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Seed germination of Melaleuca ericifolia (swamp paperbark) is delayed by submergence in water but the final percentage germination after removing seeds from water is unaffected; some seeds will germinate and the cotyledons emerge whilst submerged. Germination is totally inhibited at salinities of 14% and a population which naturally occurs adjacent to coastal saltmarsh was inhibited more by salinities of 6–12% than two other populations from freshwater habitats. Seedling growth may be increased by water-logging conditions and the degree of response differs for different seed sources. Inundation stimulates root growth and new roots are thick and aerenchymatous. Root systems in the field run horizontally and are shallow, apparently being restricted by clay at depth. All populations studied showed a similar seedling growth-response to salinity treatments; growth declined at salinities ≤ 13% and was severely restricted at 21%, although no seedlings died after 48 days’exposure to the latter treatment.  相似文献   
A simplified method for the production of pre-reduced anaerobically sterilized media for the cultivation of strict anaerobes is described.  相似文献   
A new genus and species in the eucalypt group of the Myrtaceae is described. Stockwellia quadrifida D.J. Carr, S.G.M. Carr & B.Hyland gen. et sp. nov. is a rainforest tree of restricted distribution on the Atherton Tableland, North Queensland, Australia. Molecular data suggest that it is the sister taxon to Eucalyptopsis and this is supported by morphological characters. The prolonged hypanthium and reduced perianth appear to be synapomorphies for these two genera and the circumscissile hypanthium a synapomorphy shared with Allosyncarpia . Stockwellia differs from Eucalyptopsis by the distinct, albeit reduced, perianth and the hypanthium splitting into four segments at anthesis. The relationship of these two genera indicates an historical biogeographical link between New Guinea and the Queensland wet tropics region.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 139 , 415–421.  相似文献   
We report microsatellite primer pairs for the wild tristylous daffodil, Narcissus triandrus (Amaryllidaceae). From enriched libraries, we identified 58 unique microsatellite loci. We designed primer pairs for 27 of these loci and screened genomic DNA from 38 to 40 adults from a single population. For eight polymorphic loci, the number of alleles per locus ranged from five to 17. As six primers also amplified loci in three other Narcissus species, including two horticultural varieties, we expect that some of these markers will be transferable to other Narcissus species.  相似文献   
Frequent fires reduce the abundance of woody plant species and favour herbaceous species. Plant species richness also tends to increase with decreasing vegetation biomass and cover due to reduced competition for light. We assessed the influence of variable fire histories and site biomass on the following diversity measures: woody and herbaceous species richness, overall species richness and evenness, and life form evenness (i.e. the relative abundance or dominance among six herbaceous and six woody plant life forms), across 16 mixed jarrah (Eucalyptus marginata) and marri (Corymbia calophylla) forest stands in south‐west Australia. Fire frequency was defined as the total number of fires over a 30‐year period. Overall species richness and species evenness did not vary with fire frequency or biomass. However, there were more herbaceous species (particularly rushes, geophytes and herbs) where there were fewer shrubs and low biomass, suggesting that more herbaceous species coexist where dominance by shrubs is low. Frequently burnt plots also had lower number and abundance of shrub species. Life form evenness was also higher at both high fire frequency and low biomass sites. These results suggest that the impact of fire frequency and biomass on vegetation composition is mediated by local interactions among different life forms rather than among individual species. Our results demonstrate that measuring the variation in the relative diversity of different woody and herbaceous life forms is crucial to understanding the compositional response of forests and other structurally complex vegetation communities to changes in disturbance regime such as increased fire frequency.  相似文献   
Sperm structure and ultrastructure in the Hymenoptera (Insecta)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A light and electron microscopical survey of spermatozoan gross morphology and ultrastructure in the Hymenoptera is presented. Details are provided for the first time for members of the families Xyelidae, Argidae, Tenthredinidae, Diprionidae, Cephidae, Figitidae, Proctotrupidae, Diaprii- dae, Heloridae, Eurytomidae, Leucospidae, Perilampidae, Torymidae, Braconidae, Dryinidae, Sphecidae, Pompilidae and Vespidae. Spermatozoan length ranged from 8 μ m in some Braconidae to 500 μm in one chalcidoid. Considerable variation in gross morphology and ultrastructure were observed between taxa. Several phylogenetically informative characters were noted. Very small spermatozoa characterized most of the non-cyclostome subfamilies of Braconidae; spirally twisted axoneme and mitochondrial derivatives occur in the Eulophidae, Eurytomidae and Pteromalidae; spermatozoa with virtually indistinguishable head (nucleus and acrosome) regions characterized the Vespinae and Polistinae. The presence of well-developed spermatodesmata in the vas deferens and seminal vesicle characterize the Symphyta and were largely absent from other groups though they are occasionally present in some bees.  相似文献   
