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Total non-acid glycosphingolipids were isolated from the plasma of a healthy red blood cell group O Le(a-b-) salivary ABH secretor individual. Glycolipids were fractionated by HPLC and combined into eight fractions based on chromatographic and immunoreactive properties. These glycolipid fractions were analysed by thin-layer chromatography and tested for Lewis activity with antibodies reactive to the type 1 precursor (Lec), H type 1 (Led), Lea and Leb epitopes. Fractions were structurally characterized by mass spectrometry (EI-MS and LSIMS) and proton NMR spectroscopy. Expected blood group glycolipids, such as H type 1, (Fuc1-2Gal1-3GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified. Inconsistent with the red cell phenotype and for the first time, small quantities of Leb blood group glycolipids (Fuc1-2Gal1-3(Fuc1-4)GlcNAc1-3Gal1-4Glc1-1Cer) were immunochemically and structurally identified in the plasma of a Lewis-negative individual. These findings confirm recent immunological evidence suggesting the production of small amounts of Lewis antigens by Lewis negative individuals. Abbreviations: HPLC, high performance liquid chromatography; TLC, (high performance) thin layer chromatography; EI-MS, electron impact ionisation mass spectrometry; LSIMS, liquid secondary ion mass spectrometry; NMR, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. The sugar types are abbreviated to Hex for hexose, HexNAc forN-acetylhexosamine and dHex for deoxyhexose (fucose). The ceramide types are abbreviated to d for dihydroxy and t for trihydroxy base, n for non-hydroxy and h for hydroxy fatty acids; LCB, long chain base.  相似文献   
Inside-out thylakoid membrane vesicles can be isolated by aqueous polymer two-phase partition of Yeda press-fragmented spinach chloroplasts (Andersson, B. and Åkerlund, H.-E. (1978) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 503, 462–472). The mechanism for their formation has been investigated by studying the yield of inside-out vesicles after various treatments of the chloroplasts prior to fragmentation. No inside-out vesicles were isolated during phase partitioning if the chloroplasts had been destacked in a low-salt medium prior to the fragmentation. Only in those cases where the chloroplast lamellae had been stacked by cations or membrane-paired by acidic treatment did we get any yield of inside-out vesicles. Thus, the intrinsic properties of chloroplast thylakoids seem to be such that they seal into right-side out vesicles after disruption unless they are in an appressed state. This favours the following mechanism for the formation of inside-out thylakoids. After press treatment, a ruptured membrane still remains appressed with an adjacent membrane. Resealing of such an appressed membrane pair would result in an inside-out vesicle.If the compartmentation of chloroplast lamellae into appressed grana and unappressed stroma lamellae is preserved by cations before fragmentation, the inside-out vesicles are highly enriched in photosystem II. This indicates a granal origin which is consistent with the proposed model outlined. Inside-out vesicles possessing photosystem I and II properties in approximately equal proportions could be obtained by acid-induced membrane-pairing of chloroplasts which had been destacked and randomized prior to fragmentation. Since this new preparation of inside-out thylakoid vesicles also exposes components derived from the stroma lamellae it complements the previous preparation.It is suggested that fragmentation of paired membranes followed by phase partitioning should be a general method of obtaining inside-out vesicles from membranes of various biological sources.  相似文献   
The role of photosynthetic pigments in the development of separation methods in biochemistry during the period 1900-1980 is described beginning with M. Tswett who introduced separation of chlorophylls and carotenoids on columns and coined the term chromatography in 1906. In Uppsala, T. Svedberg developed the ultracentrifuge in the 1920s. A. Tiselius improved electrophoresis in the 1930s and developed chromatography of proteins in the 1940s and 1950s. Others of 'The Uppsala school in separation science' include J. Porath, P. Flodin and S. Hjertén who further developed various gel chromatographic methods. Hjertén introduced free zone electrophoresis in narrow tubes, a forerunner of capillary electrophoresis. Two proteins, phycoerythrin and phycocyanin, were used as test substances in all these methodological studies. Aqueous two-phase partitioning as a separation method was introduced in 1956 by the author. In this work, chloroplast particles were used, and the method was applied for the separation and purification of intact chloroplasts, inside-out thylakoid vesicles and plasma membranes. My research was carried out in cooperation with G. Blomquist, G. Johansson, C. Larsson, B. Andersson and H.-E. Akerlund during a 20-year period, 1960-1980.  相似文献   
The surface properties of spinach chloroplasts, both of intact chloroplasts with surrounding envelope and broken chloroplasts consisting of the inner lamellar system, have been studied by partitioning them between two aqueous phases, especially using counter-current distribution technique. The two-phase system consists of poly(ethyleneglycol), dextran and water. The two polymers are enriched in opposite phases and by binding deoxycholate or palmitate to one of the polymers the affinity of chloroplasts for the corresponding phase is strongly enhanced. The partition of the two classes of chloroplasts, however, is not affected to the same degree and the affinity of the chloroplast envelope for deoxycholate and palmitate is stronger than that of the lamellar system. This has been correlated to the chemical composition of the two types of membranes. By studying the effect of salts on the partition it has been found that the lamellar system bears a larger number of negative charges as compared to the envelope of the intact chloroplast.  相似文献   
