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Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1 (PH1) is a rare autosomal recessive kidney stone disease caused by deficiency of the peroxisomal enzyme alanine: glyoxylate aminotransferase (AGT), which is involved in glyoxylate detoxification. Over 75 different missense mutations in AGT have been found associated with PH1. While some of the mutations have been found to affect enzyme activity, stability, and/or localization, approximately half of these mutations are completely uncharacterized. In this study, we sought to systematically characterize AGT missense mutations associated with PH1. To facilitate analysis, we used two high-throughput yeast-based assays: one that assesses AGT specific activity, and one that assesses protein stability. Approximately 30% of PH1-associated missense mutations are found in conjunction with a minor allele polymorphic variant, which can interact to elicit complex effects on protein stability and trafficking. To better understand this allele interaction, we functionally characterized each of 34 mutants on both the major (wild-type) and minor allele backgrounds, identifying mutations that synergize with the minor allele. We classify these mutants into four distinct categories depending on activity/stability results in the different alleles. Twelve mutants were found to display reduced activity in combination with the minor allele, compared with the major allele background. When mapped on the AGT dimer structure, these mutants reveal localized regions of the protein that appear particularly sensitive to interactions with the minor allele variant. While the majority of the deleterious effects on activity in the minor allele can be attributed to synergistic interaction affecting protein stability, we identify one mutation, E274D, that appears to specifically affect activity when in combination with the minor allele.  相似文献   
Particles closely resembling rat high density lipoproteins (HDL) in terms of equilibrium density profile and particle size were prepared by sonication of apoA-I with a microemulsion made with egg lecithin and cholesterol oleate. These particles, like authentic HDL, allowed selective uptake of their cholesterol ester moieties by cultured cells without parallel uptake of the particle itself. That uptake was saturable and competed by HDL. In rats, the plasma decay kinetics and sites of uptake of a cholesteryl ether tracer were similar whether that tracer was incorporated into synthetic or authentic HDL. Synthetic particles containing other apoproteins were made by generally the same method, but using in place of apoA-I either a mixture of rat apoCs or apoE that was either competent or reductively methylated to prevent interaction with the B/E receptor. These particles, of lower density and larger Stokes radius than those made with apoA-I, also allowed selective uptake of cholesterol esters, albeit with a lower degree of selectivity than in the case of apoA-I. Thus a specific apoprotein component in the subject lipoprotein particle is not required for selective uptake. However, selective uptake was shown to be a function of particle density or size, and part of the difference in rates of selective uptake from the particles made with various apoproteins was explained by their differences in density or size.  相似文献   
We have previously described in rats the selective uptake of HDL-associated cholesterol esters (traced by [3H]cholesteryl oleyl ether) in excess of the uptake of HDL-associated apoA-I. In the present studies we show that the mechanism also exists in cultured cells of human and mouse origin as well. This selective uptake represents a net uptake of cholesterol esters and not an isotope exchange, as shown by mass flux studies in adrenal cells. Inhibitors of receptor recycling, chloroquine, monensin, and colchicine, inhibited uptake of apoA-I from HDL by Hep G-2 human hepatoma cells to about the same extent as a reference protein, asialofetuin, but inhibited uptake of the cholesteryl ether tracer much less. Levels of NaN3 which effectively inhibited sucrose pinocytosis inhibited uptake of apoA-I to about the same extent but did not inhibit uptake of the cholesteryl ether at all. Thus, not only receptor recycling, but endocytosis as well, appears not to be involved in selective uptake. This conclusion was supported by studies in which synthetic HDL particles were made to contain two neutral lipid core tracers; one of them, the [3H]cholesteryl ether previously used, was selectively taken up, whereas the other, [14C]sucrose octaoleate, was excluded from selective uptake. Thus, selective uptake cannot involve endocytosis of the entire lipid core, but may involve other specific transfer mechanisms.  相似文献   
Pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase from the facultative anaerobic bacterium Propionibacterium freudenreichii and from the mung bean Phaseolus aureus has been purified to homogeneity. Potential utilization of carbohydrate substrate analogues for each enzyme was initially screened by using Fourier transform 31P NMR at pH 8 and 25 degrees C and monitoring the appearance of the phosphate resonance in the direction of D-fructose 6-phosphate phosphorylation (forward reaction direction) and, with the bisphosphate analogues, the appearance of the pyrophosphate resonance in the direction of phosphate phosphorylation (reverse reaction direction). Both enzymes are strict in their requirements for the sugar phosphate substrate, with only D-fructose 6-phosphate, D-sedoheptulose 7-phosphate, and 2,5-anhydro-D-mannitol 6-phosphate, or their respective bisphosphates in the reverse reaction direction, utilized as substrates at detectable levels. The dissociation constants for D-psicose 6-phosphate, D-tagatose 6-phosphate, and L-sorbose 6-phosphate are an order of magnitude larger than that for D-fructose 6-phosphate, indicating a stringent steric requirement for the D-threo (trans) configuration at the two nonanomeric furan ring hydroxyl groups. These results strongly suggest that the anomeric, epimeric, and tautomeric form of the sugar phosphate substrates favored by both enzymes is the beta-D-fructofuranose form. Dissociation constants for nonsubstrate analogues were used to provide information on the nature of the active site. Competitive inhibition patterns vs. fructose 1,6-bisphosphate were obtained for a series of 1,n-alkanediol bisphosphates (where n = 2-9).