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Although the issue of estrogen replacement therapy on cardiovascular health is debatable, it has presumable benefits for endothelial function in postmenopausal women. However, the fear of breast cancer has intimidated women contemplating estrogen treatment and limited its long-term application. An effective alternative remedy not associated with breast carcinoma is in serious demand. This study was designed to examine the effect of phytoestrogen alpha-zearalanol (alpha-ZAL) and 17beta-estradiol (E2) on nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin (ET)-1 levels, apoptosis, and apoptotic enzymes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). HUVEC cells were challenged for 24 h with homocysteine (10-3 M), an independent risk factor for a variety of vascular diseases, in the presence of alpha-ZAL or E2 (10-9 to 10-6 M). Release of NO and ET-1 were measured with enzyme immunoassay. Apoptosis was evaluated by fluorescence-activated cell sorter analysis. Expression of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS), inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), Bax, and Bcl-2 were determined using Western blot. NOS activity was evaluated with 3H-arginine to 3H-citrulline conversion. Our results indicated that Hcy significantly reduced NO production, NOS activity, enhanced ET-1/NO ratio and apoptosis, upregulated iNOS, Bax, and downregulated eNOS, Bcl-2 expression. These effects were significantly attenuated by alpha-ZAL and E2. ZAL displayed a similar potency compared with E2 in antagonizing Hcy-induced effects. In summary, these results suggested that alpha-ZAL may effectively preserve Hcy-induced decrease in NO, increase in ET-1/NO ratio and apoptosis, which contributes to protective effects of phytoestrogens on endothelial function.  相似文献   
Effects of BmCPV Infection on Silkworm Bombyx mori Intestinal Bacteria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The gut microbiota has a crucial role in the growth, development and environmental adaptation in the host insect. The objective of our work was to investigate the microbiota of the healthy silkworm Bombyx mori gut and changes after the infection of B. mori cypovirus (BmCPV). Intestinal contents of the infected and healthy larvae of B. mori of fifth instar were collected at 24, 72 and 144 h post infection with BmCPV. The gut bacteria were analyzed by pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. 147(135) and 113(103) genera were found in the gut content of the healthy control female (male) larvae and BmCPV-infected female (male) larvae, respectively. In general, the microbial communities in the gut content of healthy larvae were dominated by Enterococcus, Delftia, Pelomonas, Ralstonia and Staphylococcus, however the abundance change of each genus was depended on the developmental stage and gender. Microbial diversity reached minimum at 144 h of fifth instar larvae. The abundance of Enterococcus in the females was substantially lower and the abundance of Delftia, Aurantimonas and Staphylococcus was substantially higher compared to the males. Bacterial diversity in the intestinal contents decreased after post infection with BmCPV, whereas the abundance of both Enterococcus and Staphylococcus which belongs to Gram-positive were increased. Therefore, our findings suggested that observed changes in relative abundance was related to the immune response of silkworm to BmCPV infection. Relevance analysis of plenty of the predominant genera showed the abundance of the Enterococcus genus was in negative correlation with the abundance of the most predominant genera. These results provided insight into the relationship between the gut microbiota and development of the BmCPV-infected silkworm.  相似文献   
Propofol is the most widely used injectable general anesthetic. Its targets include ligand-gated ion channels such as the GABAA receptor, but such receptor-channel complexes remain challenging to study at atomic resolution. Until structural biology methods advance to the point of being able to deal with systems such as the GABAA receptor, it will be necessary to use more tractable surrogates to probe the molecular details of anesthetic recognition. We have previously shown that recognition of inhalational general anesthetics by the model protein apoferritin closely mirrors recognition by more complex and clinically relevant protein targets; here we show that apoferritin also binds propofol and related GABAergic anesthetics, and that the same binding site mediates recognition of both inhalational and injectable anesthetics. Apoferritin binding affinities for a series of propofol analogs