The aim of this review is to identify problems, find general patterns, and extract recommendations for successful biomanipulation. An important conclusion is that the pelagic food chain from fish to algae may not be the only process affected by a biomanipulation. Instead, this process should be viewed as the “trigger” for secondary processes, such as establishment of submerged macrophytes, reduced internal loading of nutrients, and reduced resuspension of particles from the sediment. However, fish reduction also leads to a high recruitment of young-of-the-year (YOY) fish, which feed extensively on zooplankton. This expansion of YOY the first years after fish reduction is probably a major reason for less successful biomanipulations. Recent, large-scale biomanipulations have made it possible to update earlier recommendations regarding when, where, and how biomanipulation should be performed. More applicable recommendations include (1) the reduction in the biomass of planktivorous fish should be 75% or more; (2) the fish reduction should be performed efficiently and rapidly (within 1–3 years); (3) efforts should be made to reduce the number of benthic feeding fish; (4) the recruitment of YOY fish should be reduced; (5) the conditions for establishment of submerged macrophytes should be improved; and (6) the external input of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen) should be reduced as much as possible before the biomanipulation. Recent biomanipulations have shown that, correctly performed, the method also achieves results in large, relatively deep and eutrophic lakes, at least in a 5-year perspective. Although repeated measures may be necessary, the general conclusion is that biomanipulation is not only possible, but also a relatively inexpensive and attractive method for management of eutrophic lakes, and in particular as a follow-up measure to reduced nutrient load. Received 14 April 1998; accepted 31 August 1998  相似文献   
A non-detergent photosystem II preparation, named BS, has been characterized by countercurrent distribution, light saturation curves, absorption spectra and fluorescence at room and at low temperature (–196°C). The BS fraction is prepared by a sonication-phase partitioning procedure (Svensson P and Albertsson P-Å, Photosynth Res 20: 249–259, 1989) which removes the stroma lamellae and the margins from the grana and leaves the appressed partition region intact in the form of vesicles. These are closed structures of inside-out conformation. They have a chlorophyll a/b ratio of 1.8–2.0, have a high oxygen evolving capacity (295 mol O2 per mg chl h), are depleted in P700 and enriched in the cytochrome b/f complex. They have about 2 Photosystem II reaction centers per 1 cytochrome b/f complex.The plastoquinone pool available for PS II in the BS vesicles is 6–7 quinones per reaction center, about the same as for the whole thylakoid. It is concluded, therefore, that the plastoquinone of the stroma lamellae is not available to the PS II in the grana and that plastoquinone does not act as a long range electron transport shuttler between the grana and stroma lamellae.Compared with Photosystem II particles prepared by detergent (Triton X-100) treatment, the BS vesicles retain more cytochrome b/f complex and are more homogenous in their surface properties, as revealed by countercurrent distribution, and they have a more efficient energy transfer from the antenna pigments to the reaction center.Abbreviations DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - Fv variable fluorescence - LHC light-harvesting complex - PpBQ phenyl-p-benzoquinone - PQ plastoquinone pool - P700 reaction center of PS I - PS I, PS II Photosystem I, II - QA first bound plastoquinone accepter - RC reaction centre  相似文献   
Central nervous system (CNS) tumours are the most common solid tumours in children. Cytogenetic and molecular genetic studies of these neoplasms have previously shown abnormalities of chromosome 17, implicating genes on this autosome in tumorigenesis. To identify mutations in the TP53 tumour suppressor gene (17p13.1), we have sequenced the five highly conserved regions of this gene in 29 mixed paediatric CNS tumors. No mutations were detected by this analysis. In order to identify other candidate disease loci on chromosome 17, we have carried out a detailed deletion mapping analysis using 16 polymorphic DNA markers on 19 of the above tumours and an additional four cases. Abnormalities of chromosome 17 occurred in nine cases (39%), six of which were primitive neuroectodermal tumour (PNET)-medulloblastomas. These findings suggest that it is unlikely that the TP53 gene is directly involved in the development of common paediatric brain tumours. This is in contrast to findings from adult brain and other tumour types. Moreover, the frequency of chromosome 17 aberrations, especially in PNET-medulloblastomas, suggests that other genes on this chromosome contribute to tumourigenesis.  相似文献   
Blood group A glycolipid antigens have been found based upon at least four different core saccharides (types 1 to 4). The biological significance of this structural polymorphism is not known, although the successful outcome of transplantations of blood group A2 kidneys to blood group O individuals have been partly explained by the low expression of A type-3 and -4 chain glycolipid antigens in A2 kidneys. If graft rejection due to ABO incompatibility is, in any way, correlated to the expression of type-3 and -4 chain blood group glycolipids, it is of interest to identify possible blood group B structures based on these core saccharides. In a non-acid glycosphingolipid fraction isolated from human blood group B kidneys, mass spectrometry, high-temperature gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and probing of thin-layer chromatograms with Galα1–4Gal-specific Escherichia coli and monoclonal anti-B antibodies provided evidence for minute amounts of Gaα1–3(Fucα1–2)Galβ-HexNac-Galα1–4Galβ-Hex-Ceramide structure consistent with a B type-4 chain heptaglycosylceramide. In contrast, blood group A kidneys have the corresponding A type-4 chain heptaglycosylceramide as the predominant glood group A glycolipid. No, or very low activity of the blood group B gene enzyme on the type-4 chain blood group H hexaglycosylceramide precursor was found by biosynthetic experiments in vitro, which migh explain the low expression of type-4 chain blood group heptaglycosylceramides in human blood group B kidneys.  相似文献   
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