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The inflammatory cytokine IL-1β is critical for host responses against many human pathogens. Here, we define Group B Streptococcus (GBS)-mediated activation of the Nod-like receptor-P3 (NLRP3) inflammasome in macrophages. NLRP3 activation requires GBS expression of the cytolytic toxin, β-hemolysin, lysosomal acidification, and leakage. These processes allow the interaction of GBS RNA with cytosolic NLRP3. The present study supports a model in which GBS RNA, along with lysosomal components including cathepsins, leaks out of lysosomes and interacts with NLRP3 to induce IL-1β production.  相似文献   
The Rieske dioxygenase, anthranilate 1,2-dioxygenase, catalyzes the 1,2-dihydroxylation of anthranilate (2-aminobenzoate). As in all characterized Rieske dioxygenases, the catalytic conversion to the diol occurs within the dioxygenase component, AntAB, at a mononuclear iron site which accepts electrons from a proximal Rieske [2Fe-2S] center. In the related naphthalene dioxygenase (NDO), a conserved aspartate residue lies between the mononuclear and Rieske iron centers, and is hydrogen-bonded to a histidine ligand of the Rieske center. Engineered substitutions of this aspartate residue led to complete inactivation, which was proposed to arise from elimination of a productive intersite electron transfer pathway [Parales, R. E., Parales, J. V., and Gibson, D. T. (1999) J. Bacteriol. 181, 1831-1837]. Substitutions of the corresponding aspartate, D218, in AntAB with alanine, asparagine, or glutamate also resulted in enzymes that were completely inactive over a wide pH range despite retention of the hexameric quaternary structure and iron center occupancy. The Rieske center reduction potential of this variant was measured to be approximately 100 mV more negative than that for the wild-type enzyme at neutral pH. The wild-type AntAB became completely inactive at pH 9 and exhibited an altered Rieske center absorption spectrum which resembled that of the D218 variants at neutral pH. These results support a role for this aspartate in maintaining the protonated state and reduction potential of the Rieske center. Both the wild-type and D218A variant AntABs exhibited substrate-dependent rapid phases of Rieske center oxidations in stopped-flow time courses. This observation does not support a role for this aspartate in a facile intersite electron transfer pathway or in productive substrate gating of the Rieske center reduction potential. However, since the single turnovers resulted in anthranilate dihydroxylation by the wild-type enzyme but not by the D218A variant, this aspartate must also play a crucial role in substrate dihydroxylation at or near the mononuclear iron site.  相似文献   
Tissue invasive helminth infections and tuberculosis (TB) are co-endemic in many parts of the world and can trigger immune responses that might antagonize each other. We have previously shown that helminth infections modulate the Th1 and Th17 responses to mycobacterial-antigens in latent TB. To determine whether helminth infections modulate antigen-specific and non-specific immune responses in active pulmonary TB, we examined CD4+ and CD8+ T cell responses as well as the systemic (plasma) cytokine levels in individuals with pulmonary TB with or without two distinct helminth infections—Wuchereria bancrofti and Strongyloides stercoralis infection. By analyzing the frequencies of Th1 and Th17 CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and their component subsets (including multifunctional cells), we report a significant diminution in the mycobacterial–specific frequencies of mono- and multi–functional CD4+ Th1 and (to a lesser extent) Th17 cells when concomitant filarial or Strongyloides infection occurs. The impairment in CD4+ and CD8+ T cell cytokine responses was antigen-specific as polyclonal activated T cell frequencies were equivalent irrespective of helminth infection status. This diminution in T cell responses was also reflected in diminished circulating levels of Th1 (IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2)- and Th17 (IL-17A and IL-17F)-associated cytokines. Finally, we demonstrate that for the filarial co-infections at least, this diminished frequency of multifunctional CD4+ T cell responses was partially dependent on IL-10 as IL-10 blockade significantly increased the frequencies of CD4+ Th1 cells. Thus, co-existent helminth infection is associated with an IL-10 mediated (for filarial infection) profound inhibition of antigen-specific CD4+ T cell responses as well as protective systemic cytokine responses in active pulmonary TB.  相似文献   
In order to determine the evolutionary relationships among Eimeria species that parasitize birds of the Galliformes, the 18s rDNA gene and a portion of the cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (cox-1) were amplified from Eimeria species isolated from turkeys, chukars, and pheasants. The phylogenetic analysis of these sequences suggests that species infecting chickens are polyphyletic and, therefore, do not all share a direct common ancestor. Both the 18s rDNA and the cox-1 sequences indicate that Eimeria tenella and Eimeria necatrix are more closely related to Eimeria of turkeys and pheasants than to other species that infect the chicken. It is, therefore, likely that the chicken Eimeria spp. represent 2 separate ancestral colonizations of the gut, one of which comprises E. tenella and E. necatrix that infect the ceca, while the other includes Eimeria acervulina, Eimeria brunetti, Eimeria maxima, and Eimeria mitis, which infect the upper regions of the intestine.  相似文献   
