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Abstract The Celsis ATP Bioluminescence method was optimized and validated to detect the presence of microbial contamination in High Fluoride and Triclosan dentifrice formulations. Several enrichment broths were evaluated by using a 24–27 h incubation period. The ATP concentrations of the enrichment broths were found to a range from 0.012 to 0.040 nM. None of the tested enrichment broths were found to exhibit any sample inhibition/enhancement effects on the ATP Bioluminescence reaction. Dentifrice suspensions were inoculated with bacteria, yeast, and mold. All test microorganisms (ca. 1–15 CFU/g) were detected within a 24–27 h incubation period by using TAT Broth Base enrichment broths containing different concentrations of the following ingredients: Tween 20, Neopeptone, Dextrose, Triton X-100, Thiosulfate, Sodium Dibasic Phosphate, and Glycine. Negative ATP response after 24–27 h of incubation at 35C indicates the absence of contamination from these products.  相似文献   
Root morphology, shoot morphology, and water uptake for Agavedeserti and Ferocactus acanthodes of various sizes were studiedusing allometric relationships (y = axb) and a previously developedwater uptake model. Shoot surface area increased with shootvolume with an exponent b of 0.75 for both species. Root lengthand the ground area explored by the roots increased with shootsurface area with b's of 0.72 for A. deserti and 0.92 for F.acanthodes. Various sized individuals had about the same ratioof root length to explored ground area, with higher values occurringfor A. deserti. Predicted water uptake averaged over the exploredground area was approximately constant over a 104-fold rangein shoot surface area, suggesting that shoot size confers nointraspecific competitive advantage for water uptake. For theroot lengths per explored ground area observed in the field,water uptake was predicted to be 85 per cent of maximal; wateruptake could be increased by the production of more rain roots.When differences in shoot volume were accounted for by allometry,small plants had relatively less shoot surface area and relativelymore root length per shoot volume than did large plants, whichmay be important for the water relations of seedling establishment. Agave deserti, Ferocactus acanthodes, allometry, desert succulents, root distribution, root length, seedling growth, seedling establishment, shoot surface area, shoot volume, water uptake  相似文献   
In springwater (25.5 mol m–3 Cl, 20.4 mol m–3Na+, 0.14 mol m–3 K+) Enteromorpha intestinalis couldnot survive for more than a few weeks unless provided with 0.5mol m–3 K+ in the medium or alternatively exposed to seawaterfor 1 day per week. Maintenance of a cytoplasmic K+ level ofabout 200 mol m–3 is critical for the maintenance of normalmetabolic activity. Net gains of intracellular K+ occurred whenthe plants were transferred from low-salinity to seawater; converselylarge net losses occurred when plants were transferred fromseawater to springwater. These two processes were not simplythe reverse of one another; net gain of K+ involved a largeincrease in the tracer flux both into and out of the cell butnet loss of K+ virtually halted the tracer flux into the cell.Any injury incurred by rapid salinity changes was short-lived;plants were rapidly able to adjust intracellular [K1.K+). K+(orto some extent Rb+) was found to be necessary in the effluxmedium for 42K+ exchange to occur. The osmotic concentrationof the medium was also important but extracellular Na+ and Clconcentrationswere not critical. K+ influx and efflux in both springwaterand seawater were largely independent of light and were sensitivein varying degrees to a range of common metabolic inhibitorsand uncouplers. The results are best explained by the presenceof an active K+ influx, generated by an ATP-dependent K+ pumpat the plasmalemma. Key words: Enteromorpha, Potassium transport, Salinity changes, Uncouplers, Inhibitors  相似文献   
The formation of mouse coat color is a relatively complex developmental process that is affected by a large number of mutations, both naturally occurring and induced. The cloning of the genes in which these mutations occur and the elucidation of the mechanisms by which these mutations disrupt the normal pigmentation pattern is leading to an understanding of the way interactions between gene products lead to a final phenotype.  相似文献   
The predictable pattern of cell shape changes characterizinganimal development must be a consequence of control mechanismsthat are at least analogous to those operating in dividing cells.When cells change shape by an internal mechanism, it is impliedthat they also contain systems that will activate and deactivatethe mechanism, localize it within the cell, insure proper timing,and impart the proper vectoral qualities. Experimental investigationsdesigned to elucidate similar processes in dividing cells revealthat the physical mechanism that accomplishes cytokinesis isestablished at or near the equatorial cell surface by the mitoticapparatus. The process is completed by late metaphase or earlyanaphase. In cleaving eggs a pair of asters can substitute forthe intact mitotic apparatus. The nature of the stimulus whichapparently passes from the mitotic apparatus to the surfaceis presently unknown. It moves toward the surface at about 6microns per minute and requires about 1 minute to establishthe mechanism. The resulting equatorial contractile activityis initially isotropic but becomes anisolropic at the beginningof visible constriction.  相似文献   
