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The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between serum osmotic changes, water intake and water balance in four, fit young men during and after exercise in the heat, before and after artificial heat acclimatization. During exercise, before steady-state conditions were reached, voluntary water intakes generally paralleled but were not proportional to the serum osmotic pressure. In steady-state conditions, drinking was approximately proportional to the effective osmotic pressure of the serum. During the post-exercise recovery period, when serum osmolarity returned to normal levels, water intake also subsided even though there was a total body water (wt) deficit of about 3%. Body weight did not return to control levels until 62 to 86 hr following the exercise. This slow recovery could not be accounted for by a loss of water associated with glycogen utilization during exercise or by sweat electrolyte depletion. In general, the results supported Dill's hypothesis but plasma volume changes, in addition to osmotic factors,are very likely operative in the initiation and satiation of drinking under these conditions. Perhaps slower acting volume control mechanisms mediate the slow recovery of total body water.
Zusammenfassung Untersucht wurde die Beziehung zwischen osmotischen Veränderungen im Serum, Wasseraufnahme und Wassergleichgewicht bei 4 gesunden,jungen Männern während und nach körperlicher Arbeit in der Hitze vor und nach künstlicher Hitzeakklimatisation. Die freiwillige Wasseraufnahme während der Arbeit, ehe ein steady state erreicht wurde, war im allgemeinen gleichlaufend, aber nicht proportional dem osmotischen Serumdruck. Im steady state war die Trinkmenge ungefähr proportional dem effektiven osmotischen Serumdruck. Wenn die Serumosmolarität während der Erholungsphase zur normalen Werten zurückkehrte, liess die Wasseraufnahme ebenfalls nach,obwohl das Gesamtkörperwasserdefizit ungefähr 3% betrug.Die Körpergewichte erreichten die Ausgangswerte 62–86 Std nach der Arbeit. Diese langsame Erholung war nicht bedingt durch einen Wasserverlust dur Glykogenverwertung während der Arbeit oder durch Elektrolytverluste beim Schwitzen. Die Ergebnisse stützen Dill's Hypothese, doch unter diesen Bedingungen wirken Plasmavolumen-Veränderungen zusätzlich zu osmotischen Faktoren sehr wahrscheinlich mit bei der Auslösung des Trinkens und der Sättiging mit Wasser. Vielleicht vermitteln langsamer wirkende Volumenkontrollmechanismen die langsame Wiederherstellung der Gesamtkörper-Wasservorräte.

Resume On a examiné les relations existant chez 4 jeunes hommes sains entre les variations de la pression osmotiques du sérum d'une part,l'ingestion d'eau et l'équilibre acqueux du corps d'autre part et cela pendant et après un travail corporel à la chaleur tant avant qu'après une acclimatisation artificielle au chaud.L'ingestion volontaire d'eau évolue similairement à la pression osmotique du sérum, mais ne lui est pas proportionnel. Ce phénomène s'observe jusqu'à ce qu'un état dit stationnaire soit atteint. Dès ce moment, les quantités bues sont à peu près proportionnelles à la pression osmotique effective. Pendant la phase de récupération, la pression osmotique redevient normale et l'eau ingérée diminue bien que le déficit en eau pour le corps entier soit encore de 3% environ.Le poids du corps ne retrouve sa valeur initiale que 62 à 86 heures après la période de travail. Ce lent rétablissement n'est pas dû à des pertes d'eau par suite de l'utilisation de glycogènes pendant l'exercice ou par suite de la perte d'électrolytes par la sueur. Ces résultats viennent confirmer les hypothèses de Dill. Pourtant, dans ces conditions, les variations de volume du plasma agissent très vraisemblablement en plus des facteurs osmotiques dans le besoin de boire ou l'état de satiété. Il est possible que des mécanismes de contrôle du volume agissant plus lentement président aux phénomènes de rétablissement des réserves en eau dans son ensemble.