High volume sprays of dichlofluanid (0.1 % a.i.) reduced total fruit numbers but gave better control of Botrytis cinerea infections of tomato stems, leaves and fruit than sprays at 0.05 or 0.025% a.i. Surface residues from the sprays at 0–1, 0.05 or 0.025% a.i. were respectively 5.4, 1.6, 0.7 μg/g fresh weight of ripe fruit at harvest. Tank-mixed zineb (0.12% a.i.) and captan (0.2% a.i.) were less effective and increasing the spray intervals from 1 wk to 2 and 3 wk reduced the fungitoxicity of captan and zineb more than that of dichlofluanid. Harvest residues on ripe fruit were 7.1, 2.8 or 2.4 μg/g when dichlofluanid (0.1 % a.i.) sprays were applied at 1, 2 and 3 wk intervals respectively. Good control of B. cinerea was achieved if the whole plant was sprayed initially with dichlofluanid as soon as the second truss was flowering and subsequent sprays were restricted to the upper section of stem including the four or five youngest trusses of buds, flowers and fruit. When used as a post-infection spray there was a period of c. 8 wk before dichlofluanid markedly reduced the incidence of grey mould. Tank-mixed zineb (0.12% a.i.) controlled Botrytis fruit spotting but not leaf and stem infections. Botrytis stem lesions extended more rapidly on zineb-sprayed plants than on unsprayed plants or on plants treated with captan or dichlofluanid.  相似文献   
This study investigated the synergistic effects of ocean acidification (caused by elevations in the partial pressure of carbon dioxide pCO2) and temperature on the fertilization and embryonic development of the economically and ecologically important Sydney rock oyster, Saccostrea glomerata (Gould 1850). As pCO2 increased, fertilization significantly decreased. The temperature of 26 °C was the optimum temperature for fertilization, as temperature increased and decreased from this optimum, fertilization decreased. There was also an effect of pCO2 and temperature on embryonic development. Generally as pCO2 increased, the percentage and size of D‐veligers decreased and the percentage of D‐veligers that were abnormal increased. The optimum temperature was 26 °C and embryonic development decreased at temperatures that were above and below this temperature. Abnormality of D‐veligers was greatest at 1000 ppm and 18 and 30 °C (≥90%) and least at 375 ppm and 26 °C (≤4%). Finally prolonged exposure of elevated pCO2 and temperature across early developmental stages led to fewer D‐veligers, more abnormality and smaller sizes in elevated CO2 environments and may lead to lethal effects at suboptimal temperatures. Embryos that were exposed to the pCO2 and temperature treatments for fertilization and embryonic development had fewer D‐veligers, greater percentage of abnormality and reduced size than embryos that were exposed to the treatments for embryonic development only. Further at the elevated temperature of 30 °C and 750–1000 ppm, there was no embryonic development. The results of this study suggest that predicted changes in ocean acidification and temperature over the next century may have severe implications for the distribution and abundance of S. glomerata as well as possible implications for the reproduction and development of other marine invertebrates.  相似文献   
Orthoglymma Liebherr, Marris, Emberson, Syrett & Roig‐Juñent gen.n. (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Broscini) is described to accommodate the single type species Orthoglymma wangapeka Liebherr, Marris, Emberson, Syrett & Roig‐Juñent sp.n., known from the Wangapeka Track, Kahurangi National Park, north‐western South Island, New Zealand. Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. is analysed cladistically along with a comprehensive array of 42 other broscine generic terminals and four out‐group taxa, using information obtained from 73 morphological characters, and placed as adelphotaxon to the remainder of subtribe Nothobroscina, a clade distributed in New Zealand, southern South America and Australia. Based on fossil evidence for Carabidae, the occurrence of Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. on the Buller Terrane, a geological feature once situated on the eastern margin of Gondwana, and early cladistic divergence of Orthoglymma from the remaining Nothobroscina, Orthoglymma wangapeka sp.n. is interpreted as a Gondwanan relict. The New Zealand arthropod fauna is reviewed to identify other taxa in existence at the time of Cretaceous vicariance of New Zealand and Australia. These candidate Gondwanan taxa, all of which are specified using fossil data or molecular divergence‐based estimates, are analysed biogeographically. Where phylogenetic hypotheses are available, primordial distributions are optimized using event‐based, dispersal‐vicariance (DIVA) analysis. The hypothesized Gondwanan‐aged taxa demonstrate inordinate fidelity to the Gondwanan‐aged geological terranes that constitute the western portions of New Zealand, especially in the South Island. Persistence of these relicts through a hypothesized ‘Oligocene drowning’ event is the most parsimonious explanation for the concentration of Gondwanan relicts in the Nelson, Buller and Fiordland districts of the South Island. Geographic patterns of Gondwanan‐aged taxa are compared with distributions of taxa hypothesized to have colonized New Zealand across the Tasman Sea from Australia and New Caledonia, subsequent to Cretaceous vicariance. These post‐Gondwanan taxa exhibit very different patterns of distribution and diversification in New Zealand, including: (i) abundant endemism in Northland, and the islands and peninsulas of the North Island; (ii) species geographically restricted to areas underlain by the youngest Rakaia and Pahau geological terranes; and (iii) species exhibiting exceedingly widespread geographic distributions spanning geological terranes of disparate ages.
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