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In C4 plants phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) of the C4 cycle may betransported on a chloroplast transporter which also transports3-phosphoglycerate (3-PGA) and triosephosphates. In C3 plantsPEP is not considered to be effectively transported on the chloroplastphosphate translocator. The influences of certain organic phosphates,having a similar structure to either PEP or triose-phosphates,on 3-PGA dependent O2 evolution by C4 (Digitaria sanquinalisL. Scop.) and C3 (Hordeum vulgare L.) mesophyll chloroplastswere investigated. In the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts phosphoglycolatewas a competitive inhibitor (Ki = 2.1 mM) of 3-PGA dependentO2 evolution, and was as effective as previously reported forPEP. 2-Phosphoglycerate was also a competitive inhibitor (Kt= 8.6 mM) of O2 evolution in the C4 mesophyll chloroplasts with3-PGA as substrate, while phospholactate was a weak inhibitorand glyphosate had no effect. Neither PEP, phosphoglycolatenor 2-phosphoglycerate were effective inhibitors of 3- PGA dependentO2 evolution in the C3 chloroplasts. Phosphohydroxypyruvatewas a competitive inhibitor of 3-PGA dependent O22 evolutionin both chloroplast types. The selectivity in inhibition ofO2 evolution with 3-PGA as substrate suggests that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can recognize certain organic phosphates with thephosphate in the C-2 or C-3 position but that the C4 mesophyllchloroplasts can only effectively recognize certain organicphosphates with the phosphate in the C-3 position. The resultsalso support the view that 3-PGA and PEP are transported onthe same phosphate translocator in C4 mesophyll chloroplasts. 1 Current address: Department of Horticulture, 2001 Fyffe Court,The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1096. (Received March 24, 1987; Accepted April 16, 1987)  相似文献   
The neuropeptide thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) is capable of influencing both neuronal mechanisms in the brain and the activity of the pituitary-thyroid endocrine axis. By the use of immunocytochemical techniques, first the ultrastructural features of TRH-immunoreactive (IR) perikarya and neuronal processes were studied, and then the relationship between TRH-IR neuronal elements and dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH) or phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase (PNMT)-IR catecholaminergic axons was analyzed in the parvocellular subnuclei of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVN). In control animals, only TRH-IR axons were detected and some of them seemed to follow the contour of immunonegative neurons. Colchicine treatment resulted in the appearance of TRH-IR material in parvocellular neurons of the PVN. At the ultrastructural level, immunolabel was associated with rough endoplasmic reticulum, free ribosomes and neurosecretory granules. Non-labelled axons formed synaptic specializations with both dendrites and perikarya of the TRH-synthesizing neurons. TRH-IR axons located in the parvocellular units of the PVN exhibited numerous intensely labelled dense-core and fewer small electron lucent vesicles. These axons were frequently observed to terminate on parvocellular neurons, forming both bouton- and en passant-type connections. The simultaneous light microscopic localization of DBH or PNMT-IR axons and TRH-synthesizing neurons demonstrated that catecholaminergic fibers established contacts with the dendrites and cell bodies of TRH-IR neurons. Ultrastructural analysis revealed the formation of asymmetric axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic specializations between PNMT-immunopositive, adrenergic axons and TRH-IR neurons in the periventricular and medial parvocellular subnuclei of the PVN. These morphological data indicate that the hypophysiotrophic, thyrotropin releasing hormone synthesizing neurons of the PVN are directly influenced by the central epinephrine system and that TRH may act as a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator upon other paraventricular neurons.  相似文献   
In the present study we investigated the binding characteristics of estrogen and antiestrogen-receptor complexes to rabbit uterine chromatin. Activated or nonactivated estrogen receptors were partially purified by DEAE-cellulose chromatography using low (1 mM) or high (10 mM) concentrations of sodium molybdate. Activated [3H]estradiol-receptor complexes showed enhanced binding to chromatin acceptor sites unmasked by 1 M, 4 M and 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. We also examined the chromatin-binding characteristics of the estrogen receptors when bound by the high-affinity triphenylethylene antiestrogen, H1285. The acceptor site activity for the [3H]H1285-receptor complexes was markedly decreased at sites unmasked by 4 M and 6 M guanidine hydrochloride. Further, the nonactivated receptor complexes showed very low binding to deproteinized chromatin. The estrogen-receptor chromatin-acceptor sites were tissue specific and saturable. These chromatin acceptor sites differ in their affinity and capacity (number of binding sites per cell) for the estrogen- and antiestrogen-receptor complexes. Thus, we suggest that the differences in the physiological and physicochemical properties of estrogens and antiestrogens may be related to their differential interaction with uterine chromatin subfractions.  相似文献   
