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An endodeoxyribonuclease, designated CreI, was purified 16,000-fold from zygotes of the eukaryote Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. CreI preferentially attacks the sequence TATA producing double strand breaks with 3'-phosphomonoester and 5'-hydroxyl termini. The endonuclease has an Mr = 27,000 and requires Ca2+ at pH 7.5 for optimal activity.  相似文献   
Series of values for body height of adults ranging from 150 to 190 cm and the corresponding body weights for 9 age groups from 15 to 65 a are interrelated by 5 test functions. Results of nonlinear regressions as gained by minimization of the sums of the squares and absolute values of the deviations are summarized in tables for comparison. The last position in the goodness-of-fit is held by the allometric relation W = alpha L beta preceded by the exponential type W = abL. No considerable gain can be realised by taking the expression W = a exp (b Lp). A big step is reached, however, with the change to the form W = W150 + alpha (L-150) beta reducing the linear deviations to about 1/3 or more. Finally the 3-parameter structure W = W A + alpha (L-150) beta yields even closer approximations. Tables with the results for the last 2 relations are given together with a graph for the best approximation.  相似文献   
Summary Three non-chromosomal and two chromosomal genes which influence resistance to streptomycin are described. Each of the non-chromosomal factors,sr-500,sr-1500, andsd, exhibits uniparental inheritance, with all progeny receiving the factor when it is carried by the parent of mating-typeplus, and none when it is carried by the mating-typeminus parent. The streptomycin-dependence factor,sd, shows zygotic dominance when contributed by the mating-typeplus parent, but not when coming from the mating-typeminus parent, indicating that the uniparental transmission results from events occurring within the zygote early in maturation and well before meiosis. The chromosomal geneA interacts both with chromosomal and non-chromosomal genes at the biochemical level, but does not alter their patterns of inheritance.With 1 Figure in the TextThis paper is dedicated to ProfessorL. C. Dunn in gratitude to him as teacher and advisor, on the occasion of his retirement.This work was supported by grants from the U.S. Public Health Service and the National Science Foundation. The generosity and interest of ProfessorFrancis J. Ryan in providing laboratory space is gratefully acknowledged, as is the technical assistance of MissFran Yablonsky.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: Using differential display (DD), we discovered a new member of the serine protease family of protein-cleaving enzymes, named protease M. The gene is most closely related by sequence to the kallikreins, to prostate-specific antigen (PSA), and to trypsin. The diagnostic use of PSA in prostate cancer suggested that a related molecule might be a predictor for breast or ovarian cancer. This, in turn, led to studies designed to characterize the protein and to screen for its expression in cancer. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The isolation of protease M by DD, the cloning and sequencing of the cDNA, and the comparison of the predicted protein structure with related proteins are described, as are methods to produce recombinant proteins and polyclonal antibody preparations. Protease M expression was examined in mammary, prostate, and ovarian cancer, as well as normal, cells and tissues. Stable transfectants expressing the protease M gene were produced in mammary carcinoma cells. RESULTS: Protease M was localized by fluorescent in situ hybridization analysis to chromosome 19q13.3, in a region to which other kallikreins and PSA also map. The gene is expressed in the primary mammary carcinoma lines tested but not in the corresponding cell lines of metastatic origin. It is strongly expressed in ovarian cancer tissues and cell lines. The enzyme activity could not be established, because of difficulties in producing sufficient recombinant protein, a common problem with proteases. Transfectants were selected that overexpress the mRNA, but the protein levels remained very low. CONCLUSIONS: Protease M expression (mRNA) may be a useful marker in the detection of primary mammary carcinomas, as well as primary ovarian cancers. Other medical applications are also likely, based on sequence relatedness to trypsin and PSA.  相似文献   
In this study, we employed ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVAL) adsorptive membranes with bovine serum albumin (BSA) as bioligand for affinity supports for bilirubin (BR) retention. Microfiltration membranes were prepared from ternary or quaternary water/(1-octanol)/DMSO/EVAL systems. To obtain active binding sites for BSA, the EVAL membranes were either chemically functionalized in aqueous and organic medium and by plasma dischargement or physically activated by entrapping of active particles. Static BR removal was determined for all EVAL-BSA membranes. BR retentions relevant for human plasma were gained for the mixed adsorber membranes and additionally investigated in the dynamic mode.  相似文献   