were found to be strongly correlated with the ability to potentiate GABA responses at GABAA receptors, validating this model system for injectable anesthetics. High resolution x-ray crystal structures reveal that, despite the presence of hydrogen bond donors and acceptors, anesthetic recognition is mediated largely by van der Waals forces and the hydrophobic effect. Molecular dynamics simulations indicate that the ligands undergo considerable fluctuations about their equilibrium positions. Finally, apoferritin displays both structural and dynamic responses to anesthetic binding, which may mimic changes elicited by anesthetics in physiologic targets like ion channels.Most general anesthetics alter the activity of ligand-gated ion channels, and electrophysiology, photolabeling, and transgenic animal experiments imply that this effect contributes to the mechanism of anesthesia (19). Although the molecular mechanism for this effect is not yet clear, photolabeling studies indicate that anesthetics bind within the transmembrane regions of Cys-loop ligand-gated ion channels such as the nicotinic acetylcholine and the γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA)2 type A receptors (2, 911). Practical difficulties associated with overexpression, purification, and crystallization of ion channels have thus far stymied investigation of the structural and energetic bases underlying anesthetic recognition. However, general anesthetics also bind specifically to sites in soluble proteins, including firefly luciferase, human serum albumin (HSA), and horse spleen apoferritin (HSAF) (1214), and x-ray crystal structures have been determined for complexes of these proteins with several general anesthetics (1416). In particular, HSAF is an attractive model for studying anesthetic-protein interactions because it has the highest affinity for anesthetics of any protein studied to date, has a unique anesthetic binding site, and is a multimer of 4-helix bundles, much like the putative anesthetic binding regions in ligand-gated channels. In addition, apoferritin is commercially available and crystallizes readily. Most importantly, however, the affinity of HSAF for a broad range of general anesthetics is highly correlated with anesthetic potency, confirming the utility and relevance of this model system (17).Ferritin is a 24-mer iron-binding protein. It sequesters free iron ions, thereby helping to maintain non-toxic levels of iron in the cell and functioning as a cellular iron reservoir (18, 19). Each subunit has a molecular mass of ∼20 kDa and adopts a 4-helix bundle fold. The 24-mer forms a hollow, roughly spherical particle with 432 symmetry. Two ferritin isoforms are found in mammals, heavy (H) and light (L), and 24-mers can contain all H chains, all L chains, or mixtures of varying stoichiometry; the biological significance of the H/L ratio is not yet clear (20).In addition to the large central cavity, the apoferritin 24-mer contains additional, smaller cavities at the dimer interfaces; these smaller cavities are of an appropriate size to accommodate anesthetics. X-ray crystallography has confirmed that this interfacial cavity is the binding site for the inhalational anesthetics halothane and isoflurane, and isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) measurements have shown that this interfacial site has a relatively high affinity for these anesthetics (Ka values ∼105 m−1) (14).General anesthetics fall into at least two broad classes, inhalational and injectable. Whereas both classes of drugs can induce the amnesia, immobility, and hypnosis associated with anesthesia, molecules in the two classes differ substantially in their chemical and physical properties. Prior to this work, only one crystal structure has been available for an injectable general anesthetic complexed with a protein-propofol, bound to HSA (16). This structure revealed that the propofol binding sites on this protein do not, by and large, overlap with the binding sites for inhalational anesthetics. This raises the question of whether the two types of drug invariably bind to separate sets of targets, or whether they could possibly transduce their effects by binding to a single protein site. To address this question we assessed whether propofol binds to the apoferritin site that had been previously identified as the binding site for inhalational anesthetics. Using x-ray crystallography, calorimetry, and molecular modeling, we show that the two types of anesthetics do indeed share a common binding site. We also investigated structure-binding relationships for a homologous series of propofol-like compounds and found that, remarkably, the energetics of binding to apoferritin precisely match the compound''s abilities to potentiate GABA effects at GABAA receptors, suggesting that similar structural and physicochemical factors mediate anesthetic recognition by both apoferritin and ligand-gated ion channels. This argues for the possibility that anesthetic binding might trigger structural and dynamic alterations in GABAA receptors similar to those observed in apoferritin, and that these changes underlie anesthetic effects.  相似文献   
