme. Forty-two percent of the soluble 5'-nucleotidase in brain 105,000- g supernatant did not bind to a Mono Q ion-exchange column because of its interaction with a soluble factor. This factor could be removed by chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose. The factor had the novel property of increasing the sensitivity of the purified soluble 5'-nucleotidase toward the inhibitor ATP by 20-fold. This factor was also able to increase the inhibition of brain 5'-nucleotidase ectoenzyme by ATP.  相似文献   
[14C]Malonyl-CoA bound to intact mitochondria isolated from rat liver and heart in a manner consistent with the presence of two independent classes of binding sites in each tissue. The binding characteristics for mitochondria obtained from fed male rats were: for heart, KD(1) = 11-18nM, KD(2) = 30 microM, N1 = 7pmol/mg of protein, N2 = approx. 660pmol/mg of protein; for liver, KD(1) = 0.1 microM, KD(2) = 5.6 microM, N1 = 11pmol/mg of protein, N2 = 165pmol/mg of protein. In the presence of 40 microM-palmitoyl-CoA the characteristics of binding at the high-affinity sites were changed, so that for heart KD(1) = 0.26 microM, with no change in N1 and for liver KD(1) = approx. 2 microM, with N1 increased to approx. 40pmol/mg of protein. Differences between the two tissues in tightness of malonyl-CoA binding at the high-affinity sites explains the considerably greater sensitivity of heart CPT1 (overt form of carnitine palmitoyltransferase) to inhibition by malonyl-CoA [Saggerson & Carpenter, (1981) FEBS Lett. 129, 229-232; McGarry, Mills, Long & Foster (1983) Biochem. J. 214, 21-28]. Starvation (24h) did not change the characteristics of [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to liver mitochondria and did not alter the I50 (concentration giving 50% inhibition) for displacement of [14C]malonyl-CoA by palmitoyl-CoA. Therefore the decreased sensitivity of liver CPT1 to inhibition by malonyl-CoA in starvation [Saggerson & Carpenter (1981) FEBS Lett. 129, 225-228; Bremer (1981) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 665, 628-631] is not explained by differences in malonyl-CoA binding. Percentage occupancy of the high-affinity sites in heart mitochondria by malonyl-CoA correlated closely with percentage inhibition of CPT1 measured under similar conditions. This finding supports the proposal that the high-affinity binding sites are the functional sites mediating inhibition of CPT1 by malonyl-CoA. Similar experiments with liver mitochondria also suggested that the occupancy of high-affinity sites by malonyl-CoA regulates CPT1 activity. 5,5'-Dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid), which decreased the sensitivity of heart or liver CPT1 to inhibition by malonyl-CoA [Saggerson & Carpenter (1982) FEBS Lett. 137, 124-128], also decreased [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to the high-affinity sites of heart mitochondria. N1 values for [14C]malonyl-CoA binding to high-affinity sites in liver mitochondria were determined in various physiological states which encompassed a 7-fold range of CPT1 maximal activity (fed, starved, pregnant, hypothyroid, foetal). The N1 value did not change in these states.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   
The inactivation of rat adipocyte Mg2+-dependent phosphatidate phosphohydrolase by noradrenaline [Cheng & Saggerson (1978) FEBS Lett. 87, 65--68; Cheng & Saggerson (1978) FEBS Lett. 93, 120--124] persists for at least 40 min in crude defatted homogenates kept at 0 degrees C or 20 degrees C, but is diminished at 37 degrees C. The effect of noradrenaline persists through the isolation of post-105000 g supernatants and is then stable in these preparations at 0 degrees C and 37 degrees C. Inclusion of albumin (10--20 mg/ml) in homogenization buffers abolishes the effect of noradrenaline. The effect of noradrenaline is not removed by dialysis of extracts or by raising the concentrations of Mg2+ or phosphatidate in assays.  相似文献   
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