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Thoracoabdominal restriction was brought on by means of a corset, and the subsequent effects on thoracic dimensions and lung tissue were studied by computerized tomography (CT) and by various lung function tests in supine healthy volunteers (mean age 30 yr). Restriction caused reductions in total lung capacity (helium equilibration) from mean 6.84 to 4.80 liters, in functional residual capacity (FRC) from 2.65 to 2.08 liters, and in vital capacity from 5.16 to 3.45 liters. Closing capacity (single-breath N2 washout) fell from 2.42 to 1.88 liters, thus matching the reduction in FRC. The static pressure-lung volume curve was shifted to the right by 1.5 cmH2O at 50% of total lung capacity. However, no change in the slope of the curve was observed. The diaphragm was moved cranially by 1.2 cm, and the thoracic cross-sectional area was reduced by a mean 32 cm2 at a level just above the diaphragm. No changes in the lung tissue were seen on CT scanning. Gas exchange, as assessed by multiple inert gas elimination technique and arterial blood gas analysis, was unaffected by restriction. It is concluded that in supine subjects, thoracoabdominal restriction that reduces FRC by 0.6 liter is not accompanied by atelectasis (normal CT scan). In this respect the result differs from that found in anesthetized supine subjects who show the same fall in FRC and atelectasis in dependent lung regions.  相似文献   
Toxic lead exposure in the urban rock dove   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Thirteen adult urban rock doves (Columba livia), 12 captured alive and one found dead, were studied from the Baltimore zoo. The mean concentration of lead in the blood for the 12 live birds was 184.5 +/- 531.2 (range 10.5-1,870 micrograms/dl). Three of the 13 birds with high measured blood and tissue lead concentrations were found at necropsy with lead shot pellets in their gizzards. Correlations were not found between concentrations of lead in the blood and body weight or hematocrit. Conversely, high correlations were noted between concentrations of lead in the blood and measured liver and kidney concentrations (r = 0.946, P less than 0.01; r = 0.993, P less than 0.01, respectively). Numbers of intranuclear acid-fast inclusions per 10 consecutive fields (100x oil immersion lens) correlated well with measured kidney lead concentrations (r = 0.990, P less than 0.001).  相似文献   
Plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) inhibits both tissue-type plasminogen activator (tPA) and urokinase-type plasminogen activator (uPA) and, therefore, is an important regulator of plasminogen activation. We have developed eucaryotic and procaryotic expression systems for PAI-1 and characterized the recombinant glycosylated and non-glycosylated products, together with a non-recombinant natural control, produced in the histosarcoma cell line HT 1080. For eucaryotic expression, the PAI-1 cDNA was stably transfected into chinese hamster ovary cells (CHO cells), while procaryotic expression in Escherichia coli was examined after inserting the DNA sequence encoding the mature PAI-1 protein into an inducible expression vector. Recombinant PAI-1 from CHO cells was purified approximately 50-fold in two steps and was indistinguishable from natural PAI-1. Between 3% and 4% of total cellular protein in the procaryotic expression system consisted of PAI-1, from which it was purified approximately 30-fold, with yields of between 15% and 20%. This PAI-1 formed 1:1 complexes with uPA and also with the single- and two-chain forms of tPA. Kinetic analysis demonstrated that the procaryote-produced PAI-1 had an inhibitory activity towards all three forms of PA that resembled that of natural PAI-1 with association rate constants of approximately 10(7) M-1 s-1. In contrast to PAI-1 from eucaryotic cells, the PAI-1 from E. coli had an inherent activity equal to that of guanidine/HCl-activated natural PAI-1. The activity could not be increased by treatment with denaturants suggesting that the latent form of PAI-1 was absent. However, at 37 degrees C the procaryote-produced PAI-1 lost activity at the same rate as natural PAI-1, with approximately 50% of the activity remaining after 3 h. This activity could be partially restored by treatment with 4 M guanidine/HCl. E. coli-derived PAI-1, added to human plasma and fractionated by Sephacryl S-200 chromatography, eluted in two peaks that were similar to those obtained with guanidine-activated PAI-1 from eucaryotic cells, suggesting that it bound to the PAI-1-binding protein (vitronectin).  相似文献   
Different parameters that influenced the formation of inclusion bodies in Escherichia coli during production of a fused protein consisting of protein A from Staphylococcus aureus and beta-galactosidase from E. coli were examined. The intracellular expression of the fused protein was controlled by the pR promoter and its temperature-sensitive repressor. The induction temperature, the pH of the cultivation medium, and changes in the amino acid sequence in the linker region between protein A and beta-galactosidase had a profound effect on the formation of inclusion bodies. At 42 degrees C, inclusion bodies were formed only during the first hours after induction, and thereafter all the recombinant protein that was further produced appeared in a soluble and active state. Production at 39 and 44 degrees C resulted in inclusion body formation throughout the production period with 15 to 20% of the produced recombinant protein appearing as inclusion bodies. Cultivating cells without control of pH caused inclusion body formation throughout the induction period, and inclusion body formation increased with decreasing pH, and at least part of the insoluble protein was formed from the pool of soluble fusion protein within the cell. Changes in the amino acid sequence in the linker region between the two parts of the fusion protein abolished inclusion body formation.  相似文献   
