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The cooked meat mutagen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine (PhIP) is metabolized in vivo to electrophilic intermediates that covalently bind to DNA guanines. Here we address the mechanism of PhIP's non-covalent interaction with DNA by using spectroscopic and computational methodologies. NMR methodologies indicated that upon addition of DNA, PhIP aromatic protons underwent a small, 0.11-0.12 p.p.m. upfield shift. DNA phosphorus resonances of non-covalent PhIP-DNA complexes broadened and slightly shifted upfield, while DNA base imino proton resonances shifted slightly downfield relative to DNA alone. UV and fluorescence spectra of PhIP titrated with DNA showed no detectable shifting and hypochromism of absorbance or fluorescence bands. In the presence of DNA, PhIP fluorescence was efficiently quenched by acrylamide, but not by silver ion. Further, the NMR spectra suggest that PhIP is in fast exchange with the DNA, and is slightly specific for adenine-thymine (A-T) sequences. Finally, structural arguments based on quantum chemistry calculations suggested that PhIP and its metabolites are unlikely to intercalate into DNA. These data collectively indicate that PhIP non-covalently binds in a groove of DNA.  相似文献   
R L Rill  G A Marsch 《Biochemistry》1990,29(25):6050-6058
The sequence preferences of formation of piperidine-labile adducts of guanine by individual (+)- and (-)-isomers of trans-7,8-dihydroxy-anti-9,10-epoxy-7,8,9,10- tetrahydrobenzo[a]pyrene [anti-(+)- and anti-(-)-BPDE] were examined by techniques analogous to chemical DNA sequencing. Data were obtained on over 1200 bases with anti-(-)-BPDE and 1000 bases with anti-(+)-BPDE. Guanines on average yielded more labile adducts than other bases, and the reactivities of guanines with both anti-(+)- and anti-(-)-BPDE isomers were found to be distinctly nonrandom with respect to DNA sequence. The most and least reactive guanines, defined in terms of the upper and lower 10 percentiles of reactivity, differed on average by a factor of 17. This range of guanine reactivities was correlated with distinct sequence preferences, which differed in part for the two isomers. The strongest determinant for preferred reaction of anti-(-)-BPDE to form a labile adduct at a guanine was the presence of a 3'-flanking guanine, but a thymine 5'-flanking a guanine also generally enhanced reactivity. The triplets containing central guanines most preferred by anti-(-)-BPDE were AGG, CGG, and TG(G greater than T greater than C,A). anti-(+)-BPDE also formed labile adducts preferentially at AGG and CGG triplets, but not at TGN triplets. Significant effects of next-nearest-neighbor bases on guanine reactivities were also noted.  相似文献   
Draining soil of the former Lake Texcoco, Mexico with pH > 10.0 and electrolytic conductivity (EC) > 100 dS m?1 for 17 years has reduced pH to 7.8 and EC to 0.68 dS m?1. Metagenomic DNA from the archaeal community was extracted directly from this soil and used as template to amplify the 16S ribosomal genes by PCR to construct gene libraries. Most of the cloned Archaea were related to mesophilic crenarchaeota and were not-yet-cultured. Sequence and phylogenetic analyses of these clones identified a group of Archaea with close affiliation to the ammonia-oxidizing Archaea. The cloned sequences from the drained soil diverged clearly from Haloarchaea found in the undrained soil from the lake.  相似文献   
Aims: To characterize the bacterial community of taberna, an alcoholic traditional beverage from the Southern part of Mexico produced by the fermentation of the coyol palm sap (Acrocomia aculeate). Methods and Results: Bacterial 16S rDNA libraries were constructed from metagenomic DNA extracted during the fermentation process at 0, 60 and 108 h. A total of 154 clones were sequenced, and 13, 10 and nine unique sequences were found at each sampling time. At the onset of the fermentation, Zymomonas mobilis, Fructobacillus spp., Pantoea agglomerans and other Gammaproteobacteria were detected. After 60 h, lactic acid bacteria were found and 30% of clones in the library were related to Lactobacillus nagelii, L. sucicola and L. sp. By the end of the experiment, i.e. after 108 h, the bacterial community included Z. mobilis, Lact. nagelii and Acetobacter pasteurianus. Conclusions: Our results suggest that Z. mobilis population represented an important proportion of the bacterial community (60–80%), as well as the lactobacilli during the fermentation process. The bacterial diversity was low and decreased as the fermentation progressed. Significance and Impact of the Study: This culture‐independent study suggests that Z. mobilis and lactobacilli play an important role in the alcoholic fermentation of the taberna beverage.  相似文献   