Activation of cardiac mast cells has been shown to alter parasympathetic neuronal function via the activation of histamine receptors. The present study examined the ability of prostaglandins to alter the activity of guinea pig intracardiac neurons. Intracellular voltage recordings from whole mounts of the cardiac plexus showed that antigen-mediated mast cell degranulation produces an attenuation of the afterhyperpolarization (AHP), which was prevented by the phospholipase A2 inhibitor 5,8,11,14-eicosatetraynoic acid. Exogenous application of either PGD2 or PGE2 produced a biphasic change in the membrane potential and an inhibition of both AHP amplitude and duration. Examination of prostanoid receptors using bath perfusions (1 microM PGE2 and PGD2), specific agonists (BW245C, sulprostone, and butaprost), and antagonists (AH6809 and SC19220) found evidence for both the PGE2-specific EP2 and EP3 receptors, but not for EP1 or the PGD2-specific prostanoid (DP) receptors. Sulprostone was able to mimic the PGE2 responses in some cells, but not in all PGE2-sensitive cells. Butaprost was able to mimic the PG-induced hyperpolarization in some cells, but did not alter the AHP. Inhibition of specific potassium channels with either TEA, charybdotoxin, or apamin showed that neither TEA nor charybdotoxin could prevent the PGE2-induced AHP attenuation. Apamin alone inhibited AHP duration, with PGs having no further effect in these cells. These results demonstrate that guinea pig intracardiac neurons can be modulated by PG, most likely through either EP2, EP3, or potentially EP4 receptors, and this response is due, at least in part, to a reduction in small-conductance KCa currents.  相似文献   
Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts, genetically engineered for the expression of rat cytochrome P450 dependent monooxygenase 1A2 and rat sulfotransferase 1C1 (V79-rCYP1A2-rSULT1C1 cells), were utilized to check for possible protective effects of beverages of plant origin, fruits, vegetables, and spices against genotoxicity induced by 2-acetylaminofluorene (AAF) or 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP). Antigenotoxic activities of juices from spinach and red beets against AAF could be monitored with similar effectivity by the HPRT-mutagenicity test (IC(50)=0.64%; 2.57%) and alkaline single cell gel electrophoresis (comet assay; IC(50)=0.12%; 0.89%) which detects DNA strand breaks and abasic sites. Applying the comet assay, genotoxicity of PhIP could, however, be demonstrated only in the presence of hydroxyurea and 1-[beta-D-arabinofuranosyl]cytosine, known inhibitors of DNA repair synthesis. As expected, AAF and PhIP were unable to induce any genotoxic effects in the parent V79 cells. Genotoxic activity of PhIP was strongly reduced in a dose-related manner by green tea and red wine, by blueberries, blackberries, red grapes, kiwi, watermelon, parsley, and spinach, while two brands of beer, coffee, black tea, rooibos tea, morellos, black-currants, plums, red beets, broccoli (raw and cooked), and chives were somewhat less active. One brand of beer was only moderately active while white wine, bananas, white grapes, and strawberries were inactive. Similarly, genotoxicity of AAF was strongly reduced by green, black, and rooibos tea, red wine, morellos, black-currants, kiwi, watermelon, and spinach while plums, red beets, and broccoli (raw) were less potent. Broccoli cooked exerted only moderate and white wine weak antigenotoxic activity. With respect to the possible mechanism(s) of inhibition of genotoxicity, benzo[a]pyrene-7,8-dihydrodiol (BaP-7,8-OH) and N-OH-PhIP were applied as substrates for the CYP1A family and for rSULT 1C1, respectively. Morellos, black-currants, and black tea strongly reduced the genotoxicity of BaP-7,8-OH, onions, rooibos tea, and red wine were less potent while red beets and spinach were inactive. On the other hand, red beets and spinach strongly inhibited the genotoxicity of N-OH-PhIP, rooibos tea was weakly active while all other items were inactive. These results are suggestive for enzyme inhibition as mechanism of protection by complex mixtures of plant origin. Taken together, our results demonstrate that protection by beverages, fruits, and vegetables against genotoxicity of heterocyclic aromatic amines may take place within metabolically competent mammalian cells as well as under the conditions of the Salmonella/reversion assay.  相似文献   
