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Synopsis Female scalloped hammerhead sharks move offshore at a smaller size than do males to form schools composed primarily of intermediate size female sharks. This movement results in smaller females feeding more on pelagic prey than do males and with greater predatory success. It is contended that this change in habitat causes females to grow more rapidly to reproductive size. Intermediate size females grow at a more rapid rate than males. Female scalloped hammerhead sharks mature at a size larger than males. For many elasmobranch species, females: (1) occupy a different habitat, (2) grow more rapidly prior to maturity and continue growth following maturation, (3) feed on different prey with increased feeding success, and (4) reproduce at a size larger than males. It is suggested that female segregation increases fitness, resulting in more rapid growth for the former sex. The females reach maturity at the larger size necessary to support embryonic young, yet similar age to males, matching the female reproductive lifetime to that of males.  相似文献   
Urinary galactitol in galactosemic patients   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
When compared to virgin land (forest and grassland), croplands store significantly lower amounts of organic carbon (OC), mainly as a result of soil tillage, and decreased plant inputs to the soil over the whole year. Doubts have been expressed over how much reduced and zero tillage agriculture can increase OC in soils when the whole soil profile is considered. Consequently, cover-crops that are grown in-between crops instead of leaving soils bare appear as the “last man standing” in our quest to enhance cropland OC stocks. Despite the claim by numerous meta-analyses of a mean carbon sequestration rate by cover crops to be as high as 0.32 ± 0.08 ton C ha−1 year−1, the present analysis showed that all of the 37 existing field studies worldwide only sampled to a depth of 30 cm or less and did not compare treatments on the basis of equivalent soil mass. Thirteen studies presented information on OC content only and not on OC stocks, had inappropriate controls (n = 14), had durations of 3 years or lower (n = 5), considered only one to two data points per treatment (n = 4), or used cover crops as cash crops (i.e., grown longer that in-between two crops) instead of catch crops (n = 2), which in all cases constitutes shortcomings. Of the remaining six trials, four showed non-significant trends, one study displayed a negative impact of cover crops, and one study displayed a positive impact, resulting in a mean OC storage of 0.03 ton ha−1 year−1. Models and policies should urgently adapt to such new figure. Finally, more is to be done not only to improve the design of cover-crop studies for reaching sound conclusions but also to understand the underlying reasons of the low efficiency of cover crops for improved carbon sequestration into soils, with possible strategies being suggested.  相似文献   
We have identified and cloned a gene, ES2, encoding a putative 476 amino acid protein with a predicted M r of 52,568. The gene is localized within the DiGeorge/Velocardiofacial syndrome locus on 22q11.2 and is deleted in all the patients in which a deletion within 22q11 could be demonstrated, with the exception of one patient. ES2 is expressed in all the tissues studied. Sequence comparison showed identity with five ESTs and at the amino acid level the sequence was highly similar to, and collinear with, a hypothetical C. elegans protein of unknown function. Mutation analysis was performed in 16 patients without deletion, but no mutation has been found. The cDNA sequence is conserved in mouse and is localized on MMU16B1-B3, known to contain a syntenic group in common with HSA 22q11.2. Received: 25 March 1996 / Accepted: 15 May 1996  相似文献   
Synopsis Oxygen uptake (Vo 2) was measured in carp of approximately 40 cm length swimming at controlled variable oxygen tensions (Po 2). At Po 2> 120 mm Hg Vo 2 increased with an increase in swimming speed from 5.6 to 11.3 cm · sec–1. Extrapolation of Vo 2 to zero activity at Po 2 = 140 mm Hg revealed a standard O2 uptake of 36.7 ml O2 · kg–1 · h–1 at 20° C. At the lowest swimming speed (5.6 cm · s–1) the oxygen uptake increased when the water Po 2 was reduced. A near doubling in Vo 2 was seen at Po 2 = 70 mm Hg compared to 140 mm Hg. At higher swimming speeds in hypoxic water Vo 2 decreased relative to the values at low swimming speeds. As a result the slope of the lines expressing log Vo 2 as a function of swimming speed decreased from positive to negative values with decreasing Po 2 of the water. pH of blood from the caudal vein drawn before and at termination of swimming at Po 2 = 70 mm Hg and 100 mm Hg did not show any decrease in relation to rest values at Po 2 = 140 mm Hg. Blood lactate concentration did not increase during swimming at these tensions.  相似文献   
