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Marker-assisted selection (MAS) uses genetic marker genotypes to predict an animal's production potential and will provide additional selection information for progeny testing. With the discovery of highly polymorphic microsatellite markers, the tools now exist to begin the search for economic trait loci (ETL), which is the first step toward MAS. The objective of this study was to identify ETL for somatic cell score in an existing Holstein population. Using the granddaughter design, sons from seven grandsire families were genotyped with 20 autosomal microsatellites from five chromosomes (4, 8, 13, 17, 23), with an emphasis on chromosome 23, which is the location of the bovine major histocompatibility complex (BoLA). Selective genotyping was used to reduce the number of genotypes required, in which the 10 highest and 10 lowest sons from the phenotypic distribution curve were tested (140 sons in seven families). One marker (513), located near BoLA, showed evidence of an ETL in three of five polymorphic families. Additional sons were genotyped from the five families to estimate the effect and to compare selective and ‘complete’ genotyping. Both methods detected an ETL at marker 513, but in different families. This study provides evidence of the usefulness of microsatellite markers and the granddaughter design in the detection of ETL; however, additional markers need to be evaluated to determine the usefulness of selective genotyping. Based on the results from the 20 studied markers, the most likely position of a somatic cell score ETL lies near marker 513, located on chromosome 23.  相似文献   
Genetic variation at the Major Histocompatibility Complex locus DQ beta was analyzed in 233 beluga whales (Delphinapterus leucas) from seven populations: St. Lawrence Estuary, eastern Beaufort Sea, eastern Chukchi Sea, western Hudson Bay, eastern Hudson Bay, southeastern Baffin Island, and High Arctic and in 12 narwhals (Monodon monoceros) sympatric with the High Arctic beluga population. Variation was assessed by amplification of the exon coding for the peptide binding region via the polymerase chain reaction, followed by either cloning and DNA sequencing or single-stranded conformation polymorphism analysis. Five alleles were found across the beluga populations and one in the narwhal. Pairwise comparisons of these alleles showed a 5:1 ratio of nonsynonymous to synonymous substitutions per site leading to eight amino acid differences, five of which were nonconservative substitutions, centered around positions previously shown to be important for peptide binding. Although the amount of allelic variation is low when compared with terrestrial mammals, the nature of the substitutions in the peptide binding sites indicates an important role for the DQ beta locus in the cellular immune response of beluga whales. Comparisons of allele frequencies among populations show the High Arctic population to be different (P < or = .005) from the other beluga populations surveyed. In these other populations an allele, Dele-DQ beta*0101-2, was found in 98% of the animals, while in the High Arctic it was found in only 52% of the animals. Two other alleles were found at high frequencies in the High Arctic population, one being very similar to the single allele found in narwhal.   相似文献   
It has been proposed that the acute desensitization of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGF-R) function can be accounted for, in part, by the effect of EGF to increase phosphorylation of the receptor at Ser1046/7 (Countaway, J.L., Nairn, A.C., and Davis, R.J. (1992) J. Biol. Chem. 267, 1129-1140). Here, we show that the mutational removal of this phosphorylation site causes an activation of EGF-R function and a potentiation of signal transduction. The mechanism of potentiation results from 1) defective down-regulation of the EGF-R when cells are incubated with high concentrations of EGF; and 2) increased EGF-stimulated tyrosine phosphorylation. The increased EGF-stimulated phosphorylation is associated with an alteration of the apparent specificity of tyrosine phosphorylation and is independent of the down-regulation defect. Together, these data strongly support the hypothesis that Ser1046/7 is a biologically significant site of regulatory phosphorylation of the EGF-R.  相似文献   
A top-down approach to mechanistic modeling of biological systems is presented and exemplified with the development of a hypothesis-driven mathematical model for single-chain antibody fragment (scFv) folding in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by mediators BiP and PDI. In this approach, model development starts with construction of the most basic mathematical model—typically consisting of predetermined or newly-elucidated biological behavior motifs—capable of reproducing desired biological behaviors. From this point, mechanistic detail is added incrementally and systematically, and the effects of each addition are evaluated. This approach follows the typical progression of experimental data availability in that higher-order, lumped measurements are often more prevalent initially than specific, mechanistic ones. It also necessarily provides the modeler with insight into the structural requirements and performance capabilities of the resulting detailed mechanistic model, which facilitates further analysis. The top-down approach to mechanistic modeling identified three such requirements and a branched dependency-degradation competition motif critical for the scFv folding model to reproduce experimentally observed scFv folding dependencies on BiP and PDI and increased production when both species are overexpressed and promoted straightforward prediction of parameter dependencies. It also prescribed modification of the guiding hypothesis to capture BiP and PDI synergy.  相似文献   
