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The formation and maintenance of tight junctions as a barrier to the diffusion of ions and other water-soluble across epithelia is an energy-dependent process. The administration of N-formyl-hydroxyaminoacetic acid (Hadacidin), an analog of aspartate and a competitive inhibitor of adenylosuccinate synthetase, has been shown to inhibit the multiplication of clone 4 MDCK cells and concomitantly reduce the levels of ATP and cAMP (J. Cell. Physiol. 140, 186-194 (1989)). When added to mitotically quiescent confluent cultures of clone 4 MDCK cells, millimolar concentrations of Hadacidin inhibited the generation of transepithelial electrical resistance (TER). In such cultures passive Na+ permeability was similar to controls indicating that the effect of Hadacidin was not on the transcellular pathway. That these cells were viable was demonstrated by their ability to exclude Trypan Blue, and the fact that they remained competent to develop steady state TER upon removal of the inhibitor. Suppression of TER was completely reversed within 48 h of replacing the Hadacidin-supplemented medium with one containing aspartate. Adenosine, but not aspartate, when added simultaneously with the drug, obviated the latter's effect on TER. A mixture of dibutyryl cAMP (db-cAMP) and theophylline was only partially effective in overcoming the effects of Hadacidin on the development of TER and, in fact, markedly delayed its development in control cultures not treated with the drug. When monolayers with established steady state TER were exposed to Hadacidin, no change was noted during the first 24 h. By 48 h, however, TER had decreased to very low values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Summary On solid substrates MDCK, a cell line derived from normal dog kidney, forms a confluent monolayer that is studded with blisters. Previous studies with this cell line suggest that these hemicysts develop as a result of active fluid accumulation between cell sheet and substratum. One factor that may determine when and how hemicysts appear only in localized sites is the interruption of occluding junctions in nonhemicyst areas. To study this possibility, we compared the permeability characteristics of the occluding junctions in hemicysts and in an uninterrupted monolayer of MDCK grown on a permeable support of collagen-coated nucleopore filter. The spontaneous electrical potential differences were small, without statistical differences between them. Relative ionic permeability coefficients were evaluated from the voltage deflections to imposed salt gradients or to a single ion substitution across both structures. The results showed that the relative permeability ratios for Na+, K+, choline+, and Cl were the same in hemicysts and the uninterrupted monolayer. These and other results indicate that the junctional complex encircling the apical surface of a sheet of MDCK cells can provide an effective permeability barrier constituting a true occluding junction with the same properties in hemicyst and nonhemicyst areas.  相似文献   
Summary A Na+-dependent hexose transport system with similar characteristics to that observed in the kidney is retained in a cultured epithelial cell line from pig kidney (LLC-PK1). The active transport of methyl-d-glucoside ( MGP), a nonmetabolizable sugar, which shares the glucose-galactose transport system in kidney cells is mediated through a Na+-dependent, substrate-saturable process. The kinetic analysis of the effect of Na+ on the uptake of MGP indicated that the Na+-sugar cotransport system is an affinity type system in which the binding of either sugar or Na+ to carrier increases the affinity for the other ligand without affecting theV max. The sequence of selectivity for different sugars studied by the inhibition produced in the uptake of MGP is very similar to that reported in rat kidney, rabbit kidney cortex slices, and rabbit renal brush border membrane vesicles. Phlorizin, even at very low concentration, almost completely inhibits MGP uptake. Conversely, phloretin at the same low concentration stimulated the sugar accumulation by inhibition of efflux, probably at the level of the basolateral membrane. Sulfhydryl group inhibitors also blocked the MGP uptake, suggesting that these groups were required for normal functioning of the sugar carrier system. This sugar transport system is an important functional marker to study the molecular events associated with the development of polarization in epithelial cells.  相似文献   
