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The distributional abundance of 13 species of southern Peruvian rodents is significantly correlated with altitude and patterns of vegetation but vegetation is a better predictor than altitude. Coincidental reversals in the altitudinal trends of both vegetation and rodents demonstrate that rodents are responding to vegetation patterns. Abundance and diversity of rodents are greatest around 4000 m elevation which coincides with the region of greatest vegetational abundance and seasonally heavy rainfall.
The rodent communities consist of two separate feeding guilds, omnivores and insectivores and these guilds show distinctly different distributional patterns. Insectivorous species are strongly associated with the zone of seasonally heavy rainfall (4000 m) whereas omnivorous rodents are relatively abundant over a broader spectrum of elevations and habitats. In a previous study of these same communities, we showed a correspondence between rodent morphology and their diets. This study reveals a correspondence between distributional abundance of the various species and their diets. We conclude that the distributional abundance of southern Peruvian rodents is related to the physiological constraints imposed by altitude (climate) and the distributional abundance of food resources.  相似文献   
A new species of Phylloscopus warbler, which we name Phylloscopus calciatilis Limestone Leaf Warbler, is described from central and northern Vietnam and central and northern Laos; it probably also breeds in southernmost China. In morphology, the new species is very similar to Sulphur-breasted Warbler Phylloscopus ricketti , but it is smaller with a proportionately larger bill and rounder wing. Its song and calls are diagnostic. Based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, the new species is most closely related to P. ricketti and Yellow-vented Warbler Phylloscopus cantator , and it is inferred to be sister to the latter. The mitochondrial divergences between these three species are at the low end of the variation found in other species of Phylloscopus and Seicercus warblers, but greater than in other taxa generally treated as subspecies. Possible introgressive hybridization between the new species and P. ricketti is discussed, but more data are needed to establish whether it does occur and, if it does, to what extent. The new species appears to have a restricted breeding range in limestone karst environments, where it is locally common and therefore not under any immediate threat. In view of the recognition of the new species, all previous records of P. ricketti sensu lato need to be re-evaluated.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite (FGM) assays are a popular means of monitoring adrenocortical activity (i.e., physiological stress response) in wildlife. Species-specific differences in glucocorticoid metabolism and excretion require assay validation, including both laboratory and biological components, before assay use in new species. We validated a commercially available radioimmunoassay (MP 125I corticosterone RIA kit [MP Biomedicals, Solon, OH]) for measuring FGMs of several South African herbivores, including giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis), impala (Aepyceros melampus), nyala (Tragelaphus buxtoni), kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros), wildebeest (Connochaetes taurinus), and zebra (Equus burchelli). These herbivores are important in South African parks and reserves for ecotourism and as a prey base for predators and serve an integral role in ecosystem processes. Standard biochemical validations (e.g., recovery of exogenous corticosterone, intra- and interassay variation, and parallelism) demonstrated that the assay accurately and precisely measured FGMs of all 6 herbivore species. Our biological validations demonstrated that the assay was sensitive enough to detect changes in FGM production associated with season. Samples collected during the dry season (Jun-Aug) contained higher FGM concentrations than those from the wet season (Dec-Feb) in all species. We established optimal sample dilutions and reference FGM levels for these 6 herbivores, which can now be used to monitor the effects of management and ecotourism activities on the stress responses of these herbivores.  相似文献   
Abstract: African elephants (Loxodonta africana) are intensively managed in southern Africa and are routinely translocated between reserves. Domesticated elephants are used for elephant-back safaris and interactions with guests. Understanding how elephants respond to such activities is critical because of welfare issues associated with both humans and elephants. We investigated the stress response (i.e., fecal glucocorticoid metabolite secretion [FGM]) of working elephants in Letsatsing Game Reserve, South Africa, over 1 year to evaluate their response to transportation and ecotourism activities. We used free-ranging elephants in adjacent Pilanesburg National Park as controls. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolites were greatest prior to and during translocation and declined over the year. Within 1–2 months of transportation, FGM levels in working elephants became indistinguishable from those in wild elephants. Fecal glucocorticoid metabolite levels were higher during human interaction days than days without interaction. The highest observed FGM levels were associated with transportation and episodic loud noises. Transportation is a stressful activity for elephants, and ≥3 months should be provided to translocated elephants to acclimate to their new surroundings. Although stress levels of elephants increased slightly when interacting with humans in the contexts we studied, evaluating interactions under a wider range of contexts is necessary to minimize danger to elephants and humans.  相似文献   
