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Four major austral continental distribution patterns are evident in pteridophytes. Twenty-two species are completely circum-Antarctic. Another 39 species are partially circum-Antarctic, occurring in Australasia (Australia and New Zealand) and Africa (including Madagascar) but not South America, while 29 are in Africa and South America but not Australasia, and 13 are in South America and Australasia but not Africa. Two hypotheses are considered as explanations for the patterns: continental drift following the breakup of Gondwana and long-distance dispersal. Fossil evidence indicates that the majority of pteridophyte families involved appeared after the southern continents had drifted apart, so long-distance dispersal is likely to explain the distribution of species in these families on now widely separated continents. For those families extant before the break-up, there is no indication in the fossil record that the species involved were present in Gondwana. Aspects of the ecology of the species that are partly or completely circum-Antarctic indicate that long-distance dispersal, rather than continental drift, is a likely explanation for the patterns.  相似文献   
Gamma radiation sensitivities of continuous cell lines from nine human tumours were measured, comparing four derived from transitional cell carcinomas of the bladder with five from non-seminomatous germ cell tumours of the testis. The testicular cells were significantly more radiosensitive than the bladder cells, corresponding to the response to therapy of these tumour types in patients. These observations indicate that radiosensitivity is retained in vitro and is an inherent property of the testicular tumour cells. These gamma radiation sensitivities were compared with those of SV40-transformed fibroblasts derived from a normal individual and one with the heritable disease, ataxia-telangiectasia (A-T). The bladder cells had gamma radiation sensitivities similar to that of the SV40-transformed normal line. The testicular cells were hypersensitive to gamma radiation, although not as sensitive as the SV40-transformed A-T line. A-T cells, unlike those derived from normal individuals, continue to synthesize DNA at a normal rate following radiation exposure, prompting a comparison of the kinetics of DNA synthesis in three bladder and three testicular tumour cell lines. One of the bladder and two testicular lines showed a reduced inhibition when compared to the other tumour cell lines and the SV40-transformed normal line. Thus there was no clear association between DNA synthesis inhibition and radiosensitivity.  相似文献   
The measurement of γ-H2AX foci induction in cells provides a sensitive and reliable method for the quantitation of DNA damage responses in a variety of cell types. Accurate and rapid methods to conduct such observations are desirable. In this study, we have employed the novel technique of multispectral imaging flow cytometry to compare the induction and repair of γ-H2AX foci in three human cell types with different capacities for the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSB). A repair normal fibroblast cell line MRC5-SV1, a DSB repair defective ataxia telangiectasia (AT5BIVA) cell line, and a DNA-PKcs deficient cell line XP14BRneo17 were exposed to 2 Gy gamma radiation from a (60)Cobalt source. Thirty minutes following exposure, we observed a dramatic induction of foci in the nuclei of these cells. After 24 hrs, there was a predictable reduction on the number of foci in the MRC5-SV1 cells, consistent with the repair of DNA DSB. In the AT5BIVA cells, persistence of the foci over a 24-hr period was due to the failure in the repair of DNA DSB. However, in the DNA-PKcs defective cells (XP14BRneo17), we observed an intermediate retention of foci in the nuclei indicative of partial repair of DNA DSB. In summary, the application of imaging flow cytometry has permitted an evaluation of foci in a large number of cells (20,000) for each cell line at each time point. This provides a novel method to determine differences in repair kinetics between different cell types. We propose that imaging flow cytometry provides an alternative platform for accurate automated high through-put analysis of foci induction in a variety of cell types.  相似文献   
The evolution of land plants approximately 470 million years ago created a new adaptive zone for natural enemies (attackers) of plants. In response to attack, plants evolved highly effective, inducible defense systems. Two plant hormones modulating inducible defenses are salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA). Current thinking is that SA induces resistance against biotrophic pathogens and some phloem feeding insects and JA induces resistance against necrotrophic pathogens, some phloem feeding insects and chewing herbivores. Signaling crosstalk between SA and JA commonly manifests as a reciprocal antagonism and may be adaptive, but this remains speculative. We examine evidence for and against adaptive explanations for antagonistic crosstalk, trace its phylogenetic origins and provide a hypothesis-testing framework for future research on the adaptive significance of SA-JA crosstalk.  相似文献   
