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IN addition to its well known antiviral activity, interferon has recently been shown to inhibit the multiplication of tumour and mammalian cells in cell culture1–6. We report here the inhibition by interferon of DNA synthesis induced in mouse spleen lymphocytes by the non-viral stimuli phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) and allogeneic lymphocytes. These findings are in accord with our contention that interferon affects cell function and, furthermore, they suggest that by acting on lymphocytes, interferon plays a role in the immunological response of the host.  相似文献   
ABSTRACT. The effect of conditioned media (media aspirated from a variety of cell cultures after 4 d of growth) on cellular invasion by sporozoites of the turkey coccidium, Eimeria adenoeides, was examined. Conditioned medium from turkey kidney cells and baby hamster kidney cells failed to alter invasion. However, conditioned medium from turkey cecal cell cultures produced a significant (P ≤ 0.05), two-fold increase in invasion over control medium in a variety of cell types. Retentates of conditioned medium from the turkey cecal cells that were passed through microconcentrators having molecular mass cutoffs of 50, 100, and 300 kDa similarly enhanced invasion over retentates from control medium. However, retentates from microconcentrators with a cutoff of 1,000 kDa failed to enhance invasion. Pretreatment in conditioned medium, followed by washing of sporozoites prior to inoculation into cultures, did not result in enhanced invasion. Moreover, when the interval between inoculation of sporozoites into cells and fixation of cultures was reduced to less than 3 h, no enhancement of invasion occurred. Conditioned medium from turkey cecal cells that were grown in the presence of 35S-translabel had at least two labeled bands at 150 kDa and > 200 kDa that were absent in conditioned media from turkey kidney and baby hamster kidney cells.  相似文献   
There has been no work on the immunological response of birdsto helminth infections since the late 1960s, an area of investigationthat has been too long ignored. Similarly, studies of arthropod-mediatedresponses in birds are lacking except for a few scattered investigations.Recently, a serum antibody response has been seen against onearthropod, the northern fowl mite. The appearance of antibodiesrecognizing an 8–10 kilodalton mite antigen seems to correlatewith a reduction in the mite population on infested chickens.Most of the studies on parasite immunity in avian species havecentered on the economically important Eimeria species, protozoanparasites that infect the intestine of chickens and turkeys.These investigations encompass wide areas of interest includingthe effect of immunity on parasite invasion, development ofT-cell proliferation assays and T-cell clones, inhibition ofparasite penetration and development by hybridoma antibody treatment,production of genetically engineered Eimeria antigens used inbird immunization studies, and studies using inbred or congeniclines of birds to determine what effect the major histocompatibilitycomplex has on parasite immunity. From these efforts it hasbeen learned that not only is the immunity species-specific,but also depending on where in the intestine the parasite invades,penetration is either not affected or inhibited by as much as50%. The T-cell proliferation assays suggest that this specificitymay be due to a species-specific T-cell response. Immunizationstudies using a genetically engineered antigen have indicatedthat at least partial protection against one species of Eimeriais possible. Studies done with the inbred congenic lines ofbirds have shown that the genetic makeup of the bird is importantin how it responds to either a natural infection or to immunizationwith a genetically engineered antigen. Clearly, these resultsshow not only the complexity of the bird response to parasiteinfection, but also the amount of work still undone.  相似文献   
In laboratory experiments, 11 selected carboxylic acids were tested to determine which part of the sinapic acid molecule is responsible for deterring cabbage root fly from laying its eggs on otherwise-acceptable cauliflower host-plants. The deterrent effect was only obtained with compounds containing at least one carboxylic group in the molecule. Hence, the aliphatic acids were as deterrent as the aromatic acids to the fly and all the carboxylic acids were as deterrent as sinapic acid, reducing oviposition by > 50%. The inclusion of two carboxylic groups in the molecule, (e.g. phthalic acid and oxalic acid) did not increase the deterrent effect observed with sinapic acid. Some of the long chain fatty acids, with low volatility, low water solubility and thus greater persistence, offer practical opportunities for deterring Delia radicurn from laying its eggs on plants in the field.  相似文献   
