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Primer sequences and initial characterization are presented for 10 microsatellite loci isolated from the German cockroach, Blattella germanica. In a sample of 30 individuals from a single population sample, all loci were polymorphic with two to 12 alleles segregating per locus and levels of observed heterozygosity ranging from 0.27 to 0.92. One locus showed a deficit of heterozygotes. Experimental conditions are described for polymerase chain reaction multiplexing, which enables the genotyping of eight loci in three electrophoretic runs consisting of one set of three and two sets of two markers. Seven primer sets cross‐amplify in the related Blattella asahinai.  相似文献   
Increased canopy leaf area (L) may lead to higher forest productivity and alter processes such as species dynamics and ecosystem mass and energy fluxes. Few CO2 enrichment studies have been conducted in closed canopy forests and none have shown a sustained enhancement of L. We reconstructed 8 years (1996–2003) of L at Duke's Free Air CO2 Enrichment experiment to determine the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]) on L before and after canopy closure in a pine forest with a hardwood component, focusing on interactions with temporal variation in water availability and spatial variation in nitrogen (N) supply. The dynamics of L were reconstructed using data on leaf litterfall mass and specific leaf area for hardwoods, and needle litterfall mass and specific leaf area combined with needle elongation rates, and fascicle and shoot counts for pines. The dynamics of pine L production and senescence were unaffected by elevated [CO2], although L senescence for hardwoods was slowed. Elevated [CO2] enhanced pine L and the total canopy L (combined pine and hardwood species; P<0.050); on average, enhancement following canopy closure was ~16% and 14% respectively. However, variation in pine L and its response to elevated [CO2] was not random. Each year pine L under ambient and elevated [CO2] was spatially correlated to the variability in site nitrogen availability (e.g. r2=0.94 and 0.87 in 2001, when L was highest before declining due to droughts and storms), with the [CO2]‐induced enhancement increasing with N (P=0.061). Incorporating data on N beyond the range of native fertility, achieved through N fertilization, indicated that pine L had reached the site maximum under elevated [CO2] where native N was highest. Thus closed canopy pine forests may be able to increase leaf area under elevated [CO2] in moderate fertility sites, but are unable to respond to [CO2] in both infertile sites (insufficient resources) and sites having high levels of fertility (maximum utilization of resources). The total canopy L, representing the combined L of pine and hardwood species, was constant across the N gradient under both ambient and elevated [CO2], generating a constant enhancement of canopy L. Thus, in mixed species stands, L of canopy hardwoods which developed on lower fertility sites (~3 g N inputs m?2 yr?1) may be sufficiently enhanced under elevated [CO2] to compensate for the lack of response in pine L, and generate an appreciable response of total canopy L (~14%).  相似文献   
Bacterial populations can display high levels of genetic structuring but the forces that influence this are incompletely understood. Here, by combining modelling approaches with multilocus sequence data for the zoonotic pathogen Campylobacter, we investigated how ecological factors such as niche (host) separation relate to population structure. We analysed seven housekeeping genes from published C. jejuni and C. coli isolate collections from a range of food and wild animal sources as well as abiotic environments. By reconstructing genetic structure and the patterns of ancestry, we quantified C. jejuni host association, inferred ancestral populations, investigated genetic admixture in different hosts and determined the host origin of recombinant C. jejuni alleles found in hybrid C. coli lineages. Phylogenetically distinct C. jejuni lineages were associated with phylogenetically distinct wild birds. However, in the farm environment, phylogenetically distant host animals shared several C. jejuni lineages that could not be segregated according to host origin using these analyses. Furthermore, of the introgressed C. jejuni alleles found in C. coli lineages, 73% were attributed to genotypes associated with food animals. Our results are consistent with an evolutionary scenario where distinct Campylobacter lineages are associated with different host species but the ecological factors that maintain this are different in domestic animals such that phylogenetically distant animals can harbour closely related strains.  相似文献   
We combined Eddy‐covariance measurements with a linear perturbation analysis to isolate the relative contribution of physical and biological drivers on evapotranspiration (ET) in three ecosystems representing two end‐members and an intermediate stage of a successional gradient in the southeastern US (SE). The study ecosystems, an abandoned agricultural field [old field (OF)], an early successional planted pine forest (PP), and a late‐successional hardwood forest (HW), exhibited differential sensitivity to the wide range of climatic and hydrologic conditions encountered over the 4‐year measurement period, which included mild and severe droughts and an ice storm. ET and modeled transpiration differed by as much as 190 and 270 mm yr?1, respectively, between years for a given ecosystem. Soil water supply, rather than atmospheric demand, was the principal external driver of interannual ET differences. ET at OF was sensitive to climatic variability, and results showed that decreased leaf area index (L) under mild and severe drought conditions reduced growing season (GS) ET (ETGS) by ca. 80 mm compared with a year with normal precipitation. Under wet conditions, higher intrinsic stomatal conductance (gs) increased ETGS by 50 mm. ET at PP was generally larger than the other ecosystems and was highly sensitive to climate; a 50 mm decrease in ETGS due to the loss of L from an ice storm equaled the increase in ET from high precipitation during a wet year. In contrast, ET at HW was relatively insensitive to climatic variability. Results suggest that recent management trends toward increasing the land‐cover area of PP‐type ecosystems in the SE may increase the sensitivity of ET to climatic variability.  相似文献   
We report a novel weathering mechanism in South African sandstone formations, where cryptoendolithic cyanobacteria induce weathering by substrate alkalization during photosynthesis. As a result, the upper rock part is loosened and then eroded away by physical forces such as wind, water, trampling. This special type of ‘exfoliation’ is widely distributed and affects the geomorphology of whole sandstone mountain ranges and outcrops across several biomes. We show, that this weathering type is initiated by bioalkalization because of the photosynthesis of cryptoendolithic (i.e. those organisms living in small tight open spaces between the sand grains) cyanobacteria causing pH values high enough to enhance silica solution in the cryptoendolithic zone. As modern cyanobacteria are the initial photoautotrophic colonizers of bare rocks in arid and semiarid landscapes, it is possible that they may also have played a significant role in shaping sandstone landscapes in the geological past.  相似文献   
Elaborate horns or horn‐like structures in male scarab beetles commonly scale with body size either (a) in a linear fashion with horn size increasing relatively faster than body size or (b) in a threshold‐dependent, sigmoid fashion; that is, males smaller than a certain critical body size develop no or only rudimentary horns, whereas males larger than the threshold size express fully developed horns. The development of linear vs. sigmoid scaling relationships is thought to require fundamentally different regulatory mechanisms. Here we show that such disparate regulatory mechanisms may co‐occur in the same individual. Large males of the south‐east Asian Onthophagus (Proagoderus) watanabei (Ochi & Kon) (Scarabaeidae, Onthophagini) develop a pair of long, curved head horns as well as a single thoracic horn. We show that unlike paired head horns in a large number of Onthophagus species, in O. watanabei the relationship between head horns and body size is best explained by a linear model. Large males develop disproportionately longer horns than small males, but the difference in relative horn sizes across the range of body sizes is small compared to other Onthophagus species. However, the scaling relationship between the thoracic horn and body size is best explained by a strongly sigmoid model. Only males above a certain body size threshold express a thoracic horn and males smaller than this threshold express no horn at all. We found a significant positive correlation between head and thoracic horn length residuals, contrary to what would be expected if a resource allocation tradeoff during larval development would influence the length of both horn types. Our results suggest that the scaling relationship between body size and horn length, and the developmental regulation underlying these scaling relationships, may be quite different for different horns, even though these horns may develop in the same individual. We discuss our results in the context of the developmental biology of secondary sexual traits in beetles. © 2004 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2004, 83 , 473–480.  相似文献   
We have applied a new equilibration procedure for the atomic level simulation of a hydrated lipid bilayer to hydrated bilayers of dioleyl-phosphatidylcholine (DOPC) and palmitoyl-oleyl phosphatidylcholine (POPC). The procedure consists of alternating molecular dynamics trajectory calculations in a constant surface tension and temperature ensemble with configurational bias Monte Carlo moves to different regions of the configuration space of the bilayer in a constant volume and temperature ensemble. The procedure is applied to bilayers of 128 molecules of POPC with 4628 water molecules, and 128 molecules of DOPC with 4825 water molecules. Progress toward equilibration is almost three times as fast in central processing unit (CPU) time compared with a purely molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. Equilibration is complete, as judged by the lack of energy drift in 200-ps runs of continuous MD. After the equilibrium state was reached, as determined by agreement between the simulation volume per lipid molecule with experiment, continuous MD was run in an ensemble in which the lateral area was restrained to fluctuate about a mean value and a pressure of 1 atm applied normal to the bilayer surface. Three separate continuous MD runs, 200 ps in duration each, separated by 10,000 CBMC steps, were carried out for each system. Properties of the systems were calculated and averaged over the three separate runs. Results of the simulations are presented and compared with experimental data and with other recent simulations of POPC and DOPC. Analysis of the hydration environment in the headgroups supports a mechanism by which unsaturation contributes to reduced transition temperatures. In this view, the relatively horizontal orientation of the unsaturated bond increases the area per lipid, resulting in increased water penetration between the headgroups. As a result the headgroup-headgroup interactions are attenuated and shielded, and this contributes to the lowered transition temperature.  相似文献   
There is now a substantial body of literature documenting the detectability of plants and animals under standard survey conditions. Despite the evidence that many flora and fauna species have detection probabilities of less than one, it is still the default assumption of most environmental impact assessment processes that if a species is present, it will be detected. Here we briefly review a number of existing studies that have estimated the survey effort necessary to detect animal species, based on what is known about their detection rates in standard surveys. We then propose a novel method, based on failure‐time analysis, for quantifying the detectability of and determining appropriate survey effort for plant species during flora surveys. We provide computer code for implementing the method in the Bayesian freeware WinBUGS. Methods for estimating detectability can be used to inform minimum survey requirements and have important applications in environmental impact assessment and monitoring.  相似文献   
Abstract There is increasing realization that human perceptions of a ‘patchy’ environment do not necessarily relate to that of a particular organism and ecological characteristics of land adjacent to patches of natural vegetation (‘remnants’) may influence the ecological processes within. We investigated how the distribution and abundance of resources within and surrounding 39 small remnants located within the city of Melbourne, Australia, influenced the abundance of common brushtail possums Trichosurus vulpecula (Phalangeridae) and common ringtail possums Pseudocheirus peregrinus (Pseudocheiridae), two primarily folivorous marsupials. Bayesian modelling techniques were used to relate the abundance of both possum species to estimates of den and food availability both within the remnant and within a 100‐m buffer strip extending out into adjacent residential development. We found that both brushtail and ringtail possum abundance within remnants increased with the density of potential den sites within the remnant and food availability within the surrounding landscape. Ringtail possum density within the remnant further increased with den availability within the surrounding landscape. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that, in highly modified landscapes, processes originating outside a remnant vegetation patch may influence the abundance of species within.  相似文献   
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