The normal shape of the erythrocytes of the bivalves known as blood clams is maintained by a marginal band (MB) of microtubules. When hemolymph (or "blood") is withdrawn from the animal, its erythrocytes change, within minutes, from the normal smooth-surfaced, flattened ellipsoids (N-cells) to spheroids with folded surfaces (X-cells). This alteration can be prevented by rapidly diluting the hemolymph with physiological medium, yielding N-cells for use in studying the transformation to X-cells. Bioassays showed that shape transformation was induced by a hemolymph activity (Hx) and was a function, in part, of cell responsiveness to this activity. Eventually the shape of the cells spontaneously returned to normal, at a rate dependent upon the concentration of the cells and of Hx; recovery was correlated with loss of Hx. The X-cells contained an intact but highly deformed MB, but this was not the effector of the transformation. Erythrocytes made to lack MBs still changed shape, although they did not recover as completely as did the MB-containing controls. When clams were cooled before hemolymph was withdrawn, the concentration of Hx was reduced. Hx was retained after dialysis of hemolymph, and initial filtration and chromatography indicated that its Mr was greater than 500,000. Shape transformation was blocked by EGTA, by serine protease inhibitors, and by sodium azide; the last indicates ATP-dependence. Although the mechanism responsible for shape transformation remains to be determined, the data suggest that the change is triggered by a coagulation-related activity in response to the removal of hemolymph from the animal.  相似文献   
The herpes simplex virus type 1 UL42 DNA polymerase processivity factor interacts physically with UL9 and enhances its ability to unwind short, partially duplex DNA. In this report, ATP hydrolysis during translocation of UL9 on single-stranded (ss) or partially duplex DNA was examined in the presence and absence of UL42 to determine the effect of UL42 on the catalytic function of UL9. Our studies reveal that a homodimer of UL9 is sufficient for DNA translocation coupled to ATP hydrolysis, and the steady-state ATPase catalytic rate was greater on partially duplex DNA than on ss DNA in the presence or absence of UL42. Although UL42 protein increased the steady-state rate for ATP hydrolysis by UL9 during translocation on either partially duplex or ss DNA, UL42 had no significant effect on the intrinsic ATPase activity of UL9. UL42 also had no effect on the catalytic rate of ATP hydrolysis when UL9 was not limiting but enhanced the steady-state ATPase rate at only subsaturating UL9 concentrations. At subsaturating UL9 to DNA ratios, stoichiometric concentrations of UL42 were shown to increase the amount of UL9 bound to ss DNA at equilibrium. These data support a model whereby UL42 increases the ability of UL9 to load onto DNA, thus increasing its ability to assemble into a functional complex capable of unwinding duplex DNA.  相似文献   
Cerebellin precursor protein (Cbln1) is essential for synapse integrity in cerebellum through assembly into complexes that bridge pre-synaptic β-neurexins (Nrxn) to post-synaptic GluRδ2. However, GluRδ2 is largely cerebellum-specific, yet Cbln1 and its little studied family members, Cbln2 and Cbln4, are expressed throughout brain. Therefore, we investigated whether additional proteins mediate Cbln family actions. Whereas Cbln1 and Cbln2 bound to GluRδ2 and Nrxns1-3, Cbln4 bound weakly or not at all, suggesting it has distinct binding partners. In a candidate receptor-screening assay, Cbln4 (but not Cbln1 or Cbln2) bound selectively to the netrin receptor, (deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) in a netrin-displaceable fashion. To determine whether Cbln4 had a netrin-like function, Cbln4-null mice were generated. Cbln4-null mice did not phenocopy netrin-null mice. Cbln1 and Cbln4 were likely co-localized in neurons thought to be responsible for synaptic changes in striatum of Cbln1-null mice. Furthermore, complexes containing Cbln1 and Cbln4 had greatly reduced affinity to DCC but increased affinity to Nrxns, suggesting a functional interaction. However, Cbln4-null mice lacked the striatal synaptic changes seen in Cbln null mice. Thus, Cbln family members interact with multiple receptors/signaling pathways in a subunit composition-dependent manner and have independent functions with Cbln4 potentially involved in the less well-characterized role of netrin/DCC in adult brain.  相似文献   
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