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The Great Barrier Reef sponge Luffariella variabilis (Poléjaeff 1884) produces a range of potent anti-inflammatory compounds as its major metabolites. These major metabolites—manoalide monoacetate, manoalide, luffariellin A and seco-manoalide—were monitored temporally and spatially to quantify the potential yield from wild harvest or aquaculture. Production of the major metabolites was hardwired at the population level with little variation in space and time over meters to tens of kilometers in the Palm Islands, Queensland, Australia. Manoalide monoacetate (35 to 70 mg g−1 dry weight of sponge) was consistently the most abundant compound followed by manoalide (15 to 20 mg g−1 dry weight). Luffariellin A and seco-manoalide were 10 to 70 times less abundant and varied between 0 and 3 mg g−1 dry weight. On a larger spatial scale, L. variabilis from Davies Reef and Magnetic Island contained the same rank order and yields of compounds as the Palm Islands, indicating a generality of pattern over at least 100 km. The “hardwiring” of metabolite production at the population level by L. variabilis was also reflected in the lack of any inductive effect on metabolite production. In addition, individually monitored sponges produced fixed ratios of the major metabolites over time (years). However, these ratios varied between individuals, with some individuals consistently producing high levels of manoalide and manoalide monoacetate, providing the potential for selection of high-yielding stocks.  相似文献   
We evaluate postmating barriers to hybridization between an exotic eucalypt and a group of native congeners on the island of Tasmania. We aimed to better understand the basis of reproductive isolation between the species, glean insights into the evolution of isolating mechanisms, and inform genetic risk management. Compatibility between the exotic plantation species Eucalyptus nitens (pollen parent) and 18 native Tasmanian taxa was assayed using experimental crossing for 17 taxa (13,458 flowers pollinated to produce 1058 female × male cross combinations), and previous data for one species. Compatibility was assessed in terms of F1 hybrid production, as well as F1 hybrid survival and growth after 5 years. This data was combined with measurements of style length, and genetic distance from E. nitens to each maternal species, in order to determine the importance of a sequence of prezygotic and postzygotic barriers. We found that the early-acting barrier of style length (prezygotic) had the strongest isolating effect, while later-acting (postzygotic) barriers, affecting early-age growth and survival, contributed little to reproductive isolation. Style length alone explained 46 % of the variation in hybridization rate. Conversely, there was no significant relationship between genetic distance and prezygotic or postzygotic compatibility in these closely related species. This pattern is consistent with selection driving the rapid evolution of prezygotic barriers, while drift-like-processes lead to the more gradual evolution of intrinsic barriers. Although other premating and postmating barriers clearly contribute, our results highlight the important role of early-acting postmating barriers in preventing gene flow from exotic E. nitens plantations.  相似文献   
When observers view a grid of mid-gray lines superimposed on a black background, they report seeing illusory dark gray smudges at the grid intersections, an effect known as the Hermann grid illusion. The strength of the illusion is often measured using the cancellation technique: A white disk is placed over one of these intersections and the luminance of the disk is reduced until the disk disappears. Its luminance at this point, i.e., the disk's detection threshold, is taken to be a measure of the strength of the illusion. Our experiments showed that some distortions of the Hermann grid, which were sufficient to completely disrupt the illusion, did not reduce the disk's detection threshold. This showed that the cancellation technique is not a valid method for measuring the strength of the Hermann grid illusion. Those studies that attempted to use this technique inadvertently studied a different effect known as the blanking phenomenon. We conclude by presenting an explanation for the latter effect.  相似文献   
Friedreich ataxia (FRDA) is primarily caused by an unstable GAA repeat-expansion mutation within intron 1 of the FRDA gene. However, the exact mechanisms leading to this expansion and its consequences are not fully understood. To study the dynamics of this mutation, we have generated two lines of human FRDA YAC transgenic mice that contain GAA repeat expansions within the appropriate genomic context. We have detected intergenerational instability and age-related somatic instability in both lines, with pronounced expansions found in the cerebellum. The dynamic nature of our transgenic GAA repeats is comparable with previous FRDA patient somatic tissue data. However, there is a difference between our FRDA YAC transgenic mice and other trinucleotide-repeat mouse models, which do not show pronounced repeat instability in the cerebellum. This represents the first mouse model of FRDA GAA repeat instability that will help to dissect the mechanism of this repeat.  相似文献   
Recognition of and discrimination between potential glyco-substrates is central to the function of galectins. Here we dissect the fundamental parameters responsible for such selectivity by the fungal representative, CGL2. The 2.1 A crystal structure of CGL2 and five substrate complexes reveal that this prototype galectin achieves increased substrate specificity by accommodating substituted oligosaccharides of the mammalian blood group A/B type in an extended binding cleft. Kinetic studies on wild-type and mutant CGL2 proteins demonstrate that the tetrameric organization is essential for functionality. The geometric constraints due to the orthogonal orientation of the four binding sites have important consequences on substrate binding and selectivity.  相似文献   
