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cDNAs were cloned, sequenced and expressed which encode two different cytochrome P-450 forms of the alkane-assimilating yeast Candida maltosa, designated as P-450Cm1 and P-450Cm2. The amino acid sequences deduced were about 55% identical. Expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae resulted in the formation of intact microsomal P-450 systems catalyzing the hydroxylation of n-hexadecane and lauric acid with significantly different substrate preferences. A massive proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum was observed in the S. cerevisiae cells which produced P-450. Depending on the P-450 form expressed, distinctly organized stacks of paired membranes appeared and occupied considerable areas of the cytoplasm. As shown by immunoelectron microscopy for P-450Cm1, the protein expressed was highly concentrated within these newly formed membrane structures.  相似文献   
Although changes in magnitude of single traits responding to selective agents have been studied intensively, little is known about selection shaping networks of traits and their patterns of covariation. However, this is central for our understanding of phenotypic evolution as traits are embedded in a multivariate environment with selection affecting a multitude of traits simultaneously rather than individually. Here, we investigate inter‐ and intraspecific patterns of trait integration (trait correlations) in the larval abdomen of dragonflies as a response to a change in predator selection. Species of the dragonfly genus Leucorrhinia underwent a larval habitat shift from predatory fish to predatory dragonfly‐dominated lakes with an associated relaxation in selection pressure from fish predation. Our results indicate that the habitat‐shift‐induced relaxed selection pressure caused phenotypic integration of abdominal traits to be reduced. Intraspecific findings matched patterns comparing species from both habitats with higher abdominal integration in response to predatory fish. This higher integration is probably a result of faster burst swimming speed. The abdomen holds the necessary morphological machinery to successfully evade predatory fish via burst swimming. Hence, abdominal traits have to function in a tight coordinated manner, as maladaptive variation and consequently nonoptimal burst swimming would cause increased mortality. In predatory dragonfly‐dominated lakes, no such strong link between burst swimming and mortality is present. Our findings highlight the importance of studying multivariate trait relationships as a response to selection for understanding patterns of phenotypic diversification.  相似文献   
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Zusammenfassung Die Untersuchung von 328 Bälgen vonPrunella modularis brachte diese Ergebnisse: P. m. meinertzhageni verdient die Abtrennung von der Nominatform. Die Brutvögel der Apenninen gehören ebenfalls nicht dahin, sondern stehenmabbotti undmeiertzhageni näher.P. m. blanfordi ist synonym mitobscura, P. m. enigmatica dagegen (wie auchP. m. belousovi) mit der Nominatrasse.Die Brutvögel der höheren Berglagen der Krim werden alsP. m. fuscata subsp. nova beschrieben. Die neue Form unterscheidet sich deutlich vonmodularis, meinertzhageni undobscura, ähnelt jedoch der geographisch scharf isoliertenP. m. euxina, die als valide anzusehen ist. In den niederen Bergwäldern der Krim brütet die offenbar rezent einwandernde kaukasischeobscura.Betrachtungen über Evolution und Verbreitungsgeschichte vonP. modularis (mitP. rubida undP. immaculata) schließen sich an. Als Ursprungsgebiet dieser Artengruppe wird das palaearktische Südostasien angenommen.
Summary A study of 328 skins of the Dunnock,Prunella modularis, led to the following conclusions: P. m. meinertzhageni warrants separation from nominatemodularis. The breeding birds of the Apenines appear to be close tomabbotti andmeinertzhageni, but do not belong to the nominate race.P. m. blanfordi is synonymous withobscura, P. m. enigmatica, on the other hand, (likebelousovi) with nominatemodularis.The breeding birds of the higher mountain forests of the Crimea are newly described asP. m. fuscata. This subspecies differs clearly from nominatemodularis, meinertzhageni, andobscura, but is very similar to the geographically well isolated subspecieseuxina (of northwestern Asia Minor) which is considered valid. The lower mountain forests of the Crimea are inhabited by typicalobscura supposed to have quite recently immigrated from the Caucasus.Considerations about evolution and distributional history ofP. modularis (and its alliesrubida andimmaculata) conclude the paper. The origin of this species group is supposed to have been in palearctic south-east Asia.
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The yeast Yarrowia lipolytica is able to secrete high amounts of several organic acids under conditions of growth limitation and carbon source excess. Here we report the production of citric acid (CA) in a fed-batch cultivation process on sucrose using the recombinant Y. lipolytica strain H222-S4(p67ICL1) T5, harbouring the invertase encoding ScSUC2 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae under the inducible XPR2 promoter control and multiple ICL1 copies (10–15). The pH-dependent expression of invertase was low at pH 5.0 and was identified as limiting factor of the CA-production bioprocess. The invertase expression was sufficiently enhanced at pH 6.0–6.8 and resulted in production of 127–140 g l−1 CA with a yield Y CA of 0.75–0.82 g g−1, whereas at pH 5.0, 87 g l −1 with a yield Y CA of 0.51 gg−1 were produced. The CA-productivity Q CA increased from 0.40 g l −1 h−1 at pH 5.0 up to 0.73 g l −1 h−1 at pH 6.8. Accumulation of glucose and fructose at high invertase expression level at pH 6.8 indicated a limitation of CA production by sugar uptake. The strain H222-S4(p67ICL1) T5 also exhibited a gene–dose-dependent high isocitrate lyase expression resulting in strong reduction (<5%) of isocitric acid, a by-product during CA production.  相似文献   
Transition of n-hexadecane utilizing cultures of Candida maltosa to oxygen-limited growth caused an up to 6-fold increase of the cellular cytochrome P-450 content. Enhanced cytochrome P-450 formation required protein de novo synthesis and was not due to a change of the apo/holo-enzyme ratio as demonstrated by cycloheximide inhibition and immunological quantitation. The effect of low oxygen concentration (pO2=3–5%) was simulated by selective inhibition of alkane hydroxylation with carbon monoxide (at a pO2 of 70–75%). Enhanced cytochrome P-450 formation occurred even when a constant growth rate was maintained through utilization of a second non-repressive growth substrate. However, the presence of n-alkanes was an essential precondition. It was concluded, that the cytochrome P-450 formation was mainly regulated by the intracellular inducer concentration which depends on the relative rates of alkane transport into the cell and the actual alkane hydroxylating activity of the enzyme system.Abbreviation cyt cytochrome  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Während eines zweiwöchigen Aufenthaltes im nordbulgarischen Küstengebiet (und bei Tyrnowo im Jantra-Tal) konnten 111 Arten festgestellt werden, von denen mindestens 91 offenbare Brutvögel sind. Für viele Arten konnten die Kenntnisse über die Verbreitung im Lande erweitert werden; eine Art,Locustella fluviatilis (Wolf), wurde erstmals für Bulgarien nachgewiesen.  相似文献   
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