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The goal of this study was to develop a new implantable transducer for measuring anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) graft tension postoperatively in patients who have undergone ACL reconstructive surgery. A unique approach was taken of integrating the transducer into a femoral fixation device. To devise a practical in vivo calibration protocol for the fixation device transducer (FDT), several hypotheses were investigated: (1) The use of a cable versus the actual graft as the means for applying load to the FDT during calibration has no significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT tension measurements; (2) the number of flexion angles at which the device is calibrated has no significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT measurements; (3) the friction between the graft and femoral tunnel has no significant effect on measurement accuracy. To provide data for testing these hypotheses, the FDT was first calibrated with both a cable and a graft over the full range of flexion. Then graft tension was measured simultaneously with both the FDT on the femoral side and load cells, which were connected to the graft on the tibial side, as five cadaver knees were loaded externally. Measurements were made with both standard and overdrilled tunnels. The error in the FDT tension measurements was the difference between the graft tension measured by the FDT and the load cells. Results of the statistical analyses showed that neither the means of applying the calibration load, the number of flexion angles used for calibration, nor the tunnel size had a significant effect on the accuracy of the FDT. Thus a cable may be used instead of the graft to transmit loads to the FDT during calibration, thus simplifying the procedure. Accurate calibration requires data from just three flexion angles of 0, 45, and 90 deg and a curve fit to obtain a calibration curve over a continuous range of flexion within the limits of this angle group. Since friction did not adversely affect the measurement accuracy of the FDT, the femoral tunnel can be drilled to match the diameter of the graft and does not need to be overdrilled. Following these procedures, the error in measuring graft tension with the FDT averages less than 10 percent relative to a full-scale load of 257 N.  相似文献   
The pH and lumenal environment of intracellular organelles is considered essential for protein sorting and trafficking through the cell. We provide the first evidence that a mammalian NHE sodium (potassium)/proton exchanger, NHE8, plays a key role in the control of protein trafficking and endosome morphology. At steady state, the majority of epitope-tagged NHE8 was found in the trans-Golgi network of HeLa M-cells, but a proportion was also localized to multivesicular bodies (MVBs). Depletion of NHE8 in HeLa M-cells with siRNA resulted in the perturbation of MVB protein sorting, as shown by an increase in epidermal growth factor degradation. Additionally, NHE8-depleted cells displayed striking perinuclear clustering of endosomes and lysosomes, and there was a ninefold increase in the cellular volume taken up by LAMP1/LBPA-positive, dense MVBs. Our data points to a role for the ion exchange activity of NHE8 being required to maintain endosome morphology, as overexpression of a nonfunctional point mutant protein (NHE8 E225Q) resulted in phenotypes similar to those seen after siRNA depletion of endogenous NHE8. Interestingly, we found that depletion of NHE8, despite its function as a sodium (potassium)/proton antiporter, did not affect the overall pH inside dense MVBs.  相似文献   
Over the past year, several significant developments have been made in the field of anion binding. The fundamental principles of molecular recognition are increasingly being better understood, and of particular interest are reports of several synthetic anion receptors able to perform their task in complex natural media. Additionally, macroscopic devices such as anion specific electrodes and membranes based on a molecular recognition approach are now being made.  相似文献   
Concentration factor and biological half-life of 54Mn were determined in three species representing an ecologically and economically important food chain. Green algae (Chlorella spp.), Daphnia magna and yellow perch (Perca flavescens) were exposed to 54Mn in water and assayed for 54Mn uptake. Steady state concentration factors computed from the laboratory data for algae, Daphnia and perch were 4230, 17 000 and 11, respectively. Respective biological half-lives were 1.6, 1.2 and 8.3 days.  相似文献   
Tuberculate mycorrhizae on Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine) have previously been shown to reduce acetylene, but an outstanding question has been to what degree these structures could meet the nitrogen requirements of the tree. We compared the growth, tissue nitrogen contents, and stable nitrogen isotope ratios of P. contorta growing in gravel pits to the same species growing on adjacent intact soil. Trees growing in severely nitrogen deficient gravel pits had virtually identical growth rates and tissue nitrogen contents to those growing on intact soil that had nitrogen levels typical for the area. δ15N values for trees in the gravel pits were substantially lower than δ15N values for trees on intact soil, and isotope ratios in vegetation were lower than the isotope ratios of the soil. The form of soil nitrogen in the gravel pits was almost exclusively nitrate, while ammonium predominated in the intact soil. Discrimination against 15N during plant uptake of soil nitrate in the highly N-deficient soil should be weak or nonexistent. Therefore, the low δ15N in the gravel pit trees suggests that trees growing in gravel pits were using another nitrogen source in addition to the soil. Precipitation-borne nitrogen in the study area is extremely low. In conjunction with our other work, these findings strongly suggests that P. contorta and its microbial symbionts or associates fix nitrogen in sufficient amounts to sustain vigorous tree growth on the most nitrogen-deficient soils.  相似文献   
The ultrastructure of the calcareous skeleton is described in twenty–one species of recent tubuliporine cyclostome bryozoans, using field emission SEM. The succession of skeletal fabrics in interior walls may be classified into four different fabric suites. The first–formed part of the calcitic skeleton in all species for which it has been observed is a precursory fabric of tiny, wedge–shaped crystallites. This is succeeded in about half of the species studied by a fabric of transverse fibres, followed by foliated fabric and often semi–nacre (fabric suite 1). Most of the remaining species lack transverse fibres and have interior walls largely comprising semi–nacre (fabric suite 2). A few species have skeletons consisting of predominantly distally–oriented, irregularly or regularly foliated fabric (fabric suite 3). A single species has a skeleton of proximally–oriented foliated fabric (fabric suite 4). Basal exterior walls in all species have a precursory fabric of tiny wedge–shaped crystallites without a strong preferred orientation, deposited directly upon the organic cuticle, followed by a layer of planar spherulitic structure, which in turn is succeeded by a similar fabric to that developed in the interior wall of the species concerned. Outermost layers of frontal exterior walls exhibit one of the following combinations of three fabrics: an outer layer of (1) finely granular or wedge–shaped crystallites; a thin dense granular layer followed by (2) distally accreting planar spherulitic fabric., or (3) obliquely accreting planar spherulitic fabric growing partly towards the midline of the frontal wall. Terminal diaphragms usually have outer layers dominated by planar spherulitic ultrastructure with centripetal growth directions. The fabric suites present in tubuliporines encompass most known fabrics found in the other cyclostome suborders and support the notion that this species–rich suborder occupies a central position in cyclostome evolution.  相似文献   
3H-Lysergic acid diethylamide (3H-LSD) is irreversibly incorporated into bovine caudate membranes during ultraviolet light illumination. The incorporated radioligand apparently forms a covalent bond with a sub-population of the membrane proteins. Although the photolabeling pattern differs significantly from the Coomassie blue staining pattern on SDS gels, the photolabeling is apparently not specific for LSD binding sites associated with neurotransmitter receptors. 3H-LSD photolabeling can occur during prolonged exposure of membrane samples to room lighting and thus may introduce artifacts into receptor binding assays.  相似文献   
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