High-level expression of mammalian G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) is a necessary step toward biophysical characterization and high-resolution structure determination. Even though many heterologous expression systems have been used to express mammalian GPCRs at high levels, many receptors are improperly trafficked or are inactive in these systems. En route to engineering a robust microbial host for GPCR expression, we have investigated the expression of 12 GPCRs in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where all receptors are expressed at the mg/L scale. However, only the human adenosine A2a (hA2aR) receptor is active for ligand-binding and located primarily at the plasma membrane, whereas other tested GPCRs are mainly retained within the cell. Selective receptors associate with BiP, an ER-resident chaperone, and activated the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway, which suggests that a pool of receptors may be folded incorrectly. Leader sequence cleavage of the expressed receptors was complete for the hA2aR, as expected, and partially cleaved for hA2bR, hCCR5R, and hD2LR. Ligand-binding assays conducted on the adenosine family (hA1R, hA2aR, hA2bR, and hA3R) of receptors show that hA2aR and hA2bR, the only adenosine receptors that demonstrate leader sequence processing, display activity. Taken together, these studies point to translocation as a critical limiting step in the production of active mammalian GPCRs in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   
The similarity of two nucleotide sequences is often expressed in terms of evolutionary distance, a measure of the amount of change needed to transform one sequence into the other. Given two sequences with a small distance between them, can their similarity be explained by their base composition alone? The nucleotide order of these sequences contributes to their similarity if the distance is much smaller than their average permutation distance, which is obtained by calculating the distances for many random permutations of these sequences. To determine whether their similarity can be explained by their dinucleotide and codon usage, random sequences must be chosen from the set of permuted sequences that preserve dinucleotide and codon usage. The problem of choosing random dinucleotide and codon-preserving permutations can be expressed in the language of graph theory as the problem of generating random Eulerian walks on a directed multigraph. An efficient algorithm for generating such walks is described. This algorithm can be used to choose random sequence permutations that preserve (1) dinucleotide usage, (2) dinucleotide and trinucleotide usage, or (3) dinucleotide and codon usage. For example, the similarity of two 60-nucleotide DNA segments from the human beta-1 interferon gene (nucleotides 196-255 and 499-558) is not just the result of their nonrandom dinucleotide and codon usage.   相似文献   
Proteins with RER-specific signal sequences are cotranslationally translocated across the rough endoplasmic reticulum through a proteinaceous channel composed of oligomers of the Sec61 complex. The Sec61 complex also binds ribosomes with high affinity. The dual function of the Sec61 complex necessitates a mechanism to prevent signal sequence-independent binding of ribosomes to the translocation channel. We have examined the hypothesis that the signal recognition particle (SRP) and the nascent polypeptide-associated complex (NAC), respectively, act as positive and negative regulatory factors to mediate the signal sequence-specific attachment of the ribosome-nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocation channel. Here, SRP-independent translocation of a nascent secretory polypeptide was shown to occur in the presence of endogenous wheat germ or rabbit reticulocyte NAC. Furthermore, SRP markedly enhanced RNC binding to the translocation channel irrespective of the presence of NAC. Binding of RNCs, but not SRP-RNCs, to the Sec61 complex is competitively inhibited by 80S ribosomes. Thus, the SRP-dependent targeting pathway provides a mechanism for delivery of RNCs to the translocation channel that is not inhibited by the nonselective interaction between the ribosome and the Sec61 complex.  相似文献   
The climatic cycles with subsequent glacial and intergalcial periods have had a great impact on the distribution and evolution of species. Using genetic analytical tools considerably increased our understanding of these processes. In this review I therefore give an overview of the molecular biogeography of Europe. For means of simplification, I distinguish between three major biogeographical entities: (i) "Mediterranean" with Mediterranean differentiation and dispersal centres, (ii) "Continental" with extra-Mediterranean centres and (iii) "Alpine" and/or "Arctic" with recent alpine and/or arctic distribution patterns. These different molecular biogeographical patterns are presented using actual examples. Many "Mediterranean" species are differentiated into three major European genetic lineages, which are due to glacial isolation in the three major Mediterranean peninsulas. Postglacial expansion in this group of species is mostly influenced by the barriers of the Pyrenees and the Alps with four resulting main patterns of postglacial range expansions. However, some cases are known with less than one genetic lineage per Mediterranean peninsula on the one hand, and others with a considerable genetic substructure within each of the Mediterranean peninsulas, Asia Minor and the Maghreb. These structures within the Mediterranean sub-centres are often rather strong and in several cases even predate the Pleistocene. For the "Continental" species, it could be shown that the formerly supposed postglacial spread from eastern Palearctic expansion centres is mostly not applicable. Quite the contrary, most of these species apparently had extra-Mediterranean centres of survival in Europe with special importance of the perialpine regions, the Carpathian Basin and parts of the Balkan Peninsula. In the group of "Alpine" and/or "Arctic" species, several molecular biogeographical patterns have been found, which support and improve the postulates based on distribution patterns and pollen records. Thus, genetic studies support the strong linkage between southwestern Alps and Pyrenees, northeastern Alps and Carpathians as well as southeastern Alps and the Dinaric mountain systems, hereby allowing conclusions on the glacial distribution patterns of these species. Furthermore, genetic analyses of arctic-alpine disjunct species support their broad distribution in the periglacial areas at least during the last glacial period. The detailed understanding of the different phylogeographical structures is essential for the management of the different evolutionary significant units of species and the conservation of their entire genetic diversity. Furthermore, the distribution of genetic diversity due to biogeographical reasons helps understanding the differing regional vulnerabilities of extant populations.  相似文献   
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