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Tissue pieces of rabbit fetal lung, 23 days gestation, were cultured for 7 days in serum-free medium to obtain lamellar body material for phospholipid analysis. Cultures were maintained in culture medium without serum and (1) with no added hormones (control cultures), (2) with thyroxine (1 x 10(-7) M), (3) with cortisol (1 x 10(-7) M) and (4) with thyroxine plus cortisol (1 x 10(-7) M each). The hormonal response was evaluated by measuring the quantity of lamellar body material isolated from the tissue pieces after the 7-day culture period. Compared to control cultures, more lamellar body material was recovered from cultures treated with cortisol (180% of control) and with thyroxine plus cortisol (250% of control). Cultures treated with thyroxine alone yielded the same amount of lamellar body material as the controls. Hormone treatment produced only minor changes in the glycerophospholipid profile of the lamellar body material. A small but significant increase in the percentage of phosphatidylglycerol and a small but significant decrease in phosphatidylinositol were found in lamellar body material from cultures treated with thyroxine and thyroxine plus cortisol. The disaturated phosphatidylcholine content of the lamellar body material from culture was 28% of the total lamellar body phospholipid and was not affected by hormone treatment. This disaturated phosphatidylcholine content was low compared to the disaturated phosphatidylcholine of lamellar body material from adult lung (46%). The low proportion of disaturated phosphatidylcholine was due to the unusual presence of palmitoleic acid (16:1(cis-9)), which was more than one-fourth of the total fatty acid of the lamellar body phosphatidylcholine. It is possible that an abnormal delta 9 fatty acid desaturation activity was expressed in the lung tissue in vitro, which resulted in the high incorporation of the 16:1 fatty acid into lamellar body phosphatidylcholine.  相似文献   
Arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism is implicated as an intracellular and/or intercellular second messenger system for the transmission of cytokine-initiated signals that affect neutrophils and mediate systemic toxicity. The purpose of the present study is to ascertain if cytokines that are known to affect neutrophil function in vivo and in vitro directly stimulate neutrophil AA metabolism in vitro. The recombinant human cytokines multi-colony stimulating factor, granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), interleukin 1, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), and interleukin 6 and the calcium ionophore A23187 were incubated with purified 14C-AA radiolabeled human peripheral blood neutrophils and the effects were assayed by one- and two-dimensional thin layer lipid chromatography. None of the cytokines appeared to induce the release of cell-incorporated AA or to increase the level of radiolabeled phosphatidic acid. TNF induces severe systemic toxicity that is inhibited by cyclooxygenase inhibitors, which suggests a role for AA metabolites in the pathophysiologic effects of TNF; we have confirmed that TNF and endotoxin act synergistically to induce indomethacin-inhibitable fatal shock in rats. However, when in 3H-AA radiolabeled human neutrophils were incubated with TNF in kinetic, cold-chase, and TNF preincubation experiments, TNF was not found to increase AA metabolism, although changes in the intracellular neutral lipid content were noted. GM-CSF, which has been reported by previous investigators to directly induce the release of AA, did not release neutrophil-associated 3H-AA. In conclusion, the direct release of AA from membrane-associated phospholipids does not appear to be a major second messenger pathway for cytokine-initiated activation of neutrophils.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   
Gold salts and phenylbutazone selectively inhibit the synthesis of PGF and PGE2 respectively. Lowered production of one prostaglandin species is accompanied by an increased production of the other. Selective inhibition by these drugs was observed in the presence of adrenaline, reduced glutathione and copper sulphate under conditions when most anti-inflammatory compounds inhibited PGE2 and PGF syntheses equally. It is postulated that selective inhibitors may have a different mode of action and beneficial effects may be related to the endogenous ratio of PGE to PGF required for normal function.  相似文献   
Fluorescent proteins have emerged as an ideal fluorescent marker for studying cell morphologies in vital systems. These proteins were first applied in whole organisms with established germ-line transformation protocols, but now it is possible to label cells with fluorescent proteins in other organisms. Here we present two ways to introduce GFP expressing plasmids into avian embryos for vital confocal and two-photon imaging. First, electroporation is a powerful approach to introduce GFP into the developing neural tube, offering several advantages over dye labeling. Second, we introduce a new lipid-based transfection system for introducing plasmid DNA directly to a small group of injected cells within live, whole embryos. These complementary approaches make it possible to transfect a wide-range of cell types in the avian embryo and the bright, stable, uniform expression of GFP offers great advantages for vital fluorescence imaging.  相似文献   