The effects of first generation carrot fly larval damage on chlorogenic acid concentration in carrots was investigated in a field experiment at Wellesbourne in 1985. In a separate experiment carrots grown in the absence of a resident population of carrot fly were also analysed for chlorogenic acid; these carrots maintained low concentrations of chlorogenic acid through the summer and autumn until low ground temperatures occurred from November to January. The relationship between chlorogenic acid concentration and damage by the first generation of carrot fly was described by a similar model to the one derived previously for late-generation damage but without the cultivar dependence. This may have been because first generation damage takes place in mid-summer when soil temperature is not sufficiently low for differential chlorogenic acid production by carrot cultivars. The model supports the hypothesis that carrot fly damage increases chlorogenic acid production which subsequently encourages further attack. The increase in acid production due to the low winter temperature may be the mechanism which, in turn, induced a differential cultivar response in carrots harvested during the winter.  相似文献   
Envelope development in Trachelomonas lefevrei (Deflandre) begins with the production of short, coarse mucilaginous strands, morphologically similar to the mucilage produced by non-enveloped euglenoids. These initial mucilaginous secretions subsequently become impregnated with manganese (Mn) and/or iron (Fe). Continued mucilage secretion and mineralization results in a mature envelope that is characteristic for the species. When these mature envelopes are treated with oxalic acid to remove the Mn and Fe, the envelopes collapse and are composed only of short, coarse mucilaginous strands similar to those present during early stages of development, prior to their mineralization. Brief treatment with 10 mM EDTA renders dark envelopes colorless, and our EM-EDS analyses show that this corresponds to a loss of Mn from the envelope; however, if Fe is present in the envelope, it is unaffected by the brief treatment. The mucilage present during early stages of envelope development and that remaining after complete demineralization is also morphologically similar to the mucilage in the plug at the anterior end of the envelope.  相似文献   
A Hirst volumetric spore trap, at a height of 30 cm., was used to assess the diurnal distribution of Erysiphe conidia in the air in tobacco crops infected with E. cichoracearum in Rhodesia. Air temperature and humidity, and the length of time leaves were wet each day, were also recorded at the same height, amongst the plants. In four seasons, most conidia were caught between 13.00 and 15.00 hr. There were close positive correlations in 1962 between numbers of conidia per m.3 of air per hour and saturation deficit and air temperature during the same hours (10.00–18.00 hr.) Correlations of total Erysiphe conidia per day with temperature and humidity were very variable; temperature had no apparent effect during three seasons, but in one (1961)there was a highly significant positive correlation between numbers of conidia and the daily duration of temperatures > 25d? C. More conidia were also caught when the air was dry for long periods that season, though temperature probably had the greater effect. In 1962, more conidia were caught per day the longer the air was humid (s.D. 0–1 mb.) In 1961, the amount of rain per day had no apparent effect on numbers of conidia, but in 1962 more were caught the greater the daily rainfall. However, rain, which nearly always fell in the afternoon, also removed most conidia from the air that afternoon. Neither windspeed nor duration of leaf wetness appeared to affect spore dispersion.  相似文献   
Abstract Surveys of mating-system parameters in populations of the annual, self-compatible, tristylous, emergent aquatic, Eichhornia paniculata (Pontederiaceae) from N.E. Brazil and Jamaica have indicated that the species exhibits a wide range of outcrossing rates. To investigate whether temporal variation in outcrossing rate was also a feature of populations, open-pollinated families were sampled from five populations of contrasting style morph structure from N.E. Brazil over three consecutive years (1987–1989). Multilocus estimates of outcrossing rate ( t ) were obtained from assays of isozyme polymorphisms using starch gel electrophoresis. There was significant variation both among populations and between years in the frequency of outcrossing. Outcrossing in three tristylous populations was high ( t > 0.80), with relatively small fluctuations occurring over the three-year sampling period. In contrast, in a dimorphic and monomorphic population considerable self-fertilization occurred and the frequency of outcrossing declined significantly from 1987 to 1989 in both populations. In the dimorphic population, increased selfing was associated with a marked reduction in population size and an increase in the frequency of selfing variants of the mid-styled morph. The significance of temporal variation in outcrossing frequency in plant populations is discussed in relation to its effect on population genetic structure and recent models of mating-system evolution.  相似文献   
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