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Ferric sigma-phenyl complexes of hemoglobin and liver cytochrome P-450 are formed in vivo upon administration of C6H5NHNH2 to rats. Small amounts of the sigma-methyl complex of hemoglobin were also detected in vivo upon treatment of rats with CH3NHNH2. At the doses used for CH3NHNH2 (25 and 50 mg/kg) the states and levels of hemoglobin in the blood and spleen, and of cytochrome P-450 in the liver were almost unchanged. On the contrary, C6H5NHNH2 (25-100 mg/kg) led to a decrease of the HbO2 blood level (10-50%), together with an increase in the HbFe(III) level and the appearance of the HbFe(III)-C6H5 complex. The concentration of this complex reaches its maximum value (2 mM) 1 h after C6H5NHNH2 administration (20% of total hemoglobin). At the same time large amounts of HbO2, HbFe(III) and HbFe(III)-C6H5 appeared in the spleen, and remained high up to 24 h after treatment. Treatment of rats with C6H5NHNH2 (25-100 mg/kg) led to a significant decrease in the level of liver cytochrome P-450 (a 70% decrease 2 h after treatment with 100 mg/kg C6H5NHNH2). About 15% of the remaining cytochrome P-450 existed as a cyt.-P-450-Fe(III)-C6H5 complex, a new example of cytochrome P-450-Fe-metabolite complex which is stable in vivo.  相似文献   
Restoration of calcareous grasslands was promoted as a conservation strategy to reduce the risks imposed by habitat loss and fragmentation. Restoration already provided promising results for several taxa, however some specialist species still fail at colonising restored habitats. We aimed at explaining this lack of colonisation success for three calcareous grasslands specialist species in southern Belgium: Pulsatilla vulgaris; Trifolium montanum; and, Veronica prostrata. We studied: (i) germination in control and outdoor conditions (cold, heat, smoke and litter effects); (ii) in situ seedling emergence patterns (effects of seed addition and germination microsites availability). The three species were able to germinate in Petri dishes in the absence of treatment. Cold enhanced the germination of V. prostrata. Fire-related treatments (heat shock and smoke exposure) did not enhance germination and were deleterious to V. prostrata. Litter cover improved P. vulgaris emergence in outdoor containers, but had a negative effect on V. prostrata. In the field, V. prostrata did not emerge. T. montanum seedlings were observed in the reference grasslands when seeds were added, but not in the restored grasslands. P. vulgaris emerged in the reference grasslands, and to a lower degree in the restored grasslands. The combination of seed addition and microsites availability for seed germination resulted in enhanced seedling emergence for P. vulgaris. Our results suggest that seed and microsite availability can be limiting factors for site colonisation, but the combination of both is likely much more limiting. Lower seedling emergence in restored than in reference grasslands suggests a lower habitat quality in restored grasslands.  相似文献   


Define the chemical factors structuring plant communities of three copper-cobalt outcrops (Tenke-Fungurume, Katangan Copperbelt, D. R. Congo) presenting extreme gradients.


To discriminate plant communities, 172 vegetation records of all species percentage cover were classified based on NMDS and the Calinski criterion. Soil samples were analyzed for 13 chemical factors and means compared among communities with ANOVA. Partial canonical correspondence analysis (pCCA) was used to determine amount of variation explained individually by each factor and site effect.


Seven communities were identified. Six of the studied communities were related to distinct sites. Site effect (6.0 % of global inertia) was identified as the most important factor related to plant communities’ variation followed by Cu (5.5 %), pH (3.6 %) and Co (3.5 %). Unique contribution of site effect (3.8 %) was higher than that of Cu (1.1 %) and Co (1.0 %).


