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Chick embryo fibroblasts were treated with the monofunctional alkylating agent methylmethane sulfonate at various concentrations for 1 h at 42°C, rinsed and then incubated post-treatment at various temperatures at which the kinetics of alkali-labile bond disappearance was followed. Growth experiments showed that these cells grew similarly at temperatures of either 37°C or 42°C. Repair as assessed by removal of alkali-labile bond was also similar for postincubation in the temperature range 37–42°C for damage due to methylmethane sulfonate treatment at concentrations less than 1.5 mM. When the postincubation temperature was raised higher than 42.5–43°C, this type of repair was stopped. The normal internal body temperature of adult chickens is about 41.6°C. Hence the present finding indicates that chick cells are much more severely restricted in DNA repair at temperatures above normal than are mammalian cells, which can function in this respect for several deg. C above 37°C.  相似文献   
Cell mediated immunity to nonlethal Plasmodium yoelli 17X (PY17X-NL) was examined in the CBA/CaJ mouse by adoptive transfer of sensitized T lymphocyte subsets. In intact mice, PY17X-NL causes a self-limiting infection with parasitemia levels ranging from 10 to 25% of total red blood cells. Upon recovery, mice are refractory to subsequent challenge with the homologous parasite. In T cell-depleted mice, PY17X-NL infections are extremely virulent and result in death of the host after parasitemia levels reach 50% or higher. The transfer of either Lyt-1 T cells or Lyt-2 T cells from immune animals into normal, naive animals produced accelerated recovery to subsequent infection. However, this adoptive transfer of immunity by either subset was dependent upon the presence of an I-J+, Lyt-null cell in the immune population. T cell deprivation precluded the ability of animals to control blood-stage infections. When T cell-depleted mice were reconstituted with naive, Ig-negative (T cell-enriched) spleen cells, parasitemia levels were controlled and the parasites were eliminated. When T cell-deprived animals were reconstituted with naive Lyt-1+2-, Ig-negative spleen cells, they experienced twofold higher parasitemias of longer duration than mice receiving unfractionated cells. Two of six of these Lyt-1 mice died of fulminant infections, suggesting that the presence of naive Lyt-2 cells enhances the degree of protection. Immune Lyt-2 T cells were highly protective in T cell-depleted animals. Protection by sensitized Lyt-1 T cells correlated with the induction of a monocytosis. On the other hand, protection by Lyt-2T cells occurred in the absence of monocytosis. The possibility that the immunity induced by each T cell subset is mediated by a different effector mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   
The development of a dedicated two-dimensional gel electrophoresis system is described that provides superior performance in terms of high resolving power and enhanced gel-to-gel reproducibility. Isoelectric focusing is performed in a 1-mm capillary tube with a 0.08-mm thread, optimized for this application, incorporated along its length prior to polymerization of the gel matrix. The isoelectric focusing gel is 4% T, 2.6% C to minimize sieving of proteins and promote adhesion of the gel to the thread. The thread incorporated in the isoelectric focusing matrix prevents gel stretching and breakage during its application to the second dimension. An optimum ampholyte pH range has been defined based on 1600 polypeptides present in a transformed fibroblast cell lysate and verified using a variety of other cell types. The length of time required to complete an electrophoretic separation in the second dimension was found to depend on buffer conductivity establishing the importance of high quality electrophoresis grade reagents devoid of contaminating salts. To ensure reproducibility of electrophoretic separations, it is critical to maintain a strict control of temperature during the second dimension separation. This prevents altered migration of some polypeptides relative to neighboring polypeptides that have constant Rfs over a broad temperature range. It was also determined that to obtain the maximum information from a complex protein mixture it is critical to use a large format 22- x 22-cm two-dimensional electrophoretic system. Using the optimized two-dimensional electrophoretic system and computerized gel analysis, it was determined that molecular weight estimates of polypeptides differed by approximately 350 daltons between gels, while isoelectric point estimates differed by approximately 0.03 pH units between gels. Using the two-dimensional electrophoresis system described, approximately 1000 polypeptides can be routinely detected from silver-stained 10% polyacrylamide gels or 1600 polypeptides from autoradiographs of 35S-methionine-labeled polypeptides.  相似文献   
