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Phase memory relaxation times (T(M) or T(2)) of spin labels in human carbonic anhydrase II (HCA II) are reported. Spin labels (N-(1-oxyl-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-3-pyrrolidinyl)iodoacetamide, IPSL) were introduced at cysteines, by site-directed mutagenesis at seven different positions in the protein. By two pulse electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), electron spin echo decays at 45 K are measured and fitted by stretched exponentials, resulting in relaxation parameters T(M) and x. T(M) values of seven positions are between 1.6 micros for the most buried residue (L79C) and 4.7 micros for a residue at the protein surface (W245C). In deuteriated buffer, longer T(M) are found for all but the most buried residues (L79C and W97C), and electron spin echo envelop modulation (ESEEM) of deuterium nuclei is observed. Different deuterium ESEEM patterns for W95C and W16C (surface residue) indicate differences in the local water concentration, or accessibility, of the spin label by deuterium. We propose T(M) as a parameter to determine the spin label location in proteins. Furthermore, these systems are interesting for studying the pertaining relaxation mechanism.  相似文献   
Twenty strains of the genus Lactobacillus were isolated from pig intestines and characterized with phenotypic tests. Eleven of these strains, together with selected reference strains, were subjected to DNA homology studies. Three major groups could be distinguished by biochemical/physiological tests and by DNA homology studies: one homofermentative group of the subgenus Thermobacterium and two heterofermentative groups. The DNA homology studies revealed that strains from the homofermentative group were related to Lactobacillus acidophilus strain VPI 1754, but showed a low relationship to the type strain of Lact. acidophilus. One One group of the heterofermentative strains was related to the type strain of Lact. reuteri; the other group, consisting of three strains, showed a low relationship to all reference strains used. These three strains had the unusual property of producing succinic acid in large amounts.  相似文献   
Subpopulations of mouse lens epithelial cells, differing in proliferative status, were irradiated with either X rays or fission spectrum neutrons given singly or in four weekly fractions. After various times, epithelia were mitogenically stimulated by wounding and DNA synthesis responses were determined by incorporation of [3H]thymidine. At 1 h following both X and neutron irradiations, significant suppression of the wound response after single doses and a sparing effect of fractionation were evident in both the mitotically quiescent and the slowly proliferating subpopulations. At 1 week following single or fractionated doses of both radiations, recovery was evident in both subpopulations. By 4 weeks, the quiescent subpopulation showed significant recovery after both single and fractionated doses of X rays or neutrons. In contrast, a marked decreased ability to respond after neutron irradiation and, in addition, a significant enhancement effect of neutron fractionation were observed for the slowly proliferating subpopulation. Per gray, neutrons were about 7.5 times more effective than X rays as a single dose and 25 times more effective in four equal fractions. The shift from an initial sparing to a final enhancing effect of neutron fractionation for the slowly proliferating subpopulation has importance for understanding divergent early and late radiation responses following dose fractionation.  相似文献   
The main objective for a reinvestigation of rhamnose was to devise a mechanistic link between the trapped electron detected previously and the secondary radicals observed at 77 K and at room temperature. Single crystals of rhamnose were X-irradiated at temperatures between 15 and 300 K and examined using ESR, ENDOR, and field-swept ENDOR techniques. After low-temperature irradiation a C3 H-abstraction radical is formed following the visible light-induced decay of the trapped electron. This species was previously assigned erroneously to a C2 H-abstraction species. At temperatures above 120 K, this radical deprotonates at the C3 hydroxy group. Furthermore, a C2 H-abstraction radical is formed following the thermally induced decay of the trapped electron. The C2 and C3 H-abstraction radicals did not convert into each other. A third radical species formed at low temperatures is a C5 H-abstraction radical. It is unstable above 250 K and decays without any apparent successor. The C2 and C3 H-abstraction radicals are formed thermally and photochemically from the parent trapped electron. The conversions are mediated by hydrogen atoms formed intermediately or by elimination of hydride ions. The thermal decomposition pathway requires further studies, in particular with respect to the possible role of water. Recently, Box et al. analyzed the site of the trapped electron in rhamnose crystals. The present results support the results obtained by these authors (Radiat. Res. 121, 262 (1990)). In particular, trapped electron vs proton distances closely match the conversion mechanisms suggested.  相似文献   