To realize the secretory expression of human insulin-like growth factor-I (hIGF-I) in the posterior silk glands (PSGs) of transgenic silkworms, the piggyBac transposon vector pigA3GFP-fibHS-hIGF-i.e.-neo containing a neomycin-resistance gene (neo), green fluorescent protein gene (gfp) and human insulin-like growth factor I (hIGF-I) gene controlled by the Bombyxmori fibroin heavy chain gene (fib-H) promoter with its downstream signal peptide sequence, and a helper plasmid containing the piggyBac transposase sequence under the control of the B. mori actin 3 gene (A3) promoter were transferred into silkworm eggs by sperm-mediated gene transfer. Transformed silkworms were obtained after being screened for green fluorescence and by the antibiotic G418. In the PSGs of the transformed silkworms, a specific band representing hIGF-I could be detected by Western blotting, and the content of the hIGF-I estimated by ELISA was approximately 1.84 μg/gram of cocoon and 19.18 μg/gram of freeze-dried PSG powder. To further estimate the biological activity of the expressed hIGF-I, streptozotocin-induced TIDM mice were orally administered with the PSG powder of the transgenic silkworms, the results showed the blood glucose levels of mice were significantly reduced, suggesting that the the PSGs powder of transgenic hIGF-I silkworms could possibly be used as a perorally administered medicine.  相似文献   
Bombyxin (BBX) is an insulin-like peptide exists in the silkworm Bombyx mori. Our previous studies on the effects of inhibiting BBX-B8 expression found that BBX-B8 is important for the development of organ, reproduction and trehalose metabolism in the silkworms. In this paper, we investigated the expression profile of the BBX-B8 gene and effect of BBX-B8 overexpression on the development, body weight, silk protein synthesis and egg diapause of B. mori to further understand BBX-B8 functions. BBX-B8 gene expression could be detected in the brains, midguts, anterior silkglands, ovaries, testes, fat bodies, hemolymph, malpighian tubules and embryos by RT-PCR, however it was mainly expressed in the brain. Western blots showed that the change in BBX-B8 expression was not obvious in the brain of 1- to 4-day-old larvae of fifth instar silkworms, but expression increased substantially at 5- to 6-day-old larvae of fifth instar silkworms. Transgenic silkworms overexpressing BBX-B8 were obtained by introducing non-transposon transgenic vector pIZT-B8 containing a BBX-B8 gene driven by Orgyia pseudotsugata nucleopolyhedrovirus IE2 promoter into the genome. Development duration of the transgenic silkworms was delayed by 2.5–3.5 days. Cocoon shell weight of transgenic silkworms was reduced by 4.79 % in females and 7.44 % in males, pupal weight of transgenic silkworms was reduced 6.75 % in females and 13.83 % in males compared to non-transgenic silkworms, and 5.56–14.29 % of transgenic moths laid nondiapausing eggs. All results indicated that BBX-B8 plays an important role in the development, silk protein synthesis and egg diapause of silkworm.  相似文献   
Protein O-mannosyltransferase 1 (POMT1) and its homolog, POMT2, are responsible for the catalysis of the first step in O-mannosyl glycan synthesis. Mutations in their genes are associated with a type of congenital muscular dystrophy called Walker-Warburg syndrome. Arg64, Glu78 and Arg138 in the N-terminus region of ScPmt1p, a POMT homolog in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, are important for transferase activity. Arg138 is also essential for complex formation with ScPmt2p. Here we examined the effects of replacing the corresponding residues in human POMT1 and POMT2 with Ala on complex formation and enzymatic activity. The human POMT1 mutants lost almost all transferase activity while the POMT2 mutants retained enzymatic activity. Neither mutant lost its ability to form complexes with the native counter component. These results indicate that ScPmtps and human POMTs have different mechanisms of complex formation. They also suggest that human POMT1 and POMT2 have discrete functions since the effect of amino acid substitutions on enzymatic activity are different.  相似文献   
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