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The effect of single intraperitoneal 1 g.kg-1 doses of a solution of 20 amino acids (AA) on food intake was investigated in 20 piglets examined repeatedly between 2 and 26 days of age. The animals were reared individually from day 1 after birth in cages and bottle-fed a liquid diet nine times per day at two-hour intervals from 6 to 22 h. Although amino acid administration did not significantly affect plasma concentrations of total free AA throughout the experiment (as measured just before and 2 and 5 h after AA administration in blood withdrawn from the external jugular vein) it did produce a downward trend in food intake of piglets at 9-10 d of age. In older animals, the depressive effect on food intake was significantly greater and lasted longer. It is suggested that the aminostatic component of food intake regulation in piglets does not begin to operate until the weaning period.  相似文献   
Argininosuccinate synthetase and argininosuccinate lyase catalyze the synthesis of arginine from citrulline in kidney and also serve as components of the urea cycle in liver of ureotelic animals. Dietary and hormonal regulation of mRNAs encoding these enzymes have been well studied in liver but not in kidney. Messenger RNAs for these enzymes are localized within the renal cortex. Starvation and extreme variations in dietary protein content (0% vs 60% casein) produced 2.6- to 3.5-fold increases in mRNA abundance for these two enzymes in rat kidney. Argininosuccinate lyase mRNA was not induced by dibutyryl cAMP, dexamethasone, or a combination of the two agents. In contrast, argininosuccinate synthetase mRNA was induced 2-fold by dibutyryl cAMP but was unresponsive to dexamethasone. Thus, diet and hormones regulate levels of these mRNAs in rat kidney, but the responses are both qualitatively and quantitatively distinct from the responses previously reported for rat liver.  相似文献   
Tests for enterotoxins A, B, C, D, E and TSST-1 production were carried out on 775 S. aureus strains isolated from various sources (50 mothers and neonates studied periodically, mothers and infants treated for various acute inflammatory conditions, members of hospital staff, environmental swabs) during the period 1981-1983 at a maternity ward chosen for a 3-year systematic study and on additional 97 isolates obtained in 1985 from another maternity ward. This had contributed to a better classification of strains within certain phage type groups. It was found that the distribution of S. aureus types in the particular sub-sets varied, depending on the source of isolates. At the maternity ward followed for 3 years there was a clear-cut trend towards the spread of phage-untypable isolates producing enterotoxin C whereas at ward examined for comparative purposes B enterotoxin producers of phage type 95 were predominant. The tests for enterotoxigenicity has also proved to be useful as the epidemiological marker characterizing the predominantly circulating S. aureus strain. It has been confirmed that the majority role in the spread of maternity-ward-staphylococci is played by the neonates and the factors of hospital environment.  相似文献   
The bookK. Richter, Plantae europeae, Vol. 1, 1890, is analyzed from the viewpoint of nomenclature of subspecies names. 264 subspecies names interesting from the standpoint of contemporary taxonomy and nomenclature are selected from the total number of 840 subspecies names for a commented list. Seventeen important cases are dealt with separately in greater detail. Eleven new nomenclatural combinations (two for species, nine for subspecies) are proposed in the Appendix. Types for two generic names (Acorellus Palla andJuncellus C. B. Clarke) are proposed. A new term “parabasionym” is applied for names establishing the priority of infraspecific epithets in the rank in question. The need to respect the newly accepted principle of priority of autonymic subspecies names at proposing new nomenclatural combinations is stressed. Examples ofRichter’s subspecies names having priority, subspecies names with necessary changes in their authorship and names having a possible importance as parabasionyms are enumerated in separate lists.  相似文献   
Chromosome counts of the following 30 taxa (106 populations) are given:Betonica officinalis (2n=16);Bidens frondosus (2n=48);Calamagrostis arundinacea (2n=28+0–2B);Dianthus carthusianorum subsp.latifolius (2n=30);Festuca gigantea (2n=42, 42+2B);Hypericum perforatum (2n=32);Koeleria macrantha (2n=28);Kohlrauschia prolifera (2n=30);Lilium martagon (2n=24+0–2B);Melica ciliata (2n=18);Poa remota (2n=14);Ranunculus polyanthemos (2n=16);R. sardous subsp.sardous (2n=16);Roegneria canina (2n=28+0–1B);Rudbeckia laciniata (2n=76);Scabiosa canescens (2n=16);Serratula tinctoria (2n=22);Seseli elatum subsp.heterophyllum var.beckii (2n=18);S. hippomarathrum (2n=20);Thlaspicaerulescens caerulescens subsp.tatrense (2n=14);Trifolium alpestre (2n=16);T. avense (2n=14);T. medium (2n=79, 80+0–2B, 82);T. rubens (2n=16);Veronica officinalis subsp. alpestris (2n=36);Vincetoxicum hirundinaria (2n=22);Vulpia bromoides (2n=14);Zerna benekenii (2n=28)Z. monoclada (2n=28+0–8B);Z. ramosa (2n=42). Remarks on taxonomy, nomenclature and chorology for some of these taxa are given.  相似文献   
Résumé L'ultrastructure des lamelles branchiales et spécialement celle des chloride cells du poisson rouge (Carassius aureus) a été étudiée. Nous avons constaté que du matériel amorphe floconneux, faiblement adiélectronique était attaché aux endroits des creux apicaux. Afin de préciser la nature de ce matériel, nous avons étudié ces structures au microscope électronique avec les techniques suivantes: acide periodique méthènamine d'argent, colorations au fer colloïdal et au bleu d'alcian. Après la réaction à l'acide periodique méthènamine d'argent, de fines précipitations aux endroits des creux apicaux, correspondant au matériel floconneux visible après la fixation au glutaraldéhyde tétroxyde d'osmium, étaient visibles. La coloration au bleu d'alcian révélait des particules fortement colorées formant un film plus ou moins continu à la surface libre des lamelles, sauf aux endroits oò les chloride cells sont en contact avec la surface. Là et notamment dans les 2reux apicaux, du matériel légèrement granuleux, de faible densité, faisait une couche assez épaisse attachée à la membrane cellulaire. Tenant compte des résultats d'autres auteurs et de nos propres observations, nous considérons que la plus grande partie du matériel se trouvant à la surface des chloride cells, et particulièrement dans les creux apicaux, est de type glycoprotéique.
The ultrastructure of the chloride cells in the gill epithelium of the goldfish
Summary The ultrastructure of the secondary lamellae of the gills and especially that of the chloride cells of Carassius aureus was studied. We found an amorphous, flakey, slightly adielectronic material in the areas of the apical pits. In order to determine the nature of this material, we studied these structures electronmicroscopically applying the periodic acid silver methenamine, colloidal iron and alcian blue methods. The periodic acid silver methenamine reaction, resulted in finely dispersed precipitations which were deposited in the areas of the apical pits and which correspond to the flakey material seen in the ordinary electron micrographs. The alcian blue method reveales strongly stained particles which form a more or less continuous film on the free surface of the lamellae, interrupted only at the level of the chloride cells. In these areas, notably within the apical pits, a rather thick layer of finely granular low-density material is attached to the plasma membrane. In taking into account other studies performed on this subject, as well as our own observations, we consider the material found on the surface of the chloride cells and particularly within their apical pits to be predominantly of glycoproteinous nature.

Dédié à Monsieur le Professeur Dr Ernst Horstmann, Hambourg, à l'occasion de son soixantième anniversaire.  相似文献   
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