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Semiarid environments throughout the world have lost a major part of their woody vegetation and biodiversity due to the effects of wood cutting, cattle grazing and subsistence agriculture. The resulting state is typically used for cattle production, but the productivity of these systems is often very low, and erosion of the unprotected soil is a common problem. Such dry‐land degradation is of great international concern, not only because the resulting state is hardly productive but also because it paves the way to desertification. The natural distribution of the genus Prosopis includes arid and semiarid zones of the Americas, Africa and Asia, but the majority of the Prosopis species are, however, native to the Americas. In order to assess a likely gradient in the response of tree species to precipitation, temperature and their connection to El Niño southern oscillation (ENSO) events, two Prosopis species were chosen along a latitudinal gradient in Latin America, from northern Peru to central Chile: Prosopis pallida from a semi‐arid land in northern and southern Peru and P. chilensis from a semiarid land in central Chile. Growth rings of each species were crossdated at each sampling site using classical dendrochronological techniques. Chronologies were related with instrumental climatic records in each site, as well as with SOI and N34 series. Cross‐correlation, spectral and wavelet analysis techniques were used to assess the relation of growth with precipitation and temperature. Despite the long distance among sites, the two Prosopis species presented similar responses. Thus, the two species' growth is positively correlated to precipitation, while with temperature it is not. In northern Peru, precipitation and growth of P. pallida present a similar cyclic pattern, with a period of around 3 years. On the other hand, P. pallida in southern Peru, and P. chilensis also present this cyclic pattern, but also another one with lower frequency, coinciding with the pattern of precipitation. Both cycles are within the range of the ENSO band.  相似文献   
Worldwide measurements of nearly 130 C3 species covering all major plant functional types are analysed in conjunction with model simulations to determine the effects of mesophyll conductance (gm) on photosynthetic parameters and their relationships estimated from A/Ci curves. We find that an assumption of infinite gm results in up to 75% underestimation for maximum carboxylation rate Vcmax, 60% for maximum electron transport rate Jmax, and 40% for triose phosphate utilization rate Tu. Vcmax is most sensitive, Jmax is less sensitive, and Tu has the least sensitivity to the variation of gm. Because of this asymmetrical effect of gm, the ratios of Jmax to Vcmax, Tu to Vcmax and Tu to Jmax are all overestimated. An infinite gm assumption also limits the freedom of variation of estimated parameters and artificially constrains parameter relationships to stronger shapes. These findings suggest the importance of quantifying gm for understanding in situ photosynthetic machinery functioning. We show that a nonzero resistance to CO2 movement in chloroplasts has small effects on estimated parameters. A non‐linear function with gm as input is developed to convert the parameters estimated under an assumption of infinite gm to proper values. This function will facilitate gm representation in global carbon cycle models.  相似文献   
Spider ants of the genus Leptomyrmex Mayr (Hymenoptera: Formicidae: Dolichoderinae) are conspicuous species of Australasian rainforests, with putative fossil relatives in the Neotropics and Europe. There is longstanding debate over the biogeographical history of the genus, with the Palaearctic and Neotropical regions proposed as alternate centres of origin. We propose a resolution of this debate with the recent discovery and analysis of an extant species from central Brazil, L. relictus sp.n. , which we describe from workers, males and brood. We sequence ten nuclear genes in the new species and in several Australian Leptomyrmex species, and append these data to a 54‐taxon, 10‐gene data matrix previously generated for the subfamily Dolichoderinae. We conduct phylogenetic and divergence dating analyses, and re‐evaluate the fossil record of the group. We recover Leptomyrmex relictus sp.n. as a member of the Leptomyrmex clade with high support. It is sister to the Australasian species, and the genus Leptomyrmex is, in turn, sister to a pair of Neotropical genera, Forelius and Dorymyrmex. We infer a Neotropical origin for the genus and estimate a mid‐Eocene (46 Ma, 95% CI 56 to 36 Ma) origin for the crown genus and an Oligocene origin for the Australasian clade (29 Ma, 95% CI 40 to 19 Ma). We confirm placement of the Dominican amber species ?L. neotropicus Baroni Urbani in the genus but reject a close relationship with the Palaearctic fossil taxa ?Leptomyrmula Emery and ?Usomyrma Dlussky, Radchenko & Dubovikoff, considering them incertae sedis in the subfamily (Dolichoderinae). In contrast to the mesophilic preferences of the Australasian species of Leptomyrmex, the new Brazilian species inhabits cerrado (dry savannah). Our results support a Neotropical origin for spider ants with dispersal to Australia. Rafting on west‐bound currents and/or a historical diversity imbalance between Australia and South America are proposed as alternate hypotheses to explain a pattern of biased E–W mid‐Tertiary dispersal for ants with austral distributions. This pattern is suggested by our results in conjunction with observations of other ant clades. Overall, our findings highlight the value of integrated taxonomy, critical interpretation of morphology, and a comparative phylogenetic framework when conducting palaeontological and biogeographical studies of insect species. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:6E9E6617‐6E53‐40B8‐82C7‐67F89A83C553 .  相似文献   
