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In Scylla serrata (Forskal), copper is present in detectable quantities in all tissues except the central nervous system. 75% of animal's total copper is found in the haemolymph, hepatopancreas, and cuticle. Both the haemolymph and the hepatopancreas share equally ≈ 60% of the animal's total copper. Copper is found in the TCA-soluble and insoluble fractions of water-soluble tissue extracts and in the chloroform : methanol-soluble and insoluble fractions of water-insoluble residue from the hepatopancreas. No other tissue has all the fractions of copper. In haemolymph copper is present only in the TCA-insoluble fraction. The TCA-soluble fraction is also absent in muscles. The absence of any lipid-bound copper in other tissues and the presence of copper in all fractions from the hepatopancreas indicates that this tissue may play a major role in the mobilization, conservation and detoxication of copper.  相似文献   
For the transfer of genes from B. tournefortii (TT) to the allotetraploid oilseed brassicas, B. juncea AABB, B. carinata BBCC and B. napus AACC, B. tournefortii was first crossed with the three basic diploid species, B. campestris (AA), B. nigra (BE) and B. oleracea (CC), to produce the allodiploids TA, TB and TC. These were tetraploidized by colchicine treatment to produce the allotetraploids TTAA, TTBB and TTCC, which were further crossed with B. juncea and B. napus to produce three-genome hybrids with substitution-type genomic configurations: TACC, TBAA and TCAA. These hybrids along with another hybrid TCBB produced earlier, the three allodiploids, their allotetraploids and the four diploid parent species were studied for their male meiotic behaviour. The diploid parent and the allotetraploids (TTAA, TTBB and TTCC) showed regular meiosis although the pollen viability was generally low in the allotetraploids. In the allodiploids (TA, TB and TC) only some end-to-end associations were observed without any clearly discernible chiasmata or exchange points. Chromosomes involved in end-to-end associations were randomly distributed at the metaphase/anaphase-I stages. In contrast, the three-genome hybrids (TACC, TBAA, TCAA and TCBB) showed normal bivalents whose number exceeded the expected bivalent values. Bivalents arising out of homoeologous pairing were indistinguishable from normal pairs by their disjunction pattern but could be distinguished on the basis of the heteromorphy of the homoeologous chromosomes. The three-genome hybrids could be backcrossed to allotetraploid oilseed brassicas as they had some fertility. In contrast, the allodiploids could neither be selfed nor back-crossed. On the basis of their meiotic stability, in terms of more pronounced homoeologous pairing and fertility for backcrossing, the three-genome configurations provide the best possible situation for the introgression of alien genes from the secondary gene pool to the allotetraploid oilseed crops B. juncea, B. napus and B. carinata.  相似文献   
Most of the alloplasmic cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) systems are known to be associated with a number of floral abnormalities that result from nuclear-cytoplasmic incompatibilities. One such system, tour, which is derived from Brassica tournefortii, induces additional floral abnormalities and causes chlorosis in Brassica spp. While the restorer for this CMS has been reported to be present in B. napus, in B. juncea, where the abnormalities are more pronounced, no restorer has yet been identified. Rectification of these floral abnormalities through mitochondrial recombinations and chloroplast replacement might result in the improvement of this CMS system. As organelle recombinations can possibly be achieved only by somatic cell hybridization, fusion experiments were carried out between hygromycin-resistant B. juncea AABB carrying tour cytoplasm and phosphinotricin-resistant, normal B. oleracea CC to generate AABBCC hexaploid somatic hybrids. The presence of selectable marker genes facilitated the selection of hybrids in large numbers. The resulting hybrids showed wide variation in floral morphology and organelle composition. Regenerants with normal, male-sterile flowers having recombinant tour-or oleracea-type mitochondria and oleracea-type chloroplasts were obtained. Hybrids with male-fertile flowers were also obtained that had recombined tour mitochondria. The AABBCC hexaploid hybrids synthesized in the present study were successfully utilized as a bridging material for transferring variability in the organelle genome simultaneously to all the digenomic Brassica species, and all of these hybrids are now being stabilized through repeated backcrosses to the allopolyploid crop brassicas.  相似文献   