KJ Wynne  GW Swain  RB Fox  S Bullock  J Uilk 《Biofouling》2013,29(2-4):277-288

Two silicone coatings have been evaluated for barnacle adhesion. One coating is an unfilled hydrosilation cured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) network, while the other is a room temperature vulcanized (RTV), filled, ethoxysiloxane cured PDMS elastomer, RTV11?. The adhesion strength of one species of barnacle, Balanus eburneus, to the hydrosilation coatings is in the range of 0.37–0.60 kg cm‐2 while the corresponding range for RTV11 is 0.64–0.90 kg cm‐2. The easier release of B. eburneus from the hydrosilation cured network compared to RTV11 is discussed in relationship to differences in bulk and surface properties. Preliminary results suggest bulk modulus may be the most important parameter in determining barnacle adhesion strength. In light or mechanical property analysis, a re‐evaluation of surface properties and chemical stability is presented.  相似文献   
A difficult problem concerning the interaction of DNA with amphiphiles of opposite charge above their critical micelle concentration is the propensity for aggregation of the condensed DNA complexes. In this study, this problem was addressed by attenuating amphiphile charge density within a cholate micelle environment. The amphiphile consisted of a cationic peptide, acetyl-CWKKKPKK-amide, conjugated to dilaurylphosphatidylethanolamine. In the presence of cholate, multiple equivalents of cationic charge were required to bring about the completion of DNA condensation. At the end point of condensation, stable, soluble DNA–micelle complexes were formed, which by dynamic light scattering exhibited apparent hydrodynamic diameters between 30 and 60 nm. Aggregation, as measured by static light scattering at 90° and by turbidity, was not observed until further additions of peptide–lipid conjugate were made beyond the end point of DNA condensation. Liposome complexes containing the non-aggregated, compacted DNA were formed by adding dioleoylphosphatidylcholine followed by removing the cholate by dialysis. The resulting complexes were distributed within a narrow density range, the DNA was quantitatively assembled into the liposomes, and liposomes without DNA were not detected. Small particles were formed with a mean hydrodynamic diameter of 77 nm. The liposomal DNA showed complete retention of its supercoiled form and no detectable sensitivity to DNase (25 U/10 µg DNA, 1.5 h, 37°C). The use of an anionic, dialyzable amphiphile to attenuate charge interactions between DNA and cationic amphiphiles is a useful technology for the quantitative assembly of compacted DNA into conventional liposomes, with complete protection against nuclease activity.  相似文献   
Goats and some sheep synthesize a juvenile hemoglobin, Hb C (alpha 2 beta C2), at birth and produce this hemoglobin exclusively during severe anemia. Sheep that synthesize this juvenile hemoglobin are of the A haplotype. Other sheep, belonging to a separate group, the B haplotype, do not synthesize hemoglobin C and during anemia continue to produce their adult hemoglobin. To understand the basis for this difference we have determined the structural organization of the beta- globin locus of B-type sheep by constructing and isolating overlapping genomic clones. These clones have allowed us to establish the linkage map 5' epsilon I-epsilon II-psi beta I-beta B-epsilon III-epsilon IV- psi beta II-beta F3' in this haplotype. Thus, B sheep lack four genes, including the BC gene, and have only eight genes, compared with the 12 found in the goat globin locus. The goat beta-globin locus is as follows: 5' epsilon I-epsilon II-psi beta X-beta C-epsilon III-epsilon IV-psi beta Z-beta A-epsilon V-epsilon VI-psi beta Y-beta F3'. Southern blot analysis of A-type sheep reveals that these animals have a beta- globin locus similar to that of goat, i.e., 12 globin genes. Thus, the beta-globin locus of B-haplotype sheep resembles that of cows and may have retained the duplicated locus of the ancestor of cows and sheep. Alternatively, the B-sheep locus arrangement may be the result of a deletion of a four-gene set from the triplicated locus.   相似文献   
