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Computational tools occupy the prime position in the analysis of large volume of post-genomic data. These tools have advantage over the wet lab experiments in terms of high coverage, cost and time. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in females worldwide. It is a genetically heterogeneous disorder and many genes are involved in the pathway of the disease. Mutations in metastasis suppressor gene are the major cause of the disease. In this study, the effects of mutations in breast cancer metastasis suppressor 1gene upon protein structure and function were examined by means of computational tools and information from databases.This study can be useful to predict the potential effect of every allelic variant, devise new biological experiments and to interpret and predict the patho-physiological impact of new mutations or non-synonymous polymorphisms.  相似文献   
Podophyllotoxin, a well-known naturally occurring aryltetralin lignan occurs in few plant species that is used as a precursor for the chemical synthesis of the anticancer drugs like etoposide, teniposide and etopophose phosphate. The availiability of this lignan is becoming increasingly limited because of the scarce occurance of its natural sources and also because synthetic approaches for its production are still commercially unacceptable. This paper reports first time the production of podophyllotoxin by an endophytic fungus Fusarium oxysporum isolated from the medicinal plant Juniperus recurva. Further confirmation and quantification of podophyllotoxin was performed by HPLC, LC-MS, and LC-MS/MS.  相似文献   
Pheasant reintroduction and conservation efforts have been in place in Pakistan since the 1980 s, yet there is still a scarcity of data on pheasant microbiome and zoonosis. Instead of growing vast numbers of bacteria in the laboratory, to investigate the fecal microbiome, pheasants (green and ring neck pheasant) were analyzed using 16S rRNA metagenomics and using IonS5TMXL sequencing from two flocks more than 10 birds. Operational taxonomic unit (OTU) cluster analysis and phylogenetic tree analysis was performed using Mothur software against the SSUrRNA database of SILVA and the MUSCLE (Version 3.8.31) software. Results of the analysis showed that firmicutes were the most abundant phylum among the top ten phyla, in both pheasant species, followed by other phyla such as actinobacteria and proteobacteria in ring necked pheasant and bacteroidetes in green necked pheasant. Bacillus was the most relatively abundant genus in both pheasants followed by Oceanobacillus and Teribacillus for ring necked pheasant and Lactobacillus for green necked pheasant. Because of their well-known beneficial characteristics, these genus warrants special attention. Bird droppings comprise germs from the urinary system, gut, and reproductive sites, making it difficult to research each anatomical site at the same time. We conclude that metagenomic analysis and classification provides baseline information of the pheasant fecal microbiome that plays a role in disease and health.  相似文献   
The ubiquitous opportunistic human pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa secretes a viscous extracellular polysaccharide, called alginate, as a virulence factor during chronic infection of patients with cystic fibrosis. In the present study, it was demonstrated that the outer membrane protein AlgE is required for the production of alginate in P. aeruginosa. An isogenic marker-free algE deletion mutant was constructed. This strain was incapable of producing alginate but did secrete alginate degradation products, indicating that polymerization occurs but that the alginate chain is subsequently degraded during transit through the periplasm. Alginate production was restored by introducing the algE gene. The membrane topology of the outer membrane protein AlgE was assessed by site-specific insertions of FLAG epitopes into predicted extracellular loop regions.Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an ubiquitous opportunistic human pathogen responsible for chronic infections of the lungs of patients with cystic fibrosis (CF), in whom it is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity (9). The establishment of a chronic infection in the lungs of patients with CF coincides with the switch of P. aeruginosa to a stable mucoid variant, producing copious amounts of the exopolysaccharide alginate; this is typically a poor prognostic indicator for these patients (24, 31). Alginate is a linear unbranched exopolysaccharide consisting of 1,4-linked monomers of β-d-mannuronic acid and its C-5 epimer, α-l-guluronic acid, which is known to be produced by only two bacterial genera, Pseudomonas and Azotobacter (34). The switch to a mucoid phenotype coincides with the appearance of a 54-kDa protein in the outer membrane; this protein has been identified and has been designated AlgE (13, 31).The genes encoding the alginate biosynthesis machinery are located within a 12-gene operon (algD-alg8-alg44-algK-algE-algG-algX-algL-algI-algJ-algF-algA). AlgA and AlgD, along with AlgC (not encoded in the operon), are involved in precursor synthesis (34). Alg8 is the catalytic subunit of the alginate polymerase located at the inner membrane (35). AlgG is a C-5 mannuronan epimerase (19). AlgK contains four putative Sel1-like repeats, similar to the tetratricopeptide repeat motif often found in adaptor proteins involved in the assembly of multiprotein complexes (3, 10). AlgX shows little homology to any known protein, and its role is unclear (14). Knockout mutants of AlgK, AlgG, and AlgX have nonmucoid phenotypes, although they produce short alginate fragments, due to the activity of the alginate lyase (AlgL), which degrades the nascent alginate (1, 14, 19-21, 36). AlgF, AlgI, and AlgJ are involved in acetylation of alginate, but they are not ultimately required for its production (12). The membrane-anchored protein, Alg44, is required for polymerization and has a PilZ domain for the binding of c-di-GMP, a secondary messenger essential for alginate production (16, 25, 33). The periplasmic C terminus of Alg44 shares homology with the membrane fusion proteins involved in the bridging of the periplasm in multidrug efflux pumps (11, 43). The periplasmic alginate lyase, AlgL, appears to be required for the translocation of intact alginate across the periplasm (1, 26). AlgE is an outer membrane, anion-selective channel protein through which alginate is presumably secreted (30). A protein complex or scaffold through which the alginate chain can pass and be modified and which spans the periplasm bridging the polymerase located (Alg8) at the outer membrane pore (AlgE) has been proposed (21). Indeed, it has been demonstrated that both the inner and the outer membranes are required for the in vitro polymerization of alginate (35).The requirement of AlgE for the biosynthesis of alginate in P. aeruginosa was first observed by complementation of an alginate-negative mutant derived by chemical mutagenesis with a DNA fragment containing algE (8) Secondary structure predictions suggested that AlgE forms an 18-stranded β barrel with extended extracellular loops. Several of these loops show high densities of charged amino acids, suggesting a functional role in the translocation of the anionic alginate polymer (29, 30). Preliminary analysis of AlgE crystals has been reported (48).In this study, the role of AlgE in alginate biosynthesis was investigated and the membrane topology of AlgE was assessed by site-directed insertion mutagenesis.  相似文献   
Enzymes from psychrophiles catalyze the reactions at low temperatures with higher specific activity. Among all the psychrophilic enzymes produced, cold active β-galactosidase from marine psychrophiles revalorizes a new arena in numerous areas at industrial level. The hydrolysis of lactose in to glucose and galactose by cold active β-galactosidase offers a new promising approach in removal of lactose from milk to overcome the problem of lactose intolerance. Herein we propose, a 3D structure of cold active β-galactosidase enzyme sourced from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis by using Modeler 9v8 and best model was developed having 88% of favourable region in ramachandran plot. Modelling was followed by docking studies with the help of Auto dock 4.0 against the three substrates lactose, ONPG and PNPG. In addition, comparative docking studies were also performed for the 3D model of psychrophilic β-galactosidase with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. Docking studies revealed that binding affinity of enzyme towards the three different substrates is more for psychrophilic enzyme when compared with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes. It indicates that the enzyme has high specific activity at low temperature when compared with mesophilic and thermophilic enzymes.  相似文献   


