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The following work provides basic information about the life history of 10 Cuban species of the family Poeciliidae. Adult fish stocks were captured in their natural habitat, and litters obtained from them were raised and maintained in captivity for 19 weeks. For each species, we present the mean value of newborn length (TLo), age at sexual maturity (AM), total length at sexual maturity (TLM), as well as the patterns of postnatal growth in aquarium conditions, which were described using size–age curves and nonlinear regression equations (Richards model). There are differences in growth dynamics among species. In general, growth rates differ for both sexes in all poeciliids studied, males maturing earlier than females, who reach higher values of total length at the 19th week (TLf). Sexual size dimorphism could be explained by the specific roles of each sex (fecundity in females and early maturity in males) while differences in growth among species could be related to their distribution patterns in the wild. The data summarized in this contribution can be useful for the conservation of these fish species. Zoo Biol 32:251–256, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Since 1998, a multidisciplinary team works on the study of the representations in the cave Mayenne-Sciences (Thorigné-en-Charnie, Mayenne). Particularly, there are trials for U-TH (TIMH) datations of the speleothems recovering the drawings and fossils of the bats; this would help to know at what date the decorated cave was closed. The studies already allowed to know better the black drawings, executed with a wooden charcoal crayon. Thus, it was possible to make removals which gave two dates from the Gravettian phase; this feeds again the discussion about the chronocultural position of this cave, on of the most septentrional caves we know.  相似文献   
Ecology of bees (Hymenoptera, Apiformes) is entirely constrained by the centralized exchange between the nest and its environment. Herein, we investigate the ecological meaning of the flight activity of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) at the entrance of the nest, and assessed whether this simple metric can be used as a proxy to infer on the colony state (population size and foraging activity). Theory predicts that flight activity of a colony should increase (1) with population size (density-dependence hypothesis), (2) with floral resource availability (optimal foraging hypothesis), and (3) with the flight activity during previous hours or days, due to a temporal autocorrelation (behavioural inertia hypothesis). We built and compared series of explanatory models for the flight activity measured at the entrance of hives, and its two visible components, namely bees with and without pollen loads. Data were collected on 26 honeybee colonies, both before and after a translocation into a new environment with controlled floral resource availability in order to distinguish among the respective contributions of explanatory factors. Current flight activity was consistently and positively influenced by previous flight activity as well as by the current resource availability. To our knowledge, this represents the first characterization of behavioural inertia in the context of a collective behaviour. Population size only influenced flight activity of bees without pollen loads. We discuss the limits of using simple counts of flying bees at the hive entrance to infer the colony state.  相似文献   
Macrophages provide the first line of host immune defense. Their activation triggers the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines recruiting other immune cells. In cancer, macrophages present an M2 anti-inflammatory phenotype promoting tumor growth. In this way, strategies need to be develop to reactivate macrophages. Previously thought to be expressed only in cells with a neural/neuroendocrine phenotype, the proprotein convertase 1/3 has been shown to also be expressed in macrophages and regulated as a function of the Toll-like receptor immune response. Here, we investigated the intracellular impact of the down-regulation of the proprotein convertase 1/3 in NR8383 macrophages and confirmed the results on macrophages from PC1/3 deficient mice. A complete proteomic study of secretomes and intracellular proteins was undertaken and revealed that inhibition of proprotein convertase 1/3 orient macrophages toward an M1 activated phenotype. This phenotype is characterized by filopodial extensions, Toll-like receptor 4 MyD88-dependent signaling, calcium entry augmentation and the secretion of pro-inflammatory factors. In response to endotoxin/lipopolysaccharide, these intracellular modifications increased, and the secreted factors attracted naïve T helper lymphocytes