Transgenic plant cell cultures have a potential for production and secretion of important proteins and peptides. To assess the possibilities of using a stable barley suspension culture for secretion of heterologous proteins in active form, we expressed the cDNA of the thermostable-glucanase (EGI) ofTrichoderma reesei in barley suspension cells. The cDNA coding for EGI and its signal sequence was placed under the control of the CaMV 35S promoter and the construction was transferred to the cells by particle bombardment. Stably transformed lines were obtained by selecting for a cotransformed antibiotic resistance marker. The expression of EGI cDNA led to accumulation of EGI in the culture medium, as shown by analysis with EGI-specific antibodies. Enzymatic assays confirmed that the EGI secreted by the suspension cells retained its activity and thermostable character. Furthermore, it was shown that the enzyme produced by the transgenic suspension culture could be used for degradation of soluble-glucans during mashing.  相似文献   
Meristems of Ophiopogon japonicus (Liliaceae) were grown on a modified MS medium without auxins or cytokinins and plantlets and embryogenic callus were obtained at a low frequency. When meristems growing on modified basal medium were briefly soaked in 0.54 mM naphtaleneacetic acid (NAA) or temporarily grown on medium that contained NAA or NAA and benzyladenine, a larger proportion of meristems developed into plantlets or produced callus and additional plantlets following their return to basal medium. Calluses grown in liquid culture without auxins or cytokinins produced abundant single cells and cell aggregates. Larger cell aggregates formed embryo-like structures that produced roots, cotyledons, and then plantlets following transfer to soilid medium. Prolonged liquid culture produced embryo-like structures directly in liquid medium. These structures met many of the criteria for somatic embryos and developed into normal plantlets when placed on solid medium.  相似文献   
Here, we investigate Mid- to Late-Holocene vegetation changes in low-lying coastal areas in Tonga and how changing sea levels and recurrent volcanic eruptions have influenced vegetation dynamics on four islands of the Tongan archipelago (South Pacific). To investigate past vegetation and environmental change at Ngofe Marsh (‘Uta Vava’u), we examined palynomorphs (pollen and spores), charcoal (fire), and sediment characteristics (volcanic activity) from a 6.7-m-long sediment core. Radiocarbon dating indicated the sediments were deposited over the last 7700 years. We integrated the Ngofe Marsh data with similar previously published data from Avai’o’vuna Swamp on Pangaimotu Island, Lotofoa Swamp on Foa Island, and Finemui Swamp on Ha’afeva Island. Plant taxa were categorized as littoral, mangrove, rainforest, successional/ disturbance, and wetland groups, and linear models were used to examine relationships between vegetation, relative sea level change, and volcanic eruptions (tephra). We found that relative sea level change has impacted vegetation on three of the four islands investigated. Volcanic eruptions were not identified as a driver of vegetation change. Rainforest decline does not appear to be driven by sea level changes or volcanic eruptions. From all sites analyzed, vegetation at Finemui Swamp was most sensitive to changes in relative sea level. While vegetation on low-lying Pacific islands is sensitive to changing sea levels, island characteristics, such as area and elevation, are also likely to be important factors that mediate specific island responses to drivers of change.  相似文献   
Abstract Triton X-100 (TX100) enhances the liberation of chlamydial elementary bodies (EB) from host cells and dissolves the host cell membrane. In the presence of TX100 only differential centrifugation is needed to isolate reasonably pure EBs. The remaining high-speed supernatant still contains a large part of the chlamydial lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which can be isolated with the standard phenol-chloroform-petroleum ether extraction.  相似文献   
It has been observed that microbial cells can adsorb uranium ions from dilute aqueous solutions. Data collected from such experiments can be used to estimate correlative mass transfer coefficients. Physical observations bear out several inadequacies, however, of using an adsorption mass transfer model with a constant transfer coefficient relating the rate of transfer to the concentration gradient. By itself, the mass transfer model contains no provision to include (1) the initial transient, (2) the curvature in the later time rate curve, and (3) the non-linear curve relating initial levels of uranium concentration in solution to final residual uranium concentration for a set of batch experiments. It is found that a better match to observed data can be achieved by utilizing an intermediate state adsorption model analogous to a kinetic model based on an enzyme - substrate coupling scheme.  相似文献   
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