Recent studies suggest that acute sleep deprivation disrupts cellular immune responses by shifting T helper (Th) cell activity towards a Th2 cytokine profile. Since little is known about more long-term effects, we investigated how five days of sleep restriction would affect pro-inflammatory, chemotactic, Th1- and Th2 cytokine secretion.


Nine healthy males participated in an experimental sleep protocol with two baseline sleep-wake cycles (sleep 23.00 – 07.00 h) followed by 5 days with restricted sleep (03.00 – 07.00 h). On the second baseline day and on the fifth day with restricted sleep, samples were drawn every third hour for determination of cytokines/chemokines (tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α), interleukin (IL) -1β, IL-2, IL-4 and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)) after in vitro stimulation of whole blood samples with the mitogen phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Also leukocyte numbers, mononuclear cells and cortisol were analysed.


5-days of sleep restriction affected PHA-induced immune responses in several ways. There was a general decrease of IL-2 production (p<.05). A shift in Th1/Th2 cytokine balance was also evident, as determined by a decrease in IL2/IL4 ratio. No other main effects of restricted sleep were shown. Two significant interactions showed that restricted sleep resulted in increased TNF-α and MCP-1 in the late evening and early night hours (p’s<.05). In addition, all variables varied across the 24 h day.


5-days of sleep restriction is characterized by a shift towards Th2 activity (i.e. lower 1L-2/IL-4 ratio) which is similar to the effects of acute sleep deprivation and psychological stress. This may have implications for people suffering from conditions characterized by excessive Th2 activity like in allergic disease, such as asthma, for whom restricted sleep could have negative consequences.  相似文献   
Water is essential for the growth period of crops; however, water unavailability badly affects the growth and physiological attributes of crops, which considerably reduced the yield and yield components in crops. Therefore, a pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of foliar phosphorus (P) on morphological, gas exchange, biochemical traits, and phosphorus use efficiency (PUE) of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids grown under normal as well as water deficit situations at the Department of Agronomy, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan in 2014. Two different treatments (control and P @ 8 kg ha−1 ) and four hybrids (Hycorn, 31P41, 65625, and 32B33) of maize were tested by using a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Results showed that the water stress caused a remarkable decline in total soluble protein (9.7%), photosynthetic rate (9.4%) and transpiration rate (13.4%), stomatal conductance (10.2%), and internal CO2 rate (20.4%) comparative to well-watered control. An increase of 37.1%, 36.8%, and 24.5% were recorded for proline, total soluble sugar, and total free amino acid, respectively. However, foliar P application minimized the negative impact of drought by improving plant growth, physio-biochemical attributes, and PUE in maize plants under water stress conditions. Among the hybrids tested, the hybrid 6525 performed better both under stress and non-stress conditions. These outcomes confirmed that the exogenous application of P improved drought stress tolerance by modulating growth, physio-biochemical attributes, and PUE of maize hybrids.  相似文献   
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