Results were presented in part at the "Symposium on Nutrition and Physical Activity", The Swedish Nutrition Foundation, Tylösand, Sweden, 15–17 August,1966.  相似文献   
A search for inhibitors of urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) in the male and female murine genital tracts revealed high levels of a uPA ligand in the seminal vesicle. This ligand is functionally, biochemically and immunologically indistinguishable from protease-nexin I (PN-I), a serpin ligand of thrombin and uPA previously detected only in mesenchymal cells and astrocytes. A survey of murine tissues indicates that PN-I mRNA is most abundant in seminal vesicles, where it represents 0.2-0.4% of the mRNAs. PN-I is synthesized in the epithelium of the seminal vesicle, as determined by in situ hybridization, and is secreted in the lumen of the gland. PN-I levels are much lower in immature animals, and strongly decreased upon castration. Testosterone treatment of castrated males rapidly restores PN-I mRNA levels, indicating that PN-I gene expression is under androgen control.  相似文献   
Objective: To investigate the construct validity of the Short Form‐36 (SF‐36) Health Survey questionnaire in obese patients. Research Methods and Procedures: Our series consisted of 1735 obese patients (age, 44.7 ± 11.0 years; 1346 women) consecutively enrolled in the QUOVADIS study, an observational multicenter study of obese treatment‐seeking outpatients. The construct validity of the SF‐36 was assessed by main component analysis. Age‐, gender‐, and education‐adjusted general linear models were used to investigate the relationship between BMI and SF‐36 domains or factors identified by main component analysis. Results: BMI was significantly associated with poor health‐related quality of life in all eight SF‐36 domains, and the strongest association was observed with physical activity. Main components analysis generated a six‐factor solution explaining 59% of the observed variance. BMI was strongly associated with factors based on the loading of items regarding the physical activity domain and factors based on role‐physical and role‐emotional items or general health and bodily pain items. In contrast, mental health‐, vitality‐, and social functioning‐based factors were not related to BMI. Discussion: In obese treatment‐seeking outpatients, the clustering of SF‐36 items in main components is not significantly different from the domain‐based approach generally used, thus confirming the robustness of such a generic questionnaire in this specific condition. However, the peculiar clustering of some SF‐36 items and their relationship with BMI suggest that the health‐related quality of life profile of subjects belonging to that population may be better described with alternative aggregations of the SF‐36 items or with disease‐tailored questionnaires.  相似文献   
Photosystem II, the oxygen-evolving complex of photosynthetic organisms, includes an intriguingly large number of low molecular weight polypeptides, including PsbM. Here we describe the first knock-out of psbM using a transplastomic, reverse genetics approach in a higher plant. Homoplastomic Delta psbM plants exhibit photoautotrophic growth. Biochemical, biophysical, and immunological analyses demonstrate that PsbM is not required for biogenesis of higher order photosystem II complexes. However, photosystem II is highly light-sensitive, and its activity is significantly decreased in Delta psbM, whereas kinetics of plastid protein synthesis, reassembly of photosystem II, and recovery of its activity are comparable with the wild type. Unlike wild type, phosphorylation of the reaction center proteins D1 and D2 is severely reduced, whereas the redox-controlled phosphorylation of photosystem II light-harvesting complex is reversely regulated in Delta psbM plants because of accumulation of reduced plastoquinone in the dark and a limited photosystem II-mediated electron transport in the light. Charge recombination in Delta psbM measured by thermoluminescence oscillations significantly differs from the 2/6 patterns in the wild type. A simulation program of thermoluminescence oscillations indicates a higher Q(B)/Q(-)(B) ratio in dark-adapted mutant thylakoids relative to the wild type. The interaction of the Q(A)/Q(B) sites estimated by shifts in the maximal thermoluminescence emission temperature of the Q band, induced by binding of different herbicides to the Q(B) site, is changed indicating alteration of the activation energy for back electron flow. We conclude that PsbM is primarily involved in the interaction of the redox components important for the electron flow within, outward, and backward to photosystem II.  相似文献   
Changes in mass and chemical composition of Pinus sylvestris senescent needles were studied over a 5 year period in Mediterranean (MF) and Continental forests (CF) in the Pyrenees under varying levels of thinning (P0: reference, no thinning; P20: removal of 20% basal area, P30: removal of 30% basal area). Decomposition rates were higher in MF (k = 0.423 year?1) than in CF (k = 0.245 year?1). However, the maximum decomposition limit was higher in MF (87.9%) compared to CF (78.1%). The relative importance and timing of rainfall, and cellulose and lignin abundance on the decomposition process was similar among both sites. However, air temperature and degree-days only affected CF (the colder site) during the initial stages of decomposition, while litter moisture was significant only in MF (the drier site) in the latter stages of decomposition. Nutrient and carbon dynamics showed temporal patterns similar to those reported in higher latitudes (except for Ca), however, indicators of N mineralization such as C/N and lignin/N at the study sites were lower than values reported in the literature. Decreases in decomposition rates after thinning were higher in MF than in CF, indicating that this ecosystem could, in the short term, be more sensitive to human intervention. Thinning had similar temporary qualitative effects at both sites, slowing decomposition, increasing N and P immobilization and decreasing Ca immobilization. However, quantitative effects of thinning were site dependent in that the magnitude of nutrient immobilization was higher in CF. A conceptual model is presented to explain effects of thinning on litter N dynamics. These temporary changes are not trivial as nutrient immobilization and accumulated organic matter losses over a thinning cycle may affect tree growth particularly during short rotations and intensive fast-growing plantations. Under similar nutrient availability conditions, sites where nutrient release occurs faster may show higher post-thinning tree growth rates.  相似文献   