Oilseed crop Brassica carinata BBCC is a natural allotetraploid of diploid species B. nigra BB and B. oleracea CC. To transfer the nuclear and organelle genes in a concerted manner from an alien species, B. tournefortii TT, to B. carinata, we produced somatic hybrids with genomic configuration TCBB using B. nigra and B. oleracea stocks that carried selectable marker genes. B. tournefortii TT was sexually crossed with hygromycin-resistant B. oleracea CC. Protoplasts isolated from shoot cultures of hygromycin-resistant F1 hybrids of B. tournefortiixB. oleracea TC were fused with protoplasts of kanamycin-resistant B. nigra BB. In two different fusion experiments 80 colonies were obtained through selection on media containing both hygromycin and kanamycin. Of these, 39 colonies regenerated into plants. Analysis of 15 regenerants by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers showed the presence of all three genomes, thereby confirming these to be true hybrids. Restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of organelle genomes with heterologous chloroplast (cp)and mitochondrial (mt) DNA probes showed that the chloroplast genome was inherited from either of the two parents while mitochondrial genomes predominantly showed novel configurations due to either rearrangements or intergenomic recombinations. We anticipate that the TCBB genomic configuration will provide a more conducive situation for recombination between the T and C genomes during meiosis than the TTCCBB or TCCBB type configurations that are usually produced for alien gene transfer. The agronomic aim of producing TCBB hybrids is to transfer mitochondrial genes conferring cytoplasmic male sterility and nuclear genes for fertility restoration from B. tournefortii to B. carinata.  相似文献   
Various forms of stress have been shown to alter natural killer (NK) cell activity and tumorigenesis; however, few studies have measured these two variables simultaneously. Isolation of mice was utilized as a model of stress by which to study NK cell activity and pulmonary metastatic response following a tumor challenge. Male C3H mice were group or individually housed for 3 weeks, after which CIRAS 3 fibrosarcoma tumor cells or the tumor vehicle was injected intravenously (tail vein), NK cell activity, pulmonary metastasis, and plasma corticosterone were measured 1, 7, and 21 days following tumor cell inoculation. Individually housed mice, irrespective of tumor or vehicle condition, had a higher NK response on Day 1 relative to group-housed animals (P less than 0.001). By Day 21, tumor condition, rather than housing, was the major significant factor affecting NK activity (P less than 0.001). Nevertheless, individually housed, tumor-injected mice still had higher NK activity compared with the other treatment groups on Day 21. No effect of housing condition was present for the incidence of pulmonary metastases or frequency of metastases in affected animals. Plasma corticosterone levels generally increased over the study period, with no housing or injection effects at Days 1 and 7. Individually housed, vehicle-injected mice had higher corticosterone levels at Day 21 (P less than 0.01). These data suggest that in response to housing condition, NK cell activity differs in tumor-bearing mice and vehicle controls. Furthermore, CIRAS 3 pulmonary tumor formation is not affected by differences in NK activity consequent to housing condition. Plasma corticosterone does not appear to be a major in vivo regulator of NK activity in this experimental tumor system. Finally, the interpretation of housing effects on NK activity and plasma corticosterone levels depends on the temporal window in which sampling occurs.  相似文献   
Multi-protein complexes, termed “inflammasomes,” are known to contribute to neuronal cell death and brain injury following ischemic stroke. Ischemic stroke increases the expression and activation of nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain (NOD)-like receptor (NLR) Pyrin domain containing 1 and 3 (NLRP1 and NLRP3) inflammasome proteins and both interleukin (IL)-1β and IL-18 in neurons. In this study, we provide evidence that activation of either the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways was partly responsible for inducing the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasome proteins and that these effects can be attenuated using pharmacological inhibitors of these two pathways in neurons and brain tissue under in vitro and in vivo ischemic conditions, respectively. Moreover, these findings provided supporting evidence that treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIg) preparation can reduce activation of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways resulting in decreased expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes, as well as increasing expression of anti-apoptotic proteins, Bcl-2 and Bcl-xL, in primary cortical neurons and/or cerebral tissue under in vitro and in vivo ischemic conditions. In summary, these results provide compelling evidence that both the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways play a pivotal role in regulating the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes in primary cortical neurons and brain tissue under ischemic conditions. In addition, treatment with IVIg preparation decreased the activation of the NF-κB and MAPK signaling pathways, and thus attenuated the expression and activation of NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasomes in primary cortical neurons under ischemic conditions. Hence, these findings suggest that therapeutic interventions that target inflammasome activation in neurons may provide new opportunities in the future treatment of ischemic stroke.  相似文献   
The effect of Sargassum polycystum crude extract on lipid metabolism was examined against acetaminophen-induced (800 mg/kg body wt., intraperitoneally) hyperlipidemia during toxic hepatitis in experimental rats. The animals intoxicated with acetaminophen showed significant elevation in the levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and free fatty acid in both serum and liver tissue. The levels of tissue total lipids and serum LDL-cholesterol were also elevated with depleted levels of serum HDL-cholesterol and tissue phospholipid. The acetaminophen-induced animals showed significant alterations in the activities of lipid metabolizing enzymes serum lecithin cholesterol acyl transferase (LCAT) and hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL). The levels of liver tissue fatty acids (saturated, mono and polyunsaturated) such as palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid, linoleic acid, arachidonic acid and linolenic acid monitored by gas chromatography were considerably altered in acetaminophen intoxicated animals when compared with control animals. The prior oral administration of Sargassum polycystum (200 mg/kg body wt./day for a period of 15 days) crude extract showed considerable prevention in the severe disturbances of lipid profile and metabolizing enzymes triggered by acetaminophen during hepatic injury. Liver histology also showed convincing supportive evidence regarding their protective nature against fatty changes induced during acetaminophen intoxication. Thus the present study indicates that the protective nature of Sargassum polycystum extract may be due to the presence of active compounds possessing antilipemic property against acetaminophen challenge. (Mol Cell Biochem 276: 89–96, 2005)  相似文献   
International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics - Marine ecosystems are unique and a largely diverse chest of natural resources which are still to be explored for new marine species....  相似文献   
Non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC) is the most common type of skin cancer in Caucasian populations. Its increasing incidence has been a major public health concern. Elevated expressions of ODC and COX-2 are associated with both murine and human NMSCs. Inhibition of these molecular targets singly employing their respective small molecule inhibitors showed limited success. Here, we show that combined blockade of ODC and COX-2 using their potent inhibitors, DFMO and diclofenac respectively abrogates growth of A431 epidermal xenograft tumors in nu/nu mice by more than 90%. The tumor growth inhibition was associated with a diminution in the proliferation and enhancement in apoptosis. The proliferation markers such as PCNA and cyclin D1 were reduced. TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells and cleaved caspase-3 were increased in the residual tumors. These agents also manifested direct target-unrelated effects. Reduced expression of phosphorylated MAPKAP-2, ERK, and Akt (ser473 & thr308) were noticed. The mechanism by which combined inhibition of ODC/COX attenuated tumor growth and invasion involved reduction in EMT. Akt activation by ODC+COX-2 over-expression was the key player in this regard as Akt inhibition manifested effects similar to those observed by the combined inhibition of ODC+COX-2 whereas forced over-expression of Akt resisted against DFMO+diclofenac treatment. These data suggest that ODC+COX-2 over-expression together leads to pathogenesis of aggressive and invasive cutaneous carcinomas by activating Akt signaling pathway, which through augmenting EMT contributes to tumor invasion.  相似文献   
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