The biomass of tropical forests plays an important role in the global carbon cycle, both as a dynamic reservoir of carbon, and as a source of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere in areas undergoing deforestation. However, the absolute magnitude and environmental determinants of tropical forest biomass are still poorly understood. Here, we present a new synthesis and interpolation of the basal area and aboveground live biomass of old‐growth lowland tropical forests across South America, based on data from 227 forest plots, many previously unpublished. Forest biomass was analyzed in terms of two uncorrelated factors: basal area and mean wood density. Basal area is strongly affected by local landscape factors, but is relatively invariant at regional scale in moist tropical forests, and declines significantly at the dry periphery of the forest zone. Mean wood density is inversely correlated with forest dynamics, being lower in the dynamic forests of western Amazonia and high in the slow‐growing forests of eastern Amazonia. The combination of these two factors results in biomass being highest in the moderately seasonal, slow growing forests of central Amazonia and the Guyanas (up to 350 Mg dry weight ha?1) and declining to 200–250 Mg dry weight ha?1 at the western, southern and eastern margins. Overall, we estimate the total aboveground live biomass of intact Amazonian rainforests (area 5.76 × 106 km2 in 2000) to be 93±23 Pg C, taking into account lianas and small trees. Including dead biomass and belowground biomass would increase this value by approximately 10% and 21%, respectively, but the spatial variation of these additional terms still needs to be quantified.  相似文献   
Abstract: Exceptionally preserved sauropod embryos from the Late Cretaceous Anacleto Formation in Auca Mahuevo (Neuquén Province, Argentina) have provided fundamental information on titanosaurian ontogeny. This paper describes the dental composition, disposition and microstructure of the specimens. Embryonic teeth show size disparity, with lengths that vary from 1 to 3 mm and diameters ranging from 0.15 to 0.26 mm, with the most frequent length values between 2.5 and 3 mm. Apparently, a typical ‘pencil‐like’ tooth morphology and a dental formula of Pm 4, M 7–8/D10? remained constant during titanosaurian ontogeny, whereas the arrangement of teeth in the skull shows notable ontogenetic changes. Absence of wear facets on teeth suggests a lack of prenatal chewing movements. The enamel proportion is significantly higher in embryos than in mature titanosaurs, which suggests that this relationship varies during ontogeny. Embryonic bony tissue is composed of highly vascularized, cellular woven bone. The absence of osteonal tissue, the high degree of vascularization, the presence of numerous osteocytes and poor development of periosteal bone reveals that the Auca Mahuevo titanosaurs would have had a high early growth rate and that they were buried at a relatively advanced embryonic stage.  相似文献   
Plants have evolved several anti‐herbivory strategies, including direct defences, such as mechanical and chemical defences, and indirect or biotic defences, such as the recruitment of defending animals. We examined whether the investment plants make in direct defences differs between those which do and do not invest in biotic defences, by comparing standing herbivory and palatability of congeneric species with and without indirect defences at two ontogenetic stages: before and after the onset of indirect defences. We used Cordia alliodora and Croton suberosus as the species with indirect defences and Cordia elaeagnoides and Croton pseudoniveus as the species without indirect defences. We predicted that herbivores would prefer to eat species and stages with indirect defences to those without them. As predicted, we found that herbivores preferred species and ontogenetic stages with indirect defences in all cases. Overall, however, natural levels of herbivory were lower in species with indirect defences. We conclude that indirect defences offer effective protection against herbivores and posit that their recruitment allows plants to reduce investment in other defence mechanisms. Our results support the notion that plants trade‐off between direct and indirect defensive strategies. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 101 , 536–543.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. Total DNA/organism was determined by flow cytometry on stocks of 33 single-cell-isolate clones and one strain of mithramycin-stained Trypanosoma cruzi. Interstrain differences in mean total DNA/group of 34% and interclone differences in total DNA/organism of 41% were found. Microspectrofluorometric analyses of the trypomastigote stage of selected clones confirmed the flow cytometry data and indicated that the total DNA/organism differences were due to differences in DNA of both the nucleus and kinetoplast with the nucleus being the major contributing factor. These data imply that the potential for genetic diversity in T. cruzi may be very large.  相似文献   
The influence of phytochrome on endosperm softening and cellulaseactivity was studied on light-stimulated Datura ferox seeds.Endosperm softening preceded the earliest signs of radicle protrusion,and there was good correlation between the % of seeds with softendosperm at 48 h after R and germination at 96 h after R. Cellulaseactivity was stimulated by R and the increase in activity preceded,by more than 24h, radicle protrusion and endosperm softening.The effect of R was reversed by FR, but, by delaying the irradiationwith FR until cellulase activity had increased significantly,it was observed that removing Pfr did more than just stop anyfurther increase, the level of cellulase activity decreasedin about 24 h close to the dark controls. Cellulase activitywas decreased by a FR irradiation even when more than 60% germinationhad escaped from reversion. These results indicate that phytochromeinfluence on cellulase is not an indirect consequence of thestimulus of germination and that the continuous presence ofPfr is required for the cellulase activity to remain high. Thepossibility that cellulase and other degrading enzymes may bepart of the mechanism of light-induced germination is discussed. Key words: Phytochrome, germination, cellulase  相似文献   
Abstract:  Forty-five specimens of Leptomitus conicus sp. nov. have been collected from the base of the Murero Formation (Caesaraugustan, Middle Cambrian) in the Murero area of Zaragoza, north-east Spain. The new species is a small obconical sponge, which has coarse oxeas forming parallel rods that run the whole length of the specimens in the manner typical of the genus. The biostratigraphy and facies of the levels with Leptomitus conicus have been analysed. Palaeoecological information derived from associated trilobites, brachiopods and ichnofossils shows that L. conicus lived in a soft substrate of a sublittoral environment of low to low/moderate energy. According to established Cambrian palaeogeographical reconstructions, a tropical distribution is inferred for the genus Leptomitus . Based on body shape, wall structure and stratigraphical distribution, a phylogenetic tree of the various Leptomitus species is proposed, with a central stock of simple cylindrical sponges branching out to other morphs.  相似文献   
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