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Reversible inactivation of guanylate cyclase by mixed disulfide formation   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Highly purified preparations of guanylate cyclase from rat lung were inactivated by several disulfide compounds in a time- and dose-dependent manner. Cystamine and cystine were the most potent disulfides tested, but other compounds which contained the cysteamine moiety (NH2CH2CH2S-), including pantethine and oxidized coenzyme A, were also able to partially inactivate the enzyme. In addition to the decrease in basal activity (measured with either Mg2+-GTP or Mn2+-GTP), disulfide-inhibited enzyme was activated to a lesser extent by nitric oxide. Treatment with dithiothreitol or other reducing agents restored basal activity and increased the level of cGMP production following nitric oxide activation. Control enzyme samples exhibited a single GTP Km of 25 microM or 150 microM with Mn2+ or Mg2+, respectively. However, cystamine-treated enzyme showed these same Km values as well as an additional GTP Km of 2 to 3 microM using either metal ion as cofactor. When [35S]cystine was incubated with purified enzyme, radioactivity was incorporated into the trichloroacetic acid-precipitable protein, and the counts were released following dithiothreitol treatment. In addition, [35S]cystine-labeled enzyme co-migrated with native guanylate cyclase on nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. These data indicate that mixed disulfides can be formed between guanylate cyclase and certain naturally occurring compounds, and that disulfide formation leads to a reversible loss of enzyme activity.  相似文献   
CD4 and CD8 T lymphocytes infiltrate the parenchyma of mouse brains several weeks after intracerebral, intraperitoneal, or oral inoculation with the Chandler strain of mouse scrapie, a pattern not seen with inoculation of prion protein knockout (PrP(-/-)) mice. Associated with this cellular infiltration are expression of MHC class I and II molecules and elevation in levels of the T-cell chemokines, especially macrophage inflammatory protein 1beta, IFN-gamma-inducible protein 10, and RANTES. T cells were also found in the central nervous system (CNS) in five of six patients with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. T cells harvested from brains and spleens of scrapie-infected mice were analyzed using a newly identified mouse PrP (mPrP) peptide bearing the canonical binding motifs to major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I H-2(b) or H-2(d) molecules, appropriate MHC class I tetramers made to include these peptides, and CD4 and CD8 T cells stimulated with 15-mer overlapping peptides covering the whole mPrP. Minimal to modest K(b) tetramer binding of mPrP amino acids (aa) 2 to 9, aa 152 to 160, and aa 232 to 241 was observed, but such tetramer-binding lymphocytes as well as CD4 and CD8 lymphocytes incubated with the full repertoire of mPrP peptides failed to synthesize intracellular gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) or tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) cytokines and were unable to lyse PrP(-/-) embryo fibroblasts or macrophages coated with (51)Cr-labeled mPrP peptide. These results suggest that the expression of PrP(sc) in the CNS is associated with release of chemokines and, as shown previously, cytokines that attract and retain PrP-activated T cells and, quite likely, bystander activated T cells that have migrated from the periphery into the CNS. However, these CD4 and CD8 T cells are defective in such an effector function(s) as IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha expression or release or lytic activity.  相似文献   
Oligomeric spike (S) glycoproteins extend from coronavirus membranes. These integral membrane proteins assemble within the endoplasmic reticulum of infected cells and are subsequently endoproteolyzed in the Golgi, generating noncovalently associated S1 and S2 fragments. Once on the surface of infected cells and virions, peripheral S1 fragments bind carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule (CEACAM) receptors, and this triggers membrane fusion reactions mediated by integral membrane S2 fragments. We focused on the quaternary structure of S and its interaction with CEACAMs. We discovered that soluble S1 fragments were dimers and that CEACAM binding was entirely dependent on this quaternary structure. However, two differentially tagged CEACAMs could not co-precipitate