The passive sorption of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, Ni+2, and Mn+2 by isolated corn mitochondria was determined, and, except for Pb+2, the maximum sorption for each cation was about 58 nmol per milligram of protein. Sorption of Pb+2 was apparently ten times greater, but precipitation may have been the cause of this larger value. The effects of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, and Ni+2 on acceptorless rates of electron transport for three substrates were determined. Greater than 50% inhibitions of oxidation were observed for succinate after additions of >0.1 mM Cd+2, Zn+2, or Pb+2: for NADH after additions of >0.5 mM Cd+2 or Zn+2; and for malate + pyruvate after additions of >0.1 mM Cd+2. Some inhibition of the rate of substrate oxidation was observed for most cations at higher concentrations. Coupling, as measured by ADP/O ratios, was inhibited at lowest concentrations by Cd+2 or Zn+2 and at higher concentrations by Co+2 or Ni+2. Substantial swelling of mitochondria oxidizing succinate was observed following additions of O.1 mM Cd+2 or Pb+2, Correlations are drawn between the effects of Pb+2, Cd+2, Zn+2, Co+2, and Ni+2 and their sorption to mitochondrial membranes.  相似文献   
Acclimation is a common phenotypic response to environmentalchange. Acclimation is often thought to enhance performanceand thus to be adaptive. This view has recently been formalizedas the "Beneficial Acclimation Hypothesis" and predicts thatindividuals acclimated to one environment perform better inthat environment than do individuals acclimated to a differentenvironment. Although Beneficial Acclimation is appealing andwidely supported, recent studies with E. coli and Drosophilahave challenged its general validity. Although these challengescould be dismissed as mere exceptions, they encourage a re-evaluationof the adaptive significance of acclimation. Our philosophicalapproach differs from that of most previous studies of acclimation,in which the prediction derived from a Beneficial Acclimationperspective (e.g., heat tolerance is positively correlated withacclimation temperature) is tested against the null hypothesis("single hypothesis approach"). Instead, we follow Huey andBerrigan (1996) in advocating a strong inference approach (sensuPlatt, 1964), which recognizes that Beneficial Acclimation isactually one of a set of competing hypotheses that make differentpredictions as to how developmental temperature influences thethermal sensitivity of adults ("developmental acclimation").Using this perspective, Huey and Berrigan proposed a factorialexperimental design (3 developmental by 3 adult temperatures)designed to discriminate among all competing hypotheses. Wenow derive a formal statistical model (ANOVA with orthogonalpolynomial contrasts) for this experimental design and use itto evaluate simultaneously the relative impact of each competinghypothesis. We then apply this model to several case studies(Drosophila, Volvox, Trichogramma), and we review also a recentstudy with E. coli. The influence of Beneficial Acclimationis supported (albeit often weakly) in most cases. Nevertheless,other hypotheses (especially the Optimal Developmental TemperatureHypothesis) often have a greater impact. Even so, however, BeneficialAcclimation usually predicts relative performance at extremetest temperatures. We conclude that, although rumors of itsdeath are premature, Beneficial Acclimation cannot be viewedas the dominant expectation, at least with regard to developmentaltemperature acclimation. Moreover, our findings reinforce theview that a strong inference approach provides a more comprehensiveportrait of complex biological responses than do single-hypothesisapproaches.  相似文献   
The permeability (P) of a lipophilic cation, triphenylmethylphosphonium(TPMP+) which is frequently used as a membrane potential probe,has been measured in Chara australis (Charophyceae). PTPMP+across biological membranes is usually thought to be very highbut this is not the case across the plasmalemma of Chara. Thepermeability of TPMP+ across the plasmalemma was found to betypical of inorganic cations, about 1.0 nm s–1. Estimateswere made of the permeability of lipophilic cations across someother cell membranes, based on previously published work. Thepermeability of TPMP+ across the plasma membranes of the redalga, Griffithsia monilis and the blue-green alga, Anabaenavariabilis was about 2–5 nm s–1. The permeabilityof TPMP+ across the plasma membranes of eukaryotes and prokaryotesappears to be similar. The permeability of lipophilic cationsacross the cristae of isolated mitochondria are exceptionallyhigh, about 170 nm s–1. TPMP+ did not behave as a thiamineanalogue in Chara, unlike in the case of yeast. The means ofentry of TPMP+ into the Chara cell, driven by the electrochemicalgradient across the plasmalemma, has not been identified. Thepresence of a second lipophilic cation probe, DDA+ (dibenzyldimethylammonium),caused a decrease in the uptake flux of TPMP+; this suggeststhat the two lipophilic cations compete for the same site atthe surface of the plasmalemma. Key words: Chara australis, TPMP+, Permeability, Lipophilic cation  相似文献   
Previous work has shown that wild birds can become trained to search for a prey type on the basis of its colour. The experiments presented in this paper extended this work to two types of green artificial prey that were identical except for the presence or absence of a red stripe. Wild birds at six widely separated sites were trained on populations of one type and then were offered a choice between equal numbers of the familiar type and a second type. All the populations were presented on lawn backgrounds. The experiments were then repeated at each site with the birds being trained on the second prey type. The results showed that there was a consistent tendency for the familiar prey type to be overpredated and this was statistically significant. The behaviour described in this paper, if it occurs in nature, could lead to frequency-dependent (apostatic) selection and the maintenance of polymorphism in prey species in which the morphs are distinguished by colour patterns.  相似文献   
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