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Entamoeba histolytica: purification of cathepsin B   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A cytotoxic cysteine proteinase with a molecular weight of 16,000 was isolated from axenically grown trophozoites of Entamoeba histolytica. The enzyme was purified from frozen-thawed strain HM-1 by ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose, organomercurial agarose affinity chromatography, and size-exclusion chromatography. The purified enzyme had proteinase activity that could be demonstrated on azocasein (pH 5), hemoglobin (pH 5), or carbobenzoxy-L-arginyl--L-arginyl-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcoumarin++ + (Z-arg-arg-AFC), a substrate specific for cathepsin B. Enzyme activity was stable to high pH, but not to 40 C for 1 hr or 56 C for 0.5 hr. As typical of cysteine proteinases, inhibition of activity on Z-arg-arg-AFC by p-chloromercuribenzoate or mercury was reversed by free sulfhydryl groups. Both the proteinase and cytotoxic activities of the purified amoebal cathepsin B were inhibited by leupeptin and serum and activated by free sulfhydryl groups, supporting the hypothesis that both activities are characteristics of amoebal cathepsin B. Virulent strains of E. histolytica (HM-1 and Rahman) had significantly more cathepsin B activity per milligram protein than less virulent strains (HK-9, Laredo, and Huff). The correlation between higher levels of cathepsin B activity in strains with greater virulence could indicate a role for amoebal cathepsin B in the pathogenesis of amoebiasis.  相似文献   
1H NMR data of a series of thyroid hormone analogues, e.g., thyroxine (T4), 3,5,3'-triiodothyronine (T3), 3,3',5'-triiodothyronine (rT3), 3,3'-diiodothyronine (3,3'-T2), 3,5-diiodothyronine (3,5-T2), 3',5'-diiodothyronine (3',5'-T2), 3-monoidothyronine (3-T1), 3'-monoiodothyronine (3'-T1), and thyronine (TO) in dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) have been obtained on a 300 MHz spectrometer. The chemical shift and coupling constant are determined and tabulated for each aromatic proton. The inner tyrosyl ring protons in T4, T3, and 3,5-T2 have downfield chemical shifts with respect to those of the outer phenolic ring protons. Four-bond cross-ring coupling has been observed in all the monoiodinated rings. However, this long-range coupling does not exist in T4, diiodinated on both rings, and T0, containing no iodines on the rings. There is no evidence that at 30 degrees C these iodothyronines have any motional constraint in DMSO solution. In addition to identification of the hormones, the potential use of some characteristic peaks as probes in binding studies is discussed.  相似文献   
Arginine vasopressin (AVP) has been localized in numerous extrahypothalamic brain regions and in the spinal cord. The results of intracerebroventricular AVP injections and microinjection of AVP into the brain stem suggest that this peptide, acting centrally at higher levels, may influence cardiovascular function. No function for the AVP occurring at spinal levels has been reported. In this study we report that AVP, in picomole quantities, increased arterial blood pressure and integrated heart rate in a dose-dependent manner following intrathecal application to the thoracic region in the rat. This response was not blocked by intravenous administration of the AVP antagonist d(CH2)5-d-Tyr-VAVP. These results suggest that AVP, acting within the spinal cord, may alter neural outflow regulating blood pressure and heart rate.  相似文献   
We recently developed a general method for determining tissue sites of degradation of plasma proteins in vivo that made use of covalently attached radioactive sucrose. On degradation of the protein, the sucrose remained trapped in the cells as a cumulative marker of protein degradation. The method described here depends on the same principles, but uses an adduct of cellobiose and tyramine that is radioiodinated to high specific radioactivity and then covalently attached to protein. Use of the radioiodinated ligand increases the sensitivity of the method at least 100-fold and allows simplified tissue analysis. Proteins derivatized with the radioiodinated ligand were recognized as underivatized proteins both in vitro and in vivo. On degradation of derivatized low-density lipoprotein, the rate of leakage from cultured fibroblasts was only 5% during 24 h. Similarly, on injection of labelled proteins into rats and rabbits, urinary excretion of the label was in all cases less than 10% of total labelled catabolic products recovered 24 h after injection. Examination of the tissue contents of label at two times after injection of labelled asialofetuin or apolipoprotein A1 in rats, and asialotransferrin in rabbits showed that the label did not detectably redistribute between tissues after initial uptake and catabolism; a significant leakage from liver was quantitatively accounted for by label appearing in gut contents and faeces. A simple double-label method was devised to provide a correction for intact protein in trapped plasma, the extravascular spaces, and within cells. By using this method it becomes unnecessary to fractionate tissue samples.  相似文献   
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