BACKGROUND: We sought to identify genes with altered expression during human breast cancer progression by applying mRNA comparisons of normal and tumor mammary cell lines with increasingly malignant phenotypes. The gene encoding a new sialyltransferase (STM) was found to be down-regulated in tumor cells. Abnormal expression and enzymatic activities of sialyltransferases in tumor cells result in the formation of tumor-associated carbohydrate antigens that can be used for the better understanding of the disease process and are applied for tumor diagnosis and immunotherapy. Altered glycosylation patterns of the MUC1 mucin, in particular, is a target antigen for immunotherapy of breast and other cancers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Total RNAs from multiple normal mammary epithelial cell strains and tumor cell lines were compared by differential display and the differential expression of selected cDNAs was confirmed by Northern analyses. Recombinant STM was expressed in COS-7 cells. The substrate and linkage specificity of STM was examined using various oligosaccharides and O-glycosylated proteins as acceptor substrates. The chromosomal localization of the SIATL1 gene was assigned by somatic cell hybrid analysis. RESULTS: A human sialyltransferase gene was identified by differential display as being down-regulated in breast tumor cell lines as compared to normal mammary epithelial cell strains, and the corresponding full-length cDNA (stm) was cloned. The encoded protein of 374 amino acid residues contained the L- and S-sialylmotifs, two catalytic regions conserved in all functional sialyltransferases. Recombinant STM is an active GalNAc alpha2,6-sialyltransferase with Gal beta 1,3 GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr and (+/- Neu5Ac alpha 2,3) Gal beta 1,3GalNAc-O-Ser/Thr acceptor specificity. The SIATL1 gene, encoding STM, was mapped to the long arm of human chromosome 17 at q23-qter, a region that is nonrandomly deleted in human breast cancers. However, Southern analyses indicated that SIATL1 is usually not grossly rearranged in breast tumors. Northern analyses showed that the gene was widely expressed in normal human tissues, as well as in normal breast and prostate epithelial cell lines, but significantly down-regulated or absent in corresponding tumor cell lines. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that aberrant expression of STM sialyltransferase in tumors could be a feature of the malignant phenotype. In breast cancers, the MUC1 mucin is overexpressed and contains shorter O-glycans as compared to the normal mucin. Because STM catalyzes the synthesis of O-glycans, cloning and characterization of its substrate specificity will contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying the aberrant glycosylation patterns of O-glycans and the formation of mucin-related antigens in human breast cancers.  相似文献   
We previously described the [(3)H]cGMP-binding characteristics of a CHAPS-solubilized protein that we proposed to be a cGMP transporter. We now report the ATPase activity of the membrane-bound, solubilized and reconstituted form of a cGMP transporter. The membrane-bound protein of unsealed ghosts had a linear ATPase activity over a 120 min incubation period with optimal activity of about 400 pmol/mg/min. The apparent K(m) and V(max) for ATP were about 0.5 mM and 300 pmol/mg/min, respectively. When solubilized with CHAPS the specific activity of the protein was reduced to about 70 pmol/mg/min. Reconstitution of the CHAPS preparation into phospholipid bilayer using rapid detergent removal by Extracti-gel column resulted in proteoliposomes which had ATPase activity similar to that found in the erythrocyte membranes. The proteoliposomes displayed a linear ATP-dependent uptake of [(3)H]cGMP with an apparent K(m) value of 1. 0 microM. This low K(m)-uptake of [(3)H]cGMP in proteoliposomes was not affected by 10 microM of AMP, cAMP and GMP, but was completely abolished in the presence of the non-hydrolyzable ATP analogue, ATP-gamma-S. Some ATPase activation was also observed in the presence of 2 microM cAMP, but it is unclear whether this activity was coupled to the cGMP transporter. Our results show that the membrane protein responsible for cGMP transport has an ATPase activity and transports the cyclic nucleotide in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   
When grown in the presence of serum with added insulin, Chinese hamster embryonic fibroblasts (CHEF/18) cells can be induced to become preadipocytes that are committed to the adipocyte pathway of terminal differentiation (Sager, R., and P. Kovac, 1982, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 79:480-484). We found that commitment to the adipocyte pathway, as well as terminal differentiation to form mature adipocytes, can occur in a defined serum-free medium containing insulin. When CHEF/18 cells are plated in serum-containing medium, only 5-10% of cells in each colony undergo terminal differentiation, whereas in serum-free medium, greater than 90% of the cells became adipocytes. These and other results show that CHEF/18 cells require no adipogenic factors in addition to insulin and the other components of the serum-free medium (transferrin, epithelial growth factor, thrombin) to form adipocytes, and furthermore, that serum inhibits the rate of terminal adipocyte differentiation of these cells. As little as 10 ng/ml insulin added to serum-containing medium can induce adipogenesis, suggesting that insulin rather than an insulinlike growth factor is the active agent. The results further demonstrate that virtually every CHEF/18 cell can be induced into the adipocyte pathway.  相似文献   
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