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Several single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) have been identified in the TNF-alpha gene promoter. The transition G-->A at position -308 generates the TNF-alpha1 (G/G) and TNF-alpha2 (G/A or A/A) alleles, where the polymorphic TNF-alpha2 allele is associated with a high, in vitro TNF-alpha expression and an increased susceptibility to diverse illnesses. Here we study the association of the -308 TNF-alpha SNP with the susceptibility for developing aggressive periodontitis (AP), AP combined with type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM) and DM. We also explore the TNF-alpha capability expression and the presence of the -308 polymorphism. For this purpose we recruited 27 individuals with AP (AP+ group), 27 individuals with AP combined with DM (AP+/DM+ group), and 27 individuals with DM without signs of periodontitis upon clinical examination (DM+ group). The control group was comprised of 30 subjects. Genotyping for TNF-alpha promoter was performed by PCR-RFLP analysis. For TNF-alpha expression we used a blood culture system.  相似文献   
Apex marine predators alter their foraging behavior in response to spatial and/or seasonal changes in natural prey distribution and abundance. However, few studies have identified the impacts of aquaculture that represents a spatially and temporally predictable and abundant resource on their foraging behavior. Using satellite telemetry and stable isotope analysis we examined the degree of spatial overlap between the South American sea lion (SASL) and salmon farms, and quantify the amount of native prey versus farmed salmonids in SASL diets. We instrumented eight SASL individuals with SRDL-GPS tags. Vibrissae, hair and skin samples were collected for δ13C and δ15N analyses from five of the tagged individuals and from four males captured in a haul-out located adjacent to salmon farms. Tracking results showed that almost all the foraging areas of SASL are within close proximity to salmon farms. The most important prey for the individuals analyzed was farmed salmonids, with an estimated median (±SD) contribution of 19.7 ± 13.5‰ and 15.3 ± 9.6‰ for hair and skin, respectively. Using vibrissae as a temporal record of diet for each individual, we observed a remarkable switch in diet composition in two SASL, from farmed salmonids to pelagic fishes, which coincided with the decrease of salmon production due to the infectious salmon anemia virus that affected salmon farms in Chile at the end of 2008. Our study demonstrates the usefulness of integrating stable isotope derived dietary data with movement patterns to characterize the impacts of a non-native prey on the foraging ecology of an apex marine predator, providing important applied implications in situations where interactions between aquaculture and wildlife are common.  相似文献   
Due to the highly predictable patterns of occupancy on land, pinnipeds are one of the main marine resources observed by tourists, which, in turn, could strongly perturb their behavior. We analyzed the behavioral responses of the South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) to the presence of tourists and its variation according to temporal (2012 vs. 2013 austral summer months), spatial (breeding vs. nonbreeding sites of the colony), and age/sex class (adult males vs. subadult males vs. females) factors, and determined the relationship between the degree of responses by sea lions and the distance of the vessel to the colony, visitation time, and tourist behavior. We recorded 1,232 boat visits during 2012 and 2013. Subadult males were the age/sex class most affected in the breeding site, followed by adult females at the nonbreeding site. More disturbing conduct by tourists, longer visitation time, and vessels closer to the colony caused greater responses by sea lions. The established minimum distance from the colony is not enforced, generating an adverse response by sea lions. We recommend the development of management plans with the local coastal communities to decrease the impact of ecotourism on the species and enhance the sustainability of this industry.  相似文献   
The low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein receptors 1 and 2 (LRP1 and LRP2) are emerging as important cell signaling mediators in modulating neuronal growth and repair. We examined whether LRP1 and LRP2 are able to mediate a specific aspect of neuronal growth: axon guidance. We sought to identify LRP1 and LRP2 ligands that could induce axonal chemoattraction, which might have therapeutic potential. Using embryonic sensory neurons (rat dorsal root ganglia) in a growth cone turning assay, we tested a range of LRP1 and LRP2 ligands for the ability to guide growth cone navigation. Three ligands were chemorepulsive: α-2-macroglobulin, tissue plasminogen activator, and metallothionein III. Conversely, only one LRP ligand, metallothionein II, was found to be chemoattractive. Chemoattraction toward a gradient of metallothionein II was calcium-dependent, required the expression of both LRP1 and LRP2, and likely involves further co-receptors such as the tropomyosin-related kinase A (TrkA) receptor. The potential for LRP-mediated chemoattraction to mediate axonal regeneration was examined in vivo in a model of chemical denervation in adult rats. In these in vivo studies, metallothionein II was shown to enhance epidermal nerve fiber regeneration so that it was complete within 7 days compared with 14 days in saline-treated animals. Our data demonstrate that both LRP1 and LRP2 are necessary for metallothionein II-mediated chemotactic signal transduction and that they may form part of a signaling complex. Furthermore, the data suggest that LRP-mediated chemoattraction represents a novel, non-classical signaling system that has therapeutic potential as a disease-modifying agent for the injured peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   