We have previously reported that fetal rabbit lung tissue in organ culture produces a lamellar body material (pulmonary surfactant) with a lower percentage of disaturated phosphatidylcholine than is typically found in rabbit lung in vivo (Longmuir, K.J., C. Resele-Tiden, and L. Sykes. 1985. Biochim. Biophys. Acta. 833: 135-143). This investigation was conducted to identify all fatty acids present in the lamellar body phosphatidylcholine, and to determine whether the low level of disaturated phosphatidylcholine is due to excessive unsaturated fatty acid at position sn-1, sn-2, or both. Fetal rabbit lung tissue, 23 days gestation, was maintained in culture for 7 days in defined (serum-free) medium. Phospholipids were labeled in culture with [1-14C]acetate or [U-14C]glycerol (to follow de novo fatty acid biosynthesis), or with [1-14C]palmitic acid (to follow incorporation of exogenously supplied fatty acid). Radiolabeled fatty acid methyl esters obtained from lamellar body phosphatidylcholine were first separated by reverse-phase thin-layer chromatography (TLC) into two fractions of 1) 14:0 + 16:1 and 2) 16:0 + 18:1. Complete separation of the individual saturated and monoenoic fatty acids was achieved by silver nitrate TLC of the two fractions. Monoenoic fatty acid double bond position was determined by permanganate-periodate oxidation followed by HPLC of the carboxylic acid phenacyl esters. Lamellar body phosphatidylcholine contained four monoenoic fatty acids: 1) palmitoleic acid, 16:1 cis-9; 2) oleic acid, 18:1 cis-9; 3) cis-vaccenic acid, 18:1 cis-11; and 4) 6-hexadecenoic acid, 16:1 cis-6. In addition, 8-octadecenoic acid, 18:1 cis-8, was found in the fatty acids of the tissue homogenate. The abnormally low disaturated phosphatidylcholine content in lamellar body material was the result of abnormally high levels of monoenoic fatty acid (principally 16:1 cis-9) found at position sn-2. Position sn-1 contained normal levels of saturated fatty acid. The biosynthesis of the unusual n-10 fatty acids was observed from the start of culture throughout the entire 7-day culture period, and was observed in incubations of tissue slices of day 23 fetal rabbit lung. This is the first report of the biosynthesis of n-10 fatty acids (16:1 cis-6 and 18:1 cis-8) in a mammalian tissue other than skin, where these fatty acids are found in the secretory product (sebum) of sebaceous glands.  相似文献   
Abstract: White-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) are important game mammals and potential reservoirs of diseases of domestic livestock; thus, diseases of deer are of great concern to wildlife managers. Contact, either direct or indirect, is necessary for disease transmission, but we know little about the ecological contexts that promote intrasexual contact among deer. Using pair-wise direct contacts estimated from Global Positioning System collar locations and joint utilization distributions (JUDs), we assessed habitats in which contacts occur to test whether direct contact rates among female white-tailed deer in different social groups differs among land-cover types. We also tested whether contact rates differed among seasons, lunar phases, and times of day. We obtained locations from 27 female deer for periods of 0.5–17 months during 2002–2006. We designated any simultaneous pair of locations for 2 deer <25 m apart as a direct contact. For each season, we used compositional analysis to compare land-cover types where 2 deer had contact to available land-cover weighted by their JUD. We used mixed-model logistic regression to test for effects of season, lunar phase, and time of day on contact rates. Contact rates during the gestation season were greater than expected from random use in forest and grassland cover, whereas contact rates during the fawning period were greater in agricultural fields than in other land-cover types. Contact rates were greatest during the rut and lowest in summer. Diel patterns of contact rates varied with season, and contact rates were elevated during full moon compared to other lunar periods. Both spatial and temporal analyses suggest that contact between female deer in different social groups occurs mainly during feeding, which highlights the potential impact of food distribution and habitat on contact rates among deer. By using methods to associate contacts and land-cover, we have created beneficial tools for more elaborate and detailed studies of disease transmission. Our methods can offer information necessary to develop spatially realistic models of disease transmission in deer.  相似文献   
Pannexins (Panxs) are a multifaceted family of ion and metabolite channels that play key roles in a number of physiological and pathophysiological settings. These single membrane large-pore channels exhibit a variety of tissue, cell type, and subcellular distributions. The lifecycles of Panxs are complex, yet must be understood to accurately target these proteins for future therapeutic use. Here we review the basics of Panx function and localization, and then analyze the recent advances in knowledge regarding Panx trafficking. We examine several intrinsic features of Panxs including specific post-translational modifications, the divergent C-termini, and oligomerization, all of which contribute to Panx anterograde transport pathways. Further, we examine the potential influence of extrinsic factors, such as protein-protein interactions, on Panx trafficking. Finally, we highlight what is currently known with respect to Panx internalization and retrograde transport, and present new data illustrating Panx1 internalization following an activating stimulus.  相似文献   
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