Junctional permeability determinations after microinjection of the fluorescent tracer, Lucifer Yellow CH, show that the cells in confluent monolayers of the renal epithelial cell lines LLC-PK1 and A6 are interconnected by intercellular junctions. This cell-to-cell communication network permits the fluorescent dye to diffuse from the microinjected cell into multiple adjacent neighboring cells. Cell-to-cell diffusion of the fluorescent dye was not observed at pH 6.0. Full recovery occurred, however, when the pH of the extracellular medium was adjusted to 7.4. To provide a sensitive index of the averaged efficacy of junctional communication, we measured the number of cells that survived ouabain treatment in a 50% mixture of wild and ouabain-resistant mutant LLC-PK1 cells. Electron probe microanalysis in uncoupled cells showed that ouabain treatment produced two populations of cells, with totally different intracellular Na+ and K+ content. Under this condition, only 50% of the population survived after 48 h of treatment. When ouabain treatment was initiated 24 h after plating, however, 100% survival was observed, and the cells contained uniform intracellular Na+ and K+ concentration. This finding is consistent with the theory that this protective effect is mediated through the presence of the functional communicating intercellular junctions. When ouabain was applied at different times after plating, full protection is reached by 2 h. The early development of cell-to-cell communication, which precedes the development of the occluding junctions and several transport systems by several hours, is consistent with the involvement of the intercellular junctions in the synchronization of the polarization process.  相似文献   
Pairs of laboratory–reared F1, and F2 males and females of Notropis leedsi were observed in aquaria. Analyses of spawning histories and ovum diameter histograms showing the pattern of ovum development demonstrated that females produced multiple clutches of eggs. Each clutch is comprised of oocytes which undergo synchronous development and are oviposited within a relatively short period of time. Examinations of collections from streams in Florida and Georgia showed that N. leedsi has a spawning season which lasts at least from May to September. Because the pattern of ovum development in wild-caught females was the same as that observed in laboratory females, we believe that our laboratory observations demonstrate processes which occur in the natural environment. A total of 193 spawning intervals was observed in 34 pairs kept at 22–26°C in the laboratory. The interspawning intervals ranged from 3 to 10 days, with a mean of 4.6 days and a mode of 4 days. The clutches ranged in size from 26 to 28 ova for females of 36.7–52.5 mm standard length.  相似文献   
Studies of the localization of the Na+-dependent sugar transport in monolayers of LLC PK1 cells show that the uptake of a methyl α-d-glucoside, a nonmetabolizable sugar which shares the glucose-galactose transport system, occurs mainly from the apical side of the monolayer. Kinetics of [3H]phlorizin binding to monolayers of LLC PK1 cells were also measured. These studies demonstrate the presence of two distinct classes of receptor sites. The class comprising high affinity binding sites had a dissociation constant (Kd) of 1.2 μM and a concentration of high affinity receptors of 0.30 μmol binding sites per g DNA. The other class involving low affinity sites had a Kd of 240 μM with the number of binding sites equal to 12 μmol/g DNA. Phlorizin binding at high affinity binding sites is a Na+-dependent process. Binding at the low affinity sites on the contrary is Na+-independent. The mode of action of Na+ on the high affinity binding sites was to increase the dissociation constant without modifying the number of binding sites. The Na+ dependence and the matching of Kd for high affinity binding sites with the Ki of phlorizin for the inhibition of methyl α-d-glucoside strongly suggest that the high affinity phlorizin binding site is, or is part of the methyl α-d-glucoside transport system. Binding studies from either side of the monolayer also show that the binding of phlorizin at the Na+ dependent high affinity binding sites occurs mainly from the apical rather than the basolateral side. The specific location of the Na+-dependent sugar transport system in the apical membrane of LLC PK1 cells is, therefore, another expression of the functional polarization of epithelial cells that is retained under tissue culture condition. In addition, since this sugar transport almost disappears after the cells are brought into suspension, it can be used as a marker to study the development of the apical membrane in this cell line.  相似文献   
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