In order to evaluate the effectiveness and selectivity of various reagents in the solubilization of bacterial membranes, membranes of Micrococcus lysodeikticus were treated with detergents and chaotropic agents. The composition of the extracts so obtained was analyzed by rocket and two-dimensional immunoelectrophoretic techniques. Recovery of succinate-, malate-, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide- (NADH) dehydrogenases, ATPase, succinylated lipomannan and cytochromes in the extracts was measured. Treatment with a variety of non-denaturing detergents produced extracts that were generally qualitatively uniform although quantitative differences were observed. The degree of extraction of various components was correlated with the hydrophile-lipophile balance. Several chaotropic agents were also evaluated as reagents for membrane solubilization. These agents were less effective in extraction of bulk protein, but produced extracts enriched in some membrane components.  相似文献   
Functional rarefaction: estimating functional diversity from field data   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Studies in biodiversity-ecosystem function and conservation biology have led to the development of diversity indices that take species' functional differences into account. We identify two broad classes of indices: those that monotonically increase with species richness (MSR indices) and those that weight the contribution of each species by abundance or occurrence (weighted indices). We argue that weighted indices are easier to estimate without bias but tend to ignore information provided by rare species. Conversely, MSR indices fully incorporate information provided by rare species but are nearly always underestimated when communities are not exhaustively surveyed. This is because of the well-studied fact that additional sampling of a community may reveal previously undiscovered species. We use the rarefaction technique from species richness studies to address sample-size-induced bias when estimating functional diversity indices. Rarefaction transforms any given MSR index into a family of unbiased weighted indices, each with a different level of sensitivity to rare species. Thus rarefaction simultaneously solves the problem of bias and the problem of sensitivity to rare species. We present formulae and algorithms for conducting a functional rarefaction analysis of the two most widely cited MSR indices: functional attribute diversity (FAD) and Petchey and Gaston's functional diversity (FD). These formulae also demonstrate a relationship between three seemingly unrelated functional diversity indices: FAD, FD and Rao's quadratic entropy. Statistical theory is also provided in order to prove that all desirable statistical properties of species richness rarefaction are preserved for functional rarefaction.  相似文献   
The probability that protected areas will deliver their potential for maintaining or enhancing biodiversity is likely to be maximised if they are appropriately and effectively managed. As a result, governments and conservation agencies are devoting much attention to the management of protected areas. In the U.K., the demand for performance accountability has resulted in Public Service Agreements (PSA) that set out targets for government departments to deliver results in return for investments being made. One such target for England is to ensure that all nationally important wildlife sites are in favourable condition by 2010. Here, we tested the hypothesis, of potential strategic importance, that the ecological condition of these sites is predictable from relationships with a range of physical, environmental and demographic variables. We used binary logistic regression to investigate these relationships, using the results of English Nature’s 1997–2003 condition assessment exercise. Generally, sites in unfavourable condition tend to be larger in area, located at higher elevations, but with higher human population density and are more spatially isolated from units of the same habitat. However, despite the range of different parameters included in our models, the extent to which the condition of any given site could be predicted was low. Our results have implications for the delivery of PSA targets, funding allocation, and the location of new protected areas.  相似文献   
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