An artificial intergeneric hybrid derived from sexual hybridization between Arabidopsis thaliana (female) and Pachycladon cheesemanii (male) is characterized and formally named as ×Pachydopsis hortorum. A hybrid origin for ×Pachydopsis is supported by a chromosome number of 2n = 15, with this comprising haploid gametes from A. thaliana (n = 5) and P. cheesemanii (n = 10). DNA fingerprinting using amplified fragment length polymorphism data also confirmed the parentage of the hybrid, as it comprised the additive total of all of the fragments scored for P. cheesemanii and most of those scored for A. thaliana. ×Pachydopsis is a robust perennial herb with numerous leafy rosettes and long inflorescences like P. cheesemanii, and floral parts that are intermediate between the parents. ×Pachydopsis produces sterile pollen. Female function of ×Pachydopsis is partially normal, with the pollen of A. thaliana and several species of Pachycladon readily germinating on the stigma, and pollen tubes growing down the style and transmission tissue into the ovary. No seed was formed from these pollinations, although one embryo developed but subsequently aborted at the torpedo stage. Colchicine was used to induce polyploid inflorescences, and these were confirmed by the size and density of the stomata and pollen diameter. Flowers from the polyploid inflorescences of ×Pachydopsis were backcrossed with A. thaliana Landsberg erecta and 11 seeds were produced. Four backcross hybrid plants were raised and two of these had a chromosome number of 2n = 20, consistent with a haploid gamete (n = 15) from polyploid × Pachydopsis being fertilized by a haploid pollen gamete (n = 5) from A. thaliana Landsberg erecta. Polyploid × Pachydopsis flowers backcrossed with P. cheesemanii and crossed with P. novae‐zelandiae did not produce any seeds. The partially fertile intergeneric hybrid described here between Arabidopsis and Pachycladon is remarkable in that, although the two genera occur in an Arabidopsoid clade, they are separated by a reasonable phylogenetic distance. This relationship suggests that Pachycladon and ×Pachydopsis have the potential to be employed in the study of evolutionary and ecological processes using the wide array of Arabidopsis resources. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 157 , 533–544.  相似文献   
  • 1 Naupliar and copepodid development times (Dn and Dc, respectively) of two African freshwater calanoids (Metadiaptomus meridianus and Tropodiaptomus spectabilis) were measured on mono-specific diets of comparably sized Chlamydomonas reinhardii, Scenedesmus acutus, Cryptomonas sp., Rhodomonas minuta, Cyclotella meneghiniana, and Selenastrum capricornutum, to test the nutritional adequacy of these algae. Comparisons were made at a standard temperature (17°C) and food supply level (1 mgCl?1).
  • 2 All diets other than Scenedesmus and Selenastrum supported complete naupliar development at broadly comparable times within and between calanoids, apart from greatly protracted Dn values for M. meridianus on Cyclotella. Dc durations were more variable between diet types, and both Chlamydomonas and Cyclotella were inferior or inadequate for copepodid development.
  • 3 Both naupliar and copepodid stages ingested radiolabelled Scenedesmus and Selenastrum readily. Comparative incorporation rate measures of Selenastrum and Cryptomonas respectively exceeded estimated metabolic maintenance needs of stage 3/4 nauplii of T. spectabilis by some 56% and 790%. Scope for growth (‘surplus’ energy) was accordingly fourteen-fold greater on Cryptomonas than on Selenastrum /Scenedesmus. The dietary inadequacy of these two green algae is thus attributed largely to low digestibility, and perhaps some biochemical deficiency.
Environmental Stewardship (ES) is the main mechanism for reversing the decline in farmland birds in England, and includes a range of options designed to provide winter foraging for seed‐eating species. We estimated granivorous songbird densities on ES options designed to provide winter food, on farms within the Entry Level (ELS) or Higher Level (HLS) strata of ES. ES Wild Bird Mixtures (WBMs) hosted higher densities and a wider range of granivores than non‐ES game covers, although in East Anglia the enhanced HLS WBM was used no more than the basic ELS WBM. In the West Midlands there were low densities of granivores on all WBMs and game covers. The widespread ELS WBM appeared to provide little food for buntings but supported finches, partially through greater weed burdens. There was a weak, non‐significant trend for Skylarks Alauda arvensis to make greater use of ELS cereal stubbles than non‐ES stubbles, possibly because of post‐harvest herbicide restrictions allowing overwinter weed growth. At the field scale, this work demonstrates that although some ES options provide winter food resources for birds, there is limited evidence for additional benefits of Higher Level vs. Entry Level Stewardship to wintering farmland songbirds.  相似文献   
Within the Bunyaviridae virus family, members of the genus Tospovirus are unique in their ability to infect plants. A characteristic genetic difference between tospoviruses and the animal-infecting members of this virus family is the occurrence of an additional gene, denoted NSM, located on the genomic M RNA segment. This gene has previously been implicated in the cell-to-cell movement of this virus during systemic infection. Transgenic tobacco plants have been obtained expressing the NSM protein of tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), the type member of the tospoviruses, from a constitutive promoter. Detectable amounts of the NSM protein could be observed in plants from nine different lines. The protein was only detectable in fractions enriched for cell wall material. More detailed immunogold labelling studies revealed specific association of NSM protein with plasmodesmata. Plants accumulating the NSM protein to detectable levels developed aberrations in growth, resulting in a significant reduction of size and accelerated senescence. In addition, these plants are restricted in their capacity to produce flowers. The results presented provide additional evidence that the NSM protein, by modifying plasmodesmata, represents the cell-to-cell movement function of tospoviruses. Furthermore, the phenotype of the NSM transgenic plants suggests involvement of the NSM gene product in TSWV symptom expression  相似文献   
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