The double sigmoidal nature of the mouse pressure-volume (PV) curve is well recognized but largely ignored. This study systematically examined the effect of inflating the mouse lung to 40 cm H2O transrespiratory pressure (Prs) in vivo. Adult BALB/c mice were anesthetized, tracheostomized, and mechanically ventilated. Thoracic gas volume was calculated using plethysmography and electrical stimulation of the intercostal muscles. Lung mechanics were tracked during inflation-deflation maneuvers using a modification of the forced oscillation technique. Inflation beyond 20 cm H2O caused a shift in subsequent PV curves with an increase in slope of the inflation limb and an increase in lung volume at 20 cm H2O. There was an overall decrease in tissue elastance and a fundamental change in its volume dependence. This apparent "softening" of the lung could be recovered by partial degassing of the lung or applying a negative transrespiratory pressure such that lung volume decreased below functional residual capacity. Allowing the lung to spontaneously recover revealed that the lung required approximately 1 h of mechanical ventilation to return to the original state. We propose a number of possible mechanisms for these observations and suggest that they are most likely explained by the unfolding of alveolar septa and the subsequent redistribution of the fluid lining the alveoli at high transrespiratory pressure.  相似文献   
The symbiotic basidiomycete Hebeloma cylindrosporum is a model fungal species used to study ectomycorrhizal symbiosis at the molecular level. In order to have a vital marker, we developed a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter system efficiently expressed in H. cylindrosporum using the sgfp coding region bordered by two introns fused to the saprophytic basidiomycete Coprinopsis cinerea cgl1 promoter. Expression of this reporter system was tested under different environmental conditions in two transformants, and glucose was shown to repress gfp expression. Such a reporter system will be used in plant-fungus interaction to evaluate sugar supply by the plant to the compatible mycorrhizal symbiont and to compare the expression of various genes of interest in the free-living mycelia, in the symbiotic (mycorrhizas) and the reproductive (fruit bodies) structures formed by H. cylindrosporum.  相似文献   
Objective: Obesity has been proposed to negatively impact cardiac function in overweight (OW) individuals. The relationship between diastolic dysfunction and oxygen uptake (V?o 2) kinetics is equivocal. This exploratory investigation evaluated the relationship between resting left ventricular function and V?o 2 kinetics during cycle ergometry in OW and non‐overweight (NO) children and adolescents. Research Methods and Procedures: Fourteen OW (>85 percentile for BMI for age and gender) children, 10 boys and 4 girls (age, 11.7 ± 1.9 years; body mass, 80.6 ± 45.5 kg) and 10 NO children (4 boys, 6 girls) volunteered to participate in the study (age, 12.5 ± 2.1 years; body mass, 45.8 ± 13.8 kg). Resting cardiovascular structure and function were assessed using spectral Doppler echocardiography. All subjects underwent two sub‐maximal exercise stages on a cycle ergometer (3 minutes unloaded and 5 minutes at 50 W, both at a cadence of 50 rpm). Respiratory data were measured on a breath‐by‐breath basis at both workloads and the mean response time (MRT) was calculated. Results: Analysis of the MRT data demonstrated that there were no significant differences between OW and NO (OW, 52.6 ± 11.7 seconds vs. NO, 45.6 ± 7.4 seconds). Significant correlations (p < 0.05) were obtained between MRT V?o 2 and echocardiographic‐derived mitral valve inflow pressure half‐time (r = 0.55) and between MRT V?o 2, and mitral valve inflow deceleration time (r = 0.55). Discussion: The evidence from this research suggests a possible link between left ventricular diastolic function at rest and oxygen uptake kinetics during sub‐maximal exercise in OW and NO children and adolescents.  相似文献   
The technique of fluorescent two-dimensional (2D) difference gel electrophoresis for differential protein expression analysis has been evaluated using a model breast cancer cell system of ErbB-2 overexpression. Labeling of paired cell lysate samples with N-hydroxy succinimidyl ester-derivatives of fluorescent Cy3 and Cy5 dyes for separation on the same 2D gel enabled quantitative, sensitive, and reproducible differential expression analysis of the cell lines. SyproRuby staining was shown to be a highly sensitive and 2D difference gel electrophoresis-compatible method for post-electrophoretic visualization of proteins, which could then be picked and identified by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization mass spectroscopy. Indeed, from these experiments, we have identified multiple proteins that are likely to be involved in ErbB-2-mediated transformation. A triple dye labeling methodology was used to identify proteins differentially expressed in the cell system over a time course of growth factor stimulation. A Cy2-labeled pool of samples was used as a standard with all Cy3- and Cy5-labeled sample pairs to facilitate cross-gel quantitative analysis. DeCyder (Amersham Biosciences, Inc.) software was used to distinguish clear statistical differences in protein expression over time and between the cell lines.  相似文献   
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