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Molecular Biology Reports - Metabolic syndrome (MetS) results from the interaction between environmental and genetic factors. Several previous studies considered the role of selenium in developing...  相似文献   
Mast cells reorganize their actin cytoskeleton in response to cytosolic calcium signals while in parallel secreting histamine and other inflammatory mediators. The effect of calcium on actin is mediated in large part through calmodulin. EGFP-tagged calmodulin is concentrated in the actin-rich cortex of RBL-2H3 mast cells. Transfection with small interfering RNA directed against the actin and calmodulin-binding protein IQGAP1 dramatically reduced expression of the latter protein and reduced or eliminated the concentration of calmodulin at the actin-rich cortex. Both actin reorganization and secretion were enhanced in IQGAP1 knockdown cells. Our results suggest a model in which calmodulin is targeted to and sequestered at the actin cytoskeleton by IQGAP1. Upon cell stimulation and the subsequent [Ca2+]i increase, it is immediately available to activate local downstream targets.  相似文献   
We identified a new member of the phosducin-like (PhLP) protein family that is predominantly, if not exclusively, expressed in male and female germ cells. In situ analysis on testis sections and analysis of purified spermatogenic cell fractions evidenced a stage-specific expression with high levels of RNA and protein in pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids. Three mRNA species were detected, which correspond to different polyadenylation sites and vary in abundance during germ cell maturation. Only low levels of RNA were detected in whole ovary extracts, but expression of the protein became detectable within hours after hormonal induction of superovulation. The gene (Mgcphlp) is located on mouse chromosome 5 in the immediate vicinity of the Clock locus. The predicted amino acid sequence shows extensive similarities not only with the known mammalian PhLP proteins but also with the yeast phosducin-like protein Plp2, required for the production and growth of haploid cells. Expression of the murine protein was found to complement the defect of a yeast plp2 Delta mutant. We propose that MgcPhLP/Plp2 proteins exert a function in germ cell maturation that is conserved from yeast to mammals.  相似文献   
Lung development depends on accurate and precise patterning of a pulmonary anlagen, consisting of both endodermally and mesodermally derived progenitor cells. In this process, the need to establish communication and control among individual cells is paramount. Transforming growth factor-β (TGFβ) and Wingless/int (Wnt) signaling pathways serve this need. The individual functional repertoire of the two pathways is further expanded by cross-talk and integration of signaling at multiple levels taking advantage of their hard-wired multi-component signal transduction platforms. Cross-talk creates the possibility for both specificity and versatility in signaling during development and during repair of injured tissue. Understanding the mechanics and the physiological implications of this cross-talk is necessary for therapeutic or preventive targeting of either TGFβ or Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   
By contrast with a wide definition of the 'epigenetic variation', including all changes in gene expression that do not result from alteration of the gene structure, a more restricted class had been defined, initially in plants, under the name 'paramutation'. It corresponds to epigenetic modifications distinct from the regulatory interactions of the cell differentiation pathways, mitotically stable and sexually transmitted with non-Mendelian patterns. This class of epigenetic changes appeared for some time restricted to the plant world, but examples progressively accumulated of epigenetic inheritance in organisms ranging from mice to humans. Occurrence of paramutation in the mouse and possible mechanisms were then established in the paradigmatic case of a mutant phenotype maintained and hereditarily transmitted by wild type homozygotes. Together with recent findings in plants indicative of a necessary step of RNA amplification in the reference maize paramutation, the mouse studies point to a new role of RNA, as an inducer and hereditary determinant of epigenetic variation. Given the known presence of a wide range of RNAs in human spermatozoa, as well as a number of unexplained cases of familial disease predisposition and transgenerational maintenance, speculations can be extended to possible roles of RNA-mediated inheritance in human biology and pathology.La paramutation est une modification épigénétique héréditaire, découverte chez des plantes et récemment, chez la souris. C'est un changement héréditaire du phénotype associé avec un allèle sauvage à la suite de son passage dans une structure hétérozygote avec un allèle mutant (phénomène quelquefois appelé "conversation interchromosomique"). Souvent il est considéré comme une exception à la base de lois de Mendel, "les allèles sont retrouvés inchangés lors des ségrégations au cours des croisements". Au contraire la paramutation observée chez la souris résulte d'une modification de l'allèle sauvage du gène Kit après transmission à partir d'un hétérozygote avec un allèle mutant "insertion". Le phénotype des taches blanches visibles aisément par la couleur du pelage est transmis en absence de l'allèle inducteur sur plusieurs générations. Il est corrélé avec une diminution du niveau d'ARNm de Kit et une accumulation d'ARN de taille variable de Kit dans les spermatozo?des des souris paramutantes. La micro-injection de l'ARN de l'hétérozygote, ou de l'ARN et des microARN spécifiques de Kit dans l'oeuf fécondé induit le phénotype "taches blanches". Le r?le de l'ARN dans l'établissement et le maintien d'un état épigénétique héréditaire est proposé et discuté.  相似文献   
Arn1 is an integral membrane protein that mediates the uptake of ferrichrome, an important nutritional source of iron, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In the absence of ferrichrome, Arn1p is sorted directly from the trans-Golgi network to the vacuolar lumen for degradation. In the presence of low levels of ferrichrome, the siderophore binds to a receptor domain on Arn1, triggering the redistribution of Arn1 to the plasma membrane. When extracellular ferrichrome levels are high, Arn1 cycles between the plasma membrane and intracellular vesicles. To further understand the mechanisms of trafficking of Arn1p, we screened 4580 viable yeast deletion mutants for mislocalization of Arn1-GFP using synthetic genetic array technology. We identified over 100 genes required for trans-Golgi network-to-vacuole trafficking of Arn1-GFP and only two genes, SER1 and SER2, required for the ferrichrome-induced plasma membrane trafficking of Arn1-GFP. SER1 and SER2 encode two enzymes of the major serine biosynthetic pathway, and the Arn1 trafficking defect in the ser1Δ strain was corrected with supplemental serine or glycine. Plasma membrane trafficking of Hxt3, a structurally related glucose transporter, was unaffected by SER1 deletion. Serine is required for the synthesis of multiple cellular components, including purines, sphingolipids, and phospholipids, but of these only phosphatidylserine corrected the Arn1 trafficking defects of the ser1Δ strain. Strains with defects in phospholipid synthesis also exhibited alterations in Arn1p trafficking, indicating that the intracellular trafficking of some transporters is dependent on the phospholipid composition of the cellular membranes.  相似文献   
In contrast with a wide definition of the 'epigenetic variation', including all changes in gene expression that do not result from the alteration of the gene structure, a more restricted class had been defined, initially in plants, under the name 'paramutation'. It corresponds to epigenetic modifications distinct from the regulatory interactions of the cell differentiation pathways, mitotically stable and sexually transmitted with non-Mendelian patterns. This class of epigenetic changes appeared for some time restricted to the plant world, but examples progressively accumulated of epigenetic inheritance in organisms ranging from mice to humans. Occurrence of paramutation in the mouse and possible mechanisms were then established in the paradigmatic case of a mutant phenotype maintained and hereditarily transmitted by wild-type homozygotes. Together with the recent findings in plants indicative of a necessary step of RNA amplification in the reference maize paramutation, the mouse studies point to a new role of RNA, as an inducer and hereditary determinant of epigenetic variation. Given the known presence of a wide range of RNAs in human spermatozoa, as well as a number of unexplained cases of familial disease predisposition and transgenerational maintenance, speculations can be extended to possible roles of RNA-mediated inheritance in human biology and pathology.  相似文献   
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