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The cells dissociated from developing embryos of Japanese flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus) are cultured in vitro to examine the developmental fate of their pigment cells in relation to establishment of bilaterally asymmetric integumental coloration in vivo. When neurula embryos are dissociated using trypsin–EDTA in Dulbecco's modified Ca2+–, Mg2+–free phosphate buffered saline and then cultured in vitro using L–15–based fetal calf serum–supplemented growth medium at 20°C, numerous pigment cells appear twice in the same culture with an interval of approximately 1 month even under similar culture conditions. The first group of pigment cells, which is relatively larger in cell size (about 70 μm wide) and lower in cell density, emerges within 12 hr after plating, whereas the second, which is far smaller in cell size (about 30 μm) and overwhelmingly higher in cell density than the first, does so about 1 month after plating. The timing of their appearances in vitro is in good accordance, respectively, with that observed for the larvae under normal development in vivo; the first group appears at the period corresponding to hatching, whereas the second at the period corresponding to the completion of metamorphosis. Light microscopic examinations disclose that each group of pigment cells is composed of black melanophores and reflecting leucophores, and that the population density of melanophores and leucophores in the first group at the climax of appearance is approximated as 1:4. Typical xanthophores that are distributed in the skin of the larvae of this species are scarcely observed in culture in vitro. Because of their dual synchronous appearances with about 1 month interval under the similar culture conditions, and because of their low proliferative activity during the periods from the first appearance to the second, it is presumed that both groups of pigment cells are installed with a clock set differently for their differentiation. Light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry on cultured cells using the HNK–I antibody, which marks avian migratory neural crest cells, both disclose that the antibody cross–reacts with all these pigment cells, and that a certain number of immunoreactive unpigmented cells exist even at the time of the second appearance of pigment cells. These findings would imply that the second group of pigment cells served in a form of undifferentiated propigment cells up to metamorphosis, at which they start to differentiate under control of a clock presumably set during neurulation.  相似文献   
长江三峡地区上震旦统稳定同位素异常及地层意义   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
三峡地区广泛发育的上震旦统,及下伏的南沱组和古城组冰碛层,有良好的生物地层控制及全球对比意义。新秭归城附近的雾河剖面,自南沱组顶部到水井沱组下部出露有利于化学地层学研究的一系列碳酸盐岩沉积,对这一剖面的碳,氧,锶同位素研究发现:1)碳,锶和氧同位素在陡山沱组顶部到灯影组底部存在明显异常;2)碳同位素在寒武系-前寒武系界线附近有负异常;3)碳同位素和锶同位素在剖面上的演化具有全球对比意义;4)陡山沱组顶部到灯影组底部的碳,锶同位素异常,与可能存在末远古纪的冰期,即所谓的“后Marinoan冰期”有关。  相似文献   
Abstract.  Termites (Isoptera) are eusocial insects and express polyphenism. Soldiers have specialized morphology for colony defense, but their feeding activity is dependent on other colony members. To determine differences in cellulose degradation between soldier and worker termites, enzymatic activity and cellulase gene expression, as well digestive tract histology, are examined in two phylogenetically distant species. In Hodotermopsis sjostesti (family Termopsidae) , endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity is identified in the salivary glands, whereas β-glucosidase activity is identified in salivary glands and hindgut. The relative expression levels of endo-β-1,4-glucanase genes in soldiers are significantly lower than in workers. Thin sections of salivary gland of workers and soldiers are different in H. sjostedti . In Nasutitermes takasagoensis (family Termitidae), the endo-β-1,4-glucanase activity is restricted to the midgut in four tested castes (i.e. three types of workers and soldier). Examination of activity per termite reveals the highest activity in minor workers and the lowest activity in major workers and soldiers. The β-glucosidase activity is also concentrated on the midgut in all four castes. The relative expression level of the endo-β-1,4-glucanase gene does not correspond with its activity in the midgut. In thin sections prepared from N. takasagoensis , the folds and pulvillus in the gizzards, and cuticle structure of soldiers are less developed compared with the other three worker castes. The differences in digestive system among termite castes in terms of caste development in each species are discussed.  相似文献   
Yeast Glucan in the Cyst Wall of Pneumocystis carinii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ultrastructurally, the cyst wall of Pneumocystis carinii consists of an electron-dense outer layer, an electron-lucent middle layer, and an innermost plasmalemma. This is similar in appearance to the cell wall of some yeasts, e.g. Saccharomyces cerevisiae , which consists of an outer dense layer of mannan, a middle lucent layer of β−1,3-glucan (yeast glucan) and an innermost plasmalemma. The cyst wall P. carinii , as well as the cell wall of S. cerevisiae , can be labeled by a variety of methods which stain polysaccharides, such as Gomori's methenamine silver (GMS) and by Aniline blue, a dye which selectively stains β-1,3-glucan. The treatment of P. carinii cysts with Zymolyase, which the key enzyme is β,3-gIucan laminari-pentaohydrolase, results in lysis of the outer 2 layers of the cyst wall and the loss of positive staining by both GMS and Aniline blue. The lysis of elements of the cyst wall of P. carinii is achieved under the same conditions and concentration at which Zymolyase lyses the outer 2 layers of the cell wall of viable cells of S. cerevisiae . These observations indicate that a major component of the cyst wall of P. carinii is β-1,3-glucan.  相似文献   