Murine Aim2 and p202 proteins (encoded by the Aim2 and Ifi202 genes) are members of the IFN-inducible p200 protein family. Both proteins can sense dsDNA in the cytoplasm. However, upon sensing dsDNA, only the Aim2 protein through its pyrin domain can form an inflammasome to activate caspase-1 and induce cell death. Given that the p202 protein has been predicted to inhibit the activation of caspase-1 by the Aim2 protein and that increased levels of the p202 protein in female mice of certain strains are associated with lupus susceptibility, we compared the expression of Aim2 and Ifi202 genes between Aim2-deficient and age-matched wild-type mice. We found that the Aim2 deficiency in immune cells stimulated the expression of Ifi202 gene. The increased levels of the p202 protein in cells were associated with increases in the expression of IFN-β, STAT1, and IFN-inducible genes. Moreover, after knockdown of Aim2 expression in the murine macrophage cell line J774.A1, IFN-β treatment of cells robustly increased STAT1 protein levels (compared with those of control cells), increased the activating phosphorylation of STAT1 on Tyr-701, and stimulated the activity of an IFN-responsive reporter. Notably, the expression of Aim2 in non-lupus-prone (C57BL/6 and B6.Nba2-C) and lupus-prone (B6.Nba2-ABC) splenic cells and in a murine macrophage cell line that overexpressed p202 protein was found to be inversely correlated with Ifi202. Collectively, our observations demonstrate an inverse correlation between Aim2 and p202 expressions. We predict that defects in Aim2 expression within immune cells contribute to increased susceptibility to lupus.  相似文献   
Inflammasomes are cytosolic multi-molecular complexes that sense intracellular microbial danger signals and metabolic perturbations. Inflammasome activation leads to the activation of caspase-1 and the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 accompanied by cell death. An inflammasome-based surveillance machinery for Gram-negative bacterial infections has been recently discovered. This noncanonical inflammasome relies on sensing the cytosolic presence of lipopolysaccharide of Gram-negative bacteria via inflammatory caspases such as caspase-4, -5, and -11. This review discusses the recent findings related to the mechanism of activation of the noncanonical inflammasome and its biological functions.  相似文献   
Chitin is an abundant polysaccharide found in fungal cell walls, crustacean shells, and insect exoskeletons. The immunological properties of both chitin and its deacetylated derivative chitosan are of relevance because of frequent natural exposure and their use in medical applications. Depending on the preparation studied and the end point measured, these compounds have been reported to induce allergic responses, inflammatory responses, or no response at all. We prepared highly purified chitosan and chitin and examined the capacity of these glycans to stimulate murine macrophages to release the inflammasome-associated cytokine IL-1β. We found that although chitosan was a potent NLRP3 inflammasome activator, acetylation of the chitosan to chitin resulted in a near total loss of activity. The size of the chitosan particles played an important role, with small particles eliciting the greatest activity. An inverse relationship between size and stimulatory activity was demonstrated using chitosan passed through size exclusion filters as well as with chitosan-coated beads of defined size. Partial digestion of chitosan with pepsin resulted in a larger fraction of small phagocytosable particles and more potent inflammasome activity. Inhibition of phagocytosis with cytochalasin D abolished the IL-1β stimulatory activity of chitosan, offering an explanation for why the largest particles were nearly devoid of activity. Thus, the deacetylated polysaccharide chitosan potently activates the NLRP3 inflammasome in a phagocytosis-dependent manner. In contrast, chitin is relatively inert.  相似文献   
The study of diffusion in macromolecular solutions is important in many biomedical applications such as separations, drug delivery, and cell encapsulation, and key for many biological processes such as protein assembly and interstitial transport. Not surprisingly, multiple models for the a-priori prediction of diffusion in macromolecular environments have been proposed. However, most models include parameters that are not readily measurable, are specific to the polymer-solute-solvent system, or are fitted and do not have a physical meaning. Here, for the first time, we develop a homogenization theory framework for the prediction of effective solute diffusivity in macromolecular environments based on physical parameters that are easily measurable and not specific to the macromolecule-solute-solvent system. Homogenization theory is useful for situations where knowledge of fine-scale parameters is used to predict bulk system behavior. As a first approximation, we focus on a model where the solute is subjected to obstructed diffusion via stationary spherical obstacles. We find that the homogenization theory results agree well with computationally more expensive Monte Carlo simulations. Moreover, the homogenization theory agrees with effective diffusivities of a solute in dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions measured using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy. Lastly, we provide a mathematical formula for the effective diffusivity in terms of a non-dimensional and easily measurable geometric system parameter.  相似文献   
A20 has been suggested to limit NF‐κB activation by removing regulatory ubiquitin chains from ubiquitinated substrates. A20 is a ubiquitin‐editing enzyme that removes K63‐linked ubiquitin chains from adaptor proteins, such as RIP1, and then conjugates them to K48‐linked polyubiquitin chains to trigger proteasomal degradation. To determine the role of the deubiquitinase function of A20 in downregulating NF‐κB signaling, we have generated a knock‐in mouse that lacks the deubiquitinase function of A20 (A20‐OTU mice). These mice are normal and have no signs of inflammation, have normal proportions of B, T, dendritic, and myeloid cells, respond normally to LPS and TNF, and undergo normal NF‐κB activation. Our results thus indicate that the deubiquitinase activity of A20 is dispensable for normal NF‐κB signaling.  相似文献   
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