to promote the cytotoxic response. Importantly, the application of these factors onto breast and ovarian cancer cells resulted in a decrease viability or resistance. Under inhibitory conditions using interleukin 10, PC1/3-knockdown macrophages continued to secrete inflammatory factors. These data indicate that targeted inhibition of proprotein convertase 1/3 could represent a novel type of immune therapy to reactivate intra-tumoral macrophages.Innate immunity is the first line of immune defense and is common to all metazoans (1, 2). In this immune system, macrophages play a crucial role in the maintenance of tissue homeostasis. These cells are involved in almost every disease through their immunological and wound-healing functions (1, 2). During a pathogenic infection, trauma or neurodegeneration, macrophages are recruited and activated contributing to the phagocytosis of pathogens and the secretion of cytokines and chemokines activating other immune cells. Macrophages can develop into classically pro-inflammatory (M1) or alternatively (M2) activated macrophages. M1 macrophages are characterized by the secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines whereas M2 macrophages secrete anti-inflammatory cytokines (3). Stimulation of macrophages with LPS activates TLR4 signaling leading to the nucleus translocation of NF-κB or IRF3 which activate genes encoding proteins involved in innate immune response (4). Many of these proteins are secreted (cytokines, chemokines…) to attract and activate other immune cells like T lymphocytes. In tumors, macrophages are oriented toward the M2 phenotype and promote cancer growth by suppressing immune cells function (5). Current research in the therapeutic field focus on ways to reactivate macrophages.Surprisingly, we have shown that during immune responses, macrophages secrete typical neuroendocrine molecules (68), such as neuropeptides (9) or the proprotein convertases (PC)1 PC2 and PC1/3 and that PC1/3 is an important regulator of innate immune responses (1012). Proprotein convertases cleave precursor proteins which can lead to the activation, inactivation or functional changes. PC2 and PC1/3 operate within the regulated secretory pathway. Their expression is not restricted to neuroendocrine tissues, they are also expressed in macrophages and lymphocytes (12). In a previous study from our group, PC1/3 knockout (KO) in mice challenged with LPS caused innate immune defects and uncontrolled cytokine secretion (10). Th1 pathway is enhanced in PC1/3 KO mice. Following LPS treatment, PC1/3 colocalized with TLR4 in the endosomal compartment (11). We concluded that PC1/3 contributes to the regulation of TLR4 signaling and the resulting cytokine secretion.The NR8383 rat pulmonary macrophage cell line was previously shown as a good model to study the role of PC1/3 in the macrophage innate immune response (13). In the present study, we developed a PC1/3-knockdown (KD) NR8383 cell line using lentiviral-delivered shRNAs. Our aim is to understand the cellular impact of PC1/3 inhibition in macrophages and the consequences on their activation. Proteomic analysis of secreted proteins allowed us to identify pro-inflammatory cytokines and alarmins already at 24h of LPS stimulation in PC1/3-KD secretomes which was confirmed by cytokines array. Proteomic studies of PC1/3-KD NR8383 cellular extracts revealed an important perturbation in the intracellular trafficking machinery through the disorganization of cytoskeletal protein expression. These results were confirmed on macrophages from PC1/3 KO mice. Cytokines secretion and cytoskeleton reorganization can be linked to intracellular calcium increase in PC1/3-KD cells. Moreover, we showed that MyD88-dependant TLR4 signaling was sustained when PC1/3 is down-regulated. We describe here that inhibition of PC1/3 induced classically activated phenotype (M1) in macrophages. The chemotactic and anti-tumor properties of the PC1/3-KD macrophage secretome promoted the cytotoxic immune response and inhibited cancer cell viability. The down-regulation of PC1/3 could be used in cancer immunotherapy to reactivate macrophages.  相似文献   