The following enzyme activities were determined in the mitochondria of cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Suisei No. 2) during ammonium toxicity: malate dehydrogenase, succinate dehydrogenase, glutamate dehydrogenase, cytochrome c oxidase, NADH diaphorase, NADH oxidase, succinate: cytochrome c oxidoreductase, NADH: cytochrome c oxidoreductase and adenosine triphosphatase. The activities of all enzymes except ATPase increased more or less during ammonium toxicity. Generally speaking the marked increase was found at 7 days treatment with 200 mg/1 NH3-N. The adenosine triphosphatase activity of injured plants was lower than that of normal plants through treatment. The addition of various organic acids (15 mM) to the culture solution contaning 200 mg/1 NH3-N (14.3 mM NH4Cl) suppressed the ammonium toxicity. The accumulation of free ammonia in the leaves was also repressed by the addition of organic acids. The results of present and previous reports suggest that the increase of respiratory metabolism due to ammonium toxicity is required for the supply of organic acids, specially δ-ketoglutaric acid, to counteract ammonia. Uncoupling in mitochondria resulting in the increase of respiration does not seem to occur during ammonium toxicity.  相似文献   
Timers in Early Development of Sea Urchin Embryos   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
To elucidate the timing mechanisms in the early development of sea urchin embryos, we measured the times of initiation of the first four cleavages, of ciliary movement, of primary mesenchyme cell ingression, and of gastrulation at four temperatures ranging from 11 to 20°C. The times of cleavage and of initiation of ciliary movement showed similar temperature dependency, indicating that these events may be controlled by a common timer (the first timer). Although batches of eggs often showed variation in the period between fertilization and the first cleavage, their subsequent cleavages were more regular. This indicates that the first timer may not start at fertilization. The ingression of mesenchyme cells and the onset of gastrulation showed similar temperature dependency that was higher than that of other events, suggesting the existence of a second timer. Temperature shift experiments indicate that the second timer starts at the mid-blastula (the 8–9th cleavage) stage when divisions of blastomeres become asynchronous.  相似文献   
The changes of granule bound starch synthetase activity in cucumber leaves (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Suisei No. 2) were investigated during ammonium toxicity. Generally speaking the quantity of starch granules of injured plants were less than that of normal plants. ADPG is a more effective glucose donor to starch synthesis than UDPG. It was found that the starch synthetase activity of injured plants was decreased compared to the normal plants. This variation of enzyme activity was higher when UDPG was used as glucose donor. The addition of K+ and NH4+ generally inhibited the enzyme activity when UDPG was used as glucose donor, but stimulated it when ADPG was used. This stimulation was found to be more effective in enzymes prepared from injured plants than from normal plants. The level of potassium bound to starch granules was not changed markedly between normal and injured plants.  相似文献   
Stem cell factor (SCF) has been suggested to be indispensable for the development of neural crest cells into melanocytes because Steel mutant mice (i.e., Sl/Sf1) have no pig-mented hairs. On the other hand, it has been demonstrated that the addition of endothelin 3 (ET-3) or TPA to neural crest cell cultures can induce melanocyte differentiation without addition of extrinsic SCF. In this study, we excluded the influence of intrinsic SCF by using SI/SI mouse embryos to study more precisely the effects of natural cytokines, such as extrinsic soluble SCF or ET-3, or chemical reagents, such as TPA or cholera toxin. We found that SCF is supplied within the wild-type neural crest explants and that ET-3 cannot induce melanocyte differentiation or proliferation without SCF. These results indicate that SCF plays a critical role in survival or G1/S entry of melanocyte progenitors and that SCF initially stimulates their proliferation and then ET-3 accelerates their proliferation and differentiation. TPA has the ability to elicit neural crest cell differentiation into melanocytes without exogenously added SCF but it is not as effective as SCF because many more melanocytes developed in the wild-type neural crest explants cultured with TPA.  相似文献   
A population of the butterfly Luehdorfia japonica dependent on a small stand of an unusual host plant, Asarum caulescens, was found and observed for 5 years. The plant was growing in patchy clumps in a forest and in an adjoining clearing, but the number of leaves in the clearing decreased during the 5 year study period. Butterflies laid eggs mostly in or near the clearing, and the number of eggs steadily decreased year by year, along with the decrease in the number of leaves. The survival rate of the larvae was similar to that of the same species feeding on the usual host plant, Asarum takaoi, in an adjacent habitat. It is considered that A. caulescens is rarely a host of L. japonica because the plant grows in shady conditions and the butterfly prefers a host plant growing in a sunny locations for oviposition.  相似文献   
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