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The study on traditional knowledge and experience of using plants by Uyghurs folk people has a potential application in socio economic development and resource protection. Populus euphratica Oliv and Ppruinosa Schrenk are major plants in Taklimakan desert ecosystem of Xinjiang. This study aims to ascertain the Lopnur Uyghurs traditional knowledge on two Populus species and their cultural system related to these species. We investigated the key informants for interviews on using Populus plants. The Populus plants were used for various purposes. The white alkali crystals are using for the treatment of bloating, sore throat, stomach ulcers, duodenal ulcers and indigestion and also in soda, while black crystal is used for the treatment of back pain, leg pain, swelling and relieve pain. Alkali crystals are even used as shampoo after a simple processing and also as a laundry detergent. Populus plants water is applied as a treatment of neurasthenia. It is also used for anti aging, reducing blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart morbidity. Plants foliages are used as veterinary medicine such as bloating and rot of muscular and stomach of livestock. In addition, Lopnur people used the plants to build the Desert Ecological Park and controlling desertification. This article ascertained the two Populus speceis and Lopnur Uyghurs cultural system. Present study will improve the conservation of Lopnur Uyghurs folk indigenous/ traditional knowledge on Populus plants and to promote the sustainable development in the socio economic diversity.  相似文献   
无花果(Ficus carica)是世界上驯化最早的果树之一,也是我国引入最早且现在仍在大规模种植的果树之一。新疆是我国无花果的最早种植地,也是目前种植面积最大的规模化生产地,而阿图什地区又是新疆的无花果主产区。为明确现有无花果品种,保护和传承少数民族的无花果应用传统知识,本研究采用民族植物学和植物分类学方法,对阿图什地区的无花果进行实地采集,走访调查当地维吾尔族群众,记录无花果的当地民间应用方式。结果显示阿图什地区栽培的无花果地方品种有:早熟无花果、黄无花果、小圆黄无花果及晚熟无花果等5个品种。阿图什地区维吾尔族民间流传着无花果的很多传统"民间处方",与其他植物配伍,在医药上有很多作用。此外,在庭园绿化上也大量应用无花果,具有很好的观赏效果。对阿图什地区维吾尔族民间无花果传统利用进行调研,有利于深度开发无花果资源,也将对维吾尔族植物传统知识的研究产生影响。  相似文献   
Ficus carica, one of the earliest cultivated fruit trees, was introduced into China more than 2000 years ago and is cultivated until present time. Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region is the earliest and largest area with Fcarica plantations, Atux being the main production area. To protect and further propagate traditional use of Fcarica by minorities, and to identify the cultivated varieties in Atux, we collected fruits and leaves of Fcarica, interviewed Uygur ethnic people and recorded traditional utilization. Our analyses were based on ethnobotany and phytotaxonomy methods. Results showed that there are five cultivated varieties in Atux town, described here as early maturing type, yellowish type, small ball type, oval yellowish type and late maturing type. Fcarica and other plants are used by Uygur ethnic people in Atux to effectively and safely treat some diseases. Moreover, Fcarica in used as an ornamental tree in landscaping. Studies on traditional utilization of Fcarica in Atux area will deepen our knowlegde about plant resources use and development and will also stimulate research on traditional plant use among Uygur ethnic people.  相似文献   
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