In restoration, not only Cu and Co contents will be important to maintain vegetation diversity, attention should also be given to co-varying factors potentially limiting toxicity of metals: pH, organic matter, Ca and Mn. Physical parameters were also identified as important in the creation of adequate conditions for diverse communities. Further studies should focus on the effect of physical parameters and geology.  相似文献   
We studied the localization of monoamine oxidase (MAO) A and B in human heart, liver, duodenum, blood vessels and kidney by immunohistochemistry. The primary antibodies used were mouse monoclonal anti-human MAO-A (6G11/E1) and anti-human MAO-B (3F12/G10/2E3). Samples were obtained from six routine autopsy cases and fixed in 2% paraformaldehyde. All cardiomyocytes and hepatocytes showed MAO-A and MAO-B immunoreactivity. In the duodenum, both immunoreactivities were present in all cells of the villi, Lieberkühn crypts, muscularis mucosae and muscular layers, whereas Brunner glands were devoid of MAO-A and MAO-B staining. Endothelial cells of lymphatic vessels showed MAO-A but no MAO-B immunoreactivity, whereas arteries and veins presented MAO-A and MAO-B staining in muscular layers and fibroblasts but not in endothelial cells. In the kidney, renal tubuli showed MAO-A and MAO-B immunoreactivities, whereas collecting ducts and the Bowman's capsule showed only MAO-A staining. These data represent the first study of the cellular distribution of MAO-A and MAO-B in these human tissues. They show that both enzymes have a widespread distribution in the human body with a matching pattern in many, but not all tissues, and with strong differences from the pattern of distribution in rodents.  相似文献   
The objective of this study was to investigate the association of functional variants of the human CX3CR1 gene (Fractalkine receptor) with the risk of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), the survival and the progression rate of the disease symptoms in a Spanish ALS cohort. 187 ALS patients (142 sporadic [sALS] and 45 familial) and 378 controls were recruited. We investigated CX3CR1 V249I (rs3732379) and T280M (rs3732378) genotypes and their haplotypes as predictors of survival, the progression rate of the symptoms (as measured by ALSFRS-R and FVC decline) and the risk of suffering ALS disease. The results indicated that sALS patients with CX3CR1 249I/I or 249V/I genotypes presented a shorter survival time (42.27±4.90) than patients with 249V/V genotype (67.65±7.42; diff −25.49 months 95%CI [−42.79,−8.18]; p = 0.004; adj-p = 0.018). The survival time was shorter in sALS patients with spinal topography and CX3CR1 249I alleles (diff = −29.78 months; 95%CI [−49.42,−10.14]; p = 0.003). The same effects were also observed in the spinal sALS patients with 249I–280M haplotype (diff = −27.02 months; 95%CI [−49.57, −4.48]; p = 0.019). In the sALS group, the CX3CR1 249I variant was associated with a faster progression of the disease symptoms (OR = 2.58; 95IC% [1.32, 5.07]; p = 0.006; adj-p = 0.027). There was no evidence for association of these two CX3CR1 variants with ALS disease risk. The association evidenced herein is clinically relevant and indicates that CX3CR1 could be a disease-modifying gene in sALS. The progression rate of the disease''s symptoms and the survival time is affected in patients with one or two copies of the CX3CR1 249I allele. The CX3CR1 is the most potent ALS survival genetic factor reported to date. These results reinforce the role of the immune system in ALS pathogenesis.  相似文献   
Polyploidy has been important in the evolution of angiosperms and may significantly affect population genetic diversity and structure. Nineteen isoenzyme loci were studied in diploid and tetraploid populations of Vaccinium oxycoccos (Ericaceae), and the results are compared with data previously reported for the related V. macrocarpon. Diploid V. oxycoccos and V. macrocarpon were readily discriminated based on their allozymic variation. No evidence for fixed heterozygosity was found in tetraploid V. oxycoccos. In contrast, all polymorphic loci exhibited both balanced and unbalanced heterozygotes, with some individuals exhibiting a pattern consistent with the presence of three alleles. These results support an autopolyploid origin for tetraploid V. oxycoccos. However, tetraploid V. oxycoccos possessed a suite of alleles not found in diploid V. oxycoccos; half of these alleles were shared with V. macrocarpon. This suggests that autotetraploid V. oxycoccos may have undergone hybridization with V. macrocarpon or that the autotetraploid retained the genetic variation present in an ancestral diploid species. Following theoretical expectations, proportion of polymorphic loci, mean number of alleles, and observed heterozygosity were significantly higher for the autotetraploid than for the diploid. Mean inbreeding (F(IS)) was similar for diploid and tetraploid V. oxycoccos. The latter exhibited population differentiation (F(ST)) exceeding both diploid species.  相似文献   