Preliminary studies were performed to establish whether there was kinetic heterogeneity in the metabolism of subclasses of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the cynomolgus monkey. Previous studies of the effects of inhibition of hepatic triglyceride lipase in this species had shown an increase in the mass of lighter LDL (Sf greater than 9) and a decrease in the mass of denser LDL. LDL (1.019 less than d less than 1.063) were subdivided into two subfractions LDL1 (1.019 less than d less than 1.035) and LDL2 (1.035 less than d less than 1.063) by ultracentrifugation. The lipoproteins in these two fractions could be shown to have different flotation by analytic and isopycnic ultracentrifugation. When tracer amounts of homologous 125I-labeled very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) were injected into chow-fed cynomolgus monkeys, apoB radioactivity appeared in LDL1 prior to its appearance in LDL2. [125I]LDL1 injected into the monkey was removed from the LDL1 density subclass with a half-life of 5.5-10.3 h. Much of the radioactivity injected as LDL1 was converted to denser LDL (LDL2). Labeled LDL2 injected into the monkey was not converted to LDL1. Thus, at least two kinetically distinct subpopulations of LDL circulate in the plasma of this species. The lighter LDL is to a large extent a metabolic precursor of the more dense LDL (LDL2).  相似文献   
As earlier data suggested the importance of lipoxygenase activation for expression of human NK cell cytotoxicity, four different lipoxygenase inhibitors were tested for suppression of natural killer (NK) cell lysis. All inhibitors were found active at nontoxic concentrations with 50% inhibition at approximately 15 microM for nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA). NK cell lysis could be reconstituted to NDGA-suppressed cells with leukotriene B4 (LTB4), the all-trans isomers 6-trans-LTB4 and 12-epi-6-trans-LTB4, and 20-COOH-LTB4. LTB4 reconstitution was best in the concentration range 1-100 pM and near control levels at both higher and lower concentrations. Herpesvirus Ateles-transformed killer T cells could also be inhibited by NDGA. These data indicate that lipoxygenase activity is required for human NK cell lysis and that several different LTB4-related products can restore NK activity in inhibited cells; they also suggest that the lipoxygenase pathway is present in the killer cell population.  相似文献   
Summary Over 600 hybridomas were derived from the immunization of mice with live cells and aqueous extracts of the human prostatic carcinoma cell line PC3. A total of 26 hybridomas with restricted reactivities were selected, subcloned and antibodies tested on a variety of tumor and normal cells. Seven monoclonal antibodies showed reactivity for prostate cancer and other tumor cell lines, including breast carcinomas. Three of the antibodies obtained after immunization with live cells reacted with live cells only and three of the four antibodies obtained after immunization with cell extract reacted with cell extracts and spent culture media. The fourth antibody in the latter group was reactive only in the immunoperoxidase staining assay. Antibody PrS5 recognized a 90,000 molecular weight molecule from 125I-surface-labeled cells in immunoprecipitation analysis. Antibodies PrE3 and PrD8 detected a nonacid glycolipid pentasaccharide from PC3 cells and meconium, and a glycoprotein of 115,000 molecular weight from 125I-surface-labeled red blood cells. The similar patterns of reactivity in RIAs and antigen analysis suggest that antibodies PrE3 and PrD8 recognize the same molecule. The results emphasize the usefulness of immunohistochemistry in the testing of monoclonal antibodies and the impact of the form in which the antigen is presented on the resultant antibody specificity  相似文献   
We have evaluated the 4q25-4q26 region where the autosomal dominant disorder Rieger syndrome has been previously mapped by linkage. We first excluded epidermal growth factor as a candidate gene by carrying out SSCP analysis of each of its 24 exons using a panel of seven unrelated individuals with Rieger syndrome. No evidence for etiologic mutations was detected in these individuals, although four polymorphic variants were identified, including three that resulted in amino acid changes. We next made use of two apparently balanced translocations, one familial and one sporadic, to identify a narrow physical localization likely to contain the gene or to be involved in regulation of gene function. Somatic cell hybrids were established from individuals with these balanced translocations, and these hybrids were used as a physical mapping resource for, first, preliminary mapping of the translocation breakpoints using known sequence tagged sites from chromosome 4 and then, after creating YAC and cosmids contigs encompassing the region, for fine mapping of those breakpoints. A cosmid contig spanning these breakpoints was identified and localized the gene to within approximately 150 kb of D4S193 on chromosome 4. The interval between the two independent translocations is approximately 50 kb in length and provides a powerful resource for gene identification.  相似文献   
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