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排序方式: 共有10000条查询结果,搜索用时 15 毫秒
Summary The head and foot ofPelmatohydra oligactis function in regeneration as unipotent systems. The exact extent of the unipotent tissue immediately posterior to the tentacles and anterior to the foot is not determined in these experiments. The intermediate tissue is pluripotent.The potentiality for head formation is stronger at the oral end and decreases towards the aboral end as the potentiality for foot formation increases.In these grafting experiments the stock has no influence over the graft which retains its individuality.Preliminary account im Akademischen Anzeiger, Wien, No. 24. 22. November 1923: Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Versuchsanstalt der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Zoologische Abteilung, Vorstand:H. Przibram. Nr. 113. Kopf und Fuß des Süßwasserpolypen,Pelmatohydra oligactis Pall., als unipotente Systeme vonD. R. R. Burt.  相似文献   
The Peltier Effect and its Use in the Measurement of Suction Pressure   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
  1. A method is described by means of which the suction pressureof living material may be measured by observations on its equilibriumvapour pressure.
  2. It employs a very fine thermocouple whosetip is cooled by meansof the Peltier effect, below the dew-point.It collects a minuteamount of dew, and can thus be used asan exceedingly fine ‘wet-bulb’thermometer. As suchit is convenient to use, quick in action,and causes very littledisturbance to the system under observation.
  3. The thermocoupleis calibrated by means of salt solutions ofknown strength.The scale is fairly linear.
  4. The method possesses the advantagesof giving the suction pressureby direct observation ratherthan by interpolation; of speedin the actual measurement; ofnot subjecting the tissue to immersion;and of permitting organslike leaves, otherwise difficult tohandle, to be easily dealtwith. It also opens possibilitiesoutside the range of the conventionalmethods.
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