Background and aims

Copper (Cu) rich soils derived from rocks of the Katangan Copperbelt in the south-eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) support a rich diversity of metallophytes including 550 heavy metal tolerant; 24 broad Cu soil endemic; and 33 strict Cu soil endemic plant species. The majority of the plant species occur on prominent Cu hills scattered along the copperbelt. Heavy metal mining on the Katangan Copperbelt has resulted in extensive degradation and destruction of the Cu hill ecosystems. As a result, approximately 80 % of the strict Cu endemic plant species are classified as threatened according to IUCN criteria and represent a conservation priority. Little is known about the soil Cu tolerance optimum of the Cu endemic plant species. The purpose of this study was to quantify the soil Cu concentration (Cu edaphic niche) of four Cu endemic plant species to inform soil propagation conditions and microhabitat site selection for planting of the species in Cu hill ecosystem restoration.


The soil Cu concentration tolerance of Cu endemic plant species was studied including Crotalaria cobalticola (CRCO); Gladiolus ledoctei (GLLE); Diplolophium marthozianum (DIMA); and Triumfetta welwitschii var. rogersii (TRWE-RO). The in situ natural habitat distributions of the Cu endemic plant species with respect to soil Cu concentration (Cu edaphic niche) was calculated by means of a generalised additive model. Additionally, the seedling emergence and growth of the four Cu endemic plant species in three soil Cu concentrations was tested ex situ and the results were compared to that of the natural habitat soil Cu concentration optimum (Cu edaphic niche).


CRCO exhibited greater performance on the highest soil Cu concentration, consistent with its calculated Cu edaphic niche occurring at the highest soil Cu concentrations. In contrast, both DIMA and TRWE-RO exhibited greatest performance at the lowest soil Cu concentration, despite the calculated Cu edaphic niche occurring at moderate soil Cu concentrations. GLLE exhibited equal performances in the entire range of soil Cu concentrations.


These results suggest that CRCO evolved via the edaphic specialization model where it is most competitive in Cu hill habitat with the highest soil Cu concentration. In comparison, DIMA and TRWE-RO appear to have evolved via the endemism refuge model, which indicates that the species were excluded into (i.e., took refuge in) the lower plant competition Cu hill habitat due to their inability to effectively compete with higher plant competition on normal soils. The soil Cu edaphic niche determined for the four species will be useful in conservation activities including informing soil propagation conditions and microhabitat site selection for planting of the species in Cu hill ecosystem restoration.
Boubacar AK  Pethe S  Mahy JP  Lederer F 《Biochemistry》2007,46(45):13080-13088
Flavocytochrome b2, a flavohemoprotein, catalyzes the oxidation of lactate at the expense of the physiological acceptor cytochrome c in the yeast mitochondrial intermembrane space. The mechanism of electron transfer from the substrate to monoelectronic acceptors via FMN and heme b2 has been intensively studied over the years. Each prosthetic group is bound to a separate domain, N-terminal for the heme, C-terminal for the flavin. Each domain belongs to a distinct evolutionary family. In particular, the flavodehydrogenase domain is homologous to a number of well-characterized l-2-hydroxy acid-oxidizing enzymes. Among these, some are oxidases for which the oxidative half-reaction produces hydrogen peroxide at the expense of oxygen. For bacterial mandelate dehydrogenase and flavocytochrome b2, in contrast, the oxidative half-reaction requires monoelectronic acceptors. Several crystal structures indicate an identical fold and a highly conserved active site among family members. All these enzymes form anionic semiquinones and bind sulfite, properties generally associated with oxidases, whereas electron transferases are expected to form neutral semiquinones and to yield superoxide anion. Thus, flavocytochrome b2 is a highly unusual dehydrogenase-electron transferase, and one may wonder how its flavin reacts with oxygen. In this work, we show that the separately engineered flavodehydrogenase domain produces superoxide anion in its slow reaction with oxygen. This reaction apparently also takes place in the holoenzyme when oxygen is the sole electron acceptor, because the heme domain autoxidation is also slow; this is not unexpected, in view of the heme domain mobility relative to the tetrameric flavodehydrogenase core (Xia, Z. X., and Mathews, F. S. (1990) J. Mol. Biol. 212, 837-863). Nevertheless, this reaction is so slow that it cannot compete with the normal electron flow in the presence of monoelectronic acceptors, such as ferricyanide and cytochrome c. An inspection of the available structures of family members does not provide a rationale for the difference between the oxidases and the electron transferases.  相似文献   
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