The agriculture, forestry and other land use (AFOLU) sector is responsible for approximately 25% of anthropogenic GHG emissions mainly from deforestation and agricultural emissions from livestock, soil and nutrient management. Mitigation from the sector is thus extremely important in meeting emission reduction targets. The sector offers a variety of cost‐competitive mitigation options with most analyses indicating a decline in emissions largely due to decreasing deforestation rates. Sustainability criteria are needed to guide development and implementation of AFOLU mitigation measures with particular focus on multifunctional systems that allow the delivery of multiple services from land. It is striking that almost all of the positive and negative impacts, opportunities and barriers are context specific, precluding generic statements about which AFOLU mitigation measures have the greatest promise at a global scale. This finding underlines the importance of considering each mitigation strategy on a case‐by‐case basis, systemic effects when implementing mitigation options on the national scale, and suggests that policies need to be flexible enough to allow such assessments. National and international agricultural and forest (climate) policies have the potential to alter the opportunity costs of specific land uses in ways that increase opportunities or barriers for attaining climate change mitigation goals. Policies governing practices in agriculture and in forest conservation and management need to account for both effective mitigation and adaptation and can help to orient practices in agriculture and in forestry towards global sharing of innovative technologies for the efficient use of land resources. Different policy instruments, especially economic incentives and regulatory approaches, are currently being applied however, for its successful implementation it is critical to understand how land‐use decisions are made and how new social, political and economic forces in the future will influence this process.  相似文献   
The x-ray structure of the PTX:NADPH:L22F human mutant DHFR ternary complex was used as a structural template to generate structural models for the following wild type DHFR complexes: PTX:DHFR:NADPH, TMP:DHFR:NADPH, EPM:DHFR:NADPH, and TMQ:DHFR:NADPH. Each of these complexes were subsequently modeled in a 60 Å cube of explicit water and minimized to a rms gradient of from 1.0-3.0·10-5 kcal·Å-1. For each complex, interaction energies were calculated for the antifolate interaction with each of the following: the DHFR binding site residues, the entire DHFR protein, the solvated complex (containing DHFR, NADPH, and solvent water), water alone, and NADPH. Additionally, each antifolate was subdivided into distinct substructural regions and interaction energy calculations were performed in order to evaluate their contributions to overall antifolate interaction. Each antifolate showed its most stable interaction with the solvated complex. Substructural regions which consisted of a nitrogen containing aromatic ring system contributed most to the stability of the antifolate interactions, while the hydrocarbon aromatic rings, methoxy, and ethoxy groups showed much less stable interaction energies. Since the different substructural regions of nonclassical antifolates differ in their contributions to overall antifolate binding, those substructural regions which exhibit relatively unfavorable interaction energies may constitute important targets in the design of improved DHFR inhibitors.  相似文献   
Guinea pig peritoneal exudate macrophages were reacted with [3H] diisopropyl fluorophosphate (10?7 to 10?4 M) and subjected to sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide disc electrophoresis and fluorography. Macrophages reacted with 10?5 M [3H]diisopropyl fluorophosphate contain eight major 3H-labelled polypeptides which have apparent molecular weights of 83,000, 75,000, 63,000, 48,000, 41,000, 30,000, 26,000, and 25,000. The sensitive polypeptides were not seen when guinea pig polymorphonuclear leukocytes, lymph node lymphocytes, erythrocytes, serum or plasma were reacted with [3H]diisopropyl fluorophosphate, demonstrating that these components are particular to the macrophage. The finding of a large number of diisopropyl fluorophosphate-sensitive proteins associated exclusively with the macrophage supports the concept that serine esterases play a unique role in macrophage physiology.  相似文献   
There is growing international interest in better managing soils to increase soil organic carbon (SOC) content to contribute to climate change mitigation, to enhance resilience to climate change and to underpin food security, through initiatives such as international ‘4p1000’ initiative and the FAO's Global assessment of SOC sequestration potential (GSOCseq) programme. Since SOC content of soils cannot be easily measured, a key barrier to implementing programmes to increase SOC at large scale, is the need for credible and reliable measurement/monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) platforms, both for national reporting and for emissions trading. Without such platforms, investments could be considered risky. In this paper, we review methods and challenges of measuring SOC change directly in soils, before examining some recent novel developments that show promise for quantifying SOC. We describe how repeat soil surveys are used to estimate changes in SOC over time, and how long‐term experiments and space‐for‐time substitution sites can serve as sources of knowledge and can be used to test models, and as potential benchmark sites in global frameworks to estimate SOC change. We briefly consider models that can be used to simulate and project change in SOC and examine the MRV platforms for SOC change already in use in various countries/regions. In the final section, we bring together the various components described in this review, to describe a new vision for a global framework for MRV of SOC change, to support national and international initiatives seeking to effect change in the way we manage our soils.  相似文献   
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