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Most large‐scale multispecies studies of tree growth have been conducted in tropical and cool temperate forests, whereas Mediterranean water‐limited ecosystems have received much less attention. This limits our understanding of how growth of coexisting tree species varies along environmental gradients in these forests, and the implications for species interactions and community assembly under current and future climatic conditions. Here, we quantify the absolute effect and relative importance of climate, tree size and competition as determinants of tree growth patterns in Iberian forests, and explore interspecific differences in the two components of competitive ability (competitive response and effect) along climatic and size gradients. Spatially explicit neighborhood models were developed to predict tree growth for the 15 most abundant Iberian tree species using permanent‐plot data from the Spanish Second and Third National Forest Inventory (IFN). Our neighborhood analyses showed a climatic and size effect on tree growth, but also revealed that competition from neighbors has a comparatively much larger impact on growth in Iberian forests. Moreover, the sensitivity to competition (i.e. competitive response) of target trees varied markedly along climatic gradients causing significant rank reversals in species performance, particularly under xeric conditions. We also found compelling evidence for strong species‐specific competitive effects in these forests. Altogether, these results constitute critical new information which not only furthers our understanding of important theoretical questions about the assembly of Mediterranean forests, but will also be of help in developing new guidelines for adapting forests in this climatic boundary to global change. If we consider the climatic gradients of this study as a surrogate for future climatic conditions, then we should expect absolute growth rates to decrease and sensitivity to competition to increase in most forests of the Iberian Peninsula (in all but the northern Atlantic forests), making these management considerations even more important in the future.  相似文献   
Morphological and phylogenetic relationships of the worldwide Mediterranean lichen forming fungus, Parmelina quercina , have been studied. Specimens from western Europe, western North America and southern Australia were analysed using molecular data (nuITS rDNA, nuLSU rDNA and mtSSU rDNA) and selected morphological features (upper cortex maculae, scanning electron microscopy examination of the epicortex, ascospores and conidia shape and size, and amphithecial retrorse rhizines). The results conclusively reveal that: (1) there is not one single species but four separate species in the Mediterranean or sub Mediterranean areas of the world. Parmelina quercina and Parmelina carporrhizans (Euroasiatic species), Parmelina coleae sp. nov. (North America) and Parmelina elixia sp. nov. (Australia); (2) largely debated P. carporrhizans is not a synonym of P. quercina but supported as a valid species circumscribed to Macaronesic relict sites; (3) the geographical isolation of the Australian population is correlated with a large genetic distance; (4) morphological characters (ascospores and conidial variability and thallus epicortex) correlate with the phylogenetic hypothesis; (5) the new or revalidated species within Parmelina quercina are not cryptic species but morphologically recognizable taxa.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 455–467.  相似文献   
Natural selection can play an important role in the maintenance of genetic polymorphisms, despite ongoing gene flow. In the present study, we use previously analysed allozymic loci and perform an F ST outlier-based analysis to detect the signatures of divergent selection between sympatric ecotypes of the marine snail Littorina saxatilis at different localities. The results obtained show that different allozyme polymorphisms are affected (directly or indirectly) by selection at distinct geographical regions. The Phosmogluco mutase-2 locus was the best candidate for adaptation and further biochemical analyses were performed. The kinetic properties of the three more common genotypes of Pgm-2 were studied. The results obtained are concordant with two alternative hypotheses: (1) natural selection is acting directly on this locus or, more probably, (2) selection is affecting a genomic region tightly linked to the enzyme locus. In both cases, the known existence of a parallel and partially independent origin of these ecotypes would explain why different candidate loci were detected in different localities.  © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2009, 98 , 225–233.  相似文献   
1. Recreational angling activities in wild populations of Atlantic salmon may induce a selection pressure towards a reduction in body size and length if the angling season coincides with the return of the largest sea age fish class. 2. Using estimates of heritability for growth traits and estimates of the selection pressure from angling operating on growth, we predicted the response to selection expected to occur in a wild population of Atlantic salmon. 3. The dataset used here comprised individuals from two consecutive generations (parents and offspring) from the River Bidasoa (NW Spain). Offspring were assigned to parents using six highly polymorphic microsatellite loci. Use of restricted maximum likelihood methodology and the animal model allowed us to estimate the heritability for body length and body weight as well as their genetic correlation. 4. Estimated heritabilities (0.32 ± 0.12 for length and 0.32 ± 0.11 for weight) and selection pressure caused by angling were used to obtain predictions of response to selection because of angling. Our results suggested a decline of 1.9 mm in body length and 103.3 g in body weight per generation because of angling pressure. 5. The results derived from this study suggest that the angling season should be annually delayed in order to avoid selective angling of the multi‐year class and further reductions in body weight and length.  相似文献   