Friend erythroleukemia cells require high doses (15 Gy) of ionizing radiation to display a reduced rate of proliferation and an increased number of dead cells. Since ionizing radiation can activate several signaling pathways at the plasma membrane which can lead to the nuclear translocation of a number of proteins, we looked at the intranuclear signaling system activated by Protein Kinases C, being this family of enzymes involved in the regulation of cell growth and death. Our results show an early and dose-dependent increased activity of zeta and epsilon isoforms, although PKC zeta is the only isoform significantly active and translocated into the nuclear compartment upon low (1.5 Gy) and high (15 Gy) radiation doses. These observations are concomitant and consistent with an increase in the anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 level upon both radiation doses. Our results point at the involvement of the PKC pathway in the survival response to ionizing radiation of this peculiar cell line, offering PKC zeta for consideration as a possible target of pharmacological treatments aimed at amplifying the effect of such a genotoxic agent.  相似文献   
Outer cornea of lensectomized Xenopus laevis tadpoles at state 50 (according to Nieuwkoop, P.D. and Faber, J., ('56) Normal Table of Xenopus laevis, Daudin, North-Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 1-243) was removed 3, 7 and 10 days after lensectomy and implanted between the outer and the inner cornea of larvae of the same species at stage 51-52. In these conditions, the implanted outer cornea remained isolated from the retinal factor of the vitreous chamber, although it received the nutritional factors normally reaching the outer cornea. Results show that lens-forming transformation process of the outer cornea is arrested, and lens-forming structures undergo regression at speed which increases with increasing precocity of the stage of lens-forming transformation undergone by the implanted cornea. These data suggest that the process of lens-forming transformation is not a single-step process, but a sequence of interactions extending over a long period of time requiring the continuous presence of the retinal factor in the vitreous chamber until complete differentiation of the lens is achieved.  相似文献   
Three real‐time PCR–based assays for the specific diagnosis of flavescence dorée (FD), bois noir (BN) and apple proliferation (AP) phytoplasmas and a universal one for the detection of phytoplasmas belonging to groups 16Sr‐V, 16Sr‐X and 16Sr‐XII have been developed. Ribosomal‐based primers CYS2Fw/Rv and TaqMan probe CYS2 were used for universal diagnosis in real‐time PCR. For group‐specific detection of FD phytoplasma, ribosomal‐based primers fAY/rEY, specific for 16Sr‐V phytoplasmas, were chosen. For diagnosis of BN and AP phytoplasmas, specific primers were designed on non‐ribosomal and nitroreductase DNA sequences, respectively. SYBR® Green I detection coupled with melting curve analysis was used in each group‐specific protocol. Field‐collected grapevines infected with FD and BN phytoplasmas and apple trees infected with AP phytoplasma, together with Scaphoideus titanus, Hyalesthes obsoletus and Cacopsylla melanoneura adults, captured in the same vineyards and orchards, were used as templates in real‐time PCR assays. The diagnostic efficiency of each group‐specific protocol was compared with well‐established detection procedures, based on conventional nested PCR. Universal amplification was obtained in real‐time PCR from DNAs of European aster yellows (16Sr‐I), elm yellows (16Sr‐V), stolbur (16Sr‐XII) and AP phytoplasma reference isolates maintained in periwinkles. The same assay detected phytoplasma DNA in all test plants and test insect vectors infected with FD, BN and AP phytoplasmas. Our group‐specific assays detected FD, BN, and AP phytoplasmas with high efficiencies, similar to those obtained with nested PCR and did not amplify phytoplasma DNA of other taxonomic groups. Melting curve analysis was necessary for the correct identification of the specific amplicons generated in the presence of very low target concentrations. Our work shows that real‐time PCR methods can sensitively and rapidly detect phytoplasmas at the universal or group‐specific level. This should be useful in developing defence strategies and for quantitative studies of phytoplasma–plant–vector interactions.  相似文献   
Live attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi Ty21a (Ty21a) is an important vaccine strain used in clinical studies for typhoid fever and as a vaccine vector for the expression of heterologous antigens. To facilitate the use of Ty21a in such studies, it is desirable to develop improved strategies that enable the stable chromosomal integration and expression of multiple heterologous antigens. The phage λ Red homologous recombination system has previously been used in various gram-negative bacteria species to mediate the accurate replacement of regions of chromosomal DNA with PCR-generated ‘targeting cassettes’ that contain flanking regions of shared homologous DNA sequence. However, the efficiency of λ Red-mediated recombineering in Ty21a is far lower than in Escherichia coli and other Salmonella typhimurium strains. Here, we describe an improved strategy for recombineering-based methods in Ty21a. Our reliable and efficient method involves the use of linear DNA-targeting cassettes that contain relatively long flanking ‘arms’ of sequence (ca. 1,000 bp) homologous to the chromosomal target. This enables multiple gene-targeting procedures to be performed on a single Ty21a chromosome in a straightforward, sequential manner. Using this strategy, we inserted three different influenza antigen expression cassettes as well as a green fluorescent protein gene reporter into four different loci on the Ty21a chromosome, with high efficiency and accuracy. Fluorescent microscopy and Western blotting analysis confirmed that strong inducible expression of all four heterologous genes could be achieved. In summary, we have developed an efficient, robust, and versatile method that may be used to construct recombinant Ty21a antigen-expressing strains.  相似文献   
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