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Sperm-egg interaction during normal fertilization in the sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus intermedius and Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus, was studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. Several seconds after insemination, acrosome-reacted spermatozoa were found attached to the surface of the vitelline coat on each egg. Soon, several bulges of the vitelline coat appeared surrounding the fertilizing spermatozoon. These bulges then spread over the surface increasing in number, while they became fewer and disappeared around the sperm head. Thin sections of the bulging areas revealed discharging cortical granules. As the bulging vitelline coat was elevated, the sperm head was incorporated into the perivitelline space, passing through a small hole in the coat that resulted from penetration of the sperm acrosomal process immediately before fusion of the gametes. When the spermatozoon disappeared beneath the fertilization membrane, a hole was left in the membrane and the cortical reaction had finished on the other hemispheric surface. Mechanical removal of the membrane at that time exposed a spermatozoon protruding perpendicularly from the egg plasma membrane surface. The anterior tip of the sperm head was smoothly connected with the egg surface, and neither microvillous projections nor cytoplasmic covering of the egg cytoplasm could be found around the spermatozoon.  相似文献   
The effects of hypophysectomy on spermatogenesis in testes implanted to neuter individuals of the medaka, oryzias latipes , have been histologically studied.
The neuter fish produced by prolonged androgen treatment during larval life maintained the implanted testes for more than 8 months, irrespective of the genetic sex of the host. Histological examination revealed that all the implanted testes were filled with numerous cysts containing cells at all spermatogenetic stages, as in the normal testes. Each cyst contained only cells at the same stage. Furthermore, the implanted testes had fertile spermatozoa. In the experiment of regeneration of amputated anal fins, the implanted testes were found to be able to induce the formation of papillar processes, although the number of processes was one-half of that induced by normal testes.
Hypophysectomy of the fish was successfully achieved by orbital approach. The survival rate of the operated fish was 95% a week after the operation and still 50% 14 months later. Hypophysectomy inhibited the transformation of spermatogonia to spermatocytes in spermatogenesis.
The presence of the capacity to carry out normal spermatogenesis and induce papillar processes in the testis-implanted neuter fish suggests that the hypothalamus of the neuter fish was not seriously affected by prolonged androgen treatment.  相似文献   
1. Aquatic macrophyte diversity and water quality of 55 ponds in western Japan were related to land use and morphometric variables to identify the environmental factors that sustain biodiversity and the spatial extent at which these factors operate. 2. The relevant spatial extent for floating‐leaved macrophyte richness (500 m from pond edge) was larger than that for submerged macrophyte occurrence (10, 75 and 100 m), whereas emergent macrophyte richness was best explained at much larger extents (1000 m). Total macrophyte richness was explained at the extent of 500, 750 and 1000 m. The extents relevant for explaining the physicochemical condition of pond water (100 and 250 m) were similar to those for submerged and floating‐leaved macrophytes, suggesting that these two growth forms are more sensitive to water quality compared to emergent macrophytes. 3. Diversity of all three growth forms and that of total macrophytes collectively were inversely related to turbidity and nutrient concentration; among the three growth forms, submerged macrophytes were most affected by water quality. 4. Negative relationships were found between the proportion of urban area and the diversity of the three growth forms and that of total macrophytes and water quality. Species richness of emergent, floating‐leaved and total macrophytes decreased with depth and increased with surface area up to about 5000 m2, above which it declined. 5. Urbanisation and enlargement of ponds were the two main factors that decreased aquatic macrophyte diversity in irrigation ponds. To alleviate the adverse effects of urban areas on aquatic macrophyte diversity, our results suggest that management efforts should focus on the creation of buffer zones within the relevant spatial extent from the pond edge.  相似文献   
1) With Chlorella ellipsoidea cells, in the presence of 5x10–6M DSPD, or in its absence, the amounts of 14CO2 incorporatedin P-esters, serine-plus-glycine and alanine were larger underred light than under blue light, whereas blue light specificallyincreased 14CO2-incorporation in aspartate, glutamate, malateand fumarate (blue light effect). The amount of total 14C fixedunder blue or red light was greatly decreased by the additionof DSPD. When the concentration of DSPD was raised to 5x10–4M, practically no radioactivity was found, under blue or redlight, in aspartate, glutamate and fumarate. Radioactivity inalanine was greatly increased. Effects of higher concentrationof DSPD are explained as due to the inhibition of PEP carboxylaseactivity in Chlorella cells. 2) The percentage incorporation of 14C into aspartate and theother compounds mentioned above, under near infra-red illuminationwas significantly smaller than that under blue light and wasalmost equal to that under red light. These results along withthe effect of 5x10–6 M DSPD, exclude the possibility thatcyclic photophosphorylation is involved in the "blue light effect"mechanism. (Received December 12, 1969; )  相似文献   