Tyrosinase may protect against oxidative stress by using the superoxide anion (O?2) in the production of melanin. We have examined this by comparing its cytotoxic effects in B16/F10 and B16/F10-differential deficient (-DD) mouse melanoma cells that express high and low levels of tyrosinase activity respectively. Xanthine oxidase (XO) was used to generate O?2 and cytotoxicity assessed by measuring cell survival. XO increased O?2 concentrations and 3 h later dose related decreases in cell survival were seen. F10 cells were more resistant to these cytotoxic effects than the F10-DD cells. [Nle4,DPhe7]MSH increased tyrosinase activity and melanin content, reduced O?2 concentration and increased the resistance of F10 cells to the cytotoxic effects of O?2. No such effects were seen in F10-DD cells. The effect of [Nle4,DPhe7]MSH on the resistance of the F10 cells was time-dependent and noticeable when tyrosinase activity but not melanin was increased. This suggests that it was the activation of tyrosinase rather than the increase in the melanin that provided the protection against O?2. In support of this, inhibition of tyrosinase with phenylthiocarbamide reduced the increased resistance induced by [Nle4,DPhe7]MSH. Moreover, although melanin was capable of scavenging O?2 it had little effect at concentrations comparable to those in the activated F10 cells. XO also increased the melanin content of F10 but not F10-DD cells. We conclude that tyrosinase is able to utilise O?2 to produce melanin and this provides pigment cells with a unique anti-oxidant mechanism.  相似文献   
The antifungal reagent Fungizone (amphotericin B and deoxycholate) caused an activation in dopachrome tautomerase and dopa oxidase activities of B16/F10 melanoma cells at the routine concentration (2.5 μg/ml) used for preventing molds and yeast growth in cultures of animal cells. However, higher amphotericin B concentrations caused a significant cell death and the inhibition of enzymatic activities. At the optimal concentration of Fungizone, the enzymatic activities and melanin content were augmented as incubation time increased. The detergent sodium deoxycholate alone exerted no effect on these melanogenic parameters, eliminating the possibility that this detergent was partially responsible for melanogenic modifications produced by Fungizone. After withdrawal of Fungizone from the reaction medium, the recovery of melanogenic parameters to normal values was slower for DCT than for tyrosinase. The behavior of dopa oxidase was very similar to that reported by Johnson and Bagnara (Pigment Cell Res. 3, 173–175) for tyrosine hydroxylase.  相似文献   
1. Genetic variation at five microsatellite loci was investigated in six sea trout ( Salmo trutta ) populations to describe their spatio-temporal genetic variation in north-western Spain. We observed significant genetic variation between river basins, and isolation by distance with restricted gene flow between neighbouring rivers, which suggests an important homing behaviour.
2. Despite these populations suffering a serious demographic decline during 1998, we did not detect any reduction in their genetic variation, suggesting a reasonably high effective population size and temporal stability.
3. Genetic differences among rivers should be taken into account in future management activities. Given the high genetic variability and the temporal stability observed, we believe that no supportive breeding programmes are presently needed in these populations.  相似文献   
This study analyses the temporal and spatial changes in abundance and distribution of the warm water species round sardinella (Sardinella aurita) in the western Mediterranean over the last decades in relation to sea water temperature. In the western Mediterranean basin (1950–2003), a significant positive relationship was found between round sardinella landings and temperature anomalies. Along a latitudinal gradient off the Mediterranean Iberian coast (1989–2004), a gradual increase in species abundance was observed from south to north, with a certain time lag going northwards, associated with the increase in sea water temperature. The abundance of round sardinella in the two warmest and southernmost areas was positively and significantly correlated with sea surface temperature registered during the start of gonad maturation the previous year. In addition, the positive relationship established between water temperature and abundance of round sardinella in the coldest and northernmost study area demonstrates that there is a temperature limit for the distribution of this species in the western Mediterranean. In addition, this study analyses round sardinella larvae distribution and abundance in the summers of 2003 and 2004, and conducts a comparison with the situation 20 years ago (summer 1983). Results show a marked increase in larval abundance during the last decades and the present appearance of larvae in the northernmost study areas, where they did not occur 20 years ago. This indicates the successful reproduction of round sardinella in the northern part of the Mediterranean, where the species has expanded, confirming its establishment in the area.  相似文献   
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