with the S dimers, suggesting that binding sites were closely juxtaposed in the dimer (steric hindrance) or that a single CEACAM generated global conformational changes that precluded additional interactions (negative cooperativity). CEACAM binding did indeed alter S1 conformations, generating alternative disulfide linkages that were revealed on SDS gels. CEACAM binding also induced separation of S1 and S2. Differentially tagged S2 fragments that were free of S1 dimers were not co-precipitated, suggesting that S1 harbored the primary oligomerization determinants. We discuss the distinctions between the S.CEACAM interaction and other virus-receptor complexes involved in receptor-triggered entry.  相似文献   
Members of the Arenaviridae family have been isolated from mammalian hosts in disparate geographic locations, leading to their grouping as Old World types (i.e., lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus [LCMV], Lassa fever virus [LFV], Mopeia virus, and Mobala virus) and New World types (i.e., Junin, Machupo, Tacaribe, and Sabia viruses) (C. J. Peters, M. J. Buchmeier, P. E. Rollin, and T. G. Ksiazek, p. 1521-1551, in B. N. Fields, D. M. Knipe, and P. M. Howley [ed.], Fields virology, 3rd ed., 1996; P. J. Southern, p. 1505-1519, in B. N. Fields, D. M. Knipe, and P. M. Howley [ed.], Fields virology, 3rd ed., 1996). Several types in both groups-LFV, Junin, Machupo, and Sabia viruses-cause severe and often lethal human diseases. By sequence comparison, we noted that eight Old World and New World arenaviruses share several amino acids with the nucleoprotein (NP) that consists of amino acids (aa) 118 to 126 (NP 118-126) (RPQASGVYM) of LCMV that comprise the immunodominant cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) epitope for H-2(d) mice (32). This L(d)-restricted epitope constituted >97% of the total bulk CTLs produced in the specific antiviral or clonal responses of H-2(d) BALB mice. NP 118-126 of the Old World arenaviruses LFV, Mopeia virus, and LCMV and the New World arenavirus Sabia virus bound at high affinity to L(d). The primary H-2(d) CTL anti-LCMV response as well as that of a CTL clone responsive to LCMV NP 118-126 recognized target cells coated with NP 118-126 peptides derived from LCMV, LFV, and Mopeia virus but not Sabia virus, indicating that a common functional NP epitope exists among Old World arenaviruses. Use of site-specific amino acid exchanges in the NP CTL epitope among these arenaviruses identified amino acids involved in major histocompatibility complex binding and CTL recognition.  相似文献   
To test for human population substructure and to investigate human population history we have analysed Y-chromosome diversity using seven microsatellites (Y-STRs) and ten binary markers (Y-SNPs) in samples from eight regionally distributed populations from Poland (n=913) and 11 from Germany (n=1,215). Based on data from both Y-chromosome marker systems, which we found to be highly correlated (r=0.96), and using spatial analysis of the molecular variance (SAMOVA), we revealed statistically significant support for two groups of populations: (1) all Polish populations and (2) all German populations. By means of analysis of the molecular variance (AMOVA) we observed a large and statistically significant proportion of 14% (for Y-SNPs) and 15% (for Y-STRs) of the respective total genetic variation being explained between both countries. The same population differentiation was detected using Monmoniers algorithm, with a resulting genetic border between Poland and Germany that closely resembles the course of the political border between both countries. The observed genetic differentiation was mainly, but not exclusively, due to the frequency distribution of two Y-SNP haplogroups and their associated Y-STR haplotypes: R1a1*, most frequent in Poland, and R1*(xR1a1), most frequent in Germany. We suggest here that the pronounced population differentiation between the two geographically neighbouring countries, Poland and Germany, is the consequence of very recent events in human population history, namely the forced human resettlement of many millions of Germans and Poles during and, especially, shortly after World War II. In addition, our findings have consequences for the forensic application of Y-chromosome markers, strongly supporting the implementation of population substructure into forensic Y chromosome databases, and also for genetic association studies.  相似文献   
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