The toxicity of pesticides used in agriculture towards non-targeted organisms and especially pollinators has recently drawn the attention from a broad scientific community. Increased honeybee mortality observed worldwide certainly contributes to this interest. The potential role of several neurotoxic insecticides in triggering or potentiating honeybee mortality was considered, in particular phenylpyrazoles and neonicotinoids, given that they are widely used and highly toxic for insects. Along with their ability to kill insects at lethal doses, they can compromise survival at sublethal doses by producing subtle deleterious effects. In this study, we compared the bee’s locomotor ability, which is crucial for many tasks within the hive (e.g. cleaning brood cells, feeding larvae…), before and after an acute sublethal exposure to one insecticide belonging to the two insecticide classes, fipronil and thiamethoxam. Additionally, we examined the locomotor ability after exposure to pyrethroids, an older chemical insecticide class still widely used and known to be highly toxic to bees as well. Our study focused on young bees (day 1 after emergence) since (i) few studies are available on locomotion at this stage and (ii) in recent years, pesticides have been reported to accumulate in different hive matrices, where young bees undergo their early development. At sublethal doses (SLD48h, i.e. causing no mortality at 48h), three pyrethroids, namely cypermethrin (2.5 ng/bee), tetramethrin (70 ng/bee), tau-fluvalinate (33 ng/bee) and the neonicotinoid thiamethoxam (3.8 ng/bee) caused a locomotor deficit in honeybees. While the SLD48h of fipronil (a phenylpyrazole, 0.5 ng/bee) had no measurable effect on locomotion, we observed high mortality several days after exposure, an effect that was not observed with the other insecticides. Although locomotor deficits observed in the sublethal range of pyrethroids and thiamethoxam would suggest deleterious effects in the field, the case of fipronil demonstrates that toxicity evaluation requires information on multiple endpoints (e.g. long term survival) to fully address pesticides risks for honeybees. Pyrethroid-induced locomotor deficits are discussed in light of recent advances regarding their mode of action on honeybee ion channels and current structure-function studies.  相似文献   
Despite their economic importance, only very little information is available regarding (neuro)endocrine mechanisms of reproduction in bivalve molluscs. To gain insights into the molecular control of gonadic development of these animals, G protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) expressed in the gonad of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were investigated. One such receptor was cloned by RT-PCR using oligonucleotide primers derived from consensus sequences of various vertebrate (neuro)peptide receptors. This receptor named Cg-GnRH-related receptor (Cg GnRH-R) exhibits a high degree of amino acid sequence identity with both vertebrate GnRH receptors and insect AKH receptors. Quantitative RT-PCR shows a specific expression of Cg-GnRH-R in both male and female gonads during the reproductive cycle. This demonstrates for the first time the plausible involvement of a GnRH receptor orthologue in the control of reproduction in a protostomian invertebrate.  相似文献   
The family of leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptors (LGRs) shows members in both vertebrates and invertebrates including the most ancestral ones. Although this suggests an early evolutionary origin of this family of receptors, little is known about their diversity in molluscs, a major phylum of bilaterian invertebrates. Based on sequences of mammalian and insect LGRs, we have cloned and characterized a new typical LGR in the bivalve mollusc Crassostrea gigas. This receptor named Cg-LGRB exhibits high degree of amino acid sequence identity with both mammalian and Drosophila LGRs. Phylogenetic analysis indicates that Cg-LGRB belongs to the cluster of type B orphan LGRs and suggests that molluscs likely express the three LGR subgroups identified previously in other animals. Quantitative RT-PCR shows that Cg-LGRB is expressed mainly in the digestive gland and only at moderate levels in other organs and developmental stages. A possible involvement in the control of cytological changes occurring in bivalve mollusc digestive gland is discussed.  相似文献   
Retrospective analysis of two transfusion protocols applied in our institution to the bone marrow transplanted patients was conducted. Granulocyte transfusions should be only proposed as a therapeutic treatment to patients with severe well documented bacterial infection resistant to an adapted antibiotherapy. Leukocyte-depleted blood products reduce the incidence of HLA-immunization but do not influence the frequency of CMV infections. Random single donor platelet concentrates (obtained by cytapheresis) could decrease the incidence of polyspecific HLA-antibodies in comparison with the use of random standard platelet concentrates. The best transfusion protocol should associate leukocyte-depleted blood products with transfusion of prophylactic single donor platelet concentrates. In our institution, this protocol is less expensive than the protocol with prophylactic white blood cell transfusions and has the same cost than other protocols using standard blood products.  相似文献   
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