Besides the intensity and frequency of an auditory stimulus, the length of time that precedes the stimulation is an important factor that determines the magnitude of early evoked neural responses in the auditory cortex. Here we used chinchillas to demonstrate that the length of the silent period before the presentation of an auditory stimulus is a critical factor that modifies late oscillatory responses in the auditory cortex. We used tetrodes to record local-field potential (LFP) signals from the left auditory cortex of ten animals while they were stimulated with clicks, tones or noise bursts delivered at different rates and intensity levels. We found that the incidence of oscillatory activity in the auditory cortex of anesthetized chinchillas is dependent on the period of silence before stimulation and on the intensity of the auditory stimulus. In 62.5% of the recordings sites we found stimulus-related oscillations at around 8-20 Hz. Stimulus-induced oscillations were largest and consistent when stimuli were preceded by 5 s of silence and they were absent when preceded by less than 500 ms of silence. These results demonstrate that the period of silence preceding the stimulus presentation and the stimulus intensity are critical factors for the presence of these oscillations.  相似文献   
To estimate the predation effect of the predominant ctenophorePleurobrachia bachei on the small-copepod community in the upwellingarea off Mejillones (23°S), northern Chile, a series ofoceanographic cruises and predation experiments were conductedin the austral springs 2000, 2001 and 2002. The daily consumptionrates and predatory effect of P. bachei on the small copepods(in terms of % of standing stock and biomass removed daily)were determined at three stations located in relation to theshelf-break (coastal, shelf-break and oceanic) reaching valuesup to 4.5% per day of the <1500 µm copepod standingstock. Our results indicate that the ctenophores were most abundantat the coastal station, that small copepods dominated the copepodcommunity (being more abundant nearshore), and that the relativefrequency of ctenophores with copepods in their guts was alsohigher near the coast. The predatory effect of P. bachei onthe small-copepod community was also higher in the coastal zone.However, the effect of this predation on the copepod biomassin terms of carbon did not decrease steadily seawards, whichmay be due to the larger sized copepods consumed at the offshorestations. Determinations of predatory effect on the secondaryproduction of the more abundant small-copepod populations (i.e26% daily in 2000) suggest that this single species of Pleurobrachiais modulating the population growth rate of the small copepods,the copepod community size structure, and maybe even the alternanceof key species in the Mejillones coastal upwelling zone.  相似文献   


Niemann-Pick type C disease (NPC) is a neurovisceral lipid storage disorder mainly characterized by unesterified cholesterol accumulation in lysosomal/late endosomal compartments, although there is also an important storage for several other kind of lipids. The main tissues affected by the disease are the liver and the cerebellum. Oxidative stress has been described in various NPC cells and tissues, such as liver and cerebellum. Although considerable alterations occur in the liver, the pathological mechanisms involved in hepatocyte damage and death have not been clearly defined. Here, we assessed hepatic tissue integrity, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters of wild-type control (Npc1 +/+; WT) and homozygous-mutant (Npc1 −/−; NPC) mice. In addition, the mRNA abundance of genes encoding proteins associated with oxidative stress, copper metabolism, fibrosis, inflammation and cholesterol metabolism were analyzed in livers and cerebella of WT and NPC mice.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We analyzed various oxidative stress parameters in the liver and hepatic and cerebellum gene expression in 7-week-old NPC1-deficient mice compared with control animals. We found signs of inflammation and fibrosis in NPC livers upon histological examination. These signs were correlated with increased levels of carbonylated proteins, diminished total glutathione content and significantly increased total copper levels in liver tissue. Finally, we analyzed liver and cerebellum gene expression patterns by qPCR and microarray assays. We found a correlation between fibrotic tissue and differential expression of hepatic as well as cerebellar genes associated with oxidative stress, fibrosis and inflammation in NPC mice.


In NPC mice, liver disease is characterized by an increase in fibrosis and in markers associated with oxidative stress. NPC is also correlated with altered gene expression, mainly of genes involved in oxidative stress and fibrosis. These findings correlate with similar parameters in cerebellum, as has been previously reported in the NPC mice model.  相似文献   
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