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Synthetic 125I-labelled N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide copolymers containing four different, potentially degradable peptidyl side chains were incubated with rat visceral yolk sacs cultured in vitro. All copolymers were captured by fluid-phase pinocytosis and three of the side chains were susceptible to lysosomal hydrolysis, resulting in release of [125I]iodotyrosine back into the culture medium. Uptake and degradation was completely inhibited by 2,4-dinitrophenol. The thiol-proteinase inhibitor leupeptin did not affect the rate of pinocytosis, but caused different degrees of inhibition of hydrolysis depending on side chain composition.  相似文献   
Nucleosides or deoxynucleosides were converted to a number of phosphorylated nucleotide and deoxynucleotide derivatives by ammonium or alkali dihydrogen phosphates in formamide. Conversions were smaller and slower at room temperature and greater and faster at elevated temperatures. Nucleotides afforded product mixtures similar to those obtained for nucleosides under the same conditions, indicating the occurrence of transphosphorylation processes. Products of reaction at elevated temperatures were cyclic nucleotides, nucleoside monophosphates, nucleoside diphosphates and cyclic nucleotide phosphates. The relative amounts of products formed were quite temperature dependent. Cyclic nucleotides were found to be in greatest abudance for reactions run at 125° or above. Relative yields of 2, 3 and 5 nucleotides and 3 and 5 deoxynucleotides from several experiments are reported. 5-Monophosphates were generally found to be present in larger quantities than 2 or 3 monophosphates. 2-Deoxyadenosine showed a preference for phosphorylation at the 3 position. Conclusions reached from mechanistic studies are that the phosphorylations are a series of equilibrium reactions, with cyclic nucleotides being formed irreversibly.Presented in part at the 3rd Northwest and 5th Rocky Mountain Joint Regional ACS Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, Utah, June, 1980.  相似文献   
Transgelin is a protein reported to be a marker of several cancers. However, previous studies have shown both up‐ and down‐regulation of transgelin in tumors when compared with non‐tumor tissues and the mechanisms whereby transgelin may affect the development of cancer remain largely unknown. Transgelin is especially abundant in smooth muscle cells and is associated with actin stress fibers. These contractile structures participate in cell motility, adhesion, and the maintenance of cell morphology. Here, the role of transgelin in breast cancer is focused on. Initially, the effects of transgelin on cell migration of the breast cancer cell lines, BT 549 and PMC 42, is studied. Interestingly, transgelin silencing increased the migration of PMC 42 cells, but decreased the migration of BT 549 cells. To clarify these contradictory results, the changes in protein abundances after transgelin silencing in these two cell lines are analyzed using quantitative proteomics. The results confirmed the role of transgelin in the migration of BT 549 cells and suggest the involvement of transgelin in apoptosis and small molecule biochemistry in PMC 42 cells. The context‐dependent function of transgelin reflects the different molecular backgrounds of these cell lines, which differ in karyotypes, mutation statuses, and proteome profiles.  相似文献   
Byla stanovena intensita fotosynthesy a obsah chlorofylu v terěících z r?znych okrsk? ?epele listu krmné kapusty odr. Coulet de Flandre. Obsah chlorofylu na jednotku plochy byl vy??í v apikální ?ásti list? ne? v ?ásti basální, vy??í ve st?edové ne? v okrajové ?ásti listu. Nebyly nalezeny podstatné rozdily v intensitě fotosynthesy ve vzorcích z r?znych ?ástí listu. Intensita fotosynthesy není p?ímo úměrná váze su?iny daného vzorku, a?koliv vàha su?iny na jednotku plochy je podstatně vy??í v apikálni ne? v basální ?ásti listové plochy.  相似文献   
V práci se popisuje zp?sob pou?ití metody váhového stanovení intensity fotosynthesy vzork? listového pletiva i pro rostliny s úzkými listovými ?epelemi (nap?. Festuca, Stipa aj.). Vzorek listového pletiva tvo?í zde piocha ráme?ku, který je vyplněn těsně vedle sebe le?ícími listovými úseky. Listové úseky dlouhé 26 mm se vysekávají z list? speciálním razidlem a jejich po?et ve vzorku je nutno pro ka?dý rostlinný druh p?edem experimentálně stanovit. V souvislosti s touto otázkou auto?i popisují závislosti hodnot intensity fotosynthesy na mno?ství úsek? ve vzorku. P?esnost nep?ímého stanovení su?iny kontrolními vzorky je p?i deseti stanoveních a pětiprocentní pravdépodobnosti maximálné ± 1 %, co? dává mo?nost p?i p?edpokládaném p?ír?stku su?iny o 10% mě?it intensitu fotosynthesy s p? esností na ±10%.  相似文献   
On the Bohemian species of the genus Pedalia Barrois   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The ever‐increasing number of Lyme borreliosis patients led us to consider more effective procedures for disease prevention. The aim of our study was to monitor the annual activity and infectivity of Ixodes ricinus ticks in the Pisárky region, City of Brno, CR, and to test the responses of the locally‐captured ticks to selected repellents. The result of regular one‐hour‐perweek monitoring in 2011 was the collection of ticks that directly reflected the highest number of Lyme disease patients (4,835) detected throughout the period of recording in the Czech Republic. The ticks were examined for spirochaetes by dark field microscopy. The positive samples were identified by PCR analysis, confirming that 76% of these were infected with Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato. Ticks were most abundant in May and June, with August having the highest risk for spirochaetal infection. Tick activity was statistically correlated with temperature. The moving‐object‐bioassay was used to study repellent efficiency on the Ixodes ricinus nymphs captured in the above‐mentioned suburban park. Five selected commercial repellents based on DEET (N, N‐diethyl3methylbenzamide) showed statistically different effects on the non‐repellent control group.  相似文献   
Increasing land use intensity and human influence are leading to a reduction in plant and animal species diversity. However, little is known about how these changes may affect higher trophic levels, apart from simply reducing species numbers. Here we investigated, over 3 years, the influence of different land practices on a tritrophic system in grassland habitats. The system consisted of the host plant Plantago lanceolata L. (Plantaginaceae), two monophagous weevils, Mecinus labilis Herbst and Mecinus pascuorum Gyllenhal (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), and their parasitoid Mesopolobus incultus Walker (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). At over 70 sites across three geographic regions in Germany, we measured plant species diversity and vegetation structure, as well as abundance of P. lanceolata, the two weevils, and the parasitoid. Land use intensity (fertilization) and type (mowing vs. grazing) negatively affected not only plant species richness but also the occurrence of the two specialized herbivores and their parasitoid. In contrast, land use had a mostly positive effect on host plant size, vegetation structure, and parasitization rate. This study reveals that intensification of land use influences higher trophic organisms even without affecting the availability of the host plant. The observed relationships between land use, vegetation complexity, and the tritrophic system are not restricted locally; rather they are measureable along a broad range of environmental conditions and years throughout Germany. Our findings may have important implications for the conservation of insect species of nutrient‐poor grasslands.  相似文献   
Many recent studies have suggested that the majority of animal-pollinated plants have a higher diversity of pollinators than that expected according to their pollination syndrome. This broad generalization, often based on pollination web data, has been challenged by the fact that some floral visitors recorded in pollination webs are ineffective pollinators. To contribute to this debate, and to obtain a contrast between visitors and pollinators, we studied insect and bird visitors to virgin flowers of Hypoestes aristata in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. We observed the flowers and their visitors for 2-h periods and measured the seed production as a metric of reproductive success. We determined the effects of individual visitors using 2 statistical models, single-visit data that were gathered for more frequent visitor species, and frequency data. This approach enabled us to determine the positive as well as neutral or negative impact of visitors on H. aristata’s reproductive success. We found that (i) this plant is not generalized but rather specialized; although we recorded 15 morphotaxa of visitors, only 3 large bee species seemed to be important pollinators; (ii) the carpenter bee Xylocopa cf. inconstans was both the most frequent and the most effective pollinator; (iii) the honey bee Apis mellifera acted as a nectar thief with apparent negative effects on the plant reproduction; and (iv) the close relationship between H. aristata and carpenter bees was in agreement with the large-bee pollination syndrome of this plant. Our results highlight the need for studies detecting the roles of individual visitors. We showed that such an approach is necessary to evaluate the pollination syndrome hypothesis and create relevant evolutionary and ecological hypotheses.  相似文献   
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