Phytoremediation is a cost-effective biotechnology for decontamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)-polluted soils. A greenhouse experiment was conducted to determine the growth of Mimosa monancistra, a N2-fixing leguminous plants, and its capacity to remove phenanthrene, anthracene, and benzo(a)pyrene (BaP)from soil. The PAHs decreased shoot and root dry biomass of M. monancistra 2.7- and 3.9-fold, respectively, compared to uncontaminated soil and inhibited nodule formation. The removal of phenanthrene and anthracene was similar in vegetated and unvegetated soil, but the dissipation of BaP was significantly faster in vegetated soil as compared to unvegetated soil after 14, 56, 70, and 90 d. After 90 d, dissipation of BaP was 96% in vegetated soil and 87% in unvegetated soil. Nitrification and ammonification were not affected by the addition of PAHs as concentrations of NH4+, NO2-, and NO3- were similar in contaminated and uncontaminated vegetated soil. Growth of M. monancistra was inhibited by contamination with hydrocarbons, but removal of BaP was accelerated in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   
We studied the endophytic mycoflora associated with Taxus globosa, the Mexican yew. The study localities; Las Avispas (LA), San Gaspar (SG), and La Mina (LM) were three segments of cloud forest within the range of Sierra Gorda Biosphere Reserve, México. Overall, 245 endophytes were isolated and 105 representative Ascomycota (morphotaxons) were chosen for phylogenetic and genotypic characterization. Maximum likelihood analyses of large subunit of ribosomal RNA (LSU) rDNA showed well-supported clades of Dothideomycetes, Eurotiomycetes, Leotiomycetes, Pezizomycetes, and Sordariomycetes. Analyses of ITS rDNA groups showed 57 genotypes (95% sequence similarity), in general consistent with the phylogenetically delimitated taxa based on LSU rDNA sequences. The endophyte diversity measured by Fisher's α, Shanonn, and Simpson indices was ca. three-fold and ca. two-fold greater in LM than in LA and SG respectively. A screening for paclitaxel using a competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay showed 16 positive isolates producing between 65 and 250 ng l(-1). The isolates included Acremonium, Botryosphaeria, Fusarium, Gyromitra, Nigrospora, Penicillium, three novel Pleosporales, and Xylaria.  相似文献   
Rabbit liver cytochrome P450 (P450) 1A2 was found to catalyze the 5,6-epoxidation of alpha-naphthoflavone (alphaNF), 1-hydroxylation of pyrene, and the subsequent 6-, 8-, and other hydroxylations of 1-hydroxy (OH) pyrene. Plots of steady-state rates of product formation versus substrate concentration were hyperbolic for alphaNF epoxidation but highly cooperative (Hill n coefficients of 2-4) for pyrene and 1-OH pyrene hydroxylation. When any of the three substrates (alphaNF, pyrene, 1-OH pyrene) were mixed with ferric P450 1A2 using stopped-flow methods, the changes in the heme Soret spectra were relatively slow and multiphasic. Changes in the fluorescence of all of the substrates were much faster, consistent with rapid initial binding to P450 1A2 in a manner that does not change the heme spectrum. For binding of pyrene to ferrous P450 1A2, the course of the spectra revealed sequential changes in opposite directions, consistent with P450 1A2 being involved in a series of transitions to explain the kinetic multiphasicity as opposed to multiple, slowly interconverting populations of enzyme undergoing the same event at different rates. Models of rabbit P450 1A2 based on a published crystal structure of a human P450 1A2-alphaNF complex show active site space for only one alphaNF or for two pyrenes. The spectral changes observed for binding and hydroxylation of pyrene and 1-OH pyrene could be fit to a kinetic model in which hydroxylation occurs only when two substrates are bound. Elements of this mechanism may be relevant to other cases of P450 cooperativity.  相似文献   
In contrast to the general belief, endothelial cell (EC) metabolism has recently been identified as a driver rather than a bystander effect of angiogenesis in health and disease. Indeed, different EC subtypes present with distinct metabolic properties, which determine their function in angiogenesis upon growth factor stimulation. One of the main stimulators of angiogenesis is hypoxia, frequently observed in disease settings such as cancer and atherosclerosis. It has long been established that hypoxic signalling and metabolism changes are highly interlinked. In this review, we will provide an overview of the literature and recent findings on hypoxia‐driven EC function and metabolism in health and disease. We summarize evidence on metabolic crosstalk between different hypoxic cell types with ECs and suggest new metabolic targets.  相似文献   
The soil of the former lake Texcoco is an extreme environment localized in the valley of Mexico City, Mexico. It is highly saline and alkaline, where Na+, Cl, HCO3 and CO32− are the predominant ions, with a pH ranging from 9.8 to 11.7 and electrolytic conductivities in saturation extracts from 22 to 150 dS m−1. Metagenomic DNA from the archaeal community was extracted directly from soil and used as template to amplify 16S ribosomal gene by PCR. PCR products were used to construct gene libraries. The ribosomal library showed that the archaeal diversity included Natronococcus sp., Natronolimnobius sp., Natronobacterium sp., Natrinema sp., Natronomonas sp., Halovivax sp., “Halalkalicoccus jeotgali” and novel clades within the family of Halobacteriaceae. Four clones could not be classified. It was found that the archaeal diversity in an alkaline-saline soil of the former lake Texcoco, Mexico, was low, but showed yet uncharacterized and unclassified species. César Valenzuela-Encinas and Isabel Neria-González contributed equally to this publication.  相似文献   
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