The red abdominal skin of the neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi and the cardinal tetra P. axelrodi was found to blanch at night or in the dark. Melatonin added to the bathing medium caused blanching of the red skin. Microscopic observations of the erythrophores indicated that the erythrosomes aggregated in response to norepinephrine, melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH), and melatonin. Of these compounds, melatonin was the most effective. By contrast, many erythrophores were refractory to MCH. Alpha-melanophore-stimulating hormone, isoproterenol, adenosine, and ATP each caused dispersal of the pigment to some extent. Isoproterenol dispersed the pigment only when an alpha-adrenergic blocker, tolazoline, was present. It appears that the change in color of the abdominal skin is primarily due to increased secretion during the night of the pineal hormone melatonin, while other hormonal and nervous factors may modify the distribution of the pigment in the erythrophores.  相似文献   
1) The wavelength effects on 14CO2-fixation by Chlorella cellswere studied, using monochromatic light of different light intensities. 2) Blue light (453 mµ) stimulated the incorporation of14C into aspartate, glutamate and malate. Red light (679 mµ),on the other hand, stimulated its incorporation into P-esters,free sugars and insoluble material. 3) The blue light effect was observed in the presence of CMUat concentrations completely suppressing ordinary photosyntheticCO2-fixation. 4) The blue light effect in the presence of CMU was inducedat very low intensities. At 453 mµ, 300 erg cm–2sec–1 was sufficient for complete saturation. 5) Time courses of 14C-incorporation into individual compoundswere investigated. Irrespective of the wavelength of the illuminatinglight, the first stable CO2-fixation product formed under weaklight (400–500 erg cm–2 sec–1) was citrulline.At higher light intensities (4,000–7,000 erg cm–2sec–1), PGA was the first stable CO2-fixation product.The incorporation of 14C into citrulline was not inhibited byCMU. 6) Experimental results indicate that both blue light-inducedincorporation of 14C into amino and organic acids and the incorporationof 14C into citrulline induced by low intensity light are operatedby a mechanism(s) independent of ordinary photosynthetic CO2-fixation.Possible effects of light regulating the carbon metabolism inalgal cells are discussed. (Received July 24, 1969; )  相似文献   
The electrokinetic potential of fertilized sea-urchin eggs, without the fertilization membrane and hyaline layer, was investigated by measuring the electrophoretic mobility of the eggs from fertilization to the second cleavage. A cyclic change in mobility was found to accompany the division cycle: the peak of the change was observed about 15 min before the appearance of both the first and second cleavage furrows.
A smaller peak was observed at 20–30 min after fertilization, but such a peak was not repeated between the first and the second cleavage.
Fertilized eggs with the fertilization membrane intact did not show a significant change in electrophoretic mobility throughout the division cycle.  相似文献   
Effects of androstenedione, 19-norethynyltestosterone, progesterone, and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone upon the manifestation of secondary sexual characters were studied in the orange-red variety of the medaka. The steroids were consecutively administered per os for 15 days. Androstenedione and 19-norethynyltestosterone induced formation of new segments in the fin rays and produced papillar processes on the anal fin of the female. 19-norethynyltestosterone proved to have a strong potency, estimated to be more than 300 times that of androstenedione. Progesterone and 17α-hydroxyprogesterone had neither androgenic nor estrogenic effect on the secondary sexual characters. This is quite in harmony with the fact that they have neither androtermonic nor gynotermonic potency. The administration of these steroids did not impair the fertility of females. The administered females produced offspring by mating with administered males.  相似文献   
The types of actin present during development of skeletal muscle in chick embryos were investigated by various electrophoretic methods. The proportions of the actin types in the tissue were estimated by a novel method involving separation of actin bands by electrophoresis, staining of the bands with Coomassie Brilliant Blue R–250, extraction of dye and measurement of its absorbance.
Results showed that α-, β- and γ-actins were all present in embryonic skeletal muscle and were assembled into myofibrils. However, β- and γ-actins disappeared from myofibrils as muscle development proceeded. In embryonic muscle, the proportions of the three actin types in the soluble and myofibril fractions were different: their amounts were in the order β>γ>α in the soluble fraction, and α>β>γ in the myofibril fraction.  相似文献   
The motility of Physarum polycephalum microplasmodia depends upon the conditions under which they are cultured. To investigate the relation between protoplasmic streaming and filamentous structures observed in the cytoplasm, microplasmodia were collected from shaken cultures, agar plates and shaken cultures of the organism which had previously been plate-cultured.
No sign of streaming could be found in materials in shaken culture, even in those which were shaken after they had once been motile on an agar plate. The immotile microplasmodia in both cases failed to contain any filamentous structures.
Microplasmodia on agar plates were motile, showing vigorous peripheral movements (projection of pseudopods) and inner protoplasmic streaming. In the motile organisms two types of filamentous structures were observed: loose networks just inside the plasma membrane of rounded pseudopods with smooth surfaces; and compact, straight bundles beneath the pseudopods or in much deeper locations.  相似文献   
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