Wild-type plants of Arabidopsis thaliana strain Columbia regenerated at a high frequency from immature cotyledons cultured on a shoot-inducing medium containing 1.0 mg/l 6-benzylaminopurine and 0.1 mg/l 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. Cotyledon segments expanded rapidly and produced numerous shoots after 2–3 weeks in culture. Regeneration occurred in the absence of the original shoot apex. Hypocotyl segments from immature embryos produced root hairs and callus in culture but only rarely developed shoots. Hygromycin, kanamycin and G-418 inhibited cotyledon expansion and shoot formation in culture. Vancomycin was much less toxic to cotyledon segments than either carbenicillin or cefotaxime. Immature cotyledons therefore yield numerous regenerated plants that may be useful in future transformation studies.  相似文献   
An agar gel-diffusion test (AGDT) and an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) were utilized to detect serum antibodies against Pasteurella multocida in naturally infected rabbits derived originally from a Pasteurella-free colony. The antigen used in both assays was purified from a serotype 3 (P-1059) strain of P. multocida. Among 47 serum samples tested 15 (32%) were seropositive; 12 (26%) of which were both AGDT and ELISA-positive, while 3 (6%) were ELISA-positive only. All rabbits examined were normal clinically and negative to repeated nasal cultures, but subsequent cultures at necropsy demonstrated the presence of P. multocida in 11 of the AGDT-positive rabbits and in 14 of the ELISA-positive rabbits. The organism was isolated most frequently from the naso-oropharynx and the tympanic bullae. Serotyping of isolates recovered from the nasopharynx were determined to be serotype 3 or 3,12. Ten seronegative rabbits also were necropsied and none were found harboring P. multocida. These preliminary data indicate that the application of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay may prove efficacious in identifying apparently healthy, consistently nasal culture-negative rabbits as subclinical carriers of P. multocida.  相似文献   
Benzo(a)pyrene (BP) was dissolved in dietary fat and fed in a single dose to killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). Fluorescence microscopic examinations of small intestinal content and frozen sections of whole small intestine revealed that during fat digestion BP was codispersed in liquid crystalline product phases produced during lipolysis (1979. Patton, J. S., and M. C. Carey, Science. 204: 145-148) and then coabsorbed with dietary lipid followed by its reappearance in intracellular fat droplets. During the time that the absorbed fat remained in the enterocytes, BP fluorescence was initially concentrated in the intracellular fat droplets and then spread throughout the cytosol of the enterocytes. Tissue analyses showed that BP was rapidly metabolized in the intestine and transported to the gallbladder. These studies show that separation of a dissolved hydrophobic carcinogen from dietary fat occurs primarily after the fat has been digested, dispersed, absorbed, and reassembled in the enterocyte. The inability of the enterocyte to discriminate between dietary fat and dissolved carcinogenic compounds may be a partial explanation of the observed link between high fat diets and the incidence of some cancers. In vertebrates, the intestine and not the liver, appears to be the major site of metabolism of dietary polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).  相似文献   
The present study demonstrates that inactivation of exogenous 1-O-alkyl-2-acetyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (alkylacetyl-GPC; platelet-activating factor) by human platelets is mediated by the sequential action of two enzymes, 1) a Ca2+-independent acetylhydrolase recovered in the cytosolic fraction of platelets that deacylates alkylacetyl-GPC forming alkyllyso-GPC and 2) a CoA-independent, N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive transacylase associated with platelet membranes that incorporates a long-chain fatty acid into alkyllyso-GPC to produce alkylacyl-GPC. Separation of platelet phospholipids and subsequent resolution into individual molecular species by high-performance liquid chromatography revealed that the newly formed alkylacyl-GPC was exclusively alkylarachidonoyl-GPC and that the arachidonoyl group for acylation of alkyllyso-GPC was provided by phosphatidylcholine. We conclude that the previously described platelet arachidonoyl transacylase (Kramer, R.M., and Deykin, D. (1983) J. Biol. Chem. 258, 13806-13811) may play an important role in the metabolism of platelet-activating factor.  相似文献   
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