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A series of eight antiviral compounds complexed with human rhinovirus 14 (HRV-14) were previously shown to displace segments of polypeptide chains in the floor of the "canyon" by as much as 0.45 nm in C-alpha positions from the native conformation (J. Badger, I. Minor, M. J. Kremer, M. A. Oliveira, T. J. Smith, J. P. Griffith, D. M. A. Guerin, S. Krishnaswamy, M. Luo, M. G. Rossman, M. A. McKinlay, G. D. Diana, F. J. Dutko, M. Fancher, R. R. Rueckert, and B. A. Heinz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 85:3304-3308, 1988). Because the canyon is thought to serve as the viral receptor-binding site (M. G. Rossmann, E. Arnold, J. W. Erickson, E. A. Frankenberger, J. P. Griffith, H. J. Hecht, J. E. Johnson, G. Kamer, M. Luo, A. G. Mosser, R. R. Rueckert, B. Sherry, and G. Vriend, Nature [London] 317:145-153, 1985; M. G. Rossmann and R. R. Rueckert, Microbiol. Sci. 4:206-214, 1987), these compounds were assessed for their ability to block adsorption of HRV-14 to HeLa cell membrane receptors. In parallel experiments, the compounds were assessed directly for antiviral activity in an in vitro plaque reduction assay in intact HeLa cells. All eight compounds blocked the adsorption of 50% of HRV-14 at approximately the same concentration required to reduce the number of visible plaques by 50% (MIC). A structurally related compound which was inactive in the plaque reduction assay had no effect on HRV-14 binding. A drug-resistant mutant of HRV-14 (Leu-1188), which was less sensitive to the eight compounds in plaque reduction assays was similarly less sensitive in the adsorption assay. We propose that the conformational changes in the floor of the HRV-14 canyon induced by these compounds substantially decrease adsorption of the virion to its receptor. These results provide further evidence for the role of the HRV canyon in receptor binding.  相似文献   
Crystal structure of human rhinovirus serotype 1A (HRV1A)   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
The structure of human rhinovirus 1A (HRV1A) has been determined to 3.2 A resolution using phase refinement and extension by symmetry averaging starting with phases at 5 A resolution calculated from the known human rhinovirus 14 (HRV14) structure. The polypeptide backbone structures of HRV1A and HRV14 are similar, but the exposed surfaces are rather different. Differential charge distribution of amino acid residues in the "canyon", the putative receptor binding site, provides a possible explanation for the difference in minor versus major receptor group specificities, represented by HRV1A and HRV14, respectively. The hydrophobic pocket in VP1, into which antiviral compounds bind, is in an "open" conformation similar to that observed in drug-bound HRV14. Drug binding in HRV1A does not induce extensive conformational changes, in contrast to the case of HRV14.  相似文献   
Immune recognition of tumor cells in mice infected with Pichinde virus   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Pichinde virus (PV), a member of the Arenaviridae family, protects mice from a lethal inoculation with the sarcoma 180 (S180) tumor cell line. Virus replication, which is required for protection, occurs primarily in the spleen and tumor. During the first 4 days, elevated natural killer (NK) cell activity parallels an increase in serum interferon in PV-infected mice. On day 7 after infection virus-specific cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) are found in the mouse. This strong response peaks on day 13 and gradually declines over the next 17 days. The tumor-specific CTL response appears more slowly and is less intense than the virus-specific response, especially in the uninfected mouse. However, CTLs from either type of mouse recognize PV-infected tissue culture S180 target cells better than uninfected ones. Even though the primary tumor-specific immune response appears weak, mice that have cleared both virus and tumor are refractory to a subsequent challenge with S180 cells and rapidly produce tumor-specific CTLs. Thus, our data indicate a number of ways in which virus infection could lead to immune elimination of tumors: (1) Virus-induced interferon stimulates NK-cell activity, which in turn could control tumor load until a specific response is mounted against the S180 cells; (2) early onset of the tumor-specific T-cell response could be brought about by viral-enhanced tumor antigen presentation to the immune system; and (3) the tumor-specific T-cell response could be augmented through a bystander phenomenon involving factors associated with T cells responding specifically and vigorously to the virus itself.Deceased  相似文献   
Rhinoviruses are the most common infectious agents of humans. They are the principal etiologic agents of afebrile viral upper-respiratory-tract infections (the common cold). Human rhinoviruses (HRVs) comprise a genus within the family Picornaviridae. There are >100 serotypically distinct members of this genus. In order to better understand their phylogenetic relationship, the nucleotide sequence for the major surface protein of the virus capsid, VP1, was determined for all known HRV serotypes and one untyped isolate (HRV-Hanks). Phylogenetic analysis of deduced amino acid sequence data support previous studies subdividing the genus into two species containing all but one HRV serotype (HRV-87). Seventy-five HRV serotypes and HRV-Hanks belong to species HRV-A, and twenty-five HRV serotypes belong to species HRV-B. Located within VP1 is a hydrophobic pocket into which small-molecule antiviral compounds such as pleconaril bind and inhibit functions associated with the virus capsid. Analyses of the amino acids that constitute this pocket indicate that the sequence correlates strongly with virus susceptibility to pleconaril inhibition. Further, amino acid changes observed in reduced susceptibility variant viruses recovered from patients enrolled in clinical trials with pleconaril were distinct from those that confer natural phenotypic resistance to the drug. These observations suggest that it is possible to differentiate rhinoviruses naturally resistant to capsid function inhibitors from those that emerge from susceptible virus populations as a result of antiviral drug selection pressure based on sequence analysis of the drug-binding pocket.  相似文献   
Biochemical characterization of hepatitis C virus (HCV) replication using purified, membrane-associated replication complexes is hampered by the presence of endogenous nuclease activity that copurifies with the replication complex. In this study, pulse-chase analyses were used to demonstrate that newly synthesized replicon RNA was protected from nuclease activity by a factor(s) that was sensitive to 0.5% NP-40 or protease treatment. Nuclease susceptibility was not related to disruption of lipid membranes, since NP-40 did not significantly affect the buoyant density of HCV replication complexes or protease susceptibility of HCV NS3 and NS5A proteins. These results suggest that a protease-sensitive factor(s) protects newly synthesized RNA from nuclease degradation.  相似文献   
Adoptive transfer of lymph node and spleen cells from mice infected with LCM virus to similarly infected immunocompromised recipients has been the classic way to demonstrate the lethal role of T cells in the CNS disease caused by this virus. Isolation and adoptive transfer techniques are presented here which show that Thy-1+ cells isolated from the meningeal infiltrates (MI) of LCM virus-infected mice possess this property. We compared various T cell functions of MI cells taken from mice infected with two strains of LCM virus differing markedly in their pathogenicities. One of these strains, termed aggressive, caused a typical, invariably fatal, CNS disease within 7 to 10 days after infection. The other virus, termed docile, killed few mice after the standard intracerebral inoculation, and could persist in the mice for 6 mo or more. The yields of MI leukocytes from mice infected with docile virus varied from 50 to 100% of those found in mice infected with aggressive virus (3 X 10(6) cells/brain). On a cell-to-cell basis, the CTL activity in the MI of mice infected with docile virus ranged from 50 to 100% of that found in the MI of mice infected with aggressive virus. MI cells from mice infected with aggressive virus consistently caused lethal disease by adoptive transfer into immunocompromised (irradiated) recipients infected with either strain of virus. All attempts to induce lethal disease by adoptive transfer of MI cells (or splenocytes) from mice infected with docile virus into irradiated recipients failed. The latter experiments with the docile-MI cells were performed with six times the number of aggressive-MI cells needed to kill irradiated recipients by adoptive transfer. The possible reasons for this discordance between CTL and in vivo killer function are discussed.  相似文献   
ST-246 is a low-molecular-weight compound (molecular weight = 376), that is potent (concentration that inhibited virus replication by 50% = 0.010 microM), selective (concentration of compound that inhibited cell viability by 50% = >40 microM), and active against multiple orthopoxviruses, including vaccinia, monkeypox, camelpox, cowpox, ectromelia (mousepox), and variola viruses. Cowpox virus variants selected in cell culture for resistance to ST-246 were found to have a single amino acid change in the V061 gene. Reengineering this change back into the wild-type cowpox virus genome conferred resistance to ST-246, suggesting that V061 is the target of ST-246 antiviral activity. The cowpox virus V061 gene is homologous to vaccinia virus F13L, which encodes a major envelope protein (p37) required for production of extracellular virus. In cell culture, ST-246 inhibited plaque formation and virus-induced cytopathic effects. In single-cycle growth assays, ST-246 reduced extracellular virus formation by 10 fold relative to untreated controls, while having little effect on the production of intracellular virus. In vivo oral administration of ST-246 protected BALB/c mice from lethal infection, following intranasal inoculation with 10x 50% lethal dose (LD(50)) of vaccinia virus strain IHD-J. ST-246-treated mice that survived infection acquired protective immunity and were resistant to subsequent challenge with a lethal dose (10x LD(50)) of vaccinia virus. Orally administered ST-246 also protected A/NCr mice from lethal infection, following intranasal inoculation with 40,000x LD(50) of ectromelia virus. Infectious virus titers at day 8 postinfection in liver, spleen, and lung from ST-246-treated animals were below the limits of detection (<10 PFU/ml). In contrast, mean virus titers in liver, spleen, and lung tissues from placebo-treated mice were 6.2 x 10(7), 5.2 x 10(7), and 1.8 x 10(5) PFU/ml, respectively. Finally, oral administration of ST-246 inhibited vaccinia virus-induced tail lesions in Naval Medical Research Institute mice inoculated via the tail vein. Taken together, these results validate F13L as an antiviral target and demonstrate that an inhibitor of extracellular virus formation can protect mice from orthopoxvirus-induced disease.  相似文献   
Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis viruses (TMEV) are naturally occurring enteric pathogens of mice which constitute a separate serological group within the picornavirus family. Persistent TMEV infection in mice provides a relevant experimental animal model for the human demyelinating disease multiple sclerosis. To provide information about the TMEV classification, genome organization, and protein processing map, we determined the complete nucleotide sequence of the TMEV genome and deduced the amino acid sequence of the polyprotein coding region. The RNA genome, which is typical of the picornavirus family, is 8,098 nucleotides long. The 5' untranslated region is 1,064 nucleotides long (making it the longest in the picornavirus family after the aphthoviruses) and lacks a poly(C) tract. Computer-generated comparison of the 5' and 3' noncoding regions and polyprotein revealed the highest level of nucleotide and predicted amino acid identity between the TMEV and the cardioviruses encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and Mengo virus. The TMEV polyprotein, which appears to be processed like EMCV since the amino acids flanking the putative proteolytic cleavage sites have been conserved, begins with a short leader peptide followed by 11 other gene products in the standard L-4-3-4 picornavirus arrangement. Because of these similarities, we propose that the TMEV be grouped with the cardioviruses. However, since TMEV and EMCV have different biophysical properties and show no cross-neutralization, they most likely belong in a separate cardiovirus subgroup.  相似文献   
Following intracerebral inoculation of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), susceptible mouse strains develop a chronic demyelinating disease characterized by mononuclear cell-rich infiltrates in the central nervous system. Current evidence strongly supports an immune-mediated basis for myelin breakdown, with an effector role proposed for TMEV-specific, major histocompatibility class II-restricted delayed-type hypersensitivity, which temporally correlates with disease onset and remains chronically elevated in susceptible mice. This study examined the fine specificity of class II-restricted T cell responses in TMEV-infected mice to better define the relevant virus-encoded T cell determinant(s) responsible for triggering the demyelinating process, and to determine if class II-restricted neuroantigen-specific autoimmune responses could be detected in mice with TMEV-induced demyelination. The data clearly show that T cell responses in TMEV-infected mice are directed against determinants shared by closely related TMEV strains and are cross-reactive with related picornaviruses, such as encephalomyocarditis virus. In contrast, class II-restricted autoimmune responses against syngeneic mouse spinal cord homogenate and the two major protein components of myelin, myelin basic protein and proteolipid protein, are not demonstrable in susceptible SJL/J mice undergoing chronic TMEV-induced demyelinating disease, but are readily seen in SJL/J mice displaying chronic, relapsing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. Cross-reactivity (or lack thereof), as determined by functional T cell analyses, was found to correlate with the extent of exact amino acid homology between the TMEV capsid proteins, the two neuroantigens, and related picornaviruses. The data thus do not support a major role for autoimmune responses against myelin proteins in TMEV-induced demyelinating disease, but are consistent with our previously proposed hypothesis that TMEV-specific T cell responses constitute a major effector mechanism of myelin breakdown.  相似文献   
Pleconaril is a broad-spectrum antirhinovirus and antienterovirus compound that binds into a hydrophobic pocket within viral protein 1, stabilizing the capsid and resulting in the inhibition of cell attachment and RNA uncoating. When crystals of human rhinovirus 16 (HRV16) and HRV14 are incubated with pleconaril, drug occupancy in the binding pocket is lower than when pleconaril is introduced during assembly prior to crystallization. This effect is far more marked in HRV16 than in HRV14 and is more marked with pleconaril than with other compounds. These observations are consistent with virus yield inhibition studies and radiolabeled drug binding studies showing that the antiviral effect of pleconaril against HRV16 is greater on the infectivity of progeny virions than the parent input viruses. These data suggest that drug integration into the binding pocket during assembly, or at some other late stage in virus replication, may contribute to the antiviral activity of capsid binding compounds.  相似文献   
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