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Specific antibodies against the histone H2A from calf thymus were generated by injecting rabbits with complexes: histone H2A-RNA with a protein to RNA ratio of 3:1. In the microcomplement fixation assay the antibodies against the histone H2A from calf thymus immuno-reacted with the histone H2A from calf thymus but not with H2A from Physarum polycephalum. The histone H2A from calf thymus therefore appears to have an immunological determinant(s) which does not exist in H2A from Physarum polycephalum.  相似文献   
Micrococcal nuclease-sensitive (SP) and nuclease-resistant (PP) chromatin fractions from Kirkman-Robbins hepatoma and hamster liver were obtained. The molecular distribution of three non-histone proteins (NHCP1, NHCP2 and NHCP3), histones, and chromatin-bound protease activity between SP and PP fractions of both tissues was compared. Differences, mainly of quantitative nature, among non-histone proteins of neoplastic and normal tissue were observed. Moreover, it was found that polypeptides with mol. wt 81 000 (NHCP1), 39 000 (NHCP2) and 21 000, 35 000, 37 000 (NHCP1), 70 000, 112 000, 141 000, 157 000 (NHCP2), 30 000–33 000 (NHCP3) were associated only with the nuclease-sensitive part of chromatin of hepatoma and normal tissue, respectively. A major difference in histone compostion of hamster hepatoma and liver concerns histones H2A and H1. Furthermore, an enrichment of high mobility group proteins as well as other soluble non-histone proteins in an acid extract of the SP fraction was observed. Apparently chromatin-bound protease activity can be found in both fractions of chromatin.  相似文献   
Owing to its distinct chemico-biological properties, chitosan, a cationic biopolymer, offers a great potential in multifarious bioapplications. One such application is as a dietary antilipidemic supplement to be used to reduce obesity/overweight and to lower cholesterol. The lipid-binding efficiency of chitosan, however, remains debatable. Accordingly, in this study we investigated the interactions of chitosan with selected lipids, cholesterol and fatty acids, the latter including saturated (stearic acid) and unsaturated (oleic, linoleic, alpha-linolenic) acids. The experiments were performed with the Langmuir monolayer technique, in which surface pressure-area isotherms were recorded for the lipid monolayers spread on the acetate buffer pH 4.0 subphase in the absence and presence of chitosan. We found that the presence of chitosan in the subphase strongly influenced the shape and location of the isotherms, proving that there existed attractions between chitosan and lipid molecules. The attractions were revealed by changes of the molecular organization of the monolayers. The common feature of these changes was that all the monolayers studied underwent expansion, in each case reaching saturation with increasing chitosan concentration. In agreement with the lipid molecular structures, the highest expansions were observed for the most unsaturated fatty acids, linoleic and alpha-linolenic, the lowest for stearic acid, with oleic acid and cholesterol being the intermediate cases. By contrast, the main distinguishing feature of these changes was that, although none of the monolayers studied changed its state when completely saturated with chitosan, compared to the parent ones the compactness of the monolayers was modified. The solid monolayers of stearic acid and cholesterol were loosened, whereas those of all the unsaturated acids, liquid in nature, were tightened. On the basis of these results we tentatively propose a mechanism of the chitosan action that includes both electrostatic and hydrophobic lipid-chitosan interactions as well as hydrogen bonding between them.  相似文献   
Immunological and biochemical evidence has been obtained for an interaction of maize protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) holoenzyme with tubulin. Tubulin co-purifies with maize seedling PP2A. Affinity chromatography of the maize PP2A preparation on immobilized tubulin revealed two peaks of phosphorylase alpha phosphatase activity. In one of the peaks, the catalytic (C) and constant regulatory (A) subunits of PP2A were identified by Western blotting. The subunits (C and A) of PP2A were co-immunoprecipitated from maize seedlings homogenate by an anti-alpha-tubulin antibody. The interaction of plant PP2A with tubulin indicates a possible role of reversible protein phosphorylation in the dynamic structure of plant cytoskeleton.  相似文献   
Caspase-associated recruitment domains (CARDs) are protein interaction domains that participate in activation or suppression of CARD-carrying members of the caspase family of apoptosis-inducing proteases. A novel CARD-containing protein was identified that is overexpressed in some types of cancer and that binds and suppresses activation of procaspase-9, which we term TUCAN (tumor-up-regulated CARD-containing antagonist of caspase nine). The CARD domain of TUCAN selectively binds itself and procaspase-9. TUCAN interferes with binding of Apaf1 to procaspase-9 and suppresses caspase activation induced by the Apaf1 activator, cytochrome c. Overexpression of TUCAN in cells by stable or transient transfection inhibits apoptosis and caspase activation induced by Apaf1/caspase-9-dependent stimuli, including Bax, VP16, and staurosporine, but not by Apaf1/caspase-9-independent stimuli, Fas and granzyme B. High levels of endogenous TUCAN protein were detected in several tumor cell lines and in colon cancer specimens, correlating with shorter patient survival. Thus, TUCAN represents a new member of the CARD family that selectively suppresses apoptosis induced via the mitochondrial pathway for caspase activation.  相似文献   
The kinetics of heavy metal ions inhibition of jack bean urease was studied by progress curve analysis in a reaction system without enzyme-inhibitor preincubation. The inhibition was found to be biphasic with an initial, small inhibitory phase changing over the time course of 5-10 min into a final linear steady state with a lower velocity. This time-dependent pattern was best described by mechanism B of slow-binding inhibition, involving the rapid formation of an EI complex that subsequently undergoes slow conversion to a more stable EI* complex. The kinetic parameters of the process, the inhibition constants Ki and Ki* and the forward k5 and reverse k6 rate constants for the conversion, were evaluated from the reaction progress curves by nonlinear regression treatment. Based on the values of the overall inhibition constant Ki*, the heavy metal ions were found to inhibit urease in the following decreasing order: Hg2+ > Cu2+ > Zn2+ > Cd2+ > Ni2+ > Pb2+ > Co2+ > Fe3+ > As3+. With the Ki* values as low as 1.9 nM for Hg2+ and 7.1 nM for Cu2+, 100-1000 times lower than those of the other ions, urease may be utilized as a bioindicator of the trace levels of these ions in environmental monitoring, bioprocess control or pharmaceutical analysis.  相似文献   
In view of the complexity of the role of the active site flap cysteine in the urease catalysis, in this work we studied how the presence of typical active-site binding inhibitors of urease, phenylphosphorodiamidate (PPD), acetohydroxamic acid (AHA), boric acid and fluoride, affects the reactivity of enzyme thiol groups, the active site flap thiol in particular. For that the inhibitor-urease complexes were prepared with excess inhibitors and had their thiol groups titrated with DTNB. The effects observed were analyzed in terms of the structures of the inhibitor-urease complexes reported in the literature. We found that the effectiveness in preventing the active site cysteine from the modification by disulfides, varied among the inhibitors studied, even though they all bind to the active site. The variations were accounted for by different extents of geometrical distortion in the active site that the inhibitors introduced upon binding, leaving the flap either open in AHA-, boric acid- and fluoride-inhibited urease, like in the native enzyme or closed in PPD-inhibited urease. Among the inhibitors, only PPD was found to be able to thoroughly protect the flap cysteines from the further reaction with disulfides, this apparently resulting from the closed conformation of the flap. Accordingly, in practical terms PPD may be regarded as the most suitable inhibitor for active-site